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Emerald Heart Healing in Sydney, Australia | Alternative & holistic health service

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Emerald Heart Healing

Locality: Sydney, Australia

Phone: +61 457 391 554


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25.01.2022 Reminders Are Particles of Light In Darkness When you forget the magic of your existence When they come again, ... Let the reminders truly immerse you For how you recieve these gifts, shall be how you live. Let the beauty & the laughter fill your heart till it bursts Let it burst into rainbows of love all over the world And all over everyone that you know. Let the magic of music take you to the tip of a beautiful coastal walk And fly up into the air beyond it Beyond what you thought as the edge Expanding into something entirely new Creating it while you explore it And come back with the story to tell. Let the words of wonder sink in like an ancient language, The warm tones ripple in your bones and make you feel like home A home to share with others Let yourself be moved into ecstatic presence with the truth of your essence This truth that you are finally feeling again Let that feeling be magical again And let the others know You have heard this call From the Mystery. You forgot for a moment, So that you could remember again. Let your joy be known by all For you are the particle of light In the darkness.

25.01.2022 A recent review

22.01.2022 When Gigi Amazonia accepted my invitation to jam and came to The House of Magic.. My new song took shape, beautiful harmony was created and life just got a lot more fun. I'm stepping into the unknown all the time now and I'm loving it. In 2020 I'm aligning with more collaboration, co-creation and community... We can empower, celebrate and elevate each other into our potentials We Are One.

22.01.2022 If the Trauma column sounds more like what you're used to - There may be unresolved wounds from childhood playing out in your love life causing these patterns. I used to be there. I used to be attracted to emotionally unavailable women, was often triggered by the dynamics involved and I had no idea what was going on until I started to understand what was happening within my heart and subconscious through my journey of self-discovery.... I had so much resistance to going into my pain, yet the FEAR of it was causing me so much more suffering than ACTUALLY going into my heart and feeling & releasing the pain was. I was LIBERATED, yet when I was living in fear of this process thinking I was a free being, I was caged inside my own hell without realising. This is the work I do in my Inner Child Healing sessions. I help you understand and liberate yourself from the invisible walls of the past that are keeping you stuck in patterns and habits that aren't serving you. In my sessions we often go to repressed pain from the past, using tools to help heal lasting wounds that still affect you, and I also offer guidance around boundaries, self-awareness and communication that will empower you to reclaim sovereignty and emotional mastery of your life. I've done a lot of personal development over the last 2 years - from my initiation into the spiritual world 2 years ago, to throwing myself into the deep end with ISTA, the International School of Temple Arts last year even when I didn't know anyone who had done it, knowing nothing but my Soul's calling to be there - and with all that I have learnt, Inner Child healing is some of the most transformational work that I know of. I incorporate everything I know into these sessions. And collectively, I believe this work is actually essential for us to heal the wounds between men and women, between each other, and within ourselves, and those stepping up to do this work are the pioneers of the new world.

20.01.2022 For those who are constantly checking for updates online, unable to focus or enjoy life Or those who are feeling anxious, uncertain or ungrounded These are challenging times and although we many are physically isolated, we don't need to be without support.... I'm offering 1-on-1 Guidance and Healing sessions via Messenger/Zoom to help restore the nervous system to balance, so that my clients can become free of anxiety, and begin to enjoy their lives from a place of trust and bliss.

18.01.2022 ARE YOU SUB-CONSCIOUSLY BLOCKING LOVE? "When we're afraid of not being truly loved for who we are, we often become critical of our partners. Why? Because it's much easier to pick out what's wrong in someone else than to own what needs loving attention in ourselves" - Gay Hendricks This also applies to dating and meeting new people for those who are single.... You may wish to experience more love, meet someone special, or for love to flourish in your relationships more freely, but something seems to be in the way. You may easily find fault, judge a new person's character quickly & prematurely, and find reasons why it won't work - signs your subconscious fears are running the show. ...Sound familiar? This means you may be unwittingly blocking love, and the subconscious minds self-fulfilling prophecies are ensuring that they come to true. (This is very different to being open & present yet being discerning & having preferences.) Eventually, if you want to change this pattern and allow genuine love to weave generously into your life & your relationships, you may need to face those fears consciously. Self-Knowledge is the most empowering & the most life-changing thing you can invest in. This is what I do & what I'm best at: Helping people achieve deep clarity & understanding of themselves & their patterns - so that they can take back the reigns of their life away from their past experiences, trauma & fears - and open up to the love & the relationships they crave and deserve. With my powers of perception & unwavering loving presence, those things holding you back will be brought into the light of consciousness and integrated with love faster than you could imagine. Your life will never be the same after. Instead of living from the past, you are living from the present - and all the magic, all the possibilities & all the power that comes with that. This is the kind of healing work that changes everything. Are you ready for a change? Send me a message outlining where you're at and what you would like greater clarity and healing with, and we'll take it from there.

15.01.2022 CONNECTION & INTIMACY Want more of it? Try this simple exercise I created during my 24hour Digital Detox. Think of a person you would like to connect with more, get to know better or cultivate a deeper relationship with. ... What unspoken assumptions/beliefs are preventing you from taking action on your desire & communicating it? Write them down. Possible assumptions/beliefs: "It would be weird to get in touch out of the blue." "I'm sure they've got better things to do." "It would be weird to suggest something besides what we've already been doing." "I can survive with the level of intimacy we already have." "They didn't respond to my last message so I would look desperate." "I'm a woman so he should get in touch first." "I'm a man so she should show interest first." Ask how your assumptions/beliefs have served you. Have they empowered you? If not, perhaps it's time to let them go so you can connect freely. *** If you'd like more information on releasing beliefs or empowering your life, send me a message

11.01.2022 The Message: Lower your prices & make yourself easier to access during this period. Ego: F*** off. My prices are already cheap for what I'm offering. This work can change people's lives forever. I deserve to be rewarded for the time and energy I pour into each person I see. I want to be able to do this as a living. Higher Truth (a loose translation):... This is not about what you're worth. This is not about business. Your mission is far greater than this. This is a time to allow others every opportunity to experience what you have to offer. This will have a ripple effect beyond anything you can imagine. You are held in abundance and your offerings are to be initiated into the field now to facilitate the changes coming through. AND SO IT IS. I'm taking a week off work from my day-job to make myself 100% available for sessions Starting Monday, February 10th - 14th, Day + Night I will be doubling the price of my sessions after this special one-off week. INNER CHILD HEALING: 60 mins $50AUD / 90 mins $100AUD The BREAKTHROUGH SESSION: 60 mins $50AUD / 90 mins $100AUD KUNDALINI ACTIVATION: 60 mins $70AUD Link to make a booking:

08.01.2022 Kundalini Activation Session, an energy healing with outcomes such as: Deep Insights Clarity States of Bliss... Creative Inspiration Discovering Authentic Self From Repression to Expression Releasing the Past Entering your Ecstatic Current 60 mins $80 / 90 mins $140 To make a booking, you can create one directly at this page or send me a message: **** In simplest of terms, you can consider Kundalini to represent your life-force energy. This energy can be blocked as a result of repressed emotions in your subconscious, unhealthy thought patterns, toxic environments & influences, childhood trauma, limiting self-beliefs, emotional loops, and physical inactivity resulting in: lack of clarity, over-thinking, lack of direction, unhealthy habits & addictions, choosing unhealthy relationships, chronic anxiety & stress, lasting anger & resentment, boredom, a closed heart and unfulfilled soul. The purpose of these sessions is to bring loving attention to those parts of us that are stuck and blocked, and allow them to be felt & released so that your life-force may once again flow freely within you - becoming activated. The longer session incorporates deep emotional healing through talking to identify the root causes of whatever challenges you face in your life, and incorporating this into the kundalini activation to make it more powerful. **** "Serdar’s kundalini activation session was incredible! I was stunned at how deep I went in just one session. Serdar is very present, kind and professional. His energy is so calming. I felt very safe and full permission to allow whatever needed to come up. It was super powerful, Serdar has a real gift when working with these kundalini energies." - Grace Rodaughan

03.01.2022 How would our lives change if instead of resisting, judging or fearing parts of ourselves, our truths, our deepest desires and our power We invited them to join us in the dance of life, and said "Time to play"

02.01.2022 Energetic & Emotional Hygiene + Sovereignty (cut short due to phone overheating) To conclude:... Be present to the energetic frequency of the people you are surrounding yourself with in this time, the voices you are listening to online, and the subtle impacts they are having on your nervous system. This is your environment and it will have a major impact on you on every level, particularly if you continue to tune into Facebook and other online sources for updates more than usual, as many people, myself included, are currently doing. Energetic and emotional sovereignty is important now as much as ever.

01.01.2022 Common Behaviours That You Can Learn From to Transform Your Life & Achieve Spiritual Liberation: - Waiting until rock-bottom to make a change to improve your life - Letting emotions smoulder until they spill over... - Repressing your voice to keep the peace/because you don't believe it's worthy of being expressed - Staying busy all the time to avoid what's underneath - Choosing to be around people who aren't good for you - Staying in places that aren't enriching & celebrating you - Believing we have to be a certain way to be loved and accepted - Believing that happiness and love is a state that can only be achieved in some distant future after you do or have x and y - Not questioning the standards, beliefs, values, goals, behaviours, & social constructs that we absorbed as children and adults and which now act as the invisible scaffolding (or mental prison, depending on your perspective) of society - Believing life, relationships, friendships, people, you, are "supposed to be" a certain way, whatever that way is *** There is nothing inherently wrong with any of these behaviours or beliefs. We all learn at our own pace and through our personal experiences. But my personal experience is that my evolution into a being of deeper peace, fulfilment and joy has accelerated as I have learnt from these past behaviours and those that I have observed in others, and most importantly - learnt how to shift the beliefs that were enabling them to continue. Our lives can change trajectory in the most profound and blissful way at any time. We simply need the awareness that it's possible, and then make the choice that we deserve it, and find the sources of guidance and support in getting us there. This is what I'm here for - to empower people into greater freedom, happiness and ease. Send me a message if there's an area of your life you desire more empowerment, freedom and peace in.

01.01.2022 So after taking 5 days off from my day-job to do healing work, receiving 9 clients in those 5 days, and several healings and breakthroughs later.. The message is clear: I AM A HEALER and I AM HERE. This is and always has been the path I've been on, even when I felt lost and confused. I have experienced many challenges (including 5+ years of severe anxiety and suicidal depression) on this journey to be where I am right now, and part of the gift of this journey is having the di...rect experience of coming through the other side of the darkness, through the many mental blocks and emotional struggles I faced on the way, and now being able transmit crystal clear and loving guidance to anyone who crosses my path to help them on their journey. These aren't merely things I learnt in a course somewhere (although ISTA - The International School of Temple Arts was a pivotal training experience for me) - I weave everything that I used to heal my own trauma, my emotional pain, my unhealthy and unconscious patterns and my binge-drinking, into the work I do with people. I will be continuing to work part-time at my day job, but I'm committing more and more of my time to my soul work - working 1-on-1 with people to guide them into greater freedom, ease, happiness, purpose and joy - through working with & connecting to their subconscious, their tender Inner Child's heart and their Souls truth, to have the breakthrough they want to access the life they deserve. I have updated my prices to reflect the value of this work while keeping it accessible and I have made most of my free time available - if you feel called to work with me, feel free to send me a message or make a booking directly here:

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