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Emerald Karate Academy | Sports team

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Emerald Karate Academy

Phone: +61 438 820 796

Address: 2 Topaz street 4720 Emerald, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 Congratulations to our raffle winners !! thank you to everyone who donated and helped out

25.01.2022 Welcome back EKA team!! Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and an exciting start to the new year! We are kicking things off with an information/sign on day January Thursday the 30th 6pm at the Dojo (Topaz street across from PCYC). Please note this is not a class. Classes will commence shortly after school has started back for the year Looking forward to what 2020 will bring ! ... Cheers, EKA See more

25.01.2022 Look forward to seeing everyone on Monday night Note: There will be no training, just come in casual attire

24.01.2022 Finally, We are back

24.01.2022 Hi EKA team, We look forward to welcoming everyone back tonight for the start of term 4. Beginners to green belts (7yrs+) 5:00pm-5:50pm... Second class blue belts and above 6:00pm-7:00pm Just a reminder that we are still running under a Covid safe plan. If your child has been unwell in the past 14 days they can not train. All training term fees need to be paid before training can commence. Cheers, EKA

24.01.2022 Grading training this afternoon for those going to Mackay. 4-5 for white and yellow belts 5-6 Orange and above

23.01.2022 Hi EKA team Just a reminder that there is no training over the school holidays. Have a great break!

23.01.2022 GREAT WORK RORY! Junior sports coach, Rory Gersbach, has been a volunteer at the Emerald Karate Academy for two years. "I teach the juniors how to do their k...atas [a series of moves] and, for the people who come for their first lesson, I teach them how to make a fist, punch, and their stances," he said. "I enjoy helping the kids so that when they go to their gradings and go through their belts its good to know that youve helped them get to their black belt." The 13-year-old competes in international and local competitions. "I believe its a good sport for people because it shows discipline outside of karate and inside," he said. "I think its important to have volunteers because theres a lot of kids, so you need more hands on deck to help."

23.01.2022 Awesome weekend spent at the training in the tropics!! Congratulations to all our kyu grades on their successful grading today, to Rory and Izik on getting their shodan and Flick and Justin on passing their Nidan.

23.01.2022 Hi All, Pre-grading results will be handed out during class this evening. Have a great day Cheers, EKA

22.01.2022 Hi All, Sorry for the late notice but there will be no training today at the 5pm & 6pm class 9/9/2019. All class will back to normal on Thursday 12/9/2019 Our sincerest apologies to all for the inconvenience... Thanks EKA

21.01.2022 Training in the Tropics 2020 Wow what a year! From planning Training in the Tropics on Hamilton Island to cancelling,to arranging a Training in the Tropics Min...i was indeed a roller coaster ride! A huge thank you to everyone who participated in making this a fantastic occasion. Also a big thank you to Andrew and Christel Jansen for all your help setting up the Zoom equipment allowing Sensei Keith and Jess to give a fantastic session on Zoom. Another big thank you to Robyn Johnsen and Mark Ramsdale for assisting with the teaching. Also a big thank you to to all our interstate instructors and friends who took the time to travel to Mackay. A special thank you to Chris Downing, Doc Kiai From Melbourne, Gerry Freeman from Wooroona and Pino Gigante, Dudley and Jazmyn from Ipswich for your participation! Also a huge thank you to all our MCH Dojos for your support!

21.01.2022 Hi Everyone, EKA will be hosting a self defence on the 11th Feb.

21.01.2022 Apologies for the late notice, due to unforeseen circumstances karate classes have been cancelled tonight. Classes will resume Monday at 5pm.

21.01.2022 Hi everyone! Hope you are all enjoying your holidays. As you are aware, the Queensland Government restrictions have now eased into stage 3. We at EKA are revising covid safe plans and looking to reopen in the coming weeks. Please keep an eye on our page for further details. Looking forward to seeing everyone again soon.

20.01.2022 Afternoon all For those who are wishing to grade we will have a special pre grading tomorrow evening Monday at 6:30pm Thanks... EKA Team

20.01.2022 Congratulations to Madi, Tilly and the MCH team who compete at the JKA SKC nationals this year, you guys did awesome!!

19.01.2022 Hi EKA, Normal classes tonight, however due to the heat students are welcome to wear tshirt to train in.

19.01.2022 COVID 19 update: Suspension of karate training Dear EKA members, As a result of the new Government Measures to contain the spread of the Covid 19 (Coronavirus), we sadly have to suspend all karate training with immediate effect.... Hope everyone remains safe and well during this time. Regards, EKA

18.01.2022 Update on classes due to the COVID 19 situation: Hey EKA team, At the moment our classes are still going to be as per normal. We just ask that all students wash/sanitize their hands before class and bring their own water bottles. Soap will be provided at the hand basins in the bathrooms . Trainings will be more of a kihon and kata focus rather than partner work such as kumite to limit the amount of contact between students. We also ask that if students are feeling unwell ...or have flu like symptoms to please not come to class. We wish everyone to be safe and healthily during this time and thank you for your understanding. We will keep you updated for possible future changes. On a positive heres a few ways our karate skills can come in handy Kind regards, EKA

17.01.2022 To everyone grading today please be at the Mackay dojo by 8:30 Location: 12 Carl court rural view Start time: 9am... Good luck!!

17.01.2022 Morning All Sorry for the late notice...... There is a Grading in Mackay on the 26th September. Times to be be advised. If you are wanting to attend please see one of the instructors. ... Thanks EKA

16.01.2022 With end of year celebrations approaching, can we please ask that the students who received perpetual trophies at last years awards, please bring them back to the dojo on Thursday.

16.01.2022 The Boys are back in Town

15.01.2022 Reminder that there is grading training again today 4-5 White and yellow 5-6 Orange and above

14.01.2022 Hi team! There is a pre-grading form at the front desk today for those interested in attending the grading in Mackay. Cheers EKA

14.01.2022 2020 Training in the Tropics Open to all students of all ages and belt levels. Registrations close November 25th, if interested please see the front desk or contact Anne as per details below.

13.01.2022 !!!Dysart Training & Grading!!! Hi, just a quick reminder that all forms and grading books are due tonight . Thanks EKA team

13.01.2022 Morning team Could all the 2019 award recipients please return their perpetual trophies asap as we would like to get them ready for this year's presentation night. Cheers,... EKA See more

12.01.2022 Congratulations to Amy, Annette, Coby, Tilly and Parkha on your successful gradings yesterday You've all worked very hard A special mention goes to Amy for her well deserved double grade !!

11.01.2022 Smiling faces all round Congratulations to Brycen, Quinn, Rhys, Stewart, Rayan, Ziana, JJ, Isla, Piper, Jersey, Coby, Alex and Katie on your successful grading today, EKA is super proud of you all! A special mention goes to Jack, Anthony, Imogen and Amy on your outstanding performances resulting in a double grading!

09.01.2022 Great news, Emerald karate academy is ready to reopen for the term. We have put a number of measures in place to support the reopening taking into consideration the current health advice in relation to covid19 Thursday afternoon we will be at the dojo from 4pm to 6pm ready to complete registrations for this term. Due to the maximum numbers of students allowable on the floor, we will be requiring that parents complete the registrations and pay term fees prior to students takin...g the floor. Starting this Thursday the 16th, there will be a 5pm class (white to purple belts) and 6pm class (red to black belts), this will remain for the duration of the term for both Mondays and Thursdays. We apologise that we have had to suspend the younger class for this term but hope to reimplement in term four pending further health advice. We will have some procedures at the dojo in relation to processes needing to be followed in relation to Staying Safe during COVID, as well as a COVID Safe plan for reopening. These will be available at the dojo to read at the entrance. Looking forward to seeing you on a Thursday

08.01.2022 We are looking forward to welcoming Okuma Koichiro Sensei from JKA Headquarters back to Mackay! *Training Thursday 12 , Friday 13 and Saturday 14 March 2020 *A... fantastic opportunity for all our students from regional Queensland to train with one of JKAs most dynamic young instructors. *All JKA and Shotokan students from all over Australia welcome . *For details and registration, please contact Anne on [email protected] or SMS 0410696157 See more

08.01.2022 Looking forward to seeing our EKA team and new members tonight . Training times as follows: 4:30pm - 5:00pm four, five and six year olds (must be four) 5:00pm - 5:50pm seven year olds to Adult, white belts to orange belts ... 6:00pm - 7:15pm green belts and above Please remember to bring a water bottle and easy to slip off shoes Guardians to please sign students in and out of class. Sign on sheet at front desk Cheers EKA

08.01.2022 Today was our last lessons for the year, the students and instructors had a fun filled afternoon to finish off 2020. We look forward to seeing you all at the dojo on Thursday the 17th for our club presentations.

07.01.2022 Hi team! Hope everyone is having a great break. We look forward to seeing you all back in the dojo on Thursday the 10th Cheers EKA

06.01.2022 Congratulations to Bernard, Parkha, Madi, Piper and Tilly on your successful grading this weekend been !! Awesome job guys

06.01.2022 Hi all Just a reminder that we are currently under a Covid safe plan. If your child has been unwell in the past 14 days they can not train. Also all training term fees need to be paid before training can commence this is non negotiable. ... Any concerns with the above please let me know Thanks Kurt EKA

06.01.2022 All students interested in attending the Saturday training seminar in Tieri on the 7th March, please see the front desk for forms Thanks EKA

04.01.2022 FINAL GRADING FOR 2020!!! Hi team! Students are welcome to collect a pre-grading form at the front desk today if they are interested in attending the grading in Mackay in early December.... Cheers, EKA

04.01.2022 Great opportunity next week to train with Okuma Koichiro sensei Its not to late! If youre interested or would like more information please see the front desk.

04.01.2022 Hi Everyone. Our presentation night will be held on Thursday the 17th at 5pm. There will be no training so students are not required to wear their gi. Hope to see you there!

03.01.2022 Hey team Heres a few YouTube links to follow if anyone is interest in practising their katas. (Should all have plenty of free time ). The photo below is of a really great page to follow!! Its got loads of awesome training ideas and drills straight from JKA, plus they have English subtitles . If any students were wanting some feed back on their katas feel free to PM us a video. Well get back as soon as possible with a few pointers to focus on. Stay healthy , EKA

02.01.2022 The belts have arrived!! Congratulations again to Rory and Izek on passing your Shodan grading and Flick and Justin on passing your Nidan

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