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25.01.2022 No soul enters without opportunities... And the choice is ever latent within self - and the power, the ability to do things, be things, to accept things. #EdgarCayce reading 3226-1
22.01.2022 And there’s more! Dandelion Root is great for the liver - I’ve heard it described as ‘putting a dirty dish cloth under the water & giving it a good rinse!’ Whereas St Mary’s Thistle is described as being ‘hepato-protective’. Lots of liver herbs out there, yes, but they all have different actions & benefits. Dandelion Leaf on the other hand is a great diuretic, and very high in potassium - so no need for a potassium supplement when using it, as with pharmaceutical diuretics.... Gotta love that wisdom #healingherbs #herbsthefirstmedicine #wisdomkeepers
22.01.2022 50 'ideas' to help you live a 'Non-Anxious' life #Tip44 'Get the GUT going' Over the last few years there has been more and more research into the importance of good gut health for good mental health - and more specifically in regard to the microbiome-gut-brain axis....Continue reading
15.01.2022 50 'ideas' to help you live a 'Non-Anxious' life #Tip43 'HERBS for the Stressed Brain' So... just how stressed are you? A little bit, or a lot? ... Did you find out? Our level of perceived stress comes and goes and so does our ability to deal with it. As noted in the previous post, stress can be defined as occurring in response to a 'constellation of events'... and that's definitely how it happens for me. If one area of my life is a little more challenging than usual, I can pretty much cope, however if work becomes a little more 'stressful', and then I have a relationship issue to deal with, and/or a friend is all of a sudden in the mire and needing support - I start to become overwhelmed with the whole 'here, here and here' aspect of it all. Then, if we add to that the collective stress we are all feeling at the moment, we start to 'top out', and become seriously overwhelmed. And its accumulative. I wrote a blog about this some time ago (which you can check out at jacquibridge.com), after developing what I called 'Energetic Heart Crush Syndrome...' A much deeper level of anxiety and/or panic... and one that goes right to the heart. This is where the idea of 'self care' becomes FAR MORE than simple rhetoric. Fortunately, I was able to get back on track pretty quick... by digging deep and prioritizing an immersion into everything I know that works! And my herbs are a big part of this picture. For stress, we typically bring in what are known as Adaptogens. Herbs that are known to increase our resistance to various stressors, thereby improving adaptability and survival. There pharmacological activity is more well known now, and certain herbs have been shown to have the ability to regulate, or modulate, important mediators of the stress response. Key herbs to look for here would include Rhodiola (see Tip13 #50in2020), Shisandra, Withania, and the Ginsengs. The pharmacological profile of these 4 herbs is now well understood, however, Astragalus and Bacopa also have a long traditional use in the Chinese and Ayurvedic traditions. And from a traditional Western Herbal approach - you can't go past Oats as one of the best neuro-restorative herbs we have at our disposal! So, there are quite a few to choose from... As my teacher said many years ago however, make sure you take good quality herbs at effective doses if you want to get the desired response. An effective dose of each would be around 3 grams a day - that's what I would normally dose at initially, which is why liquid extracts are so potent. You can then reduce to a maintenance dose for a period of time. One last herb I'm going to through into the mix is Echinacea, which surprisingly, has recently been found to mimic the endocannabinoid anandamide, as well as increasing a known mediator of the stress response. Simple as it is.... Who knew?? #anxietyyoursoulquest #50tips2overcomeanxiety #50in2020 #tip43 #stress #managingstress #herbsforstress #GoCreate
12.01.2022 Make it happen! http://ccwed.me/1diGysi
10.01.2022 "...all one sees manifest in a material world is but a reflection or a shadow of the real or the spiritual life. Brotherhood/Sisterhood, then, is an expression of the fellowship that exists in the SPIRITUAL life." Cayce: 262-23 What are you expressing today? Your soul/spiritual self? ... Or something else? #soul #soulliving
06.01.2022 50 'ideas' to help you live a 'Non-Anxious' life #Tip42 'Managing the Stressed Brain' I haven't been posting much. I'm not sure what to say about that, except I think spending less time on fb and more time in front of people, as well as out in the sunshine, by the ocean, with friends, exercising... or going within and listening to my own heart and mind, is helping me better manage 'these crazy days' :) ... What about you, how are you managing? In the meantime, I have few posts to go here... so let's get to it :) 'Managing the Stressed Brain' Last time I talked about how our capacity for effective communication goes out the window when we're stressed. So the next couple of posts are looking at how stress impacts the brain, and then, what herbs can be beneficial to manage stress. Firstly, not all stress is bad! An integrated definition sees stress as a constellation of events that results in our brains reacting in different ways - usually, with negatively perceived events - that's a chronic form of the fight and flight reaction. Stress can be good, tolerable or toxic - its all in the perception (or stories... but we've covered that) What we want to be able to do is dampen down this response, and up our adaptive capability. That's because the hormones and neurotransmitters released in a state of chronic stress elevates blood glucose, degrades muscle, and negatively impacts the hippocampus (impairing mood and memory). Neuroimaging studies have shown that the organs of the limbic system (hippocampus/amygdala) actually atrophy over time, when bathed in this stress chemistry... So, if your concentrations off - this could be why! On the positive side, the same studies have shown that they regain their integrity following a period of treatment or therapy. Happy days (literally!) There are many more damaging impacts from a physiological perspective in regard to prolonged stress, such as impacts to the immune response, however there are too many to elucidate here... the main this is - be aware!! and do something about it. Inappropriate responses to 'non- stressful' triggers, which is what happens in anxiety - leads to a de-evolution of brain function. I think this is a lot scarier than anything we have to be anxious over - don't you? This is a very big subject, and worthy of a lot more consideration than simply saying 'sorry... I'm bit stressed right now' To get an idea of your current stress levels, why not follow this link to the free Perceived Stress Scale offered at: https://www.mindgarden.com/documen/PerceivedStressScale.pdf Every step of the way, we can build awareness, and awareness allows something different to be brought to the table. I've already shared my top 5 herbs for Anxiety; next up I'll be sharing my top picks for managing Stress. #anxietyyoursoulquest #50tips2overcomeanxiety #50in2020 #tip42 #stress #managingstress #GoCreate
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