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22.01.2022 As per traditional 2020 style, several things have gone awry for me (and, of course, billions of others) over the last few days (and months!!!) I'm sure I am not alone in feeling it sometimes feels like a strange and tough time to be here on earth - a portion of history that will forever be recorded in time. My heart and mind has many times felt battered and bruised, and fear has at times gripped me - it is after all, what it is, to be human. .... As we endure these massive energetic shifts and the collective and personal trauma (and healing) that is occuring here; I was reminded again this morning just to be grateful for all the simple, wonderful things in my life and around me. . . . These 2 photos are from my yoga mat as I practised this morning......The beautiful sky, birds, trees, the odd monkey or two, and the glorious Kingfisher who often comes to visit. . Such raw beauty got me thinking about the looming end of 2020, & how a new beginning, in a new place, in a new year, might look. . I don't believe in NY resolutions as such, human nature is to resist change. But I would really like to embrace some positive habits and changes that allow me to make the most of this amazing thing called LIFE! . All the things I endlessly talk to my beautiful clients about, I hope to embrace more fully myself (therapists are human and we don't always practice what we preach!) . So, here are some of my ideas..... Move my body every day Meditate often Practice yoga daily Nourish my body with healthy food Be kind, always Spread love and warmth, wherever and whenever I can Nourish my mind - read, journal, reach inward and connect with ME every day Embrace that I am enough, just as I am Practice gratitude every single day Travel often (this may be a bit too hopeful, but still...) Cherish my friends and loved ones - life is such a precious gift . I think it's a valuable time to reflect and welcome the evolving change ahead. What are some of your ideas about your 2021? Please share! #hello2021 #embracelife #makechange #grow #heal #learn #therapyhelps #therapyonline #emergecounselcoach
21.01.2022 Maya Angelou You don't have to carry it alone any longer. You can choose the steps to find peace within. ... Do the work and you can heal. Psychotherapy is a journey diving deep into the psyche. Together we can walk the path to healing. . . . . #bebrave #yourenotalone #therapyhelps #taketheplunge #innerpeace #innerself #letitgo #embrace #process #integrate #recover #therapy #pebbleintheshoe #ridethewave #bethebestversionofyou #heal #grow #learn #emerge #emergecounselcoach
20.01.2022 BACK TO GOOD HABITS Healthy body = Healthy mind. I have committed to good nutrition once again, in the knowledge that a large percentage of Serotonin, (the 'happy hormone' my brain needs to keep my mood stable & uplifted) is manufactured not in the BRAIN, but in the GUT.... The recipe for good health is simple! Give your body and brain what it needs. Invest in yourself, control the things you CAN control. Nutrition and general intake is one of them. It's not about weight- it's about nourishment. Cars cannot run on bad fuel. Neither can people! #mentalhealthwarrior #mentalhealthtips #livewell #bewell #eatwell #nourishbody #nourishthemind #serotonin #happygut #happyhead #yougotthis #makechange #masteryofself #innerwork #outerwork #therapy #bethebestversionofyou #emerge #emergecounselcoach
19.01.2022 Wake up....... and 'smell the roses' Every. Single. Day. Mindful living is one of THE most effective ways to connect mind and body and pull ourselves out of 'autopilot'.... . . . . . #beinthismoment #presence #tunein #justbe #mindfulliving #notice #naturetherapy #beautifullife #comebacktocentre #beatanxiety #beatdepression #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthtips #liveyourbestlife #takecontrolofthesimplethings #regulateyournervoussystem #recalibrate #heal #rewire #ventralstate #vagusnerve #emerge #emergecounselcoach See more
17.01.2022 @risingwoman "We may find distant or avoidant partners alluring because their avoidance is a challenge for our ego ... We might find it more exciting to be caught up in a push-pull dynamic with someone than to say yes to love that is readily available & healthy for us. The excitement comes from eroticizing rejection - it feeds that part of us that still feels like have something to prove. Prove we’re lovable or worthy. That we are so special that we can change someone’s mind or behaviour. But that excitement you feel is also draining your energy and soul-sucking on so many levels. When we abandon ourselves for someone who’s undeserving of our energy, our inner-child is is usually hurting deeply and feeling afraid to be alone. It's ok to walk away when your heart isn’t being cherished, honored or supported. We're all going to have days where we show up as the worst version of ourselves. But at the end of the day, we all deserve to be with someone who we know is in our corner. Someone who loves us on the hard days & treats the relationship as sacred. Any time we waste chasing someone to give us love, there’s an unmet internal need for love and nurturance toward our inner-child. You don’t need someone else to reflect back your wounds without being willing to heal with you. You don’t need someone to trigger all of your insecurities by treating you like an after-thought or avoiding intimacy. It might feel unnatural to let go of this type of connection because you’re breaking a very old pattern you might even find it boring to move towards love that doesn’t trigger you...to heal, you have to practice letting healthy love in. Healing occurs as you sever your addictions to shadow relationships & move toward people who hold you in your highest light. Healing comes from doing Self-acceptance work & making the relationship with YOU & your inner-child the number one relationship in your life.....healing occurs from understanding yourself and your true nature in relationship" #relationshiptips #youdeservemore #wavegoodbyetoavoidantpartners #heal #startswithin #therapyhelps #identifyyourpatterns #emerge #emergecounselcoach
16.01.2022 Sun-Daze..... Are for beach therapy #outinnature #watchingforturtles #waves #daze #naturetherapy #beachtherapy #love #selfcare #calm #grounded #centred #preciouslife #gratitude #liveinthismoment #om #therapyigers #bethebestversionofyou #emerge #emergecounselcoach
15.01.2022 Day 2 of a beautiful new year, and I had a 'little' visitor over breakfast I guess he likes pancakes as much as I do . . .... I hope you all celebrated the birth of a new year and new beginnings well, with hope and gratitude for what is yet to come. Happy 2021! . . . #yearofgoodhealth #gratitude #simplicity #connection #love #mentalhealthawareness #selfinquiry #compassion #connectingmindbodyspiritandsoul #holistic #psychotherapy #happiness #strength #investinyourself #healgrowlearn #expand #justbe #surrender #observe #bethebestversionofyou #emerge #emergecounselcoach
13.01.2022 Connecting with self
12.01.2022 It may be 29c and 80% humidity in Sri Lanka, but it's not Christmas without mulled wine! Merry Christmas #christmasspirit #merrychristmas #joyofchristmas #love #whatdidsantabringyou #emergecounselcoach
10.01.2022 First ever batch of Kombucha fermenting! Sauerkraut last week, Kombucha this. I take holistic wellness seriously, and this includes considering carefully what I nourish my body with.... We know that a large percentage of our happy hormones are manufactured in the gut, a happy gut helps sustain a happy mind There is also an old saying that 'food is medicine' - so true! Boost mood, boost immunity, boost wellbeing overall. Choose carefully what you nourish you mind and body with, every bit of self care helps! #kombucha #fermentation #nutrition #foodaffectsmood #holisticwellness #mindbodyconnect #gutbrainaxis #fermentedfoods #awareness #heal #mindandbody #loveyourself #lovethevesselyourein #emerge #emergecounselcoach Thank you @cjobe for the gift
10.01.2022 Fantastic new Netflix series for the New Year! . . . Meditation is such a valuable practice, I can't recommend it enough in terms of learning to be in THIS moment, conquer your unhelpful thoughts, and boost your overall mental health and wellbeing.... . . . If you've thought about trying meditation and aren't sure how, then this Netflix series would be a great place to start! . . . #netflixandchill #meditation #practice #headspace #learntomeditate #conqueryourmind #connectwithself #ground #heal #grow #connectbodyandmind #selfhelp #instatherapy #meditation #powerofnow #zen #flow #bepresent #watchhowyoufeel #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthtips #emergecounselcoach See more
09.01.2022 5 FINGER BREATHING #breathwork #breathingtips #breathingmethods #calming #centreing #grounding #sensorygrounding #emotionalregulation #mindbodyconnect #somatics #psychotherapist #breathworkigers #therapyigers #mentalhealthmatters #wellnesswarrior #emergecounselcoach
05.01.2022 SOUND HEALING In my constant quest for the most powerful holistic healing modalities, I've truly fallen in love with the power of sound healing. Sound healing is done in many forms, most commonly handpan, Tibetan singing bowls, gongs, crystal singing bowls, drums, percussion instruments and of course, mantra.... The vibrational quality of the sound accesses parts of us on a very deep cellular level, often helping to release long held emotions and traumas. It can often transport many of us into a state of bliss, and some are even lucky enough to experience visions during this sort of experience. Shamans and many other cultures have been practising this type of healing for centuries. Truly powerful stuff! I have loved all of the many experiences I have been lucky enough to take part in over time, and highly recommend it to anyone who is open to alternative methods of healing. Particularly so if you find talk therapy hard. There are many many excellent healers/musicians out there offering this stuff, for example @katieunderwood @bencarroll (both on IG and Spotify). Pictured in this post is my dear friend and super talented healer @rajayogi, once again gifting us his powerful sound healing in Sri Lanka If music touches your soul, there's a good chance you will enjoy sound healing to help you relax, ground and heal - give it a whirl! #soundhealing #tibetansingingbowls #gong #soundbath #crystalsingingbowl #healing #vibration #raiseyourvibration #trysomethingnew #shamanic #tibetan #indian #traditionalhealing #magical #transformative #release #cellularlevel #mentalhealthtips #mentalhealthawareness #wellnesswarrior #holisticapproach #holisticpsychotherapy #emergecounselcoach
05.01.2022 The way our brains and bodies can respond to trauma. Trauma doesn't just happen to veterans, abuse victims and accident victims. Trauma happens in different forms to everyone. People like to talk about 'big T' and 'little T', but, trauma is trauma.... Anything that causes a state of overwhelm that cannot be processed by the mind and body is classified as trauma and can generate a trauma response that becomes chronic until it is processed and integrated. How do these responses present? Well....that's also different for everyone and this graphic depicts it well. Until we enter therapy, many of us try to deal with these responses by entering an altered state. In comes alcohol, drugs, excessive food, excessive TV, excessive exercise, excessive sleep, excessive work....you get the picture. Altered states offer avoidance, distraction, a new focus aside from how we really feel in our minds and bodies. In a nutshell, unintegrated trauma can take us away from our potential, from the life we should be or could be leading. Seeking the help of a skilled therapist can really help you navigate your path back to yourself and your potential. Live the life you deserve! . . . . . . #fightflightfreezefawn #traumaresponse #traumainformed #neuroception #neuroscience #survivalresponse #defencemechanism #reprogram #neuralpathways #regulate #sooth #calm #therapytipoftheday #therapyigers #helpavailable #somatics #topdownbottomupapproach rach #emerge @ryantheholistichealthcoach
04.01.2022 A quick and easy anxiety buster! If you suffer with symptoms of anxiety, there are many good ways to manage it. Self talk is one of them - when we give reassurance to ourselves it can help regulate and calm our body or survival systems.... Try these affirmations when you first feel the symptoms building, rather than getting lost in the thinking / panic cycle. Anxiety can be a beast, but IS a tameable one! . . . . . #anxietybuster #anxietyawareness #stressresponse #selftalk #regulate #calm #ground #comebacktoyourcentre #heal #grow #recoverytips #mentalhealthtips #mentalhealthawareness #stopsuffering #alleviateanxieyy #liveyourbestlife #emergecounselcoach credit: @traumaandbeyondcenter
02.01.2022 Addictions, Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, relational issues and other illnesses are not a sign that something is 'wrong' with you. These symptoms, as they should more accurately be called, are the body's tools to tell you somatically that you don't feel safe, or to help you cope with the unintegrated overwhelm you have experienced. It is SO important to work with both talk and somatics in trauma based therapy. ... Healing IS possible, with the right help from a skilled, experienced, TRAUMA INFORMED therapist. Want more info? Reach out and say hello (links in bio). . . . . . #traumaawareness #ptsd #cptsd #depression #anxiety #relationshipdifficulties #addiction #copingmechanisms #normalresponsetoabnormalevent #mentalhealthawareness #holistichealing #innerchildwork #somaticexperiencing #embrace #process #reconceptualise #katsugi #heal #strength #youaremorethanyourstory #evolve #emerge #emergecounselcoach
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