Emily Loughnane | Entrepreneur
Emily Loughnane
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24.01.2022 As some of you may or may not know but Kane my fiancé and I welcomed this beautiful angel into the world exactly 3 weeks and 1 day ago today. He is just a big ball of love and light. This earth is already so much more brighter because we get to see life through your eyes.... meet Bodhi Jay Allen born on 18.6.18 at 3am weighing 3.13kgs. And such a little doll Last weekend I was especially blessed for many reasons... 1. I got constant snuggles from mr bodhi 2. Technology a...nd how much it has evolved 3. And the opportunity to present online at home from my pjs whilst still building my business with my newborn love. 4. Getting to wear 2 different hats at once Mumma bear hat and business owner hat without any sacrifices or adjustments I got to just be I definitely count my blessings today EL x
24.01.2022 Love spoiling my team #businesslife #genyboss #tribe #friendship #businessgetaway #social #cocktailparty #team #dressup #socialmarketing
23.01.2022 Okay.... anyone who knows me I am the complete opposite of being a guru in the kitchen. I have been known to give myself multiple food poisoning experiences to the point now where I can't really eat chicken annnyyyway On Monday night I did a Facebook live on a tutorial on how I made these lemon vegan protein bliss balls. And oh hot damn they were amaze balls (pardon the pun) They literally are emily proof; simple and easy is how I do! Even if a a lot of pips fell in them (note to self take them out before blending) I had so much fun presenting I laugh and think I could create a cooking channel of "what not to do" buttttt this Monday I loved sharing my love for bliss balls... and they taste that good within 2 days 3/4 of the container is gone. I blame kane for that one!! Happy hump day peeps! EL X
22.01.2022 Hiiiii there girlfrieeeends!! Here are just 5 of my basic full body workouts that I have incorporated into my workouts weekly. Nothinnn' super fancaaay and completely 100% basic but still good and can feel a burn without getting my heart rate up too much! So I thought I would just share 5 of my fave loves at the moment that can be easily taken for granted because they're so good! . 1. Sumo Goblet Squats - x 10 2. Dumbell Shoulder Press - x 10... 3. Dumbell Bicep Curls - x 10 4. Front and Side Raises - x 10 5. Hip Bridge with stretch x 10 (these babies buuuuurn but makes your buns nice and perkaaaay lol) . I do 3 sets of 10 and modify them when they get too much for me and I have added a longer rest period in between and if I need to I drop back down to body weights I will. Just listen and honour your body but for me this is a great way to move and strengthen those bones and muscles. As I get super achy, sore and stiff if I don't move regularly. I have checked with my Dr and had a clearance of what I can and can't do, so if your a mumma bear to be like me make sure you get cleared before jumping into anything. Every pregnancy and body is completly different so don't compare yourself to anyone at the gym! Listen to your own body and honour and do what is best for you and your baby... AND i most definitley had to filter this shit because no one wants to see my pasty skin turn from 50 shades of albino to 50 shades of red capsicum in one minute lol.... You mr grey scale are a genius!!! EL x
20.01.2022 WINTER SNUFFLES - Recently my little Bodhi bear has come down with a congiested stuffy nose... and being a new mum. Guess who freaked out haha! MOI! So straight on the phone to my midwife -> she is totally sick of me haha and onto google (do not suggest doing that BTW) and she suggested getting a humidifier and some essential oils for his room when he sleeps... Um hallelujah! This is... legit... the bomb. For a few reasons - - Adds more moisture to the air ... - Will reduce any build up in nose - Opens up Airways to his lungs - Arbonne's pure Essential Lavendar oil to relax and ground him to sleep with ease - Plus it totally smells like a pretty fruit bowl! If your a new mumma like me... invest in a GOOD humidifier from the chemist (don't go on ebay and by a shonky one they will last for 15 mins and only end up being a night light... speaking for a friend lol) and invest in good essential oils that aren't full of nasities and toxic chemicals for your new bubbas clean lungs! Now I have a happy, healthy smiling bubba again!! EL X
19.01.2022 When one of your all times 90's music stars loves the same products as you when we don't pay for celebrity endorsement! You know your doing something right!! #craigdavid #90sfan #rnb
19.01.2022 7 Weeks postpartum and I am back in my happy place . . . .... I was still working out up until a week before Bodhi was here... only for the reason I wanted to be as strong and fit as I could be for my labour. And boy was I right... 48 hours and that resilience and grit (more like stubbornness) in me fought until end. . . It felt so good to walk back into gym this week. And I was honestly in no hurry to get back in there as I was soaking up as much love and cuddles as I possibly could and it has never once been about getting ‘my bod back’ whatsoever. But a dear friend said to me Em make sure you do the things you love every day even if it’s for 20 mins because you fill up your cup and don’t lose yourself and im so glad she said that to me because it made me aware of all the things I love: gym, meditation, baths, f.r.i.e.n.d.s, eating good food and reading because naturally as mums we always put ourselves last so I make sure every day I do atleast one of these things so i can be the best Mumma for bodhi and be fully present and not stressed ‘like I should be as a new mum’ . . It feels so weird working out now it feels like a whole new body. I have lost a lot of muscle tone, flexibility and fitness but that’s okay I am proud of what my body did 7 weeks ago. And grateful that I got to experience that to! But god it feels good to be back! . . . . . HEALTH/FITNESS - #health #fitness #wellness #wellbeing #holistic #nutrition #movement #instafit #fitinspo #chickswholift #squat #gym #training #cleaneating #balance #balancedlife #vegan #vegannutrition #plantpowered #lifting #success #lean #diet #transformation #stronggirls #weights See more
17.01.2022 HAPPY DANCE FOR THIS MUMMA TO BE RIGHT NOW!! - Yesterday we received my beautiful nursing chair that I have always dreamed and would've loved to have in my life since my mumma bear bought one for her bedroom. I decided with this plush swivel chair instead of a rocking chair because I knew he would grow out of a rocking chair very quickly in just a few short years and I thought this will be something we will love and use in the rest of our home and in his life growing up readi...ng books and meditating in it together just made my heart sing!! My beautiful dad and Kane went down and picked it up for me yesterday and safe to say... i will never leave it haha!! And don't worry... i got fabric protection to for all that are wondering hahaha... - And TODAY for the first time ever... i am so used to purchasing from my own online store for the New ABC baby range for OTHER people... either friends, new mums or for kane and I's household because they're the bomb diggity... But today I bought my very own for our beautiful baby that will be here in no time at all. Currently 31 weeks and counting down the weeks now! But until 7pm tonight Arbonne has an extra 25% off discount on the set plus a cute little plush wash mitt that comes with it!! Um yassss pleasseee how could i not? Only the best for my little one!! Which means no nasty harsh chemicals being applied to his skin I know he will be a safe healthy little bubba. The set comes with a baby wash, body lotion, nappy rash cream and sunscreen! I am so excited for it to arrive now to add it to my hospital bag! Ps as I am writing this post I think to myself surely this little one is going to be a boxer, pro footy player or just a professional fist pumper because he is giving me some good old jabs lol xxxx
16.01.2022 To all my dry skinned home girls out there!! Since finding out that I’m having a baby... (still so exciting to say) my skin has become SO dry and I have started to resemble 56 year old Emily... at 24 that’s not what I was hoping for... awks. But last weekend I sat down with my makeup guru sister @tay_loughnane and she taught me to use whole new product range. And me... I’m such a basic, foundation mineral powder bronzer have half an eyebrow and go person. But clearly my skin ...had other plans for me! So the last week I have been applying these 4 wonders to my life and man... I feel like I’m a new born again lol. I’ve mixed the cc cream and my liquid foundation as my base and then started using the new concealer to highlight and contour my face. And it’s actually taking me LESS time and I have that dewy, healthy skin back! Win win!! Tay and arbonne ahhh you have done it again! big tick from this gal! So if your like me and have had super dry skin then this stuff is the shizz!! EL x #arbonne #vegan #makeup #cosmetics #skin #skincare #flawless #brushes #contour #highlight #mua #dewy #eyebrows #eyelash #instagrammakeup #arbonneaussies See more
12.01.2022 For someone during pregnancy and now a new Mumma; my skin has never been so super dry and dehydrated *cue the violin I know lol. . . . Now thank the baby cheeses (Kath and Kim reference - and if you didn’t already know that unfortunately we can’t be friends lol) these little babies came into my life when I needed them the most! . .... . They totally upgraded and released this prepwork skincare line that has brought back this gals pre pregnancy and breastfeeding skin back! Yassss See more
12.01.2022 Are you a cheerleader or an opponent? My fave thing in life is cheering people on, cheering them on in their greatness, their light and cheering them on when its also can be hard. So the people around you are you screaming at the top of your lungs to let them know "they got this" or are you judging them and making them shrink by screaming negative comments. Either way it's filling up their soul you choose what you decide to drip feed them! This is a quick snap of one o...f my gorgeous friends in my business absolutely shining her light and sharing about how this business has transformed her life. It's been such a blessing to sit on the side line and cheer her on and watch her work her magic her life and business around her boys over the past couple of years. That right there is the best part of what I do... seeing someone flourish within their own soul but be able to share that message with the world and inspire others to do the same! Love you Mandy girl! Proud is an understatement X
12.01.2022 When it's freezing outside want to fill up my little tum tum with something warm but will keep me full I use this little vegan plant based bad boy as my secret weapon to pack in as much protein to my soup to keep me full for much longer! #hiddengem #healthy #bossbody #fitness #health #sustainable #lifestyle #balance #clean #alkaline #personaltraining #nutrition #vegan #plantbased #peaprotein #brownriceprotein
09.01.2022 And this is how it went down last night in business... Because pyjama pants are all the pants that fit me right now #pregnancyfirstworldprobs #gratefulforthisbusiness #38weeks
07.01.2022 AM calls with my friends and business partners from 28 degrees in QLD to 12 degrees and a puffy jacket here in melbourne! Love that technology can bring us closer together. And we can spend our mornings talking all fun things business, future, life design and dreams!! And I can be business up the top and jamies on the bottom and you wouldn't even know lol! Love vibing and having a good laugh with these beauties!!... EL X
07.01.2022 You know it's going to be a good day when you get to restock your nutrition station!! It's been a looooong week!! EL X #protein #vegan #plantbased #nutrition #healthylife #healthymind #bossbody
07.01.2022 INSTAGRAM VS REALITY What your desk ‘ACTUALLY’ looks like when your building a business...
06.01.2022 Business launches are one of my FAVOURITE things to do in this business because it opens a whole new chapter and sometimes a sense of hope and belief in someone's life! On Saturday I got to launch beautiful Mumma of 1 and swimming teacher Amy along side these 2 beauties. I remember my launch that my closest friends and family attended... and looking back now I'm so grateful I took the leap of faith and that is the biggest reason why it EXCITES me so much for these 3 beautiful... women who are paving the way for their young families for a bigger, brighter and bolder future because of this business! EL X #business #arbonne #leadership #lifebydesign #choices #happiness #love #friendship #onlinebusiness #travel #rewarding #fulfilling
02.01.2022 When baby bodhi sleeps... Mumma builds her business . . . Best thing about rainy days is that we can snuggle under blankets and when little mr has a nap I can fit my work in and around him! Feeling so grateful and blessed that on days like today that I have this business that works around him and what he feels like doing. I count my lucky stars it has all aligned for our life and that I said yes to this years ago and now I get to be there 100% for my baby for the moment...s that matter. . . . . Ps and yes I feel like I should make a public announcement. I totally am wearing matching socks in this lol. See more
01.01.2022 How did I ever get so lucky?? I love rewarding and recognising my gorgeous team on just doing what they love! And all I am doing is acknowledging that I am here being their biggest cheerleader whilst they step into being the best version of themselves. That to me is the best gift of all! Love your tribe.... and love them hard!... EL x
01.01.2022 ALMOST Vegan Chocolate Mousse . . My god this is my biggest weakness everrr.. i am not really a dessert kind of gal I am a eat your body weight no self control with salt and vinegar chips kind of person .... . . I even put them in cute little shot glasses for some self control and because it makes me feel fancay... but let’s be real here. I knocked them over in the fridge 5 minutes later. Yes I was devastated. Not the fact that my fridge was so dirty but the fact that I am the worlds wooorst cook and I actually have been able to accomplish something in the kitchen . . . 4 x cans of coconut cream 1 cup of cacao 1 x tablespoon of honey (the non vegan part) 2 x tea spoons of vanilla bean . . Method - put the coconut cream in fridge over night to solidify the cream and then drain the liquid and use for a curry or something during he week. - put in pot on low - add cacao - add honey and vanilla bean - whisk - then leave on low to reduce the liquid down - then fridge and wallah See more
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