Emma Jacques Women's Health Naturopath | Alternative & holistic health service
Emma Jacques Women's Health Naturopath
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24.01.2022 How kind are you being to yourself? Stop and check in for a moment....have the words you have been saying to yourself lately been words of encouragement and support? Or are you more likely to berate and put pressure on yourself?... I think the majority of us would agree that the world would be a better place for more kindness, and lordy knows we don't need any more pressure. So buy yourself a bunch of flowers today, enjoy your chocolate without guilt, stop striving for perfection and pat yourself on the back for all the amazing things you do
24.01.2022 Herbal medicine is probably I am most passionate about as a naturopath. I have been missing playing with dried herbs and emerging myself in tea creation since I have been working from home, so I am very, very excited to be working on releasing a herbal tea range next year! Herbal teas are such a gentle and effective way to support health and wellbeing, and there is something so incredibly calming about brewing yourself a pot.... I believe that our bodies are familiar with herbs - no matter where you have come from, your ancestors have used herbal medicine. It was our only medicine until medicine evolved. And so we are genetically wired with a healing response to herbs. I love that we have wonderful hard science to explain why herbal medicine works in this era, I also love there there is something that feels almost magical and witchy about using herbs. My range will be created for women. For the common modern maladies we face. For deeper better quality sleep, to support our moods, balance our hormones, help with focus and beautiful skin (this one pictured is my 'nourished womb blend, taste testing now is it is delicious as well as pretty!) If you aren't yet signed up to my newsletter you can click the link in the bio to sign up quickly and easily and be the first to know about teas, be privy to freebies and more
24.01.2022 We are learning to adapt and shift to different ways of seeking services and reaching out to one another currently. I have been conducting online consults for over 4 years now, and before the pandemic, saw about half of my clients in this manner, mostly those comfortable with the online space or restricted by distance. For the other half of you however, I know that the face-to-face experience of being in a room with someone was a very important part of connecting with someon...e you were entrusting to help with your health. Online consults are a very simple way to continue to manage your health, and most of you with the experience will attest to the fact that connection isn't lost (in fact we tend to end up more closely 'face-to-face in a video consult), for the tech phobic 'zoom' is a video consult platform that makes it simple to join a consult with the click of a link, and ordering supplements via an online prescription service that sees them arrive on your doorstep in as little as 2 days makes following your protocols a breeze. I'd love to hear from those of you about your experiences with these sorts of online services...positives, negatives, concerns, maybe you run an online business? Or how you are adapting to our current social changes. Leave a comment
22.01.2022 Online consults Wednesdays and Saturdays. Discuss your health, set your goals, have a plan Www.emmamclaughlin.com.au
21.01.2022 A little about myself and how I practice...because it's important to know who you have supporting you with your health I believe the key lies in balance - too much or too little is always going to tip us. Balance is never something that we reach and keep there either - it's about checking in, noting what needs to be adjusted and finding a way to make those adjustments. We are constantly evolving. There is no such thing as perfect. Phew! I'm far from it - I enjoy a drink..., indulge in what we consider to be not so great foods and on the busy days feed my kids chicken nuggets and frozen peas. This is real life. A friend once told me "good, better, best" - most of the time good is good enough, we don't need the pressure of always aiming for perfect and we need to go easy on ourselves and enjoy life. Its the little things that make the biggest difference - laughter (lot's of it please), fun, a walk on the beach, a deep warm bath, a good book, music, candles, sun on skin, water, friendships, family, wonder, sleep...actually when you think about it these things are not so little yet we can forget how powerful they are for our wellbeing. Practicality - set yourself unrealistic goals and you set yourself up for failure. Play it smart - not hard. There is always a solution to every problem. Sometimes it takes effort, risks or the confrontation of change, but there is always a solution. We are the masters of our own life. We are body, mind and soul - and all need nurturing for our wellbeing. Much love, Em x
20.01.2022 Human touch and hormones.... Oxytocin is also named the "cuddle hormone". We tend to accosiate this with high levels of oxytocin that mothers produce after birth however is also released during hugging, touching and orgasm. Oxytocin is believed to help with bonding, devotion, generosity and trust, and also lowers the hormones ACTH and cortisol relieving the stress response in our bodies and having a positive effect on mental health and physical wellbeing.... It's tricky when we are currently advised against human contact to prevent the spread of disease not to too the balance too far the other way. With common sense in mind and if you know you are well, don't forget to snuggle with the ones you love, especially our kiddies. It could make all the difference with reducing anxiety levels and promoting feelings of safety
19.01.2022 ( part 2 follow on from last post ) .... In my "Simple Guide to Good Sleep" I outline what to look for that might indicate if you may not be getting the best quality sleep. onset delay - taking over 20 minutes to fall asleep... late bedtimes light sleeping waking in the night (with or without struggling to fall back to sleep) night time overheating or night sweats waking tired As well as potential causes and ways to improve sleep. It's a neat little interactive workbook you can download for free and start implementing tonight. With all of my "Simple Guides to Health", as with any change or habit you are trying to implement, I recommend starting with one thing at a time - so spend the next few weeks focussing on sleep, and keep an eye out for next simple guide to drop next month. I really hope you find it useful. And for the mama's out there with waking cherubs, you can still improve the quality of your sleep, even if quantity is lacking You can download your guide here- https://www.emmajacques.com.au/health-tips
18.01.2022 Resilience and self-care, it sure had been the year that has cried out for us to build on this. I would love to hear how you are doing, and how you boost resilance and practise self-care find your joy. We are all in this together, so let's inspire, support and empower one another by sharing...sharing our stories, sharing our strengths, sharing our tools.... Share and connect in the messages below if you feel inclined to, this year has been both individually and collectively challenging for all of us, yet with challenge also comes growth and opportunity
17.01.2022 https://www.emmamclaughlin.com.au//natural-antivirals-and-
17.01.2022 Magnesium is such an important nutrient for the busy. You see, it is a nutrient our body utilises in larger quantities when we are stressed for several reasons It is required to make GABA, our "put the breaks on busy and calm the hell down" neurotransmitter which is produced by the body when it detects stress to try and bring the body back into balance.... It can do this quite easily if there is plenty of magnesium and other co-factor nutrients, however that balance does rely both on having plenty of these nutrients, and on our regular return to a state of calm. The funny thing about the modern world however, is that we seem to have disregarded the importance of slow. And because of it many of us are stuck in fight or flight a lot of the time - with our hustle, our super-mumming, our giving to everyone else without filling our own cups and constantly 'doing'. This means the on button for GABA is on all the time, and subsequently many of us become magnesium deficient or no longer able to have our bodies maintain that calm equilibrium which leaves us feeling frazzled, shirt tempered, anxious and unable to switch off. Signs of magnesium deficiency include - feeling tense, anxious or overwhelmed sleep issues - particularly if it takes a long time to fall asleep or stay asleep if woken during the night muscle aches, cramps, restless legs or tense shoulders feeling "wired but tired" Unfortunately the magnesium content of our Australian soils can often be low due to modern farming practices (grow your own veggies and add minerals to your soils to boost you own veg!) However foods high in magnesium include green veggies pumpkin seeds dark chocolate (Yes! She is a super food! Put her on your shopping list!) nuts (particularly almonds and cashews but mix them up for max nutrients) legumes - edamame, kidney beans, black beans peanut butter good quality wheat, oats and rice So what a variety of magnesium rich foods and make sure you include ways to calm your stress to reduce your body from over-utilising magnesium - deep belly breathing, yoga nidra, mindfulness, gentle exercise, laughter, creativity, joy - that is truly root cause medicine
16.01.2022 @dalailama Thank you for the reminder
15.01.2022 Are you supported? It's a question not asked enough in health settings. Fatigue, overwhelm, self depreciation can all stem from a lack of support.... In fact, a lack of support and understanding can be central to our health issues. Western society is what we term an 'individualised' society - where we choose to live separately from extended family, we choose to strive independently. Like everything, this has it's pros and it's cons. Support or a lack of support however often becomes more apparent when we have children, when we struggle with our health, when we move to a new area. Support comes in many forms - . Romantic relationships . Family . Friendships . Community . Professional (health and wellbeing, financial, business mentors etc) . Even support of self...do you have your own back? If a lack if support contributes to a lack of wellbeing for you, don't underestimate it, find a way to remedy it
15.01.2022 We are going through some pretty turbulent times at the moment. Don't forget to breathe and ground. 3 deep breaths, 3 x daily... Feet on the earth See more
14.01.2022 Healthy minds are just important as healthy bodies at the moment. A little each day of the essentials in ypur routine will go such a huge way towards your wellbeing
12.01.2022 Quick tip - Breathe is essential not only to transport oxygen to our cells, and remove waste product on the exhale - but also to regulate our nervous system. Deep abdominal breathing sends messages to your brain to release more GABA - our primary calming neurotransmitter and is a quick and effective way to take out from 'fight or flight' to 'rest and digest', helping to balance hormones in the process.... 3 deep breaths, 3 x daily is a great practice to start implementing today. I'd love to hear your feedback if you implement this for a week, or share your experience with breathwork or mindfulness practices and how they have impacted your wellbeing
11.01.2022 Hi lovelies, just to let everyone know that online consults are available most days, and for those still choosing to come into the clinic, all recommended sanitary precautions are taken with much diligence. For those with any respiratory symptoms or who returned from overseas travel recently to opt for online appointments. For those of you who have not tried this, it's incredibly simple... - book your consult - receive a zoom video conference link to your email - click the link at the time of your appointment and we will be face to face - payment taken over the phone at the end - your plan emailed to you with a link to order your supplements to be posted to your home Most of my clients are Australia wide and love the simplicity of the above. Also for all the enquirys about immune support for you and your family, yes, I do provide support here too. Pm me if you would like to book a consult or jump over to the website. Be well, show kindness, smile, look after yourself
11.01.2022 Hi Lovelies, For those of you who haven't met me I'm Emma, and I'm a clinical naturopath and modern herbalist who helps women understand their bodies and their hormones in greater depth in order to know how we can support and optimise our health and wellbeing. I'm a mum of two primary school aged children and run a business - Like many of us I try to juggle work, life and motherhood - often struggling to get the balance right but always having a go.... My own journey into motherhood and subsequent '"mum burnout" after too many years of sleep deprivation and running on empty edged me into working with women experiencing the same. I honed my practise into women's health and now I work mainly with women around fertility and healthy pregnancies; postpartum care, postnatal depletion and "mum burnout" (this can occur when our babies have gotten big too! those of us who feel we never fully recover?) and women with menstrual issues such as PCOS and endometriosis. I also support women through menopause, and in managing fatigue, sleep disorders and anxiety. My clinic is now fully online which gives me much greater work/life balance and precious time with my possums, but also allows me to connect with women Australia wide. 1:1 consults allow you to outline your health goals, discuss your health history and current concerns and give us time to make a sensible and practical treatment plan for you to implement dietary and lifestyle changes, recommended herbal and nutritional supplements and to take the time to explain the workings of our unique female physiology so that you feel empowered with natural tools to take control of your health and lead vibrant, happy, positive lives, no matter where in your journey you currently are. You can follow here for health tips and tricks, free content downloads and other offerings or sign up to the newsletter on the website. I wish you all the best in health
11.01.2022 Online consults available Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Kingscliff Clinic open Tuesdays and Saturdays. Simple telehealth options for those remaining at home. ... Book via link in bio or message if you cannot find times that suit you, there are some flexible options for out of hours appointments.
09.01.2022 I've been working on a collection of "simple guides to health" which I'm bringing out as free downloadable guides on LITTLE changes that can make HUGE differences to our health, it's just about simplifying how to implement them. It's without hesitation that sleep is the first to share. Like anything in life - playing it smart, not hard is the way to go,and health is no exception. ... Sleep is one of the lowest hanging fruit when it comes to wellbeing. Good sleep = more energy stable moods happy hormones a healthy metabolism reduced inflammation a keen mind So if any of those things are on your wish list, you need to take a look at your sleep - not just in quantity, but in quality.... (continued in the next post ) Or download your guide here https://www.emmajacques.com.au/health-tips
08.01.2022 Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) is a beautifully gentle herb that aids in sleep and reduces anxiety. First recorded uses of Passionflower date back to the Aztecs. Passionflower is also antispasmodic so it is good for uterine and abdominal cramping, muscle tightness, tense jaws and is a mild anodyne (relieves pain).... It is gentle enough to use with children and the medicinal constituents are easily extracted in water making it an effective herb to drink in a tea, as well as being available in tincture and tablet form. Often mixed with other herbs to promote sleep like Lavender, Valerian and Lemonbalm, Passionflower can help with over stimulated minds and will not leave you feeling groggy in the morning.
08.01.2022 5 simple ways to re-energise. Sometimes simple is best...if you are looking to boost your energy first check to see if you are doing these five things. Implementing the basic fundamentals will have you seeing big results fast.... If you are more wordsy, then all if this is in the latest post on the blog...you can get there via the website links
08.01.2022 What is naturopathy? It's a wholistic and natural approach to wellness. It's the understanding that rarely does one thing contribute to health disharmony, but rather a range of contributors, and therefore a diverse approach to using various natural tools can be used to improve wellbeing.... We tend to look at and use or adjust the following - | Nutrition and food | Movement and exercise | Herbal Medicine | Understanding stressors - this may be psychological, environmental, physical and how to reduce these or support yourself here There are also many philosophical aspects to wellbeing - maintaining balance, experiencing joy, having adequate emotional support, spirituality or a sense or purpose and fulfilment (whatever that may mean to you!) and many more, as well a strong scientific element to the understanding of how the body works - in terms of physiology, nutritional biochemistry, phytotherapy (the science of herbal medicine constituents and how and why they work in the body) and so on. It's a delightful and incredibly effective combination of traditional healing methods and our more recent understanding of the science behind it, along with the understanding that the body is equipped to heal, and we can help to support that in a very common sense manner. Learning about your body, the way it works and how you can support and enhance your health yourself - is an incredibly empowering process and one that sets you up with tools for life
05.01.2022 It's a new season, and with that comes a fresh website, feed and the upcoming release of some special online content with women's health and wellbeing. So keep an eye out or visit the website to sign up to the newsletter if you would like more. The first two of my free e-books from the "Simple Guide To.." series is available on the website to download - these guides aim to help you implement practical lifestyle change that will enhance your life and make it easy to implement... small changes. I also have some more in depth health courses on the horizon as well as containing 1:1 consults online so that you can get support for fertility, pregnancy, mothercare and all things period related. Excited to be sharing more about how easy and effective natural approaches the women's health can be Much Love, Emma xx
04.01.2022 | YARROW | Achillea millefolium One of the oldest medicinal plants known, and like many herbs, Yarrow has a colourful history. The name "Achillea" refers to Achilles - the Greek hero who was said to have been taught many herbal secrets by Chiron the Centaur. It has been suggested that Yarrow was indeed the herb referred to in The Iliad that Achilles used to heal the wounds of men.... Yarrow does has a tremendous ability to staunch bleeding and heal wounds and has been found in many factual historical records as being used to treat the wounds of injured soldiers on the battlefields. Yarrow is also commonly used the the herbal tea for colds and fevers YEP - yarrow, elderflower and peppermint. Its astringent (drying and tightening) nature dries up excess mucous and it also has antibacterial properties (studies have found it effective against Staph Aureas and E.coli. infections among others). Yarrow is also a wonderous uterine tonic - it eases heavy menstrual bleeding, improves tone and relieves cramping. Despite it's history, it is often one of the first herbs that springs to mind for women's health due to its effectiveness here. Its astringency also makes it useful for diarrhoea and can be wonderful for women who experience loose stools with heavy menstruation. Yarrow can be made into a tea or taken in tablet or tincture form. It is very easy to grow in the garden and can be ground into a fresh poultice in a mortar a pestle and applied to cuts and grazes (a fabulous herb to start playing with if this sort of thing interests you!). Incredibly pretty, with a sweet delicate smell, Yarrow will attract bees and butterflies and is definitely one of my favourites to grow
04.01.2022 The September newsletter is out, you can take a look here or jump over to the website to signup for monthly news, gifts and healthy tips
04.01.2022 Ahhh....Vitamin D....the sunshine nutrient This one is a little special as our bodies produce Vitamin D within our cells when sunlight directly touches our skin. How is that for magical science? Vitamin D has some incredibly important roles. It boosts our immune system and prevents against cancer, it's important for hormone production, it aids in the creation of neurotransmitters and strengthens our bones.... Interestingly, the cells on the surface of our tummy and thighs produce the most Vitamin D, essentially acting like 'solar power packs' and we generate much more in the middle of the day rays. With everyone thinking about how to improve immunity currently, and the importance of supporting mood, make sure you get a little sun daily, take a cuppa into the garden and roll up shirts and skirts. Paler complexions only need 5-10 mins and darker 10-15 mins to boost levels then make sure you cover up to avoid damage from too much sun and keep floppy hats over pretty faces, not much vit D generated there. All in balance Inspiring art by @bonfemmes
02.01.2022 In a society where we value hustle, the super woman, the get-up-and-go attitude, where does deep rest come into it? Is it not the other side of the coin? Deep rest nurtures and rejuvenates so that we don't run out of steam.... Deep rest can be a great nights sleep deepened with herbs such as Valerian, passionflower and hops. Deep rest can be scheduled mindfulness or meditation. Deep rest can be a good book on the sofa on a rainy day with Otis Redding playing in the background. How do you practice deep rest?
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