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Emma & Mae Cake Designs in Eumundi, Queensland | Dessert shop

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Emma & Mae Cake Designs

Locality: Eumundi, Queensland

Phone: +61 435 791 400

Address: Eumundi 4563 Eumundi, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 Pink, gold and floral 21st cake 4 layers of red velvet with vanilla cream cheese icing Flowers from @campbell_and_bradley_flowers @americolor dusty rose @stormiedscupcakery cake scraper #21stcake #cakeideas #dripcake #floralcakes #dustypinkcake #pinkandgoldcake #raffaello #caramelpopcorn #coconut #redvelvet #creamcheesefrosting #21stcakeideas #pinkcakes #birthdaycakes #stunningcake #selftaughtcakedecorator #emmaandmaecakedesigns #noosacakes #cakesofnoosa #instacakes #cakeoftheday #cakesofinstagram

24.01.2022 Another gorgeous LOL doll cake Choc fudge and vanilla 4 layered 6 filled with caramel buttercream #loldollcake #watercolourcake #chocvanilla #caramelbuttercream #dripcake #birthdaygirl #watercolourbuttercream #pinkandpurplebuttercream #customcaketopper #loldoll #birthdaygirlcake #sprinkles #noosacakes #noosacakedecorator #cakesofnoosa #emmaandmaecakedesigns #cooroycakes #selftaughtcakedecorator

23.01.2022 My favorite superhero cake by far 8 3layered white choc mud cake, white choc buttercream between the layers finished with vanilla buttercream and chocolate drip This amazing cake topper made by @pretty_fix_creative also using @colour.mill @americolor and @cakerswarehouse #superherocake #advangers #hulk #spiderman #batman #captainamerica #thor #kidscakes #birthdayboy #whitechoccake #dripcake #thirdbirthday #birthdaycake #birthdaycakeideas #whitechocbuttercream #vanillabuttercream #superherodripcake #selftaughtcakedecorator #cakeboss #cooroycakes #cakesofnoosa #noosacakes #cakesquad #cakesofinstagram #emmaandmaecakedesigns #prettyfixcreative #colourmill #americolor #cakerswharehouse

23.01.2022 50 never looked so good #numbercake #fiftyandfabulous #50thbirthday #turning50 #loadednumbercake #chocolatemudcake #chocolatenumbercake #caramilkbuttercream #raffaello #caramilk #loadedchocolatecake #birthdaycakeideas #noosacakes #cakesofnoosa #selftaughtcakedecorator #sunshinecoastcakes #emmaandmaecakedesigns

23.01.2022 A beautiful engagement cake Choc fudge and vanilla filled with vanilla buttercream and salted caramel sauce topped with more deli salted caramel sauce, raffaellos and these stunning florals from @ramblingrosecooroy & @campbell_and_bradley_flowers #engagementcake #engagementcakeideas #engagementdripcake #floralcakes #chocfudgecake #vanillacake #saltedcaramedripcake #saltedcaramelsauce #stunningcakes #noosaweddingcakes #cakesnoosa #noosacakes #selftaughtcakedecorator #cakesofinstagram #instacake #cakeoftheday #localcakemakers

22.01.2022 Choc coconut One of my fav combos! #choccoconut #chocmud #coconutbuttercream #raffaello #choccoconutcupcakes #cupcakeideas #favcombo #delicious #pipingskills #cupcakes #noosacupcakes #cakesofnoosa #cooroy #cooroycakes #selftaughtcakedecorator #cupcakedecorating #treatyourselftocake

21.01.2022 30th Anniversary Carrot number cake with cream cheese icing finished with white assorted chocolates and beautiful orange flowers for a pop of colour #carrotcake #carrotandcreamcheese #numbercake #anniversarycake #30thanniversary #vanillacreamcheesefrosting #whatbettercombo #cakesofinstagram #chocloadedcake #floralcakes #cakes #numbercakeideas #beautifulcakes #selftaughtcakedecorator #noosacakes #cakesofinstagram #cakesofnoosa #delicious #returningcustomer #piping #familyrecipe #cooroycakes #lovewhatido

20.01.2022 18+ 3layered choc fudge cake filled with choc caramel buttercream finished with chocolate buttercream, salted caramel drip, loaded chocolates and mini alcohol bottles #alcholcake #dripcake #loadedchocolatecake #loadeddripcake #minialcoholbottles #18pluscake #saltedcarameldrip #chocfudgecake #choccaramelbuttercream #emmaandmaecakedesigns #noosacakes #noosacakedecorator #cakesofnoosa #dripcakesofinstagram #cooroycakes #18thbirthdaycake

19.01.2022 Cookies and cream 3 layered 4 rich choc fudge with cookies and cream buttercream with extra crushed Oreos in the middle finished with cookies and cream buttercream on the outside, milk choc drip topped with lots of Oreos. My mouth is drooling just typing this #cookiesandcreamcake #cookiesandcream #cookiesandcreamdripcake #cookiesandcreambuttercream #dripcake #dripcakesofinstagram #minicakes #minidripcake #cookiesandcreamoverload #oreocake #oeros #richchocfudge #noosacakes #cakesofnoosa #eumundicakes #emmaandmaecakedesigns #sunnycoastcakes #drool #getinmybelly #cakesofinstagram #cakedecorating #cake #chocolatecake #delicious

19.01.2022 Been super busy that I forgot to post some delicious cakes so here you go! Mocha chocolate loaded drip cake Delicious choc fudge cake with coffee buttercream topped with a milk choc drip chocolates and some mini alcohol bottles. What better way to celebrate turning 60 #mochacake #choccoffeecake #chocolatefudgecake #coffeebuttercream #chocolateandcoffeecake #chocolateloadedcake #chocdripcake #birthdaycake #turning60 #cakeideas #minialcoholbottles #alcoholandcake #lindt #baileys #tiamaria #chocolateandgoldcake #ferrerorocher #selftaughtcakedecorator #supportlocal #noosacakes #cakesofnoosa #noosacakedecorator #instacakes #smellthechocolate #smellthecoffee #emmaandmaecakedesigns #cooroycakes

19.01.2022 Rum infused chocolate loaded drip cake #rumcake #alcoholcake #minirum #chocfudgecake #infusedwithrum #loadedchocolatecake #loadeddripcake #chocolateandrum #carameldrip #18pluscake #legal #returningcustomers #noosacakes #cakesofnoosa #emmaandmaecakedesigns #instadripcake #cakesofinstagram #cakestagram #cake #sunnycoastcakes

18.01.2022 Boyor Girl? This stunning gender reveal cake was filled with vanilla buttercream and ombré pink vanilla cake on the inside. Did you guess it right?! Yep pink!! It’s a GIRL yay! Macarons from @stormiedscupcakery and chocolate drip and chocolate shards using chocolate drip bottle from @cakerswarehouse #genderrevealcake #boyorgirl #pinkandbluegenderreveal #babyshowercake #genderrevealcakeideas #macarons #stormiedscupcakery #cakerswarehouse #chocolatedripcake #dripcake #favcake #ombrecake #pinkvanillacake #emmaandmaecakedesigns #vanillacake #chocolateshards #ohbaby #babygirl #selftaughtcakedecorator #buylocal #noosacakes #cakesofnoosa #cakesofinstagram #sunshinecoastcakes #instacakes #cakeoftheday

17.01.2022 How cute is this little hedgehog cake All I’ve got to say is my hand hurt after pipping all that hair! So glad the birthday boy absolutely loved it cause it was all worth it to see his excited face He was filled with Vanilla cake and strawberry buttercream #hedgehogcake #hedgehogsofinstagram #vanillacake #strawberrybuttercream #pipingskills #buttercreamhair #birthdayboy #strawberryandvanilla #birthdaycakeideas #10thbirthdaycake #animalcake #steppingoutmycomfortzone #selftaughtcakedecorator #noosacakes #cakesofnoosa #cooroycakes #alledible #allworthit #happybirthdayboy

16.01.2022 Peppa pig mini cupcakes #peppapigcupcakes #peppapigparty #grassbuttercream #cupcaketoppers #vanillacupcakes #minicupcake #vanillabuttercream #perfectbitesizedessert #cupcakes #cutecupcakes #kidscupcakes #emmaandmaecakedesigns #cooroycakes #noosacakes #cakedecorating #piping #cakesofnoosa #selftaughtcakedecorator #kidspartyideas

15.01.2022 Wiggles mini cupcakes for this happy little birthday boy! #wiggles #wigglescupcakes #minicupcakes #happybirthdayboy #multicolourbuttercream #pipingskills #wigglescaketopper #vanillabuttercream #vanillacupcakes #wigglessprinkles #cupcakesnoosa #noosacupcakes #happycustomer #delicious

15.01.2022 Jaffa Choc orange fudge cake with choc orange buttercream finished with everything a choc orange lover would want! #chocorangecake #jaffacakes #chocorangebuttercream #chocorangeeverything #macarons #jaffacake #lindtchocolate #dripcake #custommadecakes #noosacakes #cakesofnoosa #cooroycakes #loadeddripcake #sunnycoastcakes #youcouldsmellit #emmaandmaecakedesigns

14.01.2022 Cute little ball cake 3 layered chocolate fudge 6 cake with vanilla buttercream topped with lollies and all the balls you could imagine! #balls #ballcake #balldripcake #dripcake #lollipop #lolliecakes #chocfudgecake #vanillabuttercream #boyscake #birthdayboycake #colourfuldripcake #championshipcup #winnerwinnerchickendinner #cakesoftheday #instacakes #cakesofinstagram #noosacakes #cakesofnoosa #selftaughtcakedecorator #emmaandmaecakedesigns

13.01.2022 Mermaid cake - swipe to the end to see the stunning party photos! White choc mud with vanilla caramel buttercream and edible decorations Inspired by @sprinkleandme Luster dust from @sweetsticksau Colours I used are all from @colour.mill ... Best Cake scraper from @stormiedscupcakery Mermaid tail and shell moulds from @cakerswarehouse #mermaidcake #mermaidcakes #ediblemermaidtails #buttercream #cakerswarehouse #sweetsticksau #sprinkles #piping #texturebuttercream #marblingcake #alledible #birthdaycake #cakeideas #mermaidcakeideas #birthdaygirlcake #inspocake #whitechocmud #vanillacaramelbuttercream #selftaughtcakedecorator #noosacakes #cakesofnoosa #cooroycakes #noosacakedecorator #mermaids #colourfulcake #instacake #instagramcakes #cakerssupportingcakers #cakersofinstagram See more

13.01.2022 3 layered 8 vanilla with salted caramel buttercream finished with a water colour marble pink vanilla buttercream edible gold leaf and some simple florals #floralcakes #goldleaf #pinkmarblecake #pinkwatercolourcake #texturedcake #pinkcake #shadesofpink #floralsoncake #saltedcaramelbuttercream #vanillacake #eumundicakes #cakesofnoosa #noosacakes

13.01.2022 3 layered vanilla 6 chocolate buttercream and salted caramel drip topped with chocolates and mini alcohol #vanillachocoltecakes #saltedcarameldrip #dripcake #loadedchocolatecake #minialcohol #alcoholcake #vanillacake #chcolatebuttercream #chocolatedripcake #deliciousness #21stbirthdaycake #21stcake #cakeideas #cakefordays

12.01.2022 Baby shower cake & cupcakes 3 layers of choc fudge cake between caramel buttercream finished with vanilla buttercream, white choc drip, edible gold, macarons and sprinkles Vanilla cupcakes with vanilla buttercream and splashed with gold dust paint #babyshowercakes #babyshowercakesforgirls #babygirlcake #babyshowercakeideas #minibabyshowercupcakes #pinkandgoldcake #minicupcakes #babyshowerdripcake #caramelbuttercream #vanillabuttercream #macarons #ediblegold #dripcake #pinkdripcake #golddustpaint #sprinkles #babyshowersprinkles #alledible #chocfudgecake #babygirlcupcakes #selftaughtcakedecorator #noosacakes #noosacakedecorator #cakesofnoosa #cooroy #cooroycakes #emmaandmaecakedesigns #babyshowercakesofinstagram #instacakes #cakesoftheday

11.01.2022 Beach and natives White choc mud with Caramilk buttercream #beachcake #nativesoncake #cakestencils #caramilkbuttercream #whitechocmud #mudcake #floralcakes #shells #ediblesand #birthdaycakeideas #elegantcakes #beachcakes #noosacakes #noosacakedecorator #supportlocal #cakemaker #selftaughtcakedecorator #emmaandmaecakedesigns #cakeoftheday #instacake #sunshinecoastcakes #cakesofnoosa

10.01.2022 What a stunning cake to get for your 21st! 8 4layered white choc and choc fudge with caramel buttercream finished with a vanilla buttercream stencil white choc drip rose gold edible luster dust and these stunning florals from @campbell_and_bradley_flowers #floralcakeideas #whiteandrosegoldcake #stencilcake #whitechocdrip #21stcakeideas #21stbirthdayideas #floraldripcake #whitechoccake #chocfudgecake #caramelbuttercream #vanillabuttercream #prettyflorals #cakeideasforgirls #21stbirthday #21stbirthdaycake #sunshinecoast #noosacakes #cakesofnoosa #cooroycakes #stunningcake #emmaandmaecakedesigns #cakesofinsta #cakesofinstagram #instacakes #cakeoftheday #selftaughtcakedecorator #supportlocal #supportadream

10.01.2022 Purple and florals 3 layered 6 choc fudge cake with caramel buttercream in the middle finished with vanilla buttercream, white choc drip, macarons, raffaelos and these stunning florals #floralbirthdaycake #birthdaycakeideas #floralcakes #teenagebirthdaycake #purpleandwhitecakeideas #dripcake #noosacakes #chocfudgecake #caramelbuttercream #chocandcaramelcake #buttercream #inspirationcake #cakesofnoosa #macarons #cakesofinstagram #stunningcake #instacake #selftaughtcakedecorator

10.01.2022 Butterfly Rainbow Cupcakes #rainbowcupcakes #butterflycupcakes #rainbowbutterflycupcakes #sprinkles #girlscupcakes #birthdaygirl #cupcakeideas #sprinklesuprise #vanillacupcakes #ediblebutterflies #wafferbutterfly #noosacakes #noosacakedecorator #cakesnoosa #rosettes #pipingskills #selftaughtcakedecorator #rainbowbuttercream #vanillabuttercream

09.01.2022 Fairy cake Rainbow vanilla cake filled with piped strawberry buttercream finished with amazing little fairy garden ornaments and little flowers Perfect for a fairy princess party at @tillybellelittlemissbeautyspa #fairycake #fairygardencake #fairyprincess #openlayeredcake #rainbowcake #fairycakes #fairygarden #magical #fairyforest #fairyvillage #birthdaygirl #birthdaycake #birthdaycakeideas #birthdaygirlcake #todstool #floralcakes #minifairies #instacake #cakesofinstagram #cakedecorating #emmaandmaecakedesigns #noosacakes #cakesofinsta #eumundicakes #tillybellelittlemissbeautyspa #sunnycoast #cakesofnoosa

07.01.2022 Bayblades Choc fudge and vanilla 6inch with caramel buttercream centre finished with a vanilla buttercream #bayblade #baybladecake #edibledecorations #chocfudgecake #vanillacake #caramelbuttercream #watercolourbuttercream #dripcakesofinstagram #dripcake #boysbirthdaycake #lollipops #lollies #watercolourdripcake #boyscakeideas #noosacakes #cakesofnoosa #cooroycakes #emmaandmaecakedesigns #selftaughtcakedecorator #sunnycoastcakes

07.01.2022 2nd time recreating this stunning floral drip cake 3 layered red velvet with cream cheese icing in the middle finished with this beautiful blush pink vanilla buttercream, white choc drip, flowers, raffaellos, gold leaf and this absolutely stunning rose gold cake topper from @thestickermob @stormiedscupcakery cake scrapers @americolor dusty rose @campbell_and_bradley_flowers flowers... @cakerswarehouse drip and cake boards #floralcakes #nineteencakes #dripcake #floraldripcake #blushpinkcake #redvelvet #redvelvetcake #creamcheesefrosting #ediblegoldleaf #stunningcake #rosegoldcaketopper #supportlocalbusiness #selftaughtcakedecorator #emmaandmaecakedesigns #noosacakes #cakesofnoosa #beautifulcakes #cooroycakes #instacake #cakesoftheday #cakesofinstagram See more

07.01.2022 Star Wars 4 layered 6 vanilla with strawberry buttercream and black chocolate buttercream finished with with a white choc drip, black chocolate shards and Darth Vader #starwars #starwarscake #starwarsdripcake #starwarsobsessed #kidscakes #darthvader #darthvadercake #blackandwhitecake #dripcake #chocolatebuttercream #strawberrybuttercream #vanillacake #vanillastrawberryandchocolate #eumundicakes #emmaandmaecakedesigns #noosacakes #sunshinecoastcakes #instacake #cakesofinstagram #cakedecorating #cakedesign #cakestagram #kidscakeideas #splashcakedesign

05.01.2022 How stunning is this cute little 4 4 layers Choc fudge with Cookies & cream buttercream on the inside with some extra crushed Oreos, finished with this stunning pink water colour vanilla buttercream, pink white choc drip, crushed meringues, flowers and cute little wafer butterflies Just absolutely love this! Inspired by @cas_cakery Using baby pink from @colour.mill #watercolourdripcake #pinkdripcake #chocfudgecake #cookiesandcreamcake #cookiesandcreambuttercream #oreos #waferbutterflies #stunningcakes #inspocake #watercolourcake #buttercream #colourmill #floralcakes #girlycakeideas #inmyelement #noosacakes #cakesofnoosa #cooroycakes #emmaandmaecakedesigns #selftaughtcakedecorator #cakesofinstagram #instacake #cakeoftheday #favcake #floraldripcake

04.01.2022 As of the 31st of July 2020 there will be a slight price increase to all my cakes so I can continue to offer you amazing custom made cakes. I feel my presentation of cakes have improved since when I first started and have a wide range of cake selections now that I feel confident enough to start charging more as I’m using more quality ingredients and supporting local business which all come at an extra cost. I hope you all understand and I would love to thank each and everyone of you for your continued love and support to be able to do what I love and that’s baking and creating beautiful cakes for you all. Thanks again Toni xx

03.01.2022 How vibrant is that orange against that black! 4 4 layered choc mud cake filled with black chocolate buttercream, black choc drip, biscuits, orange roses and edible gold leaf Using only the best Black from @colour.mill #blackandorangecake #orangeroses #65thbirthdaycake #floralcakes #blackcake #blackdripcake #dripcake #4inchcake #isocake #goldleaf #smallcakeideas #colourmill #noosacakes #cakesofnoosa #cooroycakes #chocmud #chocmudcake #chocbuttercream #buscuits #blackbuttercream @cakerswarehouse

01.01.2022 Easter Cupcakes Order by Wednesday to get some cute cupcakes to enjoy for the Easter long weekend Pm me to place your order now

01.01.2022 Flamingo tropical cake 3 layered 6 vanilla with vanilla buttercream finished with pink white chocolate drip, flamingo sprinkle, flowers, a palm leaf and these stunning cake toppers from @pretty_fix_creative @colour.mill baby blue, yellow, blush & baby pink @stormiedscupcakery cake scraper #flamingocake #tropicalcake #rainbowcake #pineapples #watermelon #palmleaf #vanillaonvanilla #vanillacake #rainbowbuttercream #flamingosprinkles #floralcakes #summercake #birthdaygirlcake #cakeideas #tropicalstylecake #noosacakes #cakesofnoosa #cooroycakes #supportlocalbusiness #cakesofinstagram #cakestagram #cakesquad #emmaandmaecakedesigns #selftaughtcakedecorator

01.01.2022 Lol doll cake Inspired from my fav @cas_cakery Using @cakerswarehouse @stormiedscupcakery scrapers and @colour.mill purple #chocolateandcaramel #chocfudgecake #caramelbuttercream #vanillabuttercream #dripcake #loldollcake #loldolls #loldollcakebirthday #loldollbirthday #loldollbirthdaycake #pinkdripcake #pinkandpurplecake #birthdaygirl #turingsix #selftaughtcakedecorator #noosacakes #noosacakedecorator #cakesofnoosa #cooroycakes #lollipops #cascakeryinspo #emmaandmaecakedesigns

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