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Emma Jade.Fitness Coach in Perth, Western Australia | Gym/Physical fitness centre

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Emma Jade.Fitness Coach

Locality: Perth, Western Australia

Phone: +61 466 115 788


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25.01.2022 ITS FINALLY HERE! ELEVATE: A 12 WEEK TRANSFORMATION SERIES . MY KNOWLEDGE, MY PASSION, AND MY VISION IN ONE PLACE .... A 12 week customised TRANSFORMATIONAL program for woman ready to ELEVATE their physique, nutrition and mindset . I have worked in the fitness industry face to face for 6 years. . I have gained extensive knowledge and experience with some of the most incredible people and mentors.. . But now I’m stepping out, transitioning as an online coach, working for myself to help as MANY people as I possibly can, to help EDUCATE, and IMPLEMENT a lifestyle that will transform their whole entire life, not on a physical level but a mental one too.. . This IS NOT a quick fix . This is a LIFESTYLE . The ULTIMATE change . With the ULTIMATE results . I am CREATING a community of empowering, inspirational, confident and strong women.. . This is just the beginning.. . IM READY . ARE YOU!? #elevate . This program starts on the 13TH JULY - I am only opening spots up until the 12TH JULY but there are limited spots available APPLICATIONS ARE AVAILABLE BELOW

24.01.2022 Woohoo managed to get a snippet of my workout.... I must have been dilusional when filming because I forgot to record half of it oh well give it a go! . Set 1 Squats x16 RDL x12... Side raises x12 . Set 2 Shoulder press x12 Lunges x20 Burpees x10 . Set 3 Barbell Rows x10 Mountain climbers x20 See more

24.01.2022 What are you going to do TODAY that sets you apart from other people...? PS. Check out some of our clients transformations on my story. Absolutely insane

23.01.2022 KNOWLEDGE IS POWER . There is no doubt in my mind that my ability to understand everything about food, calories, macros and what the body needs in order to achieve a certain goal has been LIFE CHANGING.. . It has ultimately..... Changed my VIEW of food.. . Taken unnecessary stress off my mind... . Understand how much food my body needs on a daily basis.. . Make better choices and understand how to FUEL my body properly... . Given me the ability to work and achieve certain goals in EVERY stage of my fitness journey.. . The ability to enjoy meals without tracking my food.. . The ability to guesstimate the amount of food I have in a day and still achieve goals.. . Not feel guilty for the types of foods I eat on special occasions.. . The ability to coach others to change their mindset towards food and enjoy a healthy LIFESTYLE and still achieve their fitness goals.. . Think of it like this, once you UNDERSTAND it, once you LEARN it, once you APPLY it, and once you PRACTICE it, you will KNOW it for the rest of your life... why not take some time to study it, or ask someone to help you implement it into your life, it will change your life too See more

22.01.2022 2019 . Hope everyone had an amazing night last night I went to the gym then out to dinner and the movies and was asleep by 9.30 #grandma but it meant I could wake up at 6 and semi-road trip down to serpentine falls all morning and it was INCREDIBLE . Although I love holidays, I can’t wait for a bit more of a normal routine hope everyone has wrote down their 2019 goals have an epic day

21.01.2022 AMAZING CLIENT TESTIMONIAL . Jaye put this photo up last night on our 12 week ELEVATE challenge group.. I was actually speechless.. . She has been training with me since sept/October last year AND she continued her training during Covid.. and KEPT on achieving results..... . The fact this skirt was TOO SMALL for her and now WAY to big is PHENOMENAL.. . We all have that one piece of clothing that we WISH we could fit into.. well you CAN! . How did we do this? . We started with learning how to track macros/calories so I could see her split WITHOUT my input . We found her deficit calories and the right macro Split for weight lose . We were CONSISTENT with those numbers without being RESTRICTIVE (she still had the occasional cheese platter and wine) BUT always had her goal in the back of her head We kept on losing, consistently (NOT linearly) but overtime very consistently . We focused on technique and form (we were only training 2x/week) Now she’s in my new program we INCREASED training frequency AND now she is lifting ridiculous amounts of weight! PBs every week We have ALSO started reversing her calories HIGHER Raising calories higher for ANYONE is daunting especially if you’ve been in a deficit phase for a while, it was something Jaye had to overcome! It can be tricky to potentially see the number maintain or go up a couple hundred grams, but as a coach I reminded her how we are going to lose EVEN MORE by reversing.. we monitor her numbers and measurements and ensure she isn’t gaining anymore.. and surely enough she’s gotten so much stronger and I’m excited to see her next deficit phase because she is going to absolutely KILL IT!

20.01.2022 YOU’VE PUT YOUR CNS SYSTEM UNDER TOO MUCH STRESS . A lot of people struggle to lose weight and are not sure why.. . You could be in a deficit and sure you’ll eventually lose weight but not in the safest or MOST optimal for your body..... . Your central nervous system is powerful.. . In short, It can control the brain and what happens overall to the body’s signals and the body’s responses.. . You can increase the stress of your CNS without even knowing it.. . Put it this way if something in a car didn’t work properly, or there was a damaged part in the engine, it would cause the car to run a little bit worst... it would still run (maybe), but not as well as it had the potential too.. . Same with the body, if your CNS is stressed, it will hold onto the energy/calories you are consuming and store it because it is in survival mode.. from there you tend to find it hard for the body to burn the excess calories freely... and therefore are unable to lose the weight.. . Undereating is a big CNS stressor, as it pretty much thinks your killing the body because your not giving it enough food to even function properly, hence the survival mode.. . Other stressors that can cause your CNS to stress are: lack of sleep over training alcohol family stress at home workplace stress environmental stress . So be aware of your stress levels and where you CAN, make sure to allow for downtime where needed and make sure your fueling your body ENOUGH at the same time . I’m doing a LIVE BOOTY BAND workout tomorrow at 10am with the ladies in my private fb group! DM me if you want access to it See more

19.01.2022 Celebrating the completion of 22 years walking on this earth today this year I’ve accomplished so many things but I have a feeling the year of being 23 will be a life changer BRING IT ON

19.01.2022 no excuses - you literally need 1 piece of equipment This is for people who are time poor or, like me last night, for people who really can’t be bothered working out but just know they should 3-4 rounds

17.01.2022 Another full body Friday I’m off for a walk now after another long week and eventful week enjoy! . 1a. Deadlifts B. 20kg medball slams .... 2a. Goblet squat B. Military press . 3a. Call lat pulldown B. Single arm row . 3 rounds of each! See more

16.01.2022 Here it is: workout by @adventures_of_harrys_socks . Fun Day Friday . 1a. 12 x Full and half squat 1b. 20 x TRX row... 1c. 10 x rope slams 3 rounds . AMRAP: 5 mins, 3 rounds 1. 20 kettle bell swings 2. 20 kb squats 3. 6 kettle bell shoulder raises . 2a. 12 x straight arm cable pull down 2b. 6 x Dumbell snatch each arm 2c. 100 skips 3 rounds . Finisher... 10 x mountain climbers + 10 rest 20 x mountain climbers + 20 rest 30 x mountain climbers + 30 rest All the way too 100 x . FIRE See more

15.01.2022 STOP PAYING $$ FOR DIET PLANS THAT ARE GOING TO MAKE YOU GAIN WEIGHT IN THE LONG RUN! . Diets don’t work! . Understanding food and portions and calories WORK!... . Stop getting caught up filling in a calorie/macro calculators you found on google and then buying a plan to fit those numbers.. . 1How does the calorie calculator on google know what your lifestyle is like besides active, fairly active, averagely active, or sedentary . 2How does the calorie counter on google know what you’ve done in the past? . 3How does the calorie counter know your eating habits at present? . 4How does the calorie counter know what you do for work? . IT DOESNT! . Calculators on google DO.NOT.WORK . It basis the numbers that it spits out on three things and three things only.. your stats (height, weight) your goal (lose weight or gain weight) and how active you are LOL . It can’t determine what your body ACTUALLY needs in order to attain a certain physique.. . To come up with someones calories it requires knowledge about EVERYTHING to do with an individual.. . No one client is the same.. . Every body works differently, every bodys body requires different things! . So don’t waste your time on calorie calculators on google.. . Having a coach that can adjust your numbers based on the data is how you get real results, no guessing, no basing calories on purely current weight and goals.. . So stop wasting your valuable time on google.. . AND STOP WASTING MONEY ON DIET PLANS! . I ask you the same questions as above.. . How do you know that the generic diet plan your going to buy works? . Most of the time these diet plans are super low calories.. 12-13-1400 calories, reason they do this is because it CAN make you lose weight, but very unsafely over a short period of time only to GAIN it all back once you stop sticking to the plan.. . BE SUSTAINABLE, GET EDUCATED AND STOP WASTING MONEY AND TIME ON GIMMIC DIETS AND GOOGLES CALORIE COUNTERS! See more

12.01.2022 MUSCLE WEIGHT VS FAT WEIGHT: THE TRUTH . Have you ever heard that muscle weighs more then fat? . Are you constantly weighing yourself every week and your weight is consistently a few hundred grams up?... . I’m not talking about weight fluctuations from one week to another because HELLO #femalehormones weight fluctuations are soooo normal.. . I’m talking about a gradual constant increase in scale weight over a couple weeks.. . Are you telling yourself its okay because its muscle?.. . Now.. disclaimer, yes muscle weighs more then fat.. period. If you were to put them side by side, muscle weighs more then fat.. . BUT . If you truly are in a deficit, the ratio between gaining muscle and losing fat is like 3:1... sooo again, if your in a deficit phase and your arent coming down a little on the scale, you probably arent in a deficit . At the end of the day, if you are losing body fat, your scale weight will drop.... BEFORE you put on muscle.. . So if your noticing a constant increase on the scale, and not just a 1, 2 week fluctuation, but a gradual increase, you need to revisit your energy expenditure/output compared to your input.. . Please dont tell yourself that its okay im building mucle when youve gone up in scale weight by 5kg.. because putting on 5kg of muscle mass is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT in a short period of time.. . Dont fool yourself! . On another note, guys 7 MORE DAYS to get your applications in and secure your spot for my ELEVATE 12 week transformation program! APPLICATIONS in my bio!! See more

12.01.2022 LOOKING AFTER YOUR BODY PROVIDES MORE THEN JUST PHYSICAL BENEFITS . For me I feel STRONG.. . I feel HAPPY..... . I feel CONFIDENT.. . I feel like I can ACCOMPLISH the day.. . I feel EMPOWERED.. . And I have the MENTAL CAPACITY to achieve things I’ve set out for myself.. . Physical benefits are amazing, FOR SURE.. . Ive said it before, you feel good when you look good! But it also goes to show what other benefits that ooking after your body can do for you.. . I haven’t felt and gone into a prep the way Im feeling right now before.. . LIFE for me is amazing, and I couldnt be happier.. . Im determined.. . The people around me are supportive and absolutely incredible.. . Im LOVING TRAINING.. . Im pushing my WEIGHTS.. . Im building SHAPE.. . Im eating ALOT of food.. . And YOU can too.. . This ALL stems from looking after my body, physically AND mentally.. . Non restrictive food, the right mindset, the right people, and a discipline like I’ve never had before.. . I can’t wait to see what I achieve and I can’t wait to see what my AMAZING LADIES achieve in the next 12 weeks! . Watch this space! . I did a LIVE booty band workout this morning for the ladies in my private fb page. I also talk about the mind muscle connection and how to activate the glutes for maximal glute gains. The link is in my bio, click on the link if you want to join the empowering women Im surrounded by! See more

11.01.2022 Get in the zone get it...? haha don’t know how much of the zone I was actually in, but hey was a fun time I recommend it oh and bring water, we drank so much of it PS. If you need supplements check out @nutritionzoneau and use EMMANZ for 10% off @adventures_of_harrys_socks

06.01.2022 SOS Was definately not smiling like this after my leg session today I posted it on my story go check it out

03.01.2022 2 REASONS WHY YOU ARENT GETTING RESULTS 1.) YOU ARE RELYING ON MOTIVATION. . Before any challenge, before anything NEW 90% of people can vouch that they are super motivated come week 4, are you still motivated? Honest answer, probably not everything seems harder, the time window to prepare seems smaller, your not bouncing off the walls with as much energy, because the original excitement and adrenaline is gone.. ... . So what happens? You drift you don’t get results.. . Motivation only lasts so long, It comes in waves. If your hoping motivation will be there through a month of training, your in for a shock.. 3.) YOU KEEP JUMPING SHIP . First of all, putting money down for a program, challenge, or coach doesn’t mean your going to get results over 3,6,12 doesn’t mean the reason you aren’t getting those results is because of your coach, a lack of information, or the process isn’t working.. it actually means your not putting in whats needed to actually SEE results! . Most people don’t stick with something for longer then 2 weeks.. They do one thing for two weeks and then have wondering eyes somewhere else.. . Hm maybe that way over there is better . Hm maybe the way she is doing it, I should do it . Pretty much the grass is NOT always greener on the other side, perhaps your own grass just needs watering!! . In other words, you lack consistency . Have you ever thought that the reason your not getting results is because you keep changing the way you do things.. your body cant keep up with the different amount of diets you try, coaches you have, challenges you keep stopping and starting.. It literally like ahh here we go again, something different . This is not the way to be getting results. What gets results is committing to something longer then 2 weeks, having a little bit of discipline, and focusing on your OWN nutrition and your OWN training that your coach has provided specifically for you..

02.01.2022 BAND ONLY WORKOUT 3 rounds - repeats each for 45s - squats - squat jumps - crab walks ... - monster walks - standing abductions (side and back) - clams - glute bridge (single and double) - lying abductions - back extensions SWEATTAYYY See more

01.01.2022 LEGGGSSSS got me feeling sick afterwards thanks for that @adventures_of_harrys_socks . 3 sets of everything . 8x tempo squats (slow on way down, power up)... 8x TRX bounds . 8x rack pulls 3x TRX single leg jump . 15sec weighted lunge hold 20x TRX single leg hammy curl . 6x TRX pistol squat 20x heavy glute bridge See more

01.01.2022 Are you ready for it? 3 sets 12-20 reps - Squats - Single leg RDL - Tricep dips ... . - Box burpees - TRX single leg jump squat - Glute bridges (add pulse and pauses at the end of the set for extra ) HAPPY SATURDAY

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