Emma Park Functional Nutritionist in Dromana, Victoria, Australia | Nutritionist
Emma Park Functional Nutritionist
Locality: Dromana, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 427 440 097
Address: 41 Verdon St 3936 Dromana, VIC, Australia
Website: http://www.emmaparknutritionist.com.au/
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25.01.2022 Nervous system ‘IMPRINTING’ Latest episode of Stress, Emotions & your gut series up on IGTV .. ‘Imprinting’ is a survival mechanism and it’s what’s happened to all of us.. problem is - most of us are ... ‘OVER IMPRINTED’ > rather than this evolutionary system keeping us ‘safe and alive’ it’s keeping us ‘stressed’ and creating a shit tonne of dysfunctional behaviour contributing to Psychological & Physical disease... Learn more about this incredibly important topic and how it relates to gut & overall health in the IGTV series... #stressresponse #stress #guthealth #centralnervoussystem #nervoussystem #limbicsystem #amygdala #entericnervoussystem
25.01.2022 How to make your Sunday night nachos healthier & more delicious; extra fresh herbs on everything! Oregano in the sour cream, parsley in the guacamole & Thai basil on the nachos add @gevityrx good guts Mayo to your guac ... (PS if you haven’t tried their range of ‘good guts’ mayo’s & sauces get on it - I shit you not, they are delicious and sooo good for you - I was even surprised at how good the ingredient list is!) serve with left over roast potatoes with garlic & rosemary ... all the herbs... and please grow some it’s sooooo easy I just counted and I have 20 different types & varieties in my garden... you certainly don’t need that many but get a few of your favourites.. and chuck then in with most meals... it’s the things you do every day that make the most difference (good or bad!!) So make adding fresh herbs DAILY one of the good things you do #foodasmedicine #foodasmedicineeveryday #herbs #herbsandspices #gevityrx #goodgutsmayo #gevitygang #brothinfused #bonebroth #guthealth #guthealing
24.01.2022 OK MUMMAs (new mums, young mums, old mums, mums to be, grandmas - ALL of you - and you Dads!) on the Ninch - the 7pm evening screening sold out so we are putting one on for Mums &/or anyone with babes / toddlers / kids can bring them along.. Wednesday 21st April 10am Rosebud Cinema The awesome Qiara Probiotics are sponsoring a morning tea - so come along - have a cuppa - talk to some amazing Mornington Peninsula birth working practitioners (Doulas / Midwives / Sleep experts /... Lactation experts/ microbiome experts etc) and support this amazing film.. Also an expert Q&A panel after the film.... Birth Experience matters & 1 in 3 mums in Australia suffer Birth Trauma in the current system... we need reform.. We need to sell 19 more tickets for it to go ahead - so buy two and bring a friend or family... Let's improve maternity care locally (come learn from us) and globally (by supporting this film)... https://tickets.demand.film/event/10616
23.01.2022 Wholesome food isn’t just good for the body - it’s also good for the soul... cooking for, and sharing with others lights me up Especially my family.... Simple weeknight meal of @frombasquewithlove Indian Dahl (leftover from night before), plus @primasoy_organic_tempeh, @capegrimbeef eye fillet + herbs and sliced Avocado ... And OMG look how cute; 1/ The Sausage 2/ The prodigal daughter that didn’t know her brothers gf was coming for dinner too.. I witnessed that through the kitchen window while I was cooking and it made my heart explode.. so genuinely excited to see each other... so much love ... Cook the food, Share the food & share the love Xx #foodbringspeopletogether #family #love #sharingthelove #sharingfood
23.01.2022 Health Professional LIVE TRAINING special discount finishes really soon (not saying exactly as can’t exactly remember when it finishes ) But it’s either tonight or tomorrow night so don’t miss the special ... It makes 4 CPD/CPE hours of super relevant, cutting edge research and clinical insights into the Microbiome in the first 1000 days A SUPER BARGAIN... ... All recorded if you can’t attend live... Link in bio #microbiome #education #healthprofessionals #pregnancy #infancy
22.01.2022 Sunday Funday in Nature on the Mornington Peninsula! Ps insta won’t share this to FB and posting twice is too Much social media for me . but basically had an amazing day on the Ninch
21.01.2022 I’m a very big fan of supporting local small businesses.. especially ones that make amazing delicious and healthy foods for me to eat & share ... @torellofarm carrot top pesto ... umm stop it ... it’s sooo f-ing good I smashed the whole jar (mostly) myself in a few days ... Not to mention their incredible quality produce at the farm gate @mumma.made chilli pickles Oh. My. Yum. everything I’ve tasted so far is next level delicious!! Remember the mystery jam? I do!! .... getting some of these for Christmas gifts for sure... @boatshedcheese I’m not a big cheese eater but when I do - I want it to be special ! And the other thing I love about good food is sharing it ... @the_nutritioneffect that’s your leg in the second pic... thanks for the awesome platter at the beach yesterday.. it went very well with the Moët #supportsmallbusiness #morningtonpeninsula #mornpen #localbusiness #localproduce #goodfood #sharefood #moët
21.01.2022 One of my all time fave additions to add quick healthy extra flavour & nutrition to any meal... @gevityrx bone broth... here just added a tblsp to stir fry veg - bump up the nutrients & collagen.. All the blends are yum but this one (AM Cleanse - but you’re allowed to use in the evening as well ) also has Lemon, ginger, turmeric, ACV .. ... Was so yum - could use any veg - I just used what I had; Stir fry in EVOO > Cauliflower, Broccoli & corn (add a little water and lid on to steam a bit but not burn) + spring onion, Chinese 5 spice, cumin & the broth... Nutrient dense Fibre polyphenols collagen feeds gut cells They also have a range of healthy mayo & sauces... get them in your guts @gevityrx #gevityrx #bethebestyou #bonebroth #nutrientdense #collagen #delicious #guthealth
20.01.2022 This series is happening over at my IGTV .... BUT the reason it’s taking me so long to do each episode is because of slide 2 (swipe left .. or right - however your brain understands that swipe operation ) The last couple weeks have been NUTS BUSY .. in a good way, but I could get more shit done if I worked earlier or later, sacrificed weekend time, exercise time, ate in front of my computer etc etc ...... But I DON’T because I know that’s not healthy and that make my gut AND brain fizzle into stress response and f$&ks my shit up... So please forgive my tardiness on the episodes ... I will get to it ... and in the mean time - take note of slide 2 and prioritise the things that give us health & vitality #guthealth #gutbrainconnection #gutbrainaxis #microbiome #stressrelief #stressmanagement
16.01.2022 It’s coming ... the story... it’s a good one
14.01.2022 So I was thinking about this after my post the other day about how much I love cooking and sharing food with my family and friends... And you know what else lights me up? My work and helping people.. Quite a few years ago before I was doing this as a career (before I found my passion & purpose) my partner at the time said to me you don’t have to help everyone you know ... And I was like but if I can - why wouldn’t I?... Clearly I’ve ALWAYS BEEN A HELPER... So last week I got these 3 emails that made me so fucking happy.. clients that emailed just to tell me thanks and essentially that ‘I’m helping them big time’... If you see the last tile (the one that starts with Oh. My. Fuck ) that’s actually my response back to a client Sometimes I say ‘I’m lucky / blessed’ to have a career I love but you know what - there’s no freaking luck - I CHOSE THIS.. I worked out what lights me up and now I get to do it every single day So this is a question I now ask all my clients because if you don’t know (and let me tell you MOST OF US DON’T KNOW - it’s not a question we ask or have ever been encouraged / taught to ask) It’s stopping you from total wellness. Holistic wellness includes spending a shit tonne of time being ‘lit up’ And to quote my all time fave saying; ‘I stopped waiting for the light at the end of the tunnel a lit that bitch up myself’ I hope this fucking inspires you to go looking for your light & your fire #passion #purpose #helper #whatlightsyouup #lightthatbitchupyourself
14.01.2022 Are you a Health Professional working with Mums & Bubs? Do you know the incredible clinical implications of the Microbiome in Fertility, Pregnancy & Infancy that effects EVERY SINGLE OUTCOME?? > Conception, implantation & carriage... > Pregnancy outcomes like GDM, PTB, PPROM, Pre-Eclampsia > Fetal Growth & development > Gestation length, Spontaneous labour & Birth Mode > Breastfeeding outcomes & complications > Infant outcomes - everything from digestion & immune development to metabolic & mental health - and these impact bubs FOR LIFE This training is CPD/CPE accredited and for any HPs working with Mums & Bubs > Midwives, Lactation Consultants, Doulas, Hypnobirth pracs, Birth Workers > Physios, Chiro's, Osteo's > Nat's, Nut's, Homeopaths, TCM Praccies we need to get across this and know what, why & how we can make a positive difference... The First 1000 Days Health Professional Live Training .. details here (including special discount price until Friday 6th Nov ONLY); https://thefirst1000days.com.au//first-1000-days-live-tra/
14.01.2022 Couple of fab meals made recently with @frombasquewithlove rice blends 1/ chicken & mushroom risotto (made with the Tuscan rice blend) 2/ Indian rice with poached Salmon made with the Indian pilau blend... Seriously can add anything to these and make a one pot meal that feeds a big family ... sooo easy and always delicious I forgot to put the steps in the food inspo highlights but can send the photo steps of anyone wants ... #realfoodrealeasy #realfood #easyfood #healthyfood #wholefood #spices #riceblend
10.01.2022 Yay I’ve been thinking about this for ages and I’m making it happen before the end of 2020 The First 1000 Days LIVE TRAINING ... It’s the online program on steroids ... INCLUDING ALL THE NEW RESEARCH I’ve been nerding out on in the last few months (and let me tell you there’s a shit ton) all the pregnancy & Infant Microbiome stuff across the whole 1000 days period (conception to 2 yrs) PLUS bonus new info on premature bubs, & preconception reproductive Microbiome Series of LIVE WEBINARS happening in mid-late November (will all be recorded if can’t attend live) Details and booking link will go live in the next couple days ... And BONUS OFFER DISCOUNT for early bird ... DM me if you want the special and don’t want to miss out & I’ll let you know when it goes live If you’ve been waiting to do the course this is going to be an awesome way to do it with all the cutting edge new stuff going on in the field ... and it’s next level mind blowing #microbiome #thefirst1000days #pregnancy #infant #birth #breastfeeding #reproduction
10.01.2022 I’ve just finished updating the first two modules & I CAN NOT WAIT to deliver them next week... So much awesome new info, research and clinical insights into this incredibly important topic!! If you’re a HP working with mums and bubs - jump on board - not too late to register .. accredited for CPD/CPE... Link Here; https://thefirst1000days.com.au//first-1000-days-live-tra/ It’s going to be soooo awesome I’m nerd-sploding with excitement #microbiome #Conception #reproductivemicrobiome #pregnancy #birth #breastfeeding #breastmilkmicrobiome #infantmicrobiome ALL THE MICROBIOMES
10.01.2022 Seriously excited about this (yes I am a MASSIVE NERD ) There is SO MUCH new research on the Microbiome in the First 1000 Days period .. monthly (even weekly ) ... and I’ve had my head deep in it this whole year (ummm yes I said massive nerd) .. and it’s freaking FASCINATING the stuff that’s coming out ... If you want to know what this all means for you and your clients / patients, upskill and get the latest clinical insights AND earn CPD/CPE get on this now... It’s actually awesome value all the time ($197) for how many hours of research I’ve done and how much content I’ve crammed in () but especially the next few days as it’s ON SALE $147 ) ... It’s LIVE & RECORDED so if you miss one of the webinars watch it later PDFs of all the sides, research lists etc ... ALL the goods... Link in BIO PS Any HPs that are signed up for the online course already - you HAVE A FREE PASS TO THE LIVE ONE.. That’s how much I want to share all this ridiculously valuable new info.. (please tag and share with colleagues) #microbiome #thefirst1000days #f1kdays #education #healthprofessionals #maternitycare #mumsandbubs #pregnancy #etc
09.01.2022 Here's the story peeps; Radical Responsibility & transformational Break Ups So if you saw my post about cold water swimming and how the fuck I ever started doing it - this is the story...... RADICAL RESPONSIBILITY - thanks to a timely reminder from @kimanami (Podcast - Break Up & Break Through) about applying this process to a breakup and how fucking powerfully transformative it is. Don’t stay in your shit - but have a good fucking look at it coz that’s where the magic is.... Ps Kudos to my Ex who is an incredible man and did this process with me to also look at his shit.. and yes we’re still friends and yes we came out the other side so much stronger and wiser... #radicalresponsibility #breakup #breakthrough #holistichealing #holisticwellness #lookatyourshit #transformation
09.01.2022 What’s GBS you say? You may know of or heard of it if you’ve had a baby or you’ve probably had the ‘swab’ and maybe had ABX for it? I get asked about this ALL THE TIME and it shits me how little mums get told about it... ... Caitlin from @thepregnancyculture has just done a fabulous series of posts on it ... please if you’re pregnant educate yourself, because chances are if you go into the mainstream birthing system in Australia you won’t be ‘powerfully informed’.. And you definitely won’t be informed of the true risks vs benefits OR that you have choices and rights when it comes to the swab and whether or not you want/need the ABX (Unless you have one of the awesome midwives / HPs out there that know how incredibly important this stuff is see my list below and please add to it if you know any more!) But know this... it’s a transient infection (that’s means it comes & goes) but it is an indication that you have a dysbiotic vagina microbiome & that we have lots of tools to help fix this... tools like diet, lifestyle, regulating blood sugar, regulating pH, probiotics, prebiotics etc etc that can address your vag bugs BEFORE you get to the later stages of pregnancy... The earlier the better... And you should definitely know about the vag bugs and fertility if you’re at that stage too ... SUPER IMPORTANT & does not get considered enough in PREconception... (there is so much new research in this area it’s ) Please read @thepregnancyculture series & also check out @melaniethemidwife YouTube channel - she has an awesome short video on GBS research and actual risks... Other awesome HPs & birth workers I know that will empower you with their wisdom; B from @coreandfloorrestore Catherine from @birthmapping Kerri-Ann from @birthandbabes Rebecca from @bloominginadelaide Ros from @hellobabymidwifery Marg from @mesmerisedmamas Kerry from @thehypnobirthingmum There’s more - I’ll add them in comments or please tag your fave midwife / birth support person so we all can help each other and have empowered births and healthy Vag Bugs #gbs #groupbstrep #vagina #vaginabugs #vaginamicrobiome #pregnancy
08.01.2022 This one was really fricken easy and quick but tasted delicious which is great coz I’m not actually a ‘taste’ fan of tofu.. Like really.. it tastes like nothing - but a bit like rubber (if rubber didn’t have a taste) Anyway I didn’t have much time or any fresh veg but still worked out to be pretty healthy and yum..... Pretty much anything starting with @frombasquewithlove blends does tho!! Add a few veg, herbs and tofu and you’re on a winner moroccon cous cous (@frombasquewithlove blend) organic frozen veg biodynamic tofu organic butter, EVOO parsley #delicious #plantbased #eathealthy #nutrientdense #easyfood #easyfoodrecipes #herbs #tofu #couscous
08.01.2022 I’m a cold water swimmer!! Posting about this coz I’m so fucking stoked with myself for overcoming the MAJOR RESISTANCE around this... I’ve lived near the ocean my whole life and I’ve ALWAYS only ever been a ‘fair weather swimmer’ .... actually it had to be really sunny and hot for me to even consider swimming.. ever .. in any body of water.. My PT once tried to get me to do 10 seconds of cold water at the end of my daily shower and I was like ‘no fucking way, you’re cra...zy’ Anyone that knows me well, ‘knows’ I hate being cold & this is also what I believed about myself (well and truly and very fucking deeply ingrained in me as a child by a cold phobic mum - our house was so well ‘heated’ visitors would turn up dressed in layers knowing they would have to disrobe if they stayed even 5 mins ) So anyway... I’ve recently been through a series of events that have led to this now daily practice ... and as fore mentioned am fucking stoked.. I start each day inspired and empowered and it’s transformed my perspective on heaps of shit... I’m going to do an IGTV this week about the ‘series of events’ that happened recently.. the most pivotal being a relationship ‘break up’ that became a ‘break though’ because I applied RADICAL RESPONSIBILITY to it... and fuck me did it blow my mind it’s a really good story and I’m excited to share... I won’t be shit () and I’ll definitely do it this week! #coldwaterswimming #breakup #breakthrough #radicalresponsibility #mindblown #inspiredbyme
07.01.2022 Latest IGTV series is back! Apologies for the hiatus (got busy with F1kdays education) Stress, Emotions & your Gut Episode 4 - Enteric Nervous System, Vagus Nerve & Meditation ... Etc etc What the enteric nervous system is, why it matters, how it’s connected to the brain ... how they ‘trigger’ each other into a viscous cycle.. What we do to break that cycle ... And one of the easiest ways to get meditation in you life! (Believe me I tried ALL the ways and thought I was shit at it for years! All over it now ) #igtv #entericnervoussystem #gutbrainconnection #vagusnerve #meditation #nervoussystem #nervoussystemregulation #nervoussystemresilience
07.01.2022 I’m a very big fan of batch cooking veggies and using leftovers ... I love cooking but sometimes I cbf so I love it when all I have to do is warm it up.. the original was the stir fry & Chinese 5 spice chicken last night... then some of the veg and sesame eggs for lunch and tonight sliced up the left over chicken and served with brown rice, herbs & toasted black & white sesame seeds #wholefood #versatile #easydinner #easymeals #veggies #plantbased #batchcook #leftovers #leftoversfordays #leftoversforlunch #nutrientdense
06.01.2022 Sunday Adventure Day (even tho it’s Monday) sometimes Sunday also = no insta posting.... so lucky to have this in my back yard & although I’d been to this area before I’d never done this actual part of the track .... so much beauty and nature .... hardly any other people ... What a way to recharge ... followed it up with a visit to the farmgate @hawkes_farm & a delicious healthy dinner ... Oh and PS Also wearing print shirt that makes me a warrior... every women should have one #sunday #sundayvibes #adventure #naturelover #nature #oceanbeach #bushwalking
02.01.2022 Oh thank the lord
01.01.2022 If you haven'y watched David Attenborough 's new Doco yet please do - we save the humans and the earth by RE-WILDING it Here we see what 'wilding' an urban environment does.. we just need to do this on a bigger scale.. Makes me have hope for the future earth and future generations...
01.01.2022 The First 1000 Days business feature in The Natural Parent Magazine
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