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Emotional Freedom Setting Women Free

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25.01.2022 Thanks Netflix for the reminder. If you haven’t watched Heal yet I highly recommend it. The mind body connection never ceases to amaze me. Our mind and the tho...ughts we think has the capacity to change our biology. Thoughts, beliefs or feelings such as Fear trigger a cascade of stress hormones which elicates a response from the nervous system impacting our physiology. (ie. increased heart rate, sweaty palms, anxiety, panic etc). I’m constantly reminded of the deep healing our bodies can go through when we get out of the way. In my role as a Kinesologist the healing I’ve seen take place for clients in releasing deep stress patterns and the changes in health this has provided them never stops astounding me. You have the power to heal yourself!

24.01.2022 Would you KNOW if you’re stuck in a pattern that’s no longer serving you? I find many women are perpetually stuck in cycles or patterns that they’re not even aware of and have no idea they can change or even that it’s possible for change to happen. The first step to breaking a pattern in YOUR life is to become aware of it. Awareness of the pattern or cycle that’s no longer serving you, no longer adding value to your life, that’s dragging you down and/or leaving you unhappy. Once you’re aware you can align yourself to what it is that you DO want for you and your life. I find this the hardest part because most women know what they DON’T want but don’t have a clear picture of what it is they do want or how that even looks for them in their life. Third step to breaking patterns that are no longer fulfilling you is to create a new plan or vision and action it. Take the actual steps you need to make in order to get the changes and life you want for yourself. Without action nothing will change. Now all this may sound simple and easy to do but for many women they get stuck breaking their patterns. (I know I did!). That’s because procrastination set in. Meaning you have all the greatest of intentions to change and you start off with an amazing amount of enthusiasm and then everything just fizzles out and you give up or don’t complete or finish what you set out to do. (Just look at any New Year resolutions you may have set - did you actually achieve them?) Procrastination was a BIG pattern that I had to overcome. I’d start something (such as cleaning the house, putting family photos into albums, a new study project, business or work plans, a healthy eating and exercise plan etc) and things would get in the way. Either I’d move on to something else, things would start to get too hard and I’d give up or I’d succumb to my negative head talk telling myself ‘why should I deserve it, I’m not good enough, I’m too busy..... it’s all too hard.... look I can’t even finish .....’. And then the whole pattern and cycle would start again.... Now if this sounds like you and you no longer want to remain stuck in a perpetual pattern or cycle in your life and want to successfully create action, freedom, fulfilment and achieve success then let’s chat as to how I can help you create a new pattern for your life. Book a chat or send me a message and let’s get you on your road to success! #createchange #emotionalfreedom #settingwomenfree #livealifeyoulove #stressfree #restorepeaceandharmony

24.01.2022 Crappy, it doesn’t sound like much but boy does it pack a punch!. I’m not talking about the ate too much, drank too much crappy feeling you have when you’ve over indulged. I’m talking about the overwhelming, anxious, depressed, hopeless, powerless, helpless, angry, frustrated, lack of energy, heavy type of crappy. The crappy that robs you of happiness!... The type of crappy that’s hard to ‘shake it off’. If only it was as easy as Taylor Swift’s dance moves suggests but when your in a cloud of crappy it can be hard to see a way out of the dark? Come and join me as I shed light on what’s REALLY going on for you and why YOUR negative head talk is sabotaging your happiness. We're going to get clear on what your telling yourself and how that’s fuelling anxiety, stress & overwhelm. We're going to turn sabotaging head talk into a blueprint for joy, happiness and contentment. We're going to share some practical tools and strategies to reframe your thinking and turn crappy to HAPPY! Places are limited so don't miss out book your spot NOW!.

18.01.2022 What is REALLY behind Anxiety? -

18.01.2022 How many of us actually give ourselves permission to do absolutely nothing? I mean ACTUALLY give ourselves permission! Free of guilt of ‘I should be doing this’... or compromising with ourselves like ‘When I finish that I can relax’ or telling yourself ‘I’m too busy or have too much to do’ In my years of working with women I find that many ladies tie themselves up in guilt, excuses, negotiate with themselves, avoid and deny themselves the pleasure of doing absolutely nothing for various different reasons. For some simply allowing, giving themselves permission and putting themselves first can be difficult. Often seeking permission from external sources. Giving YOURSELF permission is the greatest act of self love and self care you can give yourself - So why not start today! What will YOU give yourself complete permission to do today with no strings attached?

16.01.2022 After a particularly challenging weekend. I’m taking some time to recharge with a good book, candles and some relaxing home made lavender & eucalyptus bath salts. What are your go to self care practices?

15.01.2022 Are you living in alignment with who YOU are or are you blaming everything and everyone else for what is happening in YOUR life? Maybe something didn’t go to plan in your day and you blamed your husband or the kids? Maybe you were angry at the person that just pulled their car out in front of you and you yelled and screamed at them? Maybe you were running late and yelled at the kids because they weren’t ready on time? ... Maybe you feel unhappy with your life, marriage or relationships and take it out on other people around you? Maybe you hate your boss or work colleagues and blame them for not liking your job or situations in the workplace?? Whatever it might be... these situations are NOT about anyone else or what THEY are doing to you. They’re all about YOU not being in alignment with you! When you’re in alignment everything flows. Being in alignment means not listening to the negative head talk or the stories you’re telling yourself about a situation. It’s about not getting caught up in the drama of your emotions and taking it out on others. You know what’s important to you, how you want to be treated and how you want others to treat you. When you’re in alignment with you, you know when something has pushed your buttons and you observe it instead of reacting to it. Being in alignment means YOU are the master of your own ship and take ownership of how YOU feel, react and what happens in your life and you’re not influenced by the actions and reactions of others. Only YOU have the power over your choices, decisions, actions, reactions. Every time you blame, deny or allow the actions, words or behaviours of others to influence you, you give your power away are no longer in alignment with YOU! So, what do you need to do to get back into alignment with you so you can lead a life you love? Looking for help to get you back into alignment with you, then let’s chat! . #createchange #emotionalfreedom #settingwomenfree #livealifeyoulove #stressfree #restorepeaceandharmony

12.01.2022 Do you know how much baggage you’re REALLY carrying around? The past, is the past .... however ..... is it really? Past experiences, learnings, events, thoughts and emotions impact you daily whether you realise it or not. ... How much baggage are you carrying that’s REALLY yours? How many women carry guilt around as baggage . Guilt can erode happiness, leaving you feeling shameful, weak, not good enough, helpless and hopeless. It can see you making decisions you wouldn’t ordinarily make. It can also be placed on you by others as a way of manipulating you to get what others want from you. Do you have unrealistic expectations of yourself or others? Or might others have placed high expectations on you? I had a REALLY BIG expectation on myself around being a good mum and boy would I have done anything to live up to that expectation however what this huge expectation of myself brought me was stress, anxiety, people pleasing, not feeling good enough and leaving me downright unhappy with myself. Now who REALLY wants to carry THAT kind of baggage around! (Thankfully I no longer do ) How many carry around other people’s mistakes as if it were their own. Taking responsibility for other’s and their mistakes because they feel ‘sorry’ for them or want to make others feel better! Or maybe you’re carrying around a shroud of negativity where nothing ever seems positive or goes well in your life. The great thing about baggage (emotion, mental & physical) is that YOU can put it down! YOU can choose to let go..., You can release the baggage and change whatever isn’t working for you in YOUR life. YOU only have to be willing...... Now if you’re struggling under the weight of baggage that you’re carrying around then PM or book a chat to see how Karen can help YOU so you can get on with a lighter, brighter and happier life! #createchange #emotionalfreedom #settingwomenfree #livealifeyoulove #stressfree #restorepeaceandharmony Have you ever come across someone, a friend or even yourself who continuously creates the same patterns or experiences in life? It might be same bad relationships, making the same

11.01.2022 I know first-hand what life can be like living under a cloud of emotional & mental turmoil that leaves you feeling stressed, anxious, burnt-out and overwhelmed. I’ve personally suffered from anxiety and panic attacks over the years, to the point that getting out of bed was just too much to bare. This left me deeper entrenched in emotions of helplessness, hopelessness and feeling powerless over my life. This had a massive impact on my family as I couldn’t be the vibrant active... mum that I truly wanted to be for my kids. This led me in search of ways to manage, however what I found was something that could completely GET RID of the mental & emotional burdens and baggage for good and in the process it - SET ME FREE! I've since dedicated myself to working with women suffering from stress, anxiety, trauma & PTSD reclaim emotional control, regain inner power & restore peace and harmony back in their lives. As a Creatrix Transformologist, it’s my mission to set women free from the myriad of emotional and mental scars that have left you feeling stressed, depressed, angry, frustrated, resentful, guilty, hopeless, helpless, powerless, not good enough, not worthy enough and unhappy with life and help release the stressors, traumas, negative beliefs, thoughts, emotional burdens & patterns that have been keeping you stuck and holding you back in life. What would your life look life FREE from past emotional baggage? Are you ready to take ACTION, create a life you LOVE and reclaim Emotional Freedom! Are you finally READY to restore peace & harmony back in YOUR life!

10.01.2022 On a day that is associated with LOVE, and whether you have a valentine or not, remember YOU are your FIRST love. So be gentle, tolerant, forgiving, loving & nurturing to yourself. For only when you embrace these within yourself can you see this in others. #lovelife... #emotionalfreedomsettingwomenfree #livelovelaugh See more

09.01.2022 Be proud of yourself! Be independent! You can do this! Be the person you knew you could be!... Wow, what an inspirational man who didn’t give in to his inner voice and overcame the challenges in his life.

09.01.2022 The wait is over ladies..... I'm super excited to launch my brand new event From Crappy to HAPPY!... For motivated women READY to break free from the sabotaging grip of negative & destructive Head Talk. Places are limited so don't miss out on your spot.

08.01.2022 How much do you actually give yourself credit for? Do you ever tell yourself you’ve done a great job.... that you’re proud of yourself.... that you’re awesome...... that you LOVE yourself WHY NOT!! So many women I come across are stuck in a cycle of negative self talk that it becomes their norm. Have you ever received a compliment only to turn it around into something not that big a deal instead of just saying thank you! We women judge ourselves harshly. We tell ourselves I’m not good enough... I can’t do XYZ... I’m afraid to do XYZ... I’m a failure.. Why is it that we play down our capabilities instead of standing in our power, giving ourselves credit for having a go or acknowledgment for getting through the day the best way we can. As you go through your day today reflect on ways that you can give yourself MORE credit because you truly are so much more than you give yourself credit for! #createchange #emotionalfreedom #settingwomenfree #livealifeyoulove #creatrixit

07.01.2022 To find all the peace, love & Joy in our own hearts in order to bring it to the table to share. Now isn’t that ALL what most of us want? How many of YOU have had an unrealistic fantasy about love.... I know my perception of love was that it was meant to be like a fairy tale. You know, the knight in shining armour who rides in to save the day and when reality didn’t match with fantasy I felt ripped off. Now what I didn’t realise was that when two people come together each with their own set of emotional baggage, insecurities, fears, childhood traumas etc, it makes sense that this isn’t going to create a fairy tale ending. I’ve learnt that you can only bring to the table what you are WILLING to give and when YOUR baggage gets in the way we tend to blame others. By addressing your fears, insecurities, trust issues, childhood traumas etc, only then can you let down the barriers, let go of resistance and the patterns and behaviours that’s keeping you from the one thing we all want most - LOVE! When you really open yourself and your heart and allow yourself to be vulnerable, only then can you meet someone from a place of love and understanding. Have you been creating the same negative patterns or making the same mistakes in YOUR relationships? Maybe pushing your partner away, pushing their buttons for a reaction, nitpicking, blaming them for something or for the way YOUR feeling? Maybe your READY to overcome the fear, insecurity & trauma so you can FULLY step into yourself and your relationships without old baggage getting in the way? For me MY life changed dramatically when I let go of my fears and insecurities. Insecurity fuelled feelings of unworthiness which affected just about every area of my life. From my relationship with my husband, the relationship with my kids, my job. I never felt quite good enough, a good enough mum or good enough wife. Once I got rid of that, boy did my life change. I felt lighter, happier in myself, calmer, MORE confident and CONTENT. I stopped blaming others and took control of how I was feeling which completely changed the dynamics with my husband and kids. I started to love myself & love life! Don’t be like Jada who waited 47 years to be truly happy. Get stated today! If you need help then reach out, I’m only one phone call away. Be the change, the inspiration & the power in YOUR life! Book your chat at , PM or send a message. #createchange #emotionalfreedom #settingwomenfree #livealifeyoulove #stressfree #restorepeaceandharmony

06.01.2022 Struggling to get motivated? To start or complete projects? What excuses are you actually telling yourself? I can’t do this.... I’m stuck .... I’ll do it tomorrow..... I’m just too busy.... I can’t be bothered... I don’t have enough time ... Sound familiar? ... That’s some of the internal head talk we use to make excuses or talk ourselves out of doing something. It’s called Procrastination! We’ve all been there, done that but what is procrastination REALLY costing you in life? Is it stopping you from getting to the next level in your business... or persuing a new relationship.... is it holding you back from success, starting a new project or following your dreams. When you weigh up what procrastination is really costing you in your life it really doesn’t make sense as to WHY you keep hold of these patterns and excuses. If procrastination is something you’re wanting to break free from so you can move forward and actualise whats really important to you, achieve those dreams or take the next steps to your successs then let’s arrange a chat and let’s kick procrastination to the kerb and get you motivated for you own success. Be the change, the inspiration & the power in YOUR life! Book your chat at , PM or send a message. #createchange #emotionalfreedom #settingwomenfree #livealifeyoulove #stressfree #restorepeaceandharmony

04.01.2022 WHY would a Doctor who WENT TO UNIVERSITY FOR 7 YEARS, PRACTICED MEDICINE FOR ANOTHER 10 YEARS who's NOW TEACHING IN THE PROFESSION STILL not only ENDORSE CREA...TRIX as a therapy FOR WOMEN but RECOMMEND IT TO OTHER DOCTORS? (click here to watch the video) "I myself tried coaching, psychology, ... it didn't last. I went for Creatrix because it was gender specific and was an epigenetic tool. It was a gut feeling that this is the future... I felt it all over my body" Anne Marije Steenma said recently. Bet you've never seen the inside of the world of being a doctor LIKE THIS, especially for female doctors. In fact it's the same in MOST industries and ALL INDUSTRIES WHERE FEMALES are under ENORMOUS STRESS AND RESPONSIBILITY as part of their roles. With 1 in 5 medical practitioners BURNING OUT, is it time we took better care of these professionals who carry the CARE gene? Anne Marije believes it's so important and see's Creatrix as being so essentially necessary that she HERSELF has now been trained and licensed as a Creatrix Transformologist so she can help those she relates to first hand. Here she shares.... #settingheartsfree #creatrixit #innovatrixit #transformology

03.01.2022 Are you feeling STUCK.... Lacking motivation... Procrastinating! When you look at a situation, conversation, business task, relationship in the same way as you always have, done the same things you always did, you are GOING to get the same results you always HAD!!... For change to occur in any situation, be it relationships, career, finances, health, your head talk or lifestyle you have to be open to seeing it in a new and different way. If you’re sick of being stuck in the cycle and want a different outcome then let’s chat and create the change that YOU want for your life. Be the change, the inspiration & the power in YOUR life! Book your chat at , PM or contact Karen 0403 908 549. #createchange #emotionalfreedom #settingwomenfree #livealifeyoulove #stressfree #restorepeaceandharmony

03.01.2022 Creatrix by Maz (Marylin) Schirmer, who INNOVATED CREATRIX the first Female Brained Process designed specifically for how the female brain works, that works AT THE DEEPEST LEVEL POSSIBLE to break the negative emotional and mental intergenerational patterns. Creatrix The ultimate TRANSFORMATIONAL tool that imitates a life wake up call allowing you to become the REAL YOU that's underneath all of your conditioning. QUICK, SIMPLE, WITH LONG LASTING RESULTS!... Choose your next step - Send a message or book your free chat to see how Creatrix can transform your life!

01.01.2022 Guess what.... Something exciting is coming soon. Watch this spaceGuess what.... Something exciting is coming soon. Watch this space

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