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25.01.2022 MONDAY MOTIVATION Courage takes many different forms. It is not the absence of fear but it is fear walking. It is not just present in the big moments but in our everyday experiences. Courage is about falling seven times and getting up eight. It is getting outside our comfort zone. It is sitting in that discomfort. Embracing it and learning from it.... Sometimes courage is the small steps we take everyday. To show up and try again. Courage is also about self compassion. Showing ourselves kindness and forgiving ourselves for being human. How are you being courageous this week?
25.01.2022 MONDAY MOTIVATION Do you ever feel like youre in a race? Racing through the day, between appointments, through that endless to-do list, and even through our lives? Whatever race youre in, its coming at a cost. Is it your health and wellbeing, relationships, peace or just the enjoyment of life? We celebrate busy in our modern world. We compete with each other about how much we can pack into a day, how little sleep were operating on, and the ongoing hustle of our lives. ... Its time to be rebellious. Get out of the race. Stop comparing yourself to others. Live your life your way and on your terms. Practice gratitude. Tune into the moments of your life. Get clarity on what you want and what a happy and meaningful life looks like to you. Slow down, youll get there faster. What race are you in? What will be your act of rebellion this week?
25.01.2022 Theres a lot going on in our world and our lives right now. Supporting each other is what is going to help us all get through this together. Carolyn is taking her passion and experience in mindfulness to the employees at the Australian Red Cross. Its our way to doing a little something to give back and support those doing incredible work in our community and abroad. Its our pleasure to offer a free weekly mindfulness meditation session to the employees of the Red Cross. W...e kicked off today with more than 50 people joining us for a live meditation! Our wellbeing is so important right now and the cognitive skill of mindfulness that can help us: Improve focus, attention and memory Increase self-awareness and emotional intelligence Reduce the impact and influence of stressful thoughts and feelings Facilitate better communication and relationships Improve personal and professional performance Contribute to our physical and mental wellbeing Provide us the opportunity to respond rather than react to people and situations What are you doing for yourself today? An empty tank will take you exactly nowhere. Take time to refuel.
24.01.2022 MONDAY MOTIVATION Our world is changing around us rapidly. These changes are impacting our working and personal lives in varied and significant ways. At the same time were still managing all of our commitments, routines and responsibilities. Were also having a human experience of emotions, relationships, change and growth. Fear, conscious or unconscious, has an impact on our mind and body. When we experience a threat state, we activate our fight, flight or freeze response... and what we call an amygdala hijack. Were operating in survival mode. Prolonged activation of this response causes stress, disconnection, compromised immune functioning, poor decision making, difficulty in accessing memories, and an inability to learn effectively. What we want to do is engage our pre frontal cortex (PFC), the pilot of our mind where the executive functioning occurs. Do some deep breathing, get out in nature, exercise, sing... we need to activate the parasympathetic nervous system to calm our body and mind. Then we can begin to understand and learn. Ask for help. Engage an expert. Take a course. Do some reading. Whatever it is for you, dont fear it, understand it. Be curious. Explore it and learn. The fear will dissolve and may even disappear entirely. Where in your life are you experiencing fear? Have you noticed that people in your team, family or friends might be experiencing fear and how might you be able to help them understand? Communication, information and knowledge is critical to us feeling safe, looking after ourselves, and supporting others. What will you do this week to better understand someone or something?
24.01.2022 Where attention goes, energy flows. How are you feeding your focus? How are you starving your distractions?
23.01.2022 SLEEP AWARENESS WEEK Even partial sleep deprivation has a significant effect on mood. Not only does sleep affect mood, but mood and mental states can also affect sleep. Anxiety increases agitation and arousal, which make it hard to sleep. Stress also affects sleep by making the body aroused, awake, and alert + Chronic sleep disruptions increase the likelihood of negative thinking, depression, anxiety and emotional vulnerability. + Good quality sleep assists with the recover...y from stressful experiences and is related to greater mental resilience. + Poor sleepers are much more likely to develop significant mental illnesses, including depression and anxiety, than those who sleep well. + The majority of people who have depression also experience sleep disturbances such as insomnia and sleep apnoea. It is therefore important that we look after our sleep to promote good mental health. + Developing good sleep habits will improve sleep. A regular bedtime and waking time, avoiding stimulants (e.g., cigarettes and caffeine) before going to bed, exercising during the day, eating well, a comfortable bedroom that is quiet and dark, and avoiding electronic screens in the bedroom are all essential habits for good quality sleep. What are your tips for a good nights sleep? Check out the fact sheets here: https://www.sleephealthfoundation.org.au/fact-sheets.html #wellbeing #sleepawarenessweek
21.01.2022 Its R U OK?Day and a reminder that every day is an opportunity to start a conversation that could change a life. You dont need to be an expert or to have all the answers, you simply need to care. Reach out and start a conversation that matters. This years focus is on there is more to say after R U OK? and there is some great resources available so that you can keep the conversation going by learning...... What to say when listening with an open mind What to say when encouraging action What to say when checking in How to continue a conversation that could change a life. When we know what to say next we can help someone open up and find pathways to support long before theyre in crisis. Learn what to say next and help us move closer to our vision of a world where were all connected and are protected from suicide. Head to www.ruok.org.au/how-to-ask
19.01.2022 MONDAY MOTIVATION How much fuel is in your tank? We often treat our mobile phones better than we treat ourselves. When the battery on our phone is running low, we take notice and take action. We become resourceful finding a charger and power point to charge up. We know that ignoring it will not help and that it eventually will shut down altogether. ... However, when our energy is running low we push through. We keep going, ignoring the signs from our body, mind and loved ones. Pushing through is a false economy. You go exactly nowhere. These signs are signals that we need to stop and recharge. We need to replenish the fuel in our tank.... and we need to prioritise it. How do you top up your tank? Knowing what brings you joy, re-energises you, refuels your mind, body and soul is critical self-awareness, self-compassion, and self-care. What will you do to prioritise it this week? Looking after yourself is the best way for you to look after the people around you. Lead by example. You never know who needs to see it this week.
19.01.2022 Practicing mindfulness is one of the single most powerful things you can do for your wellbeing. It helps reduce stress, improve sleep, increases our ability to respond to the world around us, and form stronger relationships with others. We love this short video on why mindfulness is a superpower. If you agree, we would love to show you how you can cultivate mindfulness in your organisation and team. https://www.youtube.com/watch
19.01.2022 Carers play such an incredible role in families and our communities. They know how to care deeply... about others. Today is was our pleasure to facilitate a session on managing stress and practising self care. We looked at how our mind and body responds and reacts to stress and how we can invest in our wellbeing so were more able to deal with stress. We explored physical, mental, social and spiritual wellbeing as ways to be aware of and invest in our wellbeing every day. I...nvesting in ourselves is investing in each other. What are you doing to make sure those around you get the best of you, not just whats left of you?
19.01.2022 Were passionate about what we do and delivering solutions that make a real difference.
19.01.2022 MONDAY MOTIVATION What decisions are you making at the moment? Let hope and possibilities be what drives you in your decision making. This isnt always easy. Challenge yourself and your mindset to lead with hope, making decisions that drive us towards something, in the direction of our dreams. Let our decision making be more than just avoiding our fears, problems and challenges. Fear based decisions can hold us back, keep our options and actions small. Dream big. Run towards ...possibilities and make decisions based on hope. There is no courage without vulnerability. It is better to run towards something with commitment, hope and passion rather than away from something with fear, shame and avoidance. What decisions are you making this week?
17.01.2022 What will you do this week to learn something new? If it has been on your mind, take the leap and just do it. Learning and development means growth and progress and these are key elements of employee engagement. Do you have a workplace culture where it is safe to try something new? Or do you celebrate perfectionism?
17.01.2022 Your workplace and team culture is what will get you through this. What are you doing to contribute to the type of culture you want?
16.01.2022 Its really important right now to be checking in with ourselves and each other. While we are physically distancing in order to reduce the spread, make sure that you, your team, and your loved ones are not feeling socially isolated. Reach out and start a conversation with someone that might change their day or even save a life.
15.01.2022 Does your workplace get involved in Wear It Purple Day? Sadly, 75% of LGBTIQ+ youth in Australia will be bullied because of their identity. By supporting Wear it Purple Day we can help change this and show rainbow youth that theyre accepted, respected and that they belong. Get involved at https://www.wearitpurple.org/
15.01.2022 As well as raising funds for a great cause, Bring Your Dog to Work Day could have some positive benefits for employee productivity and wellbeing. Above all, the day promises to be a lot of fun for all those involved. Its time to give your dog a job! Many scientific studies have concluded that the presence of pets can substantially reduce a persons stress level in the workplace. Increased job satisfaction, team co-operation and morale have all been reported in employees that... spend the workday with their pets. With most of us still working from home, its a great opportunity to acknowledge our home office spaces that we now share with our four legged friends and the important role theyve played for us during isolation. So this Bring Your Dog to Work Day, show off your dog on your video calls, send pictures and have some fun! Heres Timmy at work with Carolyn today... hes taking it very seriously!
15.01.2022 There is a lot going on right now. Particularly for those of us in Victoria with new announcements about COVID-19 restrictions in the last couple of days. Do yourself a favour, take a look at what is inside and outside your control. The trick is to focus your energy and time on the things that you can control. Weve got this!
15.01.2022 MONDAY MOTIVATION Even the word failure can make our shoulders slump, our smile drop and our mind race with that internal negative chatter. But it is all about how you look at it... what is your mindset around failure? Our failures make our successes possible. While failure and setbacks can be painful and tough to navigate, the teach us the most about ourselves and the next right thing to do. They help us propel forward. ... We often learn the most when things don't go according to plan. A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor! Let's not sanitise our lives. Let us ride the waves of experience so that we can enjoy the highs and learn from the lows. When we've worked hard for something, pushed through challenges and ridden the highs and lows, we have a much better sense of achievement. We appreciate the light because of the darkness. What failures have your learned from? Share them with others. 'One day you will tell your story of how you've overcome what you're going through now, and it will become part of someone else's survival guide' ' Brene Brown
14.01.2022 Where are you heading?
13.01.2022 WORLD KINDNESS DAY A day that aims to make the world a better place... We know that mindfulness is good for our body, mind and soul but did you know being kind is too? 'Kindfulness' is a hybrid of kindness and mindfulness. It is actively bringing attention to being kind to oneself and others as an act of self care and compassion. ... Practicing 'kindfulness' can: * Makes us happier biochemically, the good feeling we get is due to elevated levels of dopamine in the brain meaning we get a natural high. * Good for the heart often accompanied by emotional warmth that produces the hormone oxytocin, known as a ‘cardioprotective’ hormone because it protects the heart by lowering blood pressure. * Slows aging - oxytocin reduces levels of free radicals and inflammation in the cardiovascular system and so slows ageing at source. * Improves relationships - reduces the emotional distance between two people so we feel more bonded. * Contagious - we inspire others to be kind and studies show that it actually creates a ripple effect that spreads outwards to our friends’ friends’ friends to 3-degrees of separation. Kindfulness moment: Take a moment to pause. Tune in. Ask yourself 'what is one thing I can do for my body and one thing for my mind?' today to be healthy, happy or make progress towards a goal. Show yourself some compassion and kindness. Consider how you can give kindness to someone else and do it mindfully. Be present, give your act of kindness your full attention. Notice how you feel in your body and mind when you take these actions. Got seven minutes? Take a break and do our kindness and self compassion meditation... https://youtu.be/jkPQGfPLObg
11.01.2022 As restrictions are being lifted what are you thinking about keeping?
11.01.2022 STRESS DOWN DAY Friday 24th July is Stress Down Day, a fun and easy initiative designed to reduce stress and raise vital funds for Lifeline Australia. Research shows that 90% of Australians need to stress less - with 74% of people reporting being stressed from work. ... Stress Down Day provides a great opportunity for workplaces to realise the importance of ensuring an environment that prioritises the wellbeing of employees. Its a fun take on a serious issue with the bonus of doing something good for our community, said Anna Brooks National Manager Lifeline Research Foundation. Anna suggests workplaces should use the opportunity to have fun. Stress Down Day is designed to be flexible, so activities can be tailored to suit the workplace culture. In previous years, some organisations have encouraged employees to wear pyjamas or tracksuits to work, others have gone Hawaiian. Im looking forward to stressing down by wearing my Ugg boots to work this year, she said. Funds raised will increase the number of volunteers helping Australians in crisis. If you or someone you know is feeling or behaving very stressed, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or visit www.lifeline.org.au/gethelp.
10.01.2022 MONDAY MOTIVATION What is important to you? What we do and dont talk about defines our culture - in our teams, workplaces, families and networks. Talking about whats important to us can be challenging. The stakes are high when we talk about things that really matter. It takes vulnerability and that takes courage. When we talk about what matters to us we open ourselves up to build connection. This is important now more than ever. ... This week is RUOK? Day and a reminder that we can all start a conversation that matters, a conversation that could change a life. For information on how to ask R U OK? check out the resources here https://www.ruok.org.au/every-day-resources What conversation are you going to start this week?
10.01.2022 MONDAY MOTIVATION Living under the conditions of a global pandemic and isolation has given many of us more time and opportunity to reflect on the past, get in touch with the now, and imagine our future. What have you been thinking about? What ideas are you sitting on? What does your future look like? ... Whether its a new project, career, home, hobby, skill, connection, focus, priority, experience or way of living... its new and that can be both exciting and terrifying at the same time. It takes courage to take the first steps in the direction of your dreams. Whether you want to start something big or small, its a step outside our comfort zone. While its warm and familiar in our comfort zone, nothing ever grows there. Whether you tip toe out or you leap out, get out of your comfort zone and into something new. Other people dont always understand our choices, especially when were changing things up and trying something new but dont let that stop you. What other people think doesnt matter, but what you think about yourself and your life does matter. Surround yourself with people who will support you in taking those steps, will be there when you stumble, and will help you celebrate the wins. Remember, you can be that support person for others too. You dont need to have all the steps worked out. You dont need to know all the answers. You certainly dont need to feel ready. You simply need to begin. So whats been floating around your mind that scares you a little? What step will you take this week in the direction of something new?
10.01.2022 Were half way through 2020. What does chapter seven have in store for you?
09.01.2022 Hello August! What will you write into these 31 days?
09.01.2022 Under the spotlight today is how we are talking about productivity. What we talk about and how we talk about it is important. We need to care of the person (and ourselves) and drive performance at the same time.
07.01.2022 MONDAY MOTIVATION What are you doing this week to prioritise your wellness? Your wellbeing goes beyond the absence of illness. Don't wait for there to be something wrong before your look after yourself. Be proactive and lead by example and make some time for your wellness every day. It won't always be easy but it will be worth it!
07.01.2022 Communication is key. The greatest error we can make is assuming that communication has taken place! Check-in with yourself and your team and make sure you are on the same page. It is ok to ask for what you need.
07.01.2022 If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change Wayne Dyer How are you looking at the world this week? Let us change the conversation and focus on what brings us happiness. Connect with you teams and colleagues by talking about some of the good stuff. We have got this Victoria!
06.01.2022 Channel your time and energy into the thoughts, activities and behaviours that are within your control. We can use this mindset to help ourselves and each other.
06.01.2022 Leading ourselves and each other through this pandemic starts with our conversations and what we talk about. This week we will give you conversation tips with a different topic each day. Today we begin with safety. Ask yourself and your teams these questions.
05.01.2022 Today we take a look at emotional and social wellbeing. What are you talking about with your people? How are you checking in with yourself?
05.01.2022 MONDAY MOTIVATION You wont find the path to growth within the confines of your comfort zone. A comfort zone is a beautiful place but nothing ever grows there. Explore new territory. Get uncomfortable. Try something new, challenging and even scary. Take a risk. You cant lose - you either win or you learn. ... What will you do to challenge yourself this week?
04.01.2022 Today is National Tree Day and a great reminder of the important role that nature and trees play in our wellbeing. Get outside this week and hug a tree! We would love to see your photos below. https://www.linkedin.com//tree-hugging-goodness-carolyn-mi
03.01.2022 Ensure you know how the increase impacts you and your employees. Paying your people correctly is critical. Contact us if you need help understanding your peoples employment terms and conditions. Were here to help.
03.01.2022 What new ideas do you have? How can you support your team members to step outside their comfort zone?
02.01.2022 MONDAY MOTIVATION Leadership is more than a position title. We are all leaders in our personal and professional lives. Leadership is a mindset followed through with your behaviour and actions. It is how people experience you. Leadership takes courage to show up and be seen. It is going first and sometimes even before you feel ready, carving out and creating the path and showing others the way.... When times are tough, dont give up but remember why you started. Be driven by your purpose. Let it fuel you to keep going. Be clear about who you are and why you do what you do. It will take you to amazing places and help you ride the bumps along the way. Fulfilment comes from being aligned to and living your purpose. This too can take courage. That is leadership. Leadership is about doing what is right, not what is easy. Know your values. Stand up for what you believe in. Surround yourself with those people aligned with your values and purpose, who stretch you and make you grow, and are right there with you cheering you on. Sometimes being you is the most courageous thing you can do. That vulnerability is strength and leadership in action. Chadwick Boseman had a short life but an impactful one. How will you lead this week?
02.01.2022 There is a lot going on in the world right now. A critical first step of self care and self compassion is checking in with ourselves.
02.01.2022 Be kind to yourself and each other.
01.01.2022 We love feedback from clients but also industry experts!
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