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25.01.2022 WOW cannot believe this was three years ago

24.01.2022 WHY WHY do most couples ONLY decide to go seek support and guidance with their marriage / relationship when it is almost unsalvageable and the personal ...hurt has reached breaking point Why are so many humans NOT aware of their internal unhappiness and unfulfilled relationship / life A client shared, that for him it was about accepting the way the relationship was and that it's been like that for years.... I asked him if his relationship was always that wayHe replied, he didn't know, which took me by surprise and saddened me at the same time. When I asked him to reflect back to when they met, ONLY then did he become aware that his relationship was NOT always like that. Throughout the years his relationship has slowly disconnected without any awareness or thought. Ask yourself this:: ~ When do I feel my relationship shifted (This gives you the timeline) ~ What happened around that time This gives you your Why (Answer without blame it's about understanding) Only once you are aware and acknowledge that your relationship has shifted can you choose to do something about it. Take action earlier STOP settling and choose happiness rather than acceptance. Move forward and make your marriage/ relationship your priority. Reconnect your relationship today ... CALL US TODAY FOR YOUR FREE 15 MINUTE #RELATIONSHIP HEALTH CHECK #love #marriage #wedding #husband #wife #fiancee #reception #honeymoon #wellness #why #mum #dad #parenting

23.01.2022 A wonderful reminder that life doesn't just happen, we all have a choice as to how we live our life.. Be the driver not the passenger of your life

23.01.2022 Old fashioned love does it still exist? Absolutely Okay.... I must confess I'm am an old fashion romantic who believes in long lasting true love.. ... My darling and I have been together for over 11 years and today we are still so deeply connected emotionally, physically and holistically. We choose to make our relationship our priority, always giving 100% commitment and respect to one another. Being aware that we come from different backgrounds, understanding the differences between men and women, respecting that we may have some different values, morals, views on life and at times different opinions. And that's okay because we choose to come from a place of RESPECT rather than a place of EGO.... The feeling and NEED to be right does not interest us and doesn't matter, what matters is that we RESPECT our differences... When you understand that RESPECT is the key to stay deeply connected to your beloved and to sustain a deeply connected long term relationship. Ask yourself do you always show your beloved 100 % RESPECT and 100% commitment to your relationship #love #marriagetips #respect #relationships #wedding

21.01.2022 This is a MUST watch for Men, Women and Parents.

21.01.2022 It's known to be said: TIMING is of the essence! That could not be more true when it comes to having important conversations with your partner!

21.01.2022 What bad habits do you have that holds you back from achieving the life you want?

19.01.2022 I don't feel HEARD Effective Listening How many times have you had a conversation with either your partner, friend or someone you've just met.... Only to feel they're not listening, they butted in or seem somewhat disinterested in what you are speaking about? It happens a lot RIGHT? Some people listen to have a response and opinion, it's not intentional however they are unaware that by speaking they have now made the conversation about them. In fact for some of you it probably happens on a daily basis in your relationship and friendships. I believe so many people in our society lack the skill of how to Effectively Listen, it's not surprising really especially because for most of us we haven't been taught. To Effectively Listen is in fact a skill, it's not just about using your two ears. It involves so much more, what your body language saying, do you maintain eye contact, being and showing your 100% present and there's so much more... I'm extremely aware and accountable that I still trip up at times by butting in on a conversation however I pull myself up and apologise for my rudeness. There have been so many times that I've felt people don't listen or disinterested in what I'm sharing with them however, I respect that some people just don't know or have the skill how to effectively listen in order to make me feel heard. So rather than take it personally I do either of the two following things: If it's a friend I raise their awareness by asking if they're interested in what I'm sharing and then express how I feel they are distracted. If it's someone I've just met, I stop speaking, I wind up the conversation and move on. What I know is this: There is a definite lack of awareness, knowledge and skill around how to Effectively Listen to make someone feel HEARD I believe effective listening is a vital skill and without it, it's a contributing factor to the emotional and mindset health of so many people on our planet. As documented, Connection is a part of our basic human survival need and without it present, it can impact your emotional and mindset state of being. Rather than feeling invisible, isolated and alone... feeling HEARD, ACKNOWLEDGED and VALIDATED matters because: YOU MATTER Let's consciously choose to work towards making every person you come in contact with feel They Matter. Gain the art of Effectively Listening in order to give and receive the gift of experiencing respectful balanced conversations. Empower Couples - Relationship Coach #relationship #connection #love #Effectivelistening #marriage #relationshiptips #InfiniteRing

19.01.2022 I felt guided to draw a Healing Card today and share it with you all. Now I'm not claiming to be a card reader at all, it's just something a little extra I give as a gift as part of the Reiki Healings sessions I offer. Today the question I asked divine was: ... What does the planet need to know today CARD: Healing Sounds I could not have pulled a more appropriate card and this is what came through. Time to centre yourself and become consciously aware of your EMOTIONAL & MINDSET state of being

19.01.2022 Wow A Different Perspective As To Why Couples Argue, interesting read

18.01.2022 Not Everything Is About You" My darling loves listening to Midnight Oil and plays their songs loud at home when the mood takes him.... ... Music brings him so much joy, calm and happiness and he knows most of their songs word for word. Darren precedes to sing along with the songs loud and proud then even occasionally breaks out in dance Bless him Watching him being happy, celebrating life while listening to his favorite music, puts a massive smile on my face and warms my heart . For those of you who don't know, I'm more of a @ronankeating and @celinedion kinda gal..... NO COMMENTS PEEPS So let's just say his kinda music hhhhhmmmm hurts my ears most of the time Yep, it truly does however thats' okay... Do you wanna know WHY Because when his music is on and he's enjoying himself even though his music is driving me nuts.... I don't make it about me. What matters the MOST and what I choose to FOCUS on is the JOY music brings to my darling... That my friends is 100% Respect and Commitment in a Nutshell.. So the next time your beloved does something that drives you crazy, take a moment, breath and ask yourself.... Who are you making it about STOP making it about you and choose to RESPECT your beloved no matter what. #respect #love #music #relationship #midnightoilband #celinedion #rokeating

18.01.2022 I read a post this morning about How to Resolve Conflict within a relationship. Firstly conflicts should not be happening within relationship. WHY?... If conflict is happening regularly in your relationship here are some of the causes: Loss of respect One or both have EGO Feel the need to be right Be Commander in the relationship No longer want or happy in the relationship It's as simple as: WHAT DO YOU VALUE? When a conversation shifts from discussion to disagreement and both parties are angry. It's an indicator there's been a shift in the emotional state of being. When in any heightened emotional state it's been documented that your rationale thought process is no longer balanced and logical. Meaning you no longer have the emotional capacity to be patient, respectful and listen. This causes effective listening skills to be thrown out the window which in turn heightens the conflict. To shift conflict in a relationship you MUST firstly identify and raise awareness of WHY they happen! WHAT'S THE CAUSE? I show couples that when you value connectiveness, joy, peace and harmony within the relationship MORE than EGO and the need to be right amazing things can happen. Become consciously aware of what you value and choose to works towards attaining it. Gain the art of Effectively Listening so you both will feel heard and respected. You'll be on your way to holding reciprocated conversations that have depth and meaning rather than surface irrelevant chatter. I believe Effective Listening is one of the most powerful skills to master, because the ripple effect it can have on others can cause massive shifts within their life. Give the gift of making someone feel heard, respected, valued and that they matter daily. YOU just maybe the difference in someone's life and assist in making the world a more connected place to live

17.01.2022 Happy Sunday Connected Couples.... Darren and I invest in our relationship continually, we believe individually and as a couple we should grow and evolve N...OT become stagnate...... Every Sunday is the day Darren and I choose to set aside to have quality time together and connect. Our lives are busy and our individual schedules at times are so far out of sync. However, because our relationship is our priority, we don't justify or makes excuses as to why we cannot block out at least a minimal of 4 hours a week to connect and spend quality time together doing things we enjoy. Bike riding is becoming one of the things we enjoy however it will me much more enjoyable when I buy a grandma saddle seat . It's all about comfort these days MAKE YOUR RELATIONSHIP A PRIORITY, INVEST IN IT EVERY DAY AND FEEL IT SHIFT!! Connection is KEY #youdontknowwhatyoudontknow #infinitering #personalvalues #relationshipgoals #selflove #love #relationshiptips #education #personaldevelopment #picoftheday #family #marriagecounseling #advice #mindfulness #awareness #selfvalue #insta #confidence #growthmindset #marriage #wife #husband #kids #engaged #wedding #fiancee #connection #empowercouplescoaching #caterinasmillie

17.01.2022 The power from learning about self... Are you a Optimist or a Pessimist?

16.01.2022 During COVID - 19 lockdown we are all spending much more time with our beloveds in confined spaces..... There maybe moments where your beloved is driving you n...uts and that's okay. What's crucial in those moments are: How do you react? Do you allow EGO to take over? Do you take a deep breath in? Take a moment and take three deep breaths in This rebalances your emotional state.... Now your thinking logically look at it from their perspective which gives you a better understanding therefore your now able to respect how they are feeling. You may now find you will react differently because your in a calm emotional state. Rather than react from a place of frustration, come from a calm place of respect This tool alone has assisted so many couples reduce and some even eliminate the arguments within their relationship...... Now who doesn't want that ???? #culturalprogramming #culturalbeliefs #picoftheday #insta #commitment #personalgrowth #marriage #parenting #relationships #wedding #marriagegoals #honeymoon #empowercouples #selflove #imallowed #selfvalue #empowering #minset #empowerment #coaching #coach #educator #confidence #wedding #ceremony #respect #premaritalcounseling #mindsethealth #empoweringpeople #caterinasmillie

16.01.2022 Do You Feel MISUNDERSTOOD! Is that the right feeling? MISUNDERSTOOD = PERCEPTION!... If you feel misunderstood, and your listener does not offer to clarify what you have heard, be aware they may have percieved what you've shared differently. Choose to take responsibility and ownership of the conversation. Take the time to express yourself again using different words and restructuring the way you said it, until you feel your listener has percieved the way you intended it to be heard. We all speak and understand things differently so it maybe the way you presented what you had to say... Food For Thought At times it is up to the speaker to put in the effort, rather than walk away feeling misunderstood which can affect your emotional state of being. NOT HEARD When you understand and respect that some people just don't know how to be an effective listener, it's a game changer for you! To be an effective listener in quite a detailed skill, there is so much more than just using your ears. It takes a great deal of awareness to break the old habit and plenty of practice to build the powerful new habit of effective listening. Making a speaker feel validated, valued and heard is a powerful and nuturing skill so choose to learn how today! I hope this offers a different perspective, also raises awareness of the crucial skill/ habit of Effective Listening that I believe every human should LEARN

14.01.2022 Wishing you all an amazing new year from us to you May it be filled with lots of love connection , happiness laughter becoming the best version of self... and live an amazing life, whatever that looks like for you Thank you for all your support in 2019, we are looking forward to being of service in 2020. Watch this space Workshops, online programs, retreat and group coaching, all coming soon

14.01.2022 Consciously choose the life you want!

13.01.2022 What do FEEL the most important thing is within a relationship? We'll explore these avenues at the conclusion of the poll. Get involved with just one click

12.01.2022 What habits are impacting you from attaining your Dream Life? Did you know that 95% of everything that you think, feel, do and achieve is the result of habits. ...To put it simply, happy people have "success habits" and unhappy people don't. What habits serve you positively and which one's hold you back? If you want to achieve happiness and success you MUST begin by raising awareness of your bad habits and then consciously choose to build healthy habits. YOU can make new choices and decisions that are more aligned with the person you want to be and the things you want to accomplish in your life. "SUCCESS is the ability to live life the way you choose, doing what you most enjoy, surrounded by people you respect and admire." "WEALTH is the ability to have the lifestyle you choose, attain all the materialistic things you want and total freedom of choice." Remember practice, practice makes permanent to build new habits. Which STEP have you reached? Healthy Habits, Healthy Life #habits #healthyhabits #consciousliving #loveit #loveyou #OurHumanChallenge

11.01.2022 The Secret To Sustain An Amazing Relationship Is Firstly: What Relationship Do You Have With Yourself Inner happiness is a deep internal emotion that yo...u feel deep in the pit of your gut, NOT that temporary 5 minute surface feeling you get when you buy something. That was me many years ago. I'll be happy WHEN Do you resonate with this 8 years ago, I became aware of how clingy I was. The pressure and sense of responsibility I had been putting on my husband was terrible. Subconsciously I set an expectation that it was his job to fulfil and make me happy. How extremely unfair and disrespectful of me to set an EXPECTATION in the first place. I learnt a few years back that it was not the responsibility of my darling to make me happy, it was me who had to make me happy FIRST Discovering me has been an amazing journey and still is today. Learning and understanding what makes me TICK I NOW hold deep inner happiness because I finally allowed myself to deeply value and respect ME Inner happiness does not come from anyone or anything else #relationships #marriage #engaged #happiness #happy #wedding #sel

11.01.2022 "WHAT YOU THINK, YOU BECOME" Are You Aware of Your Thoughts? Are your thought's mostly positive or negative?

11.01.2022 Just because you've been married for years, doesn't mean you stop spending quality time together and going on hot dates. Are you one of those couples that... can't remember the last time YOU had a hot date with your beloved? WHY Because you have children Because your too busy Can't be bothered Don't need to All these answers are wrong, NO excuses. To sustain a healthy relationship, you must stay connected with your beloved. To do that you MUST invest in quality time together and always stay lovers....

09.01.2022 Part of sustaining a healthy relationship is to both consciously choose to commit to grow and evolve individually and well as together Life is better when ...sharing it with that special person that holds your heart.. #culturalprogramming #culturalbeliefs #picoftheday #insta #commitment #focus #personalgrowth #marriage #parenting #relationships #wedding #marriagegoals #honeymoon #empowercouples #selflove #imallowed #selfvalue #empowering #minset #empowerment #coaching #coach #educator #confidence #wedding #ceremony #premaritalcounseling #mindsethealth #empoweringpeople #caterinasmillie

09.01.2022 CONFIDENCE We all need to have confidence in self to live a life of choice rather than a life with limiting boundaries and possibilities When you lack confidence, your not seeing or acknowledging your true potential due to fears and past programming. ... You only allow your percieved ability to surface rather than your actual ability all because you don't believe in you. You struggle to see and don't acknowledge what others see in you When you gain confidence, which is belief in self your actual ability will surface and that's when the magic happens. You begin to have the confidence in you and your abilities on a deep cellular level, you internally feel abd believe you can achieve anything you put mind and heart into. Your boundaries of possibilities are limitless! Make the conscious choice today to work and invest in you. Allow yourself to become comfortable being uncomfortable no matter how powerful your fears and thoughts try to take you out! You are the one in charge your life's journey and destination Don't EVER give up on YOU! YOU MATTER! #confidence #selfcare #selfbelief #selfloveisthebestlove #mindset

08.01.2022 Be mindful that your thoughts aren't taking you out

08.01.2022 Investing time into learning #relationship skills is the best gift you can give each other. Learn how to: Effectively communicate... Language, Effective listening, Timing Digest There are so many other relationship skills need to sustain a connection. COACHING is NOT getting HELP it's getting educated... How great would it be to know and even better respect the differences between men and women. Also learn how your blueprint and social programming impacts who you are today. Relationships are not hard when you have gained the foundational skills to stay connected long term.. @empowercouples #happy #laugh #mindset #language #happinessquotes #happiness #love #respect #innerchildhealing #relationshipadvice #couplegoals #honeymoon #marriageworks #marriagelife #interracialmarriage #relationshipproblems #relationshipstatus #relationshipissues #culturalprogramming #empowercouplescoaching #relationshiptips #marriagetips #husband #wife #communication #relationshipeducation #marriagecounselor #empowercouples #caterinasmillie

07.01.2022 We are all individual human beings with our own idiosyncratic traits. When you met your beloved you more than likely embraced those idiosyncratic traits and eve...n found them cute or funny however, over time those same traits now annoy and frustrate you. WHY does this happen Disconnection and Disrespect Always uphold % respect for one another and don't allow EGO in. You will find you can sustain the HONEYMOON stage... #youdontknowwhatyoudontknow #infinitering #personalvalues #relationshipgoals #selflove #love #relationshiptips #education #personaldevelopment #picoftheday #family #marriagecounseling #advice #mindfulness #awareness #selfvalue #insta #marriagegoals #growthmindset #marriage #wife #husband #kids #engaged #wedding #fiancee #connection #empowercouplescoaching #caterinasmillie

07.01.2022 With a new DECADE upon us, I thought I would close off this year by giving everyone 7 tools to maintaining and growing a healthy relationship into 2020 and beyo...nd. 1. Communication is Key. This is the one critical element that ties it all together. Any relationship at any level will dissolve without effective communication. It is a learn-able skill that needs to be practiced consistently. No one is a mind reader and you need to have a voice in order to be heard. Quantify a mutually agreeable time that you can both be 100% present with each other and with no distractions. This is vital to any ongoing solid connection between the two of you. 2. Learn to decipher what is important. If you are getting all bent out of shape by something your significant other is doing or not doing, ask yourself this question, "Will it matter 5 years from now?" Some things are most definitely worth discussing but you will need to let some things go. We're not all built the same. Men are notoriously bad at communicating their feelings and they tend to bottle them up for fear of hurting someone else's feelings. On the flip side of the coin, narcissistic behavior is also not an option that is helpful here either. Revert back to effective communication coupled with effective listening skills as this will offer the most effective outcome over the shortest period. 3. Be willing to offer constructive criticism and risk hurting their feelings. Honesty is vital to a constructive and healthy relationship. If you can't handle hearing the truth then you have some work to do on yourself. (We all do, don't feel bad) Diplomacy is important of course but there is no need to sugar coat it. Say it as it is, offer your support & love and discuss ways to overcome what ever the issue might be. ALSO......... Don't allow bullshit to creep into your relationship. It is like a cancer that will (overtime) slowly cripple your ability to communicate effectively. If I feel smothered and need more me time, then I need to be able to communicate that effectively so that she doesn't feel bad or take any blame for the situation. (NO BULLSHIT) If I don't have the space to do this, resentment builds very quickly and things spiral out of control very quickly. 4. Embrace your biologically driven sexual awareness. Let's face it, no relationship is fruitful without growth. Mundane, boring, monotonous and stagnant are not words that we associate with healthy relationships. Vibrancy, energetic, playful, erotic and fun are all want we want from our partners but it can be exhausting (at any age) if this is the case all the time. This is an extremely important element during the dating process (I am speaking from experience here) Let's face it, if one partner is a den of hyperactive energy beans and the other is a computer geek and book worm, it's not likely to end well on any level. When 2 people get together for the first time it is always driven by some kind of spark. From here we get to know each other at varying levels over time and we begin to grow together. Honesty, openness, vulnerability and patience are required at all times but boundaries are an equally important facet of any healthy committed relationship. Yes boundaries can be moved, but they can never be deleted or ignored. They are there for your protection and form part of your road map for life. 5. Be PRESENT and work on your level of awareness. At one level, you're a team. You work well as a team and you each play a pivotal role within the team dynamic. This requires time, effort, understanding and effective communication but 80% of what we say do not come out as words. Body language, moods, and even what we're not saying speaks volumes about the situation at hand and this becomes a vital area that WILL (I assure) become something you need to develop an acute awareness around. Everyone leads busy lives at some level and it is very easy to get caught up in the day to day habit of being BUSY, but we all need down time and quality time with those we are closest to. Becoming finely tuned to your partners little nuances and quirky traits and knowing their love languages will pay priceless dividends time and time again. 6. Put your relationship first and consider your partner in every decision you make. Let's face it: Tomorrow its January 1, 2020 and you are likely to wake up beside the most important person in your life. There is a reason for this so make sure you carry that sentiment with you throughout the next week, month and year. Building a relationship over time is no different to building a house. You will need to carry out maintenance and spend money on improvements and lifestyle. Additions, renovations and improvements are all part of the process and are a great way to stay connected and in love. You both made a considerable investment of time and money in each other, so continue to do that if you truly want this train to stay on-track. 7. Work on YOU. EGO will kill a relationship faster than anything I know. Narcissism and the need to be right are the cancer of relationships. Personal development is an ongoing process that is paramount to a successful relationship. 3 tips I will give you to start this process in motion. (A) Have NO EXPECTATIONS from your partner: This is not to say that they do not have obligations within the relationship, but when you start to expect it from them, this is when it will all start to unfold (B) Say thank you often: Be grateful for everything and especially the extra things that they do. (I rinsed my wife's car this morning after a dust storm last night and she thanked me for it. The act itself was insignificant but the reward was huge) (C) Keep their love buckets filled at all times. This takes some effort but it is rewarding for both parties. (If you don't know what their love language is then read the book on this topic) Here's to an epic new decade for you both and may love blossom at every corner.

06.01.2022 This is hilarious, they're having so much fun and laughter. What some couples are getting up to during ISO... Warms my heart

05.01.2022 Healthy Connected Relationships start With YOU!

04.01.2022 When you shift your perspective and understand that it's not YOUR relationship that's need HELP its actually YOU! Only then will your relationship improve #marriage #love #relationshiprules #engaged #relationship #selfhelp

03.01.2022 Darren and I have not had an argument, do you believe me? Maybe not, that's okay and totally understandable because isn't arguing suppose to healthy in relati...onships? This particular post's purpose is to HIGHLIGHT and RAISE AWARENESS of how Societal Programming works and in-turn affect your relationship. According to society and even some relationship experts they believe it's HEALTHY and perfectly normal to argue? REALLY! This really does make my blood boil... In case you didn't hear me let me say it again apparently it is HEALTHY to argue.... Now take a moment to really digest that and let's look at it from another perspective? If I was to ask you what is your emotional state is after an argument, You'd be happy right? NO! More than likely the emotions you are feeling is hurt, angry, frustrated, sad, pissed off does that sound about right... How is that HEALTHY? Let's delve a little deeper, To all the parents out there, what environment do you create for your children when you argue? More than likely it's far from a healthy environment you create for your children wouldn't you say... Now this is not about blame it is purely about raising awareness..... If your parent's argued while you were growing up, take a moment and reflect back to remember how them arguing how you felt. It's time to raise your awareness and understand how one argument has a ripple effect that flows through to so many other areas of your life. If you want to know how to stop arguing by gaining effective communication skills. CONTACT US TODAY! #marriage #children #relationshiptips #relationship #infinitering #parenting #love

03.01.2022 If I could GUARANTEE you would regain your connected loving relationship by putting in two hours a week would you be all in no matter what I spent years workin...g and developing this. Many hours researching, personally trialling and testing it within my relationship. I know it works because proof is in the pudding right If you are interested comment I AM IN... Need to know asap.. then i will tell you what you need to do next..

01.01.2022 You need to be in love with your own life before you can be successfully in love with someone else's. You need to be in love with your own life before you can be successfully in love with someone else's.

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