Empower ME 101 | Businesses
Empower ME 101
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25.01.2022 JUST SHOW UP AS YOU ARE!! That is enough, in fact, it’s more then enough... it is EVERYTHING!! This is your one life! YOUR ADVENTURE!! You were designed exactly as you’re meant to be.. you are perfectly imperfect!!! YOU ARE ENOUGH!! Your energy is enough!! You don’t need to show up in your life any other way!!!! The big secret is, we are all winging it!!! None of us are ever truly ready, none of us have an instruction manual, none of us know what the game has in ...store.. so, let’s stop trying to be anything we’re not, lets show up AS WE ARE!! Fck, there is only one YOU, and only one ME.. we are all AMAZING and given this amazing gift.. this one amazing life.. I’m over listening to my shitty beliefs, or worrying about who I may offend.. I’m sick to death of allowing my ego, my mind, telling me who I should be.. I’m learning to listen to my soul.. to be ME, who I am without the expectations of who I think I should be! Who else is over showing up, only trying to please others? Quietening their own truth? Who’s ready with me, to live this adventure, as the fckn amazing soul that they are?? To show up as YOU?? Let’s do this together!!!! You are more then enough!! YOU ARE EVERYTHING!!!! @empowerme101 #empowerme101 #beempowered #onelife #adventure #showup #youareenough #asyouare #perfectlyimperfect #youareamazing #youareeverything
25.01.2022 This is the most powerful video I’ve ever watched!!!!’ Keezia Leigh is changing the world!!!! It is our time to rise!!!!! Share this video far and wide!!!!! Stand up!! Rise up for those that don’t have a voice! Step up into courage!!!! Love!!
24.01.2022 Wow, just looked at all of the followers, and there’s now over 600 of you beautiful souls following along for the journey!! Honestly, thank you from the bottom of my over flowing heart for your support, all the love and kindness you’ve shown me, and WELCOME to all you new amazing folks that are here for the ride!!! Life is pretty fcking amazing isn’t it!!?? Oh and then it’s bloody hard, and then it’s amazing again.. but holy hell, when we stay connected, focused on the pos...itive, lift each other up.. this life is pretty darn beautiful!! So cheers to my incredible 101ers, I am so grateful to each of you.. any excuse for an expresso martini ha!! (Note, this is an old pic, I’m currently in bed ready for sleep ha!).. thank you again!! Let’s continue to rise up, grow up and spread love throughout the world!! So much love, Leah SC @empowerme101 #empowerme101 #empoweringwomen #beempowered #thebestcommunity #101ers #thankyou #loveyou #riseup #600 #sograteful #expressomartini #spreadlove #gratitude #lifecoach #brisbanelifecoach #brisbanebusiness
23.01.2022 Just incase you’ve forgotten... you, you beautiful one, YOU, you are an absolutely MIRACLE!! Do you even have any idea how much the universe/creation had to do to create the magic that is YOU!!! Every cell, every single gene, was created to make you, imperfectly imperfect YOU!! There is no other, not even close!! You were formed from star dust, pure magic!!! You are the most amazing soul, gifted with this human experience!!! You are a MIRACLE!!! We are so dam obs...essed being someone that we are not, comparing ourselves to others, or trying to fit in a box created by society.. we are so busy being obsessed with how flat our abs are, or big out boobs are, how smooth our skin is, small our lips are, that we have completely forgotten who we actually are.. you are not supposed to look like any body else, you’re not supposed to be like any body else!! If we only realised that we have been designed, created, born to be the stunningly powerful ,magical ,gifted, mesmerising, beautiful human that we are, just as we are, we would truly know our souls.. we would know that the beauty we obsess about is only skin deep, it’s not real anymore.. YOU, you are the brightest shinning star, you are beyond what you see or who you think you should be.. you are an absolute miracle, created exactly as you are , to be exactly who you are.. Shine your light beautiful one.. it is the only light like it in the whole universe!!! @empowerme101 #empowerme101 #beempowered #oneinabillion #miracle #shineyourlight #onlyyou #beyou #doyou #foryou #magic #sunshinecoastbusiness #lifecoach #watchthisspace
21.01.2022 Swings & roundabouts!! Being on this swing, amongst a beautiful park,surrounded by empowering women,going as high as I could,occasionally taking my hands off,throwing my feet so high I felt like I could touch the branches above me,staring up into the clouds,laughing and giggling, I felt like a child again,I felt JOY, I felt ALIVE!! Why have we forgotten to live like this? We are so programmed into doing,to achieving,to acting a certain way,keeping busy with the mundan...e,being practical and sensible, we’ve forgotten how it feels to truly create joy in our day!! There’s a little child in all of us, that remembers how to play, to laugh, to be silly, to dance, or do cartwheels, to eat too much ice cream, to run, to giggle, to roll around on the grass.. when was it that we are told to stop letting our inner child express and enjoy all those things? Was it when our parents first told us to stop being silly when we giggled too loud with friends, was it when society suggested girls must wear pretty dresses but then we were told we couldn’t climb the tree incase someone saw our knickers underneath, was it in primary school when kids teased you for dancing like no one was watching at the school disco, was it your older siblings telling you that you’re embarrassing for just having fun, or the grandma that told you how fat you’ll get if you eat that ice cream?? That beautiful, innocent, fun, unique little child is still in you, desperately wanting to feel alive, to find joy in alllllll the days, to be themselves, to do all the things.. all the things that mean you are living!!!! Do you remember that little girl? Do you remember doing those small, fun things that just bought you pure joy? Do you remember feeling alive, so happy? What if, we all just took some time in our day, every day, to express and experience joy?! If we listened to our inner child, and our hearts, and just lived in that moment of joy.. and chose to make those moments, more regular so that every day was lived from our heart, that every single moment was filled with joy?! Let’s choose to LIVE!! To live in happiness, innocents, love, fun, and joy!! @inburstsofcolour
21.01.2022 I was witness to a live fb chat last night that changed me..these type of conversations don’t come around often, but it opened my mind, & my heart even more.. I listened to the most incredible soul @matt.runnalls, talk about his story, his passion, his mission..with such fullness of heart & his whole bare soul.. the way he spoke,in everything he said,there was such beauty too.. One thing in particular I will never ever forget though, & it’s something I hope you never do e...ither.. & that is when we approach others in asking them r u ok?, but instead saying to them Tell me what it feels like to be you!! And then truly lean in with that person, and LISTEN, don’t respond or empathise with your own story..gently nod your head,open your ears,give eye contact & allow them to speak!! For anyone struggling, this can be absolutely life changing, life saving! We are losing loved ones to suicide because they answered yes to r u ok?, losing them because they don’t want to burden us with their problems by ‘reaching out to us’, but we can change our approach, & potentially save & change lives! And be persistent!!! Reach out with Tell me how it feels to be you.. every single day, it may very well be on the 20th day they open up!! I learnt last night, that how we’ve all been approaching those struggling isn’t really that helpful at all, we mean well,but we can do so much better!! Use your gut, if you think someone is struggling, or if you know they’ve struggled in the past.. just reach out and ask them to tell you how it feels for them, to be them!! Life changing!! I feel so blessed to have gained such a impactful tool, I had to pass it on!! Please do the same! @matt.runnalls runs the amazing charity @mindfullaus, if you can donate please do, follow both pages, and spread the word.. For all those that don’t personally know me, I honestly would be humbled and I’m here, if you want to send me a message and tell me how it feels to be you.. Thank you again to the ever amazing @keezialeigh and @stepha_doyle for holding the conversation with @matt.runnalls, so that we can all change lives together!! Soooo much love for you 3!! See more
21.01.2022 Here have a bikini shot of me.. a spontaneous pic I took in a fitting room, feeling pretty fkn dam hot, comfortable in my skin, knowing none of it is perfect, and knowing it doesnt fkn matter!! None of it does!!! I’m done.. I’m done with trying to hide, fit in, conform, be the perfect person for everyone else, follow a rule book that doesn’t even fkn exist!!!! If I want to buy a god dam sexy bikini and post selfie’s in it, why wouldn’t I? Because of SHAME!! Because of... the fcked up stories that were planted in my head over the years by others, the same stories I’ve fertilised and allowed to grow because of wanting to constantly please others.. well I’m done with it.. We women have been taught shame our whole lives.. from the minute we have sexual thoughts, desires or fantasies, from the minute we bleed and are told it’s gross, from the minute we express ourselves any way that is different to the norm.. Shame shame shame!!! But it’s up to us to stop the cycle.. I’m so done! It’s time for us to step into all our glory, into our imperfectness, to own our bodies, to take back the power over our minds and start truly listening to our souls, to express ourselves however that looks for us individually, to burn all the fkn rule books, I mean who fkn wrote them anyway!!!!! If youre ready to live your life your way, not how it ‘should’ look to others, but to say how you really fkn feel for once, to ditch the fake arse friends, to post photos you feel fkn hot in because you can, to stop people pleasing, to really, like really fkn be YOU, sexual, sensual, joyous, creative, happy, and the true goddess that you were created as, let’s do this!! Time to let go of all the bullsht stories you’re replaying in your head.. time to stop the shame in being all of YOU!!!! Don’t just like this post, fkn put your hand up in the comments and give me a hell yeah! Together we fkn rise!!!! Sooooo done.. so ready!! Leah SC
20.01.2022 Happiest New Years Lovers!! Was going to try to find the perfect inspirational nye quote to post, but this was the best, am I right?? Hahaha. 2020 hasn’t been easy, in fact most could say it’s been pretty fckn hard.. but it’s now hours from being over.. we can’t change it.. only grow from it!! And grow we will!! Let go of whatever you need to release.. the pain, the loss, the heart break, all the shit, don’t bring it forward.. and tonight is the night to... set new intentions, fck goals, fck regrets.. just put your intentions out there.. what are you going to create and choose for yourself in 2021!!?? How do you want your life to feel?? How do you want to live YOUR life?? I’m choosing a fck yes life from here on in, full on, no excuses!! I didn’t come this far, to only come this far!! I’m gonna finish what I started!! Happy happy bloody new year to each of you amazing magical incredible special fantastic beautiful Empower Me 101 followers.. I hope just one of my posts over the past year has inspired, motivated, triggered, annoyed, or resonated with you!! It’s YOU I love, it’s for YOU all!!! So, so,sooooo much love, Leah SC @empowerme101
19.01.2022 Confucius say.. This pic popped up on my fb memory from almost a year ago.. I was in Sydney diving deep into some serious self development for a week.. & exploring the city with my girl when this busker handed me a piece of paper..& it read, Choose a job you love,& you’ll never have to work a day in your life! I had just become a life coach 2 months prior & of course when I received this, I knew it was the universe telling me to follow my passion- helping, emp...owering, inspiring others, for that is never a job to me, and I’ll never feel like I’m working as long as I’m serving others..I know without any doubt what my soul has been put on this earth, at this very moment in time, to do.. I have absolutely no doubt in my heart..it’s just my head I need to quiet down!! The million thoughts of who am I to serve others?, (imposter syndrome), what if I can’t do it! (Limiting beliefs), how am I going to do it!, (mind over thinking!).. it’s the ego, the brain, the conditioning, the comfort zone, the masks, the stories we tell ourselves that stop us fulfilling our dreams, or our souls purpose! One year ago I became a life coach but my souls mission has been on my heart since my first memory at 7 years old, wanting one little friend to feel seen, heard, accepted, & special.. it’s time for me to truly get out of my own dam way, & honour that mission, this gift I’ve been given.. & truly do what I came here to do!! I’ve been holding myself back for a whole year.. dabbling here or there, working with so many amazing women & yet not really serving them in my entire truth because I’ve been too stuck in my own head.. There’s a 100 million women (or more) out there that desperately want to feel alive, empowered, seen, heard & connected.. & I am here to lead the way! The time has come for me to unfck myself, get out of my own bloody way, & serve you all in all my glory.. this isn’t about me!!! It’s about YOU!! It always was!!!!! Watch this space for more workshop dates, women’s safe-space circles, new one-on-one offers (including zoom), and more!! Let’s connect!! Let’s accept!! Let’s love!! So much love, Leah SC
17.01.2022 World Gratitude Today! There are honestly a hundred things I could easily rattle off that I am grateful for, even just from today.. beaches, friendships, puppy cuddles, blue skies, freshly squeezed juices, sleep ins, cute clothes, yoga stretching, celery juice, spontaneous car trips, messages from friends, long walks, sand in my toes (and hair), tanned skin, fresh market apples, long talks with a beautiful friend, smoothie bowls at home, warm/cold showers, online conne...ctions with amazing humans, laughing, living in Qld, collagen coffee, sunsets, oils on my body and face, candles that smell amazing, alone time, new connections, warmest weather, my big white bed, beautiful comments on my photos (on fb mostly haha), clean silky nightie against my skin, dinner with family, seeing my babes happy, wild flowers in nature, the breeze, the air we breath, dreams I’ve been given on my heart, a positive mind, a generous soul, this awesome healthy body.. and that’s the ones that come to mind that I experienced just today!!! THERE IS ALWAYS SOMETHING TO BE GRATEFUL FOR, even on our toughest days.. the more grateful you are, the more life gives you things to be grateful for!! Happy world gratitude day to each and every one of you beautiful souls!!!! What are you grateful for today??? @empowerme101 #empowerme101 #beempowered #worldgratitudeday #gratitudeday #gratitude #grateful #gratitudeday2020 #worldgratitudeday2020 #sograteful
17.01.2022 Time to move!!!! Dance live as promised!!! Who’s joining me??? This is me!!!! (I don’t have the rights to this music xx) Keezia Leigh!!
16.01.2022 Are you living your life with a little bit, or a lot of, f*ck yes thrown in?? When you think about the life you’re creating, the life you’re choosing, the one you’re living, are you able to stand back and seriously look at it and say f*ck yes, this life is awesome!? Or are you living a mediocre life, are you choosing and creating a life that is comfortable, it’s ok, but it’s really not making you say f*ck yeah, my life is awesome! We get to create a life we absolutel...y LOVE, with every single choice we make, in every single moment, in every minute of every day!! Start saying f*ck yes more often to new opportunities, to new experiences, new adventures, new choices, and start creating a life that YOU LOVE!! It’s your life, your one chance to make it all you want it to be.. say no to anything that doesn’t lift you up, say no to EVERYTHING that’s not helping you create a f*ck yes life!!!! One life beautiful people and it’s yours for the making!!! @empowerme101 #empowerme101 #beempowered #fuckyeslife #fuckyes #onelife #sayyes #onechance #lovelife #livelife #youchoose #createalifeyoulove #fuckyeah #lifecoach #brisbanelifecoach #brisbanebusiness
16.01.2022 This is your reminder, (and mine), of two things.. firstly.. you are the god dam most glorious sunrise.. you are one in 8 billion.. no other is YOU!! So amazing, so special, so unique, so stunning, so full of love.. never ever forget that YOU, you are a miracle, you are pure MAGIC!!! Don’t ever allow anyone or anything to make you question any of it!!! BE YOU!!! In all your glory! Spread kindness even when your heart is aching, love with your entire soul, live like life ...is a gift, because it is!! That brings me to my second reminder.. Today, right now, this moment in time, it’s all we have.. absolutely nothing is permanent, nothing guaranteed.. This new day, with the sunrise, RISE.. breathe it all in.. be so god dam grateful for it all.. for the ones that hurt you, the ones that truly adore you, for the ground beneath your feet and the stars above you.. be grateful for love, for loss, for family and true friendships.. forgive those that hurt you because they are hurting too.. let go of those that don’t see your beauty, and shine your light on those that do.. today could be the day you meet the love of your life, it could be the day your heart gets broken.. today could be the day you get the exciting news you’ve been waiting for, or news that could devastate you too.. today could possibly bring you more happiness then you’ve dreamed or bring you to your knees in epic sadness.. it is all so unknown.. so get out there and fkn LIVE!!!!! Like seriously.. JUST FKN LIVE!!!!! This is it!!! All we have is NOW!! Love hard, be brave, heal yourself, be kind, shine your light, do crazy things, laugh loud, tell those you adore that you do, watch the sunset, chase your desires, and if you get the chance, TAKE IT!! Take it all!! Do it all! One life!! One crazy, fcked up, amazing, breathe taking, beautiful, imperfect, messy, glorious life!!!!! See more
16.01.2022 Just discovered this beautiful account @shop.eleveneleven!!! Love her pics and prints! So talented, so my vibe!! Kombi van is a fav!! Life really is a ride.. mostly one of those scary as hell roller coaster rides that you know you’ll probably either poop your pants or vomit on, or one of those water slides that tips you upside down, back the front, side ways up the wall, before spitting you out the other end!! Haha!! But once you reflect on that ride, stop and app...reciate the feeling that you did it despite the fear, how bloody good does it feel?? Life shouldn’t be a boring merry-go-round where your comfortable and safe, it should be thrilling and a bit scary, for that’s how we know we are truly LIVING!!!! That’s how we feel ALIVE!! So throw your hands up in the air, open your mouth, scream and shout, feel the wind in your hair and the rushing breeze on your skin.. sit back, surrender.. and ENJOY THE RIDE!! @shop.eleveneleven @empowerme101 #kombi #enjoytheride #empowerme101 #throwyourhandsintheair #live #feelthefear #alive #lifeismeanttobelived #lifecoach #brisbanelifecoach #brisbanebusiness
14.01.2022 It’s ok to rest!!! Put your hand up if you’ve felt a tiredness you can’t explain the past week or maybe 2?? It’s crazy!! I know of so many others as a collective that are feeling soul tired, so exhausted and for no apparent reason!! Please scroll across to see why maybe you’re feeling this way too!! It’s ok to rest!!! Like it really is!!!! We feel guilty at times when we stop, like we’re not being productive, or we’re not doing enough, or that we’re lazy or being... selfish to need rest.. but it’s not the case at all!!! Resting is our bodies way of recovering and recouping!! So, stop, test, relax, breathe, quotes your mind, let go, breathe deeper... it’s ok to rest!! @empowerme101 #empowerme101 #beempowered #rest #relax #stop #breathe #itsoktorest #recoup #recover #selfcare #selflove #doyou #beyou #foryou #lifecoach #brisbanelifecoach #brisbanebusiness
14.01.2022 Nobody said it would be easy.. they just promised it would be worth it! And I’m here to tell you, it’s so fkn worth it!! Life isn’t meant to be easy.. easy is so good dam boring, it’s settling, it’s remaining stuck, choosing comfort over courage.. it’s surviving not living! Easy is a fkn choice!! Taking the easy road IS A CHOICE.. it’s one I chose for years, actually probably my whole dam life!! I chose the easy because I was too bloody scared of the road les...s traveled, too worried of the opinions of others, to stuck in fear of breaking societies norms! Then I chose again.. I chose to get real uncomfortable, to search into my darkest parts, to dive deep into my soul and it’s cries to be finally set free.. I chose courage.. I chose love.. I chose alignment.. I fkn chose ME! Has this road been easy.. hell no.. has it been worth it.. OH MY GOD, Hell YES!!!! Stop choosing easy!!!! You know if you are!! You’re living life for everyone else, for the expectations of others, to fit a fkn mould that kills your soul.. everything you’re doing you’re doing because you think you SHOULD!! What would you truly be doing it if meant stepping into courage.. if it meant fully listening to your souls whispers, if you did all the things you WANTED to do, if you stripped away what the opinions of others were, if you stopped living the easy bs life you’ve created to follow a fkn rule book that doesn’t even exist??!! What would your life truly look like? How would it finally FEEL?? LIFE IS SO BLOODY FLEETING!!!!! It’s YOUR life!!!!! There is only one YOU!! Those desires, dreams, soul whispers, they’re YOURS.. they are there for a reason!!! Don’t ignore them, hide them, suffocate them because of this easy life society hypnotises us with..CHOOSE A LIFE THATS WORTH IT! How are you going to FEEL at the end of your life,like you really fkn LIVED, or that life was easy?! Your choice!! IN-LOVE WITH YOUR LIFE WORKSHOPS ARE FINALLY GOING ONLINE, LIVE WITH ME!! If you’re truly wanting to create a life you wake up every day IN-LOVE with, dm me, leave a comment..I’ll be in-touch with dates and dets! Can you feel the MAGIC!
12.01.2022 I’m not sure there is anything more truly beautiful then the sunrise each morning! The newness, the calmness, the breathtaking beauty.. the colours, the glory, the peace, the promises.. When was the last time you watched the sunrise? When did you last sit in absolute silence, nothing distracting you, just you and the sunrise, in the moment, just sitting in the present, breathing in its beauty, gasping at its glory? I promise you, if you start rising with t...he sunrise, spending a moment in its company, your day will feel different, your day will begin with hope, and joy, with gratefulness and love.. Where ever you are, the sun will always rise, even on the cloudiest of days.. chase it down, stand in its presence, breathe in the freshness of a new day.. fill your soul with appreciation and continue your day through the lens of love!! Eternally in awe.. Leah SC
12.01.2022 ITS ALWAYS, ALWAYS the smallest things!! The best things in life are FREE!! My wish for you, for me, for every single soul in human form, each and every one of us.. is to be IN-LOVE WITH LIFE!!! Like truly, honestly, earnestly, completely, whole heartedly IN-LOVE with life!! To wake up over excited, so so very grateful and utterly in-love!!! This life we are gifted is so beautiful, so divine.. yet we choose, as egos, to over complicate it!! ... Every day is an absolute precious gift, full of endless possibilities, full of so much beauty and everything we could possibly only dream.. ITS UP TO YOU.. you have to choose to see the stars in the darkness, you have to choose to see the rainbow through the clouds.. in each single moment, you have a choice.. you choose to see the light or you choose to see the dark.. I hope that every day your coffee tastes like magic, that every day you dance, that each day you’ll smile at a stranger, I hope you stand under the night sky and remember your soul.. and I truly hope you fall INLOVE with LIFE!! Tell me what you’re doing this loooooong weekend?? What beauty are you filling your days with?? @empowerme101 #beempowered #empowerme101 #inlovewithlife #magic #choose #choosehappiness #choosejoy #coffee #strangers #nightsky #bestthingsinlifearefree #smallestthingsmeanthemost #fallinlove #life #blessed #beautiful #gift #lifecoach #brisbanelifecoach #sunshinecoast #queensland
11.01.2022 This is what self love looks like to me.. posting a completely unedited pic of me and my fresh sunburn from today, in a towel, not giving two flying f*cks what anyone thinks! Ha!! Now that’s what I call self love.. it’s definitely a work in progress, a journey, but day by day, choice by choice, I’m slowly, but surely, deciding to love myself for being just ME! Not for the masks, or the roles I’ve played, or for just my goddess external bits (hehe), but for all of me!! It’...s not easy, but easy doesn’t make anything worth it anyways!! I know that by consciously watching how I talk to myself, watching how I treat myself, I can love myself fully a little more each day.. when you truly know that you’re standing there bare, in your truth, owning the goddess that you are, not giving a sh*t what anyone thinks, that’s when you have claimed true self love, that no one will ever be able to shake!!! What does self love mean to you??? Comment below!! Claim it! @empowerme101 #empowerme101 #beempowered #selflove #loveyourself #bare #unedited #flawsandall #love #me #you #doyou #beyou #foryou #claimit #lifecoach #brisbanelifecoach #brisbanebusiness
10.01.2022 This mornings sunrise.. pinch and a punch for the first day of the month! October is mental health month, and that means bringing the focus in on our own mental health, as well as reaching out to others.. remember if you want to show others that you care, asking the question What does it feel like to be you? Is such an open way of showing them youre ready to hear them.. And also ask yourself that same question.. check in on yourself! We all have dark days, ...and we need to allow ourselves to truly feel all of our emotions, to cry, to scream, to release them so they don’t become bottled up, and then also move our bodies every single day to release negative energy, go for a walk in nature especially when you’re not feeling good, put on your favourite music and move to it.. visit friends, journal all your thoughts, watch your favourite movie, fill your body with good food.. it’s totally ok and normal not to be ok.. but check in with yourself when you’re not.. look around at all the things you’re grateful for, take time to yourself to rest, meditate, breathe and write a list of all the smallest things that bring you joy and do them.. mental health comes in so many different shapes and forms, it’s different for every one, make sure you check in on yours!! So much love, Leah SC
09.01.2022 I have just experienced, and been consumed by, my toughest week yet.. I lost myself in so much grief, it flooded my heart & engulfed my soul.. I tried so hard to be strong & brave & put to sleep the pain I was feeling.. but in doing that,not allowing myself to feel,not allowing the emotions to explode out, to release from my body, not allowing the tears to fall or fucks to be screamed from my lips,I began to dwell in my suffering,I was overcome with so much heart b...reak I thought I’d never pull myself back out.. I’ve been tested over & over again, the universe making me go inward,look at who I am,through pain & hurt.. who am I when I am completely alone, no one to comfort me except myself.. Feeling so alone, like I’ve never experienced before,was completely new to me..you see, I have the most amazing kids, ex husband, friends & love in my life, & surround myself with them as much as I can.. & when I left my family home & lost love, my world as I know, came crashing down.. But...for 24 hours, I decided to allow myself to fully grieve.. to absolutely ball my eyes out, scream into my pillow, right down all my hurt & then rip it into a million pieces.. I cried for hours at a time, I cried until I was so exhausted I’d fall asleep for a brief time,before waking up to beautiful dreams & realising they weren’t my reality.. I chose to put on sad songs & ones that reminded me of love too, to fully experience the heart break in me.. Today I’m ok, today is different.. my situation is that I’m still without my babes, I’m still aching for my life with them, I can still feel sadness in my bones, but because I’ve allowed the pain to leave my body, because I sat in complete silence & prayed for strength.. I know it’s now up to me to let go of the pain so it doesn’t become suffering.. Life is always going to throw each & every one of us, the hardest times we could imagine, it absolutely has to be up to us, to choose how we will move forward.. fck it’s not easy, omg, the pain is so consuming, but remaining in that state is then a choice.. Today I choose LOVE.. gratitude & to move past pain.. it’s all we can do right?
09.01.2022 Have been so blessed this week, to escape to the sunny coast for a week of alone time.. quite possibly my favourite place on earth (although I’m yet to see so much more hehe!).. I’m going to do very little.. a few things I can’t wait for though, is beach sunrises and sunsets, yoga, moving, reading, stretching, dancing, meditation, long walks, naps, spending a lot of time with myself, and only eating fruit and veges!! I’ll be having long gaps of time off social media but ...will post a few pics of my days.. and I promise I won’t take one moment for granted!! Here’s to truly living in the present, surrendering, letting go, going within, trusting the divine, and being in complete gratitude.. pls know, I love you all, but may not reply to messages etc! So much love, Leah SC!! @empowerme101 #greatescape #sunshinecoast #oneweekforme #mooloolaba #alexanderheadlands #sograteful #detox #metime #sunshinestate
07.01.2022 I’ve been barefoot for a week.. monday afternoon I kicked my shoes off in a park, and I haven’t put shoes on since.. I feel at home with no shoes on, my feet against the earth, bare and grounded.. I feel free, wild, relaxed, connected.. when was the last time you spent time without shoes on?? Felt the earth beneath you, the grass between your toes, the soft sand or the rocky gravel? When we are barefoot against the earth, Mother Natures electrons are absorbed into ...our entire bodies, it gives us positive energy straight into our beings.. you are literally electrically reconnecting with the earth! This practise is called grounding, and if done for only half an hour every day can have so many benefits to your body, such as reduced inflammation, better blood flow, it improves sleep, immunity, pain management and decreases stress in our bodies!! Pretty bloody impressive if you think about it!!! So kick your shoes off, get in nature, put your bare feet on the earth, and ENJOY!!!!! @empowerme101 #empowerme101 #grounding #earthing #kickyourshoesoff #nature #mothernature #sandbetweenmytoes #grass #getinnature #beach #subshinecoast #lifecoach #brisbanelifecoach #brisbanebusiness
06.01.2022 My current view... what can I say.. the clouds have blown away today.. the sun is shining.. For now I am exactly where I’m meant to be.. alone on the rocks, listening to the harmony of the waves licking the shore, feeling the cool breeze on my skin, as it sweeps my hair and tickles my back, the bluest of skies above me, the clouds moving gently like cotton wool balls being blown around.. barefoot, with nothing else but my phone to write this post.. I’ve had th...e toughest week yet, and I’ve also been extremely tough on myself, but my mentor/coach said one thing today, that gave me perspective, it’s something, of course, I know, but had forgotten.. you are exactly where you are meant to be! And there it was.. permission to just be!! Permission to know I don’t need to try to be anywhere else right now, that the lessons, the learning, the leaning in, the loving and letting go.. it is exactly as it was meant to happen otherwise it wouldn’t have happened!!! I have been so overwhelmed with the decisions I have made, questioning absolutely everything, all I’ve done over the past 2 years to get to where I am, the choices, the self development, the leaps I’ve taken, the strength I’d gained, I questioned who the fck I was, what kind of mum am I, everything!!!! I almost gave up on this journey.. I almost caved into such depression that i wanted to shut off my soul, forget all I’d felt, all I’d learnt and who I’d grown in to.. I was so close.. there were days I wanted to close my eyes to this life I have chosen, the spiritual journey back to who I really am.. fck life would be so much easier, mostly for everyone else, but also myself.. this journey I’m on, to find me, to heal, to help others, to shine my true light without giving two fcks about the opinions of others..it’s the hardest choice and journey.. but I haven’t come this far,to only come this far!!! So here I am,in my favourite moment, so so so full of love and gratitude and in nature,by the water,choosing to continue what I started!I am exactly where I’m meant to be..& who I’m meant to be too!You may need that reminder too!! YOU are exactly who & where you’re meant to be
05.01.2022 Just incase you might have forgotten today.. YOU ARE THE SUN!! You are beautiful, you are unique, you are a true miracle, you are divine, incredible and full of magic!! Shine your light, glow from the inside, be you, do you, for YOU.. Glow brightly, spread your light far, warm others with your love and never ever forget how bloody special you are.. YOU reading this.. YOU ARE THE SUN! Don’t ever forget it!! @empowerme101 #empowerme101 #beempowered #youarethesun #sunshine #glow #shine #light #beyou #doyou #foryou #shinebright #spreadlove #dontforget #miracle #lifecoach #brisbanelifecoach #brisbanebusiness
05.01.2022 Do more of what makes YOU happy!!! I know it sounds bloody simple, yet every day when I talk to people and ask them what they’re doing EVERY SINGLE DAY, that brings them joy, that makes their soul sing, that lights them up,,that makes them simply happy, so very few are making the time each day to do anything for themselves! Self-care is a daily choice!!! Self care, is showing yourself that you are worthy of time, time for you!! We have one life, one day, one sin...gle moment at a time.. we need to actually choose what we will do, in every single second, to bring us the most joy! Then we need to set aside actual time each day to do the things that light our souls or fill our cups! What have you done today or are you honestly going to do today, before the night falls, for yourself, for simple happiness? it’s just a choice... choose to make the time.. choose to do the things that make YOU happy!!! One chance, one life!! Love it!! So so so much love, Leah SC @empowerme101 #empowerme101 #beempowered #onelife #onechance #behappy #chooseyou #yourlife #selfcare #selflove #happiness #joy #choose
05.01.2022 This is my prettiest princess.. and today is national daughters day.. so I’m celebrating her, and my unconditional love for her.. thank you my pretty for making me a mum, for being my greatest life’s gift, for being the brightest ray of sunshine in my day, for the laughs, the tears and even your tantrums, for everything we have shared, I will never ever take for granted.. being your mum is my greatest blessing, my most favourite thing.. you are so strong, amazing, beautiful, incredible, brave, inspiring, stunning, smart, generous, accepting, hilarious, courageous, and more powerful then you know!! Thank you for choosing me to be your mumma.. I am me, because of you.. I adore you @empowerme101 #nationaldaughterday #myprincess #mygirl #mygreatestgift #mumma #mumlife #soblessed #minime #wholeworld
03.01.2022 Anyone who knows me, or follows me or watches my stories, knows there is rarely ever a day I’m not in nature... it is my absolute happy place, it fills me up, sings to my soul, grounds me, allows me to breathe, reminds me to be so bloody grateful, I’m in awe of its beauty.. how often do you spend time in nature?? Like, just admiring it, in all its glory!! How blessed we are!! Get outside!!! Soak in the sunshine, breathe in the goodness and exhale all the shit.. stop, listen, look, enjoy, feel.. Nature is everywhere, it’s all around us, it’s available 24/7.. get in it daily, be present and watch how it affects everything!!!! @empowerme101 #beempowered #empowerme101 #nature #glorious #beautifulday #breathe #grateful #blessed #sunshine #everywhere #getinnature #brisbanelifecoach #brisbane #brisbanebusiness #lifecoach
02.01.2022 Happy weekend Lovers!!!! What are you choosing to do for yourself this weekend?? Choosing to do things purely to fill your own cup, to light up your own soul, to rest, replenish and rejuvenate yourself, ISNT SELFISH, it is absolutely NECESSARY!! We all spend so much time , doing for others, pleasing, helping, being there for our family, partners, friends, clients etc., we can easily forget our own needs, desires, and wishes.. we forget that to be our best selv...es, we need to MAKE the time to look after our own souls, bodies, hearts!! So this post, is your reminder to CHOOSE to MAKE the time this weekend to do the things FOR YOU, that fill your cup, light your soul, bring joy and happiness to your heart!!! Happy Weekend Beautiful People!! So so much love! @empowerme101 #empowerme101 #beempowered #selfcare #selflove #fillyourcup #soultime #youtime #beyou #doyou #foryou #sunshinecoast #lifecoach
01.01.2022 Just found out today is World vegetarian day!! I’ve chosen to be vegetarian because it feels good for my body and even better for my soul.. you just have to read as much research and information that you need to make an informative decision, but then, seriously, listen to what your soul and gut is saying to you! I hate the thought of animals suffering and then dying, I hate the smell & look of meat and mostly ate it for convenience and the protein, but it never honestly... sat well with me, dead animals in my body knowing what they’d gone through to be meat on my plate, so I decided for me, I wouldn’t eat it anymore.. and it’s a decision that makes me feel happier!! I will never preach to anyone about my choices, but vegetarian meals are bloody amazing! Ha! Try to have a meat free day a few times a week! I think you’ll be surprised how good you’ll feel, in your body and in your soul!! Enjoy! @empowerme101 #vegetarian #worldvegetarianday #eatplants #fruit #vegetables #bekind #thinkaboutwhatyoueat #beempowered #empowerme101
01.01.2022 When I’m not sure of anything.. when I can’t even work out who I am, when I’m unsure of all that’s happening in the world, when I begin questioning everything I’ve ever known.. I will always wake to go and watch the sunrise, preferably at the beach.. there is something irreplaceable, indescribable, incomparable to a sunrise!! In its beauty, it’s uniqueness, it’s glory and in its promise.. the promise of a new day, every single day.. it makes me feel, like I am exactly who ...and where I’m meant to be!! As I stand there in awe of it’s glory, I know right there, in its presence, right in that moment, I am exactly perfectly imperfect, I am exactly who I’m meant to be, nothing more, nothing less.. and that I’m exactly where I’m meant to be, at the very right season of my life, the right stage, the right growth, the very exact place in my life where I’m meant to be!! Find a place in nature, wake up early, and go and watch the sunrise!!! Breathe it all in!!! Exhale all doubts!!! Breathe in again knowing you are absolutely who you were meant to be, created as a miracle, and you are exactly where you need to be in your life, no matter what you are going through, despite it all, right in that moment, just know, you are alive, and all will be ok.. The stillness, the calmness, the aliveness, the fulfilment, the gratitude, the divine glory.. let it all wash over you.. be truly present in that moment.. let it touch your soul, tickle your skin, open your heart.. Tell me, what is your go-to when you’re feeling lost? And when was the last sunrise you watched? How did it make you feel?? So much love, Leah SC @empowerme101 #empowerme101 #beempowered #sunrise #lost #questions #beach #beauty #beachsunrise #glory #presence #promise #exactlywhereimsupposedtobe #justme #perfectlyimperfect #australiansunrise #brisbane #redcliffe #lifecoach #brisbanelifecoach #brisbanebusiness
01.01.2022 Are you creating a life you dreamed of, or a life others have dreamed up for you?? Really stop and take a look at your life.. if you could look at it like it’s a movie, would it be one you’re absolutely in-love with, or is it a happy ever after that belongs to someone else? We are so conditioned by our parents, friends , and society, that we very often don’t question what OUR dream life looks like.. we are so busy thinking that our success should be what others want, ...we have completely lost what our own dream life looks like!! Your dream life could be working for yourself, travelling the world.. or it could be having 6 kids and a huge house, but you’ve been conditioned into thinking that 6 kids is too many and a big house is only for the rich.. or that working for yourself and travelling the world isn’t possible either... it is.. it ALL is!!! If you dream it, truly believe it, work toward YOUR goals, YOUR dream life, it can and will happen!! Stop living YOUR life through others expectations!!! Dream, evolve, and live your life for YOU!!!! @empowerme101 #beempowered #empowerme101 #liveyourlife #dreamlife #yourdream #dream #evolve #chooseyourdreams #happilyeverafter #happyeverafter #yourlife #yourway #success #payattention #lifecoach #lifecoachonline #brisbanelifecoach #brisbanebusiness
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