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Capriell Rickard | Business consultant

to load big map

Capriell Rickard

Phone: +61 417 622 223


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to load big map

25.01.2022 Breath and read that again and again until you feel that it is true.

24.01.2022 So, you’re sick of your job but you can’t afford to quit. You’ve looked at every Work At Home Opportunity but they are either spam or surveys that give you an entry into.....well nothing really because you never, ever find out if anyone won. I hear you. ... I see you. I feel you. The hours you’ve spent and you just don’t seem to find anything legitimate, that is going to actually give you a decent income. Let alone an income to actually live off. That was me 10 years ago. I was working on multiple work from home opportunities that just weren’t working. I was working to pay monthly fees on training, so that I could sell the exact training to others. Honestly, who the f$&k came up with this b.s. anyway? I lost loads of friends because I was trained to be ok with them not wanting to reach my heights. No, no they could see through the cloak and I had rose coloured glasses on and an internal belief that said It’s ok, you HAVE to work HARD for money . What a load of rainbows and unicorns. With multiple failed attempts I went back to the grind in a job after our son was born and instead of chasing the get rich quick or mlm life and I found my calling. Don’t get me wrong they aren’t all bad but I just decided I wanted to do more and have more of an impact. I gathered my skills, knuckled down in my learning and found the order and sequence to become a 6 Figure Coach that lived a completely inspired life. Now I get to wake up every day and ask How will I be of service today?. I get to show amazing souls just like you how I went from burnout to a 6 Figure income and how they can shortcut my mistakes. Nope what I do isn’t for everyone. In fact it takes a special kind of person to be comfortable with pushing people out of their comfort zones and move their arse on making shit happen. It takes passion, drive and focus but when it is what makes your heart sing, it’s freaking amazing. Sound like you? Let me know below and I’ll be in touch.

23.01.2022 So much fun to be had. Look forward to Friday this week

20.01.2022 I have failed more times than I would like to admit to anyone. With each failure there is growth. With each failure there is learning. With each failure, there really is only feedback to tell us what we either didn't learn or what we did learn but could maybe do differently next time. How many times have you failed?

20.01.2022 Who hasn't joined yet? Starts Friday

19.01.2022 Who hasn't joined my FREE 3 Day Program yet???

17.01.2022 The amount of people that live to pay to play in this world is crazy... I understand that our conditioning through school with money doesn't meet what the need is when we leave school but in this day and age, it is our responsibility to change that. I know some amazing Money Coaches that can show you some crazy ways to have more than enough money from where you currently are. Do yourself a favour and look at your money. When I say look I mean really look at it each and e...very day until you change your belief around it. We were facing bankruptcy and it was difficult to open up the bank each and every day to see a negative balance or what had been reverted back because there wasn't enough. The thing is, we didn't turn that around by burring our heads and pretending like it didn't happen or wasn't happening. We turned it around by facing it and working on it step by step each and every day. If you are struggling with money then I suggest changing your belief around money and getting and education around how to use it appropriately so that it works for you. See more

17.01.2022 What would you do with your life if you didn't have to trade time for money? Legitimate Question! I'm curious..What would you do with your life if you didn't have to trade time for money? Legitimate Question! I'm curious..

17.01.2022 What are you secretly a pro at?What are you secretly a pro at?

15.01.2022 Anyone want to play???

14.01.2022 Celebrate with me One of my clients called in $13,000 in less than 24 hours.Celebrate with me One of my clients called in $13,000 in less than 24 hours.

13.01.2022 We’ve all got a happy place! Some of us can’t get to them just in the now moment, however we still have our go to place that when everything gets too much we go to it. Mine is the beach. As a kid growing up on the Gold Coast I had the luxury of going any time I wanted. I loved it and still do. ... Sitting and listening to the waves and the water moving about in what can seem like a disorderly fashion is just pure bliss. When you look deeper at what is happening though, there is absolutely a reason for everything the ocean is doing, right there in that exact moment. I mean there are a million different variables but still there is purpose. A purpose that goes beyond the most logical of thinking. A purpose that is divinely orchestrated. A purpose that for the majority we just simply choose to trust that everything is, as it should be Irrespective of the purpose we see many things from our own perspective. It really doesn’t matter if it’s the echoing of the crashing waves or the thrill in the squeals of the children playing. Or maybe even the random splash of fish jumping in and out of the water For someone to witness any and all of these we have to have this in our awareness. I find that with every client I work with, the more I am able to bring to their awareness the more they are able to align with what their heart truly desires. Tell me....where is your happy place? Bonus points for pictures

13.01.2022 When we come from a space of learning, then we can truly enjoy the journey that we are on. I have for a long time looking at everything that comes up from a space of understanding what lesson I have from this moment. Some lessons are harder to face than others and have to come around a few times before I truly understand what the lesson is but in the end I always learn and grow. So when your next challenge comes up the question becomes, "What can I learn from the challenge in front of me?"

10.01.2022 Another way of putting this is lead by example. I want the world to change. I want the world to have peace and love over hardship and anger. I can't defuse anger with more anger. Why do we continue to meet people with anger or contentment when we want things to change? We should always come from love in any given situation to be able to change the world for the better.

09.01.2022 I am seeking Beta Testers for my online course and group coaching program on Guidance On The Right Frequency, so you can differentiate between your own voice and the voice of your guides. ($497 value). There is no charge for you, in exchange for feedback and testimonials. It’s all about tapping in and tuning into your guidance effectively so you can live your life in a guided way to allow yourself to KNOW what is your guidance and what is your inner voice or ego chumming in.... Plus you’ll be able to know how to achieve external validation of what is truly going on for you - with ease! This works for anyone that is open to receive guidance or card pulls from anyone else. Unfortunately, if you don’t have a belief that there are spirits or guides or universal energy then this is not for you. I feel you will LOVE it! Mark that you are going on the event to get something extra special!!!! Join the group and answer the questions to apply.

05.01.2022 Trust your own guidance. Simplify the every day and connect through soul driven processes. I'm here to help you achieve all your heart desires. If you want to learn how to go from being stuck and confused as to what to do next, to having absolute alignment and connection with your business and your life then send me a message and ask me how to make it happen.

05.01.2022 Who wants to deepen their connection with spirit & their business. Drop an emoji Who wants to deepen their connection with spirit & their business. Drop an emoji

05.01.2022 If you are like me and so many others that I know the struggles can be very real. When we can take a step back and understand that the feeling of struggle is actually a choice because the first 90 seconds after something has happened is our unconscious reaction and anything after that is a choice, then we can understand that we are choosing to feel this way. Wait, what? We are choosing to feel the struggle. Ok so if we are choosing to feel the struggle then there must be a purpose for it. We must be resisting something and therefore the struggle presents. Hmmm, now that is food for thought, isn't it?

04.01.2022 When childhood trauma comes and bites you on the arse BIG TIME! All you are truly left to do is dig deep and heal I didn’t always think of it this way. Things would come up and I would just be angry or frustrated and there were moments of such great sadness that even I didn’t know what to do with myself. I wasn’t aware enough at that point to understand that this was a reaction to the trauma in which I had experienced as a child....Continue reading

03.01.2022 I use to always talk about being a procrastinator. In one of my early jobs, it was something I mastered well. I mastered the art of procrastination because I was busy playing small. I was busying doing everything but the work that I needed to do so that I wasn't given any other work to do. It worked for a long time until I discovered that I was in self-sabotage mode and I needed to stop playing small in every area of my life.

02.01.2022 It all seemed like it was in the distant past, until it wasn’t. I had the pleasure today of speaking with a magical woman. She was an empath, psychic and a medium. All wonderful skills that I adore in other people as I get to use them within myself. What was amazing about this woman was that even though she was still having real struggles, she knew she needed to change but she just couldn’t grasp what it was specifically that she needed to change. We spoke about many thi...ngs until we got to the one thing that was so traumatic in her life that I could feel the rush of energy running up and down my body. My spirit guides were pretty much jumping for joy that she had shared the one thing that we needed to discuss. She like most of the amazing souls I speak with had, had childhood trauma that was so intense she wasn’t able to get into the details. I never need the details, I can feel it anyway but still I could see the absolute distress in her eyes as they were filling with tears again. I begged her to release the tears. Let go, of what was holding her back and share with me what was really going on. The woman was one amazing soul. She leant in and trusted me and I will be forever grateful. She had not only had massive childhood trauma but she had suffered at the hands of a bunch of ego-driven males that had used her for their own pleasure. Do you know when I got that massive rush of energy as she told me her story I knew it was her calling. I can see her fixing crowns and healing women, all over the world. I can feel the change in the world just because she was brave enough to know she is here for a reason. I could hear the relief in the air as her spirits breathed a sigh of relief that she had understood what they had been trying to tell her for so very long. I am blessed to do this each and every day of my life. She was me just a few short years ago. I too am a warrior goddess. My story is slightly different, I come from a different cultural background, different childhood trauma, and different earth parents but we are one and together we rise.. understanding of her presence and the change she makes in peoples lives just by entering the room. This warrior goddess is here to change the world, one goddess at a time. I can see her fixing crowns and healing woman, all over the world. I can feel the change in the world just because she was brave enough to know she is here for a reason. I could hear the relief in the air as her spirits breathed a sigh of relief that she had understood what they had been trying to tell her for so very long. I am blessed to do this each and every day of my life. She was me just a few short years ago. I too am a warrior goddess. My story is slightly different, I come from a different cultural background, different childhood trauma and different earth parents but we are one and together we rise. Now let’s heal this world of ours!!!! Email me! Let’s Connect.

02.01.2022 When I say work, I say that lightly. I mean I took the actions that I was guided to take, in the moments I was guided to take them. That's the magic of being guided and getting a clear message. We all have the ability but we also all have free will and decide if that is going to be something that we want in our lives. This is why I absolutely love Soul much fun to see people tapping in and tuning in and getting their messages and understanding then how to take that back into their every day lives. I thought I was just pretty damn good. Now I know I have always been guided and I have a new level of understanding and strategies to be able to use it.

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