Empress Coaching | Health/beauty
Empress Coaching
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25.01.2022 And just like that everything changed and she simply surrendered as said a big fat YES Trust is your greatest power ,the universe has your back always the truth is in a system and society that breaths fear into your mind , let your soul be the light that shines to show you the truth Great Mother I am ready to be held, lived and so so supported I feel you , I trust you I TRUST MY MOTHER FOCKIN SOUL ITS TIME TO RIGHT MY OWN STORY no apologies anymore
24.01.2022 The journey home can be a peaceful and elequent, when we activate our source energy and discover our authentic power , we come to realise that we need to control nothing, we simply surrender and the conditioned mind, the polarities of our true self turn to dust , REMEMBERING WHO WE ARE , OUR AUTHENTIC SELF IS A JOURNEY, learning to harness this power while flowing with the life . The journey back to the heart is as simple, romantic, graceful and poetic as you want it be, surr...endering is key. Sometimes the ego just has to surrender and then REAL LIFE CAN BEGIN. COMING HOME TO TE HEART is the most important and courageous path any women can take and it begins with TRUST AND SURRENDER. A life built on lies and fear will create a joyous life of ease , flow and grace. The FEMININE. ENERGY , SHAKTI , LIFEFORCE is what we need to engage with to fully experience ourselves. When we begin to operate from our feminine energy and awaken our sexuality and heal and open our hearts and learn to use our intuition we begin to give permission to for men to step into their full expression of the divine masculine which is so powerful. The sacred relationships workshop is coming up on the 9 th of February . We are almost sold out so DM us @empress_coaching for the last spots. #sacredfeminine#femininepower#cominghome#heartcenteredliving#wellness See more
24.01.2022 Amazing feminine leaders sharing their badassery on our training and evolving portal tonight
23.01.2022 When throwback thursdays are just too good #vibing#lovethechoons#dontwanttoleacethecar#justliveit
23.01.2022 We are perfectly designed as a vessel of light to awaken one another , to work together connection is our essence and through the portal , the doorway of our hearts may we listen , remember and return to our true way. The power of connection and community is the human way , if you have been craving more authentic connection DM us @theempressco#goddess#earthmother#connection#heartcenteredliving#thepowerofone
22.01.2022 So excited for this journey
21.01.2022 How Im feeling @empress_coaching about this Mother Moon ; the Leo moon. As someone who has always had a strong design of a mother ; hence my dominant archetype of the Empress , the ultimate mother and ruler this moon is moving me in all ways and is so powerful@for my core energy. Happy Leo full moon loves #fullmoon#leofullmoon#mothermoon #
21.01.2022 Live is a sacred dance ... now, drop in, feel it , love it And allow it live your essence , live your truth and dont be afraid to ASK FOR WHAT YOU NEED , LIFE SUPPORTS YOU AND WHEN YOUR ARE CONNECTED TO THE INFINITE FLOW OF LIFE WITHIN YOU YOU HAVE ACCESS TO ALL THAT YOU WILL EVER NEED #liveyourtruth#sacredfeminine#godmother#earthangel#womenswellness#love#beloved
21.01.2022 The Empress Co New Program is on its way things are changing this year and we are building an online platform so women can work as a collective to raise each other up together as tribe stay tuned @empress_coaching and [email protected] for events coming up soon#holistichealthcoach#tribe#divinefeminine#womenswellness#fitness#nutrition#yoga
21.01.2022 Because a day of work always requires also a bit of play hope your all queening it today do what ever makes your soul happy for me it was wine, chats with a good friend , laughter , wine and good music #queenlife#soulonfire
20.01.2022 Happy Friday with a Leo moon on Sunday to say this lioness is an under statement. love happiness wealth and health to all lovers #fullmoon#leo#fridayfeels
19.01.2022 This my love is the only way Or you will forever be bound to some one else’s story When you begin to train your mind to be in service to your heart your life ...will Transform When you begin to align with the your soul and breakdown the many illusions of who you thought you were or should be, you begin to truly come alive When you begin to soften more , open more and trust more - love then can come in When you realise you are a child of the stars, the moon , the sun , the sky and this earth you begin to surrender your attachments and simply feel the pulse of life , the heart beat of this land and beyond and the rhythm of the universe , this is the way of the soul May we all do the work and rise as woman for our men, for our children and for the planet itself Re wild yourself dear woman Awaken the fire within and begin to listen to your ancestors who are holding you now
19.01.2022 Oh how this was the moto of the last few months and what a wonderful time its been @empresscoaching for rest and restore Our programs have been updated and the new refreshed website will be up soon www.theempressco.com.au
18.01.2022 Hello Beautiful Mummas and Ladies Well it’s been a little while I am now 27 weeks pregnant and my first born has started kindy ... After quite a break ( longer than expected) I’m back on and my gosh my darlings I have so so much to share .... Yes I’ve been offline for a while but my goodness my womb in that time has been in full creative zone There is so much I am looking forward to share with you all including .... dum, de, dum, da a new studio , healing clinic and wellness centre ahhhh so excited So much love to you all and stay tuned for all the goodies
17.01.2022 Inhale love exhale fear repeat #doterra#toxfreelufe#motherearth#giftsfromtheearth
16.01.2022 Who’s keen to join in on this amazing mummas intro to human design ??? DM me or place a below and I’ll set you up with an invite my darling
16.01.2022 Every day spent with you As I breath you in you remind me to drop in to my heart and so Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou and open up to recieve love Rose the flower of love and the heart you are my offering daily @doterraaunz#doterra#roseoil#selflove#openheart#surrender
13.01.2022 When your oils are so sacred you have at least in your bag where ever you go and bring your crystals and oils out at the party#healer#wellnesscoach#selflove#allthesmells#allthefeels#yoga#doterra#crystalqueen
13.01.2022 The Empress Coaching Womens Circle is such a beautiful divine event. Check out theempressco.com.au for details#divinefeminine#sacredcircle#mooncircle
12.01.2022 Cant wait to order this box in my next order @doterraaunz. These oils have changed my life on so many levels, not only have they changed the way I live through the amazing community of people I have met along the way, the commitment to living a low tox lifestyle is an ethos I have recently committed to across all areas of life including home environment , relationships, diet , exercise, mentality etc. I use these oils in my work a lot with massages , Healings , diffusing in Coaching sessions and yoga 1 on 1s , sharing at workshops and retreats. If your interested in knowing how to use these or about the - low tox living ethos DM me #lowtoxlife#doterra#wellnesscoach#wellness#womenswellness#sustainableliving#conciousliving
10.01.2022 Once you begin to learn the absolute harmful toxic chemicals that are in most of our cleaning products even the so called green and earthy ones You don’t look back because these chemicals are what I call at Empress Coaching and Wellness Hormone Disrubtors - yup these sneaky perfumes and fragrances can clog your liver, screw with your weight and much much more The other thing is once you learn how easy it is to make your own , its so much cheaper too ... DM me for any questions regarding these amazing products Once you cut the crap you can’t look back
10.01.2022 Now consulting on full day on Tuesday @merakiii.room for massage, yoga 1 on 1, lifecoaching, Healings and Holistic Health Coaching Programs see www.theempressco.com.au for services and prices #healthcoach#massage#reiki#yoga#holistichealth
10.01.2022 How Im feeling about The Empress Coaching Soul Blueprint Bussiness Program launching in Feb
09.01.2022 Ready for consults in my new consult space on Fridays and Saturdays #newzenspace#consults#wellness#massage#coaching#healings
09.01.2022 Every moment now forever new baby girl , press the reset button and simply start over life is truly about perspective I have found , shift your focus and shift your life baby @empress_coaching #lifecoach#lifecoaching#fitness#healthcoach#selflove#livelife
08.01.2022 Mindful Movement is such an important part of my daily routine , swimming 2 x a week feels so beautiful , my body is held and supported and feel nurtured by the water as it cools my pitta nature. Are you present and alive and expressive when you move your body ??? Want to know how ?? DM me @empress_coaching
06.01.2022 Open shop as of December 12 th Only taking on 2 12 week online health coaching programs See website www.theempressco.com.au under services and also see our latest - Embodied Empress Program ( 6 months in the making ) ...
06.01.2022 Last nights view @seamoreshenley so blessed where ever we look the sacred mothervreminds us of our magic #adelaide#henley#divine#wearenature#creation
03.01.2022 A MESSAGE FOR ALL THE CRAZY CONSPIRACY THEORISTS and HEALERS out there; To All of You who have been laughed at, abused on social media and called insan...e for years but who still stand up for what you believe in and try to get the truth out to the public. You have lost friends and family, you have been ridiculed, and yet you still speak your truth. For all the hippys, lightworkers, starseeds, wayshowers and alternative therapists who have always felt alienated and different but never stopped being that person who tries to offer a different perspective to things. You learned about Energy Healing, Crystals, Mother Gaia and Healing therapy while those around you laughed. You were different and weird and never were one for conforming. For the sensitives and empaths whose hearts break knowing about the Human trafficking and the Pedophile Rings and more... The ones who woke up and realised what was going on in the world and had to have their hearts shattered into a million pieces while everyone in their life simply thought they were losing their minds. You had to face all that alone and it broke your heart, but you did it and you faced that DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL like a King and Queen!! For those Old Souls who try every single day to help humanity, who feel isolated and different and who have lost many friends and family members in the process of waking up. The ones who don’t go out any more, the ones who research untill days have passed by, the ones who stood up and dared say what nobody else would. The ones who have dedicated their life to this ascension process... I take my Hat of to Each and Every one of You. This process is the hardest thing anyone will ever have to do and you had to do it first! Every single day more and more people are waking up. I know it’s hard and you’re feeling exhausted and sometimes drained by the negative response you’re getting, but stay strong because this battle will soon be over and soon the World will know WHAT WE DO AND WHY WE DID IT. Where We Go One, We Go All. This time will be spoken about in history and your efforts to awaken and heal humanity will effect not only our existence on Planet Earth but it will effect everything throughout The Universe. This is an Galactic Event and you have chosen this assignment before you incarnated into this Timeline. You chose to be here right now! You are a DIVINE BEING. REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE! YOU GOT THIS! Infinite Blessings Åsa Larsdotter Falck Indigo & Pleiadian Starseed Instagram & FB Page: Divine Synergy Thanks to Caroline Hardwick for the inspiration of this post. Update by 13 sep 2020, Watch the Video; https://youtu.be/zv6g3y116EI
03.01.2022 At Empress Coaching and Wellness we have been working hard behind the scenes to create our first ever online program At The Empress Co we want to to be able touch as many hearts as possible so we are in the process of changing our approach to support women to collectively work together to rise The Empress Co Shine Program will launch late March - Early April ... Only 20 spots available The Shine Program is a 16 week Holistic Health Coaching Program and Lifestyle Design Program Whats included; Online Weekly Group Coaching Calls ( 1 hour ) on a range of topics along this transformational journey Weekly Tasks and Exercises to support each weeks topics Online Fitness ( Fem Fire Fitness ) Videos 4 Fem Fire Fitness and Mindful Movement Programs ( all can be done at home ) 4 Monthly Nutritional Planners A Range of Recipes to Support the Nutritional Planner Meals A group cooking class workshop Yoga Programs Online Yoga Videos Yoga Programs for Morning Ritual Self love, Self Care and Self Honour exercises 16 Different Topics - Including 8 different Activations, Each Topic covers each Area of the wheel of life to create total wellness; Health, Spirituality, Life Purpose, Creativity, Finances, Physical Activity and much more 1 1 on 1 Coaching Session Cost $ 1899 Payment Plan - $ 299 deposit and $ 30 a week over 24 weeks DM us for Details
02.01.2022 Does a flower loose its scent if another person criticises it colour ? Does a flower ask of its worthy ness to recieve light from the infinate source of the sun or the earths nutrients that nourish its roots? Does a flower ask of its value when gazed at in awww of its beauty by a passing follower? ... Does a flower question its abundance to support all of life in all its glorious cycles when a bee comes by to attain nector? Does a flower wander of its beauty, grace and goodness just because it has thorns? Is a flower afraid to loose its beautiful petals in the essence of life and its wonderful cycles.. does it fear aging as or the dying of its petals as something harmful to its self or does it simply trust fully in life and see it as a process of ever unfolding renewal ? Just some thing to contemplate today treasure You are the rose you are the flower Trust in all of life , that life will support you , honour your beauty, worth and value . Understand that nature of life and honour it you , your very being is not seperate from nature , YOU ARE NATURE AND YOUR BODY OPERATES ON THE SAME SYSTEM OF LIFE BE BRAVE ENOUGH TO BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF AND LET GO OF THE EGO, THE MASK , OPEN UP YOUR HEART , the flower within you exists there Let life in treasure and just let go Your beauty is your essence now trust that #selflove#newearth#surremdettotruth#bohostyle#selflovecoach#lifestyledesign#wellnesscoach#selfhonour#selfrespect#selfesteem
01.01.2022 Ok loverly well here’s the truth Over the past 12 months my soul has directed me into deeply remembering my deep connection to astrology It’s something I’m so... beyond passionate about Don’t get me wrong it was until 3 years ago when I started my bussiness working in a beautiful boho inspired shop and wellness clinic called Merakiii Room that I discovered it’s essence ... as the time I was curious but still a little skeptical as to how relavent this was to my life , my relationships and my every day experience As my soul has deeply been calling me home to myself I began to open up more and more to astrology and be amazed by its influence in my every day experience , my overall personality , life challenges and most importantly mastery of my self . Astrology and my natal chart in particular is like a road map in essence of what and where your soul is directing you to So keeping it simple I’m a VIRGO rising sign which simply means that my image and how others perceive me is the essence of Virgo , my Sun sign is LEO and this is what most people are familiar with ( sun signs ) and this represents my life force energy and my ego qualities ( human drivers ) and my moon sign is LIBRA and this represents my inner emotional nature and what I look for in relationships and interactions and finally my VENUS is in LEO and the Venus placement represents LOVE MONEY AND ROMANTIC relationships and what qualities you say seek there There is much much more but this the basics So why was this so important. What challenges have I faced in the past 12 months that made this deep learning such a gift .... So since August 2019 ( my 32nd ) birthday I entered my MOON time a stage of my life where I was ruled by and embodying and mastering my MOON nature , this stage for me is 7 years and prior to this I was ruled by MERCURY ( mind sign ) for a whopping 17 years ( hence the personal training , athletics etc ) My moon sign is in Libra but I was also now being called to come into alignment with my authentic feminine nature ( LUNAR RYTHMIC NATURE ) The driver of a Libra moon is seek balance, harmony and peace at all times and as young children ( 0-7 ) our moon sign is our subconscious nature hence I learnt strategies to keep balance , peace and harmony as this was my primary emotional need however ..... a lot of these in adulthood and beyond where not useful and caused a lot of harm although subconsciously we’ll intentioned . So in order to keep balance , peace and harmony i seeked to keep and control that externally in my relationships so I could feel peace , harmony and balance .... what does this look like most of the time ... giving our power away , not speaking our truth to keep the peace , huge repression of anger in relationships to be the peace sign in a dynamic and mostly putting other people’s sense of safety , security and peace above my own always . So the strategy being if I can make everyone around me feel safe , then I can have my needs met beautiful idea but so so so draining and debilitating over time Add being an empath - highly attuned sensitive person to the mix ( ability to feel others thoughts , feelings , emotions and intentions in my own body ) and we have quite an interesting combination So now my focus over the next period is transforming my relationship with self and mastering my inner nature to provide the tools to create inner peace , inner balance and inner harmony regardless of what others are experiencing around me while still holding others in compassion and love but not needing to deny my needs emotionally to make them feel safe in order to get my own met So I’m commuting to tools that help me develop body awareness and mind awareness ; yoga and meditation and embodyment The truth is when I first started my program with my mentor recently I couldn’t even tell her what I needed , I could tell her what I thought ( Mind ) I needed but I was so disconnected from my own body and heart because I found it virtually impossible to differentiate between my feelings and needs and others and most heart archingly slow through our coaching work my inner child didn’t even know is was ok to have needs as her emotional needs were so used to being shunned or by passed and redirected to others Unfortunately this nature of martredym is rife in our society and it’s so often unconscious , this comes from our mothers modelling , socities modelling etc and honestly hats off to our mummas as they were only modelling their mummas ... um hello world war 1 and 2 woman ... not much room for emotional recognitionion there or self care - we must survive !!!! Right but not so relavent now Wow this is a huge post To get to the point I really want to be able to share my love for astrology so I’m offering 4 natal chart readings for free as giving is receiving and receiving is giving.. I simply want others to experience the magic and soul alignment this gave me so send me a DM or place a below and yes my darling it’s completely free All My Love
01.01.2022 Todays beautiful blend on replay while I write programs #doterra#wellness#wellnesscoach#lowtox#conciousliving
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