Empower Sports | Health/beauty
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21.01.2022 Our training is not only physical, it is also a mental one. It is about finding your inner strength and letting it out. If you can believe it, you can achieve it. Never settle!!!! ///////////////////////... Nuestro entrenamiento no es solo físico, es también mental. Es encontrar tu fortaleza interna y dejarla salir. Si tu crees en tus deseos, tu puedes lograrlo. Nunca te conformes!!!!! - - - - - #Sports #Motivation #HardWork #KickBoxing #Strength #Power #Conditioning #LastRound #SwimBikeRun #Crosstraining #Agility #ExtraMile #Psychology #NoPainNoGain #Sport #NoLimits See more
15.01.2022 When in doubt, remember everybody is competing against themselves, their fears, their personal obstacles and questions. A smile and a nice word can change the outcome of their race. You are racing by yourself, but you are never alone. //////////////////// Cuando dudes, recuerda que todos los demás están compitiendo contra si mismos, sus miedos, obstáculos y dudas. Una sonrisa y una palabra de aliento pueden cambiar el destino de sus carreras. Tu corres por tu cuenta, pero jam...ás solo. - - - - - #SwimBikeRun #Running #Triathlon #Bicycle #Ironman #IronmanCertifiedCoach #Ironman703 #Ironman1406 #IronmanTraining #Triatlon #Endurance #Strength #Conditioning #Empower #Sports #Conditioning #Runner #Run #Swim #Swimmer #Bike #Bicycles #EnduranceSports #Bicicleta #Atletismo See more
15.01.2022 Despite being one of the best choices you can make throughout your life, doing sports has a risk involved. When swimming, cycling and running you are constantly at risk of injury or an accident. It is crucial for your coach or close ones to be certified in first aid. If you don't know anyone who is prepared, get certified yourself!!! It is useful information and your close ones will feel safer around you. ////////////////////////// A pesar de ser una de las mejores decisiones... de tu vida, hacer deporte siempre tendrá un riesgo. Cuando nades, montes cicla o corras estás siempre en constante riesgo de una lesión o accidente. Es fundamental que tu entrenador o personas cercanas se encuentren certificados en primeros auxilios. Si no conoces a nadie que este preparado, certificate tu!!! Es información util y tus seres queridos se sentirán mas seguros alrededor tuyo. - - - - - - ' #Triathlon #Trilife #Running #Swimming #Cycling #SafetyFirst #HealthyChoice #Ironman #Ironman703 #Ironman1406 #Endurance #Workout #Strength #Triatlón #Natacion #Deporte #Fitness #Sport #FirstAid #SwimBikeRun #Atletismo #Salud #Ciclismo See more
04.01.2022 How far are we willing to give to become the best?? There are moment when we need to rest, breathe and understand that our body needs to be taken care of or it will eventually give up. Great article for all endurance athletes to read and reflect during these easter days :) https://www.theage.com.au//heart-attacks-of-the-mega-fit-h
02.01.2022 #TBT Getting a certificate, the best service is given when the best preparation has been previously done. We are always updating our knowledge towards the enhancement of results!!! Contact us to know our customised and online plans!!! ///////////////////////////////// #TBT Obteniendo un certificado, el mejor servicio se logra cuando la mejor preparación ha sido realizada. Estamos siempre actualizando nuestro conocimiento para mejorar los resultados!!!... Contáctanos para conocer nuestros planes personalizados y online!!! - - - - - - #Triathlon #SwimBikeRun #Fitness #Fit #Swimming #Running #Strength #Conditioning #Sports #Empower #Healthy #Health #High #Class #Classes #Runner #IronmanCertifiedCoach #IronmanCoach #Ironman #Ironman703 #Ironman1406 #IronTraining #Iron #Health #Triatlón