Em's Chickens in Oakey, Queensland | Pet service
Em's Chickens
Locality: Oakey, Queensland
Phone: +61 402 640 724
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22.01.2022 Peking feature at the Toowoomba poultry club show had quite a few impressive entries. Heres a pic of one of my old black roos from last year
21.01.2022 got this one booked in...
21.01.2022 Washed the belgies today, getting ready for toowoomba show next week. Grace was quite disgusted that our cockerel almost pooped on her!
20.01.2022 Grace got first and second in the rosecomb hens. We were beaten for breed champion unfortunately
20.01.2022 One of our quietest chickens is a rosecomb hen, Rosie. The kids often squabble about who gets to cuddle Rosie...
19.01.2022 Silkies ready for auction in aid of the Cancer Council at the Toowoomba Auction on Sunday
18.01.2022 Finally back after having no internet for a few days. We have been getting our birds ready for the Toowoomba Royal next week. Unfortunately i wont be able to take all the birds i originally would have liked to take, but we will still be there! Grace has been a good little helper too :-)
17.01.2022 Today is the day, I have been putting it off for awhile. Time to catch the crele wyandottes out of mums veggie garden!
17.01.2022 I have decided that i am terrible at taking pictures at shows! the birds never seem to look as good in my photos as they do when they are standing up all nice and proud in their show pens...
17.01.2022 Well, alot of updating to do, to say the least. Having no internet really puts a hold on things. i will be back again very soon though people!
17.01.2022 Time to find a new home for the Campines :(
17.01.2022 Gracie doing a great job of shopkeeping
16.01.2022 Off to the Darling Downs club auction on sunday... might just get myself an early birthday present - im thinking white bantam wyandottes... <3
16.01.2022 Off to Toowoomba Poultry Club show on the weekend. Grace will be busy this week getting her couple of chooks organised, but Im sure she can handle it. Should be a good show :-)
16.01.2022 The rosecombs are loving our new place, and settling in very fast. Lots of jungle for them to pick at when they get let out for an afternoon run
15.01.2022 Ok, so still ALOT of work to be done, but finally getting around to making my own page! :)
14.01.2022 Went to the Gatton Auction saturday morning - OMG!! couldnt beleive the lot of Indian Game that went for over $1000! But i managed to get Gracie a decent pair of Columbian Bantam Wyandottes - pics to come soon!
14.01.2022 this is NOT my chook, but isnt it purrrrdy?! think i need some of these to go with the creles and columbians
13.01.2022 Still contemplating what shows we will attend for the rest of the season - so far looks like we will be at Toowoomba club show, Darling Downs club show, Gatton club and Ag show, Toogoolawah Ag show, Esk Ag show... i know im missing a few others in there somewhere... but thats just a few of them.
12.01.2022 Another old pic
12.01.2022 Finally getting all my babies settled into our new house :)
12.01.2022 Thought this might be helpful for a few people out there
11.01.2022 Champion bird of show was won by Sellins with a white pekin rooster
08.01.2022 The new pair of Columbian Wyandotte bantams - overall Im pretty happy with them for the price I paid. They are settling in very well. The only problem I will have will be keeping them white!
07.01.2022 Poor Rosecombs look abit tatty midway through their moult
05.01.2022 Made me laugh... Had to share it
05.01.2022 My favorite rosecomb boy Puk. Gracie has trained him well, and he loves cuddles! He often goes to sleep on my lap...
03.01.2022 An old pic of some of my pekins
01.01.2022 Gonna have to teach my fowls to pose for photos! So hard to get nice pics of them