East Malvern Tooronga Cricket Club | Sport & recreation
East Malvern Tooronga Cricket Club
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23.01.2022 THE TITANS FACE MASK IS HERE! What better way to show your support for the club and make your nearest and dearest green with envy than with a Titans face mask? Titans face masks are now available for just $15 each.... To purchase, please deposit $15 per mask into the clubs bank account and email Mike Fogarty to advise of your order: BSB: 633-000 Account: 146 680 582 Each mask comes in its own sealed plastic sleeve. Masks will be available to collect at the Fidock residence (5 Sutherland Street, Malvern East) for those living within 5kms, or for those more than 5kms away we will deliver to you.
21.01.2022 EMTCC Update Newsletter Hi All There is news about possible start dates and plans for next cricket season. Juniors to start 16 Oct Seniors 23 Oct as confirmed by associations and subject to Covid 19 conditions. See the newsletter in your preferred mailbox or use the link below :... https://mailchi.mp/9/emtcc-new-season-plans-covid-19-update Regards Mike F for EMTCC
20.01.2022 Congratulations to our U16 girls, who have merged with Kingston Heath, for their 8 wicket win in their Grand Final against Cluden on Sunday. Great job girls!! #GoTitans
20.01.2022 Hi All A reminder invitation to tonight's Annual General Meeting of East Malvern Tooronga C.C. to be held: : - TONIGHT - Wednesday 29th July : ... - Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83892706625 : Meeting ID: 838 9270 6625 - 7.30 meeting start. . The 2020/21 Annual Report includes : Agenda, Minutes of Previous Meeting, Presidents and Treasurers Reports It can be downloaded from : http://www.emtcc2.vic.cricket.com.au/content.aspx?file=324|54468w Grab it before the meeting. All committee positions are declared vacant and nominations are sought. - Please RSVP Mike Fogarty- [email protected] to express interest in any position UPDATES From the Pres - We can count ourselves as very fortunate that the season ended just before coronavirus and lockdowns found their way to Melbourne. I really feel for the EMFC and EMJFC whose 2020 seasons were cancelled altogether. Although there can be no certainty in the current climate we hope to get all our teams onfield later this year. Your committee is working hard, within DHHS, Cricket Victoria and associations guidelines, to get the new season up and going safely and as soon as possible. Remember - obey the rules, and stay safe! Senior Update : At this stage 4 teams have been entered to the ECA Saturday competition. Dean Jones has been assisting the committee review of association options for Sunday One Day teams. Both CSB and ECA Sunday comps limit/disallow XI Saturday players, esp 1s and 2s, and would preclude many of our current Sunday B players. Entry to MCA was therefore recommended and will be actioned for Sunday B and D teams. Some feedback that CSB may in the future review their Sunday arrangements. Committee with assistance from Dean and our Cricket Operations Group, will continue to monitor. Holmesglen Sunday team will not operate this season. Negotiations to secure sponsorship which would allow individual Holmesglen students to join our club subsidized by the TAFE. Senior Grounds : will be DW Lucas and Percy Treyvaud. Work completed on Percy square. Noel F reports successful in significantly improving far corner drainage. Junior Update - Brendan Smith Moving into next season as usual we need coaches and managers, a Junior Apparel coordinator is required along with a person to control the junior Facebook page. U/11 Modified cricket , This format will continue into next season U/13 Cricket next season will also be played with modified rules (B and C comp). There will be an 13A competition played on a full length pitch. 1/15 will again play on turf and we would like to get a under 17 team playing Sunday mornings in the ISEC competition as well. Longer term I believe the age groups will change to under 12, 14 16 as part of the new CSB cricket association likely to be in 22/23 season. Stay Safe All Mike Fogarty for EMTCC
20.01.2022 Dont forget about trivia later on this afternoon @5pm. We look forward to seeing everyone then. Remember to download Kahoot so youre able to participate. ... Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85010455058 Meeting ID: 850 1045 5058 Passcode: 027835
19.01.2022 You may have received an email from Cricket Victoria asking you to participate in a short (5 minute) survey to gauge attitudes towards match formats and behaviour. We would encourage all Titans to participate - see below for the survey link. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Q79JPM8
19.01.2022 Time to kick start that cricket club spirit, Its a family friendly time and your trivia knowledge will be put to the test. You can play as a family or go solo. Hopefully itll be perfect timing to end that long lockdown of stage 4! (Unless Dan Andrews springs another lockdown on us) Date: Sunday 13th September @5pm... If you havent got the Kahoot app, you can download it for free on your phone or iPad. A Zoom link will be sent on the night for everyone to join. Cheers the events committee.
18.01.2022 Club Awards Darryl Raggatt Trophy One Day Player of the Year Travis Fidock Iain Giles Trophy U/21 One Day Player of the Year Tom Murphy... Coaches Award Lachie Smith Most Improved Joel Matheson Royce Rout U/21 Club Champion Trophy Rising Star Charlie Giles Reddaway/Finch Club Champion Trophy Alex Wilkinson Presidents Award Mark Nelson Club People of The Year Award The Carter Family Lachie Carter Cheryl Carter Carl Carter Congratulations to all award winners. Thank you to everyone who was a part of the club this year and made it such a great place to be. I look forward to seeing you back again next year as we build towards the ultimate success for all teams. Don't forget to start working on any friends who play cricket and can add value to our great club. Stay safe in isolation and catch up soon. Go Titans!!!
18.01.2022 A great day at DW Lucas on Sunday as the club hosted Australian Cricket Society Wandering XI v Vic Supreme Court for their annual match. Unfortunately ACS captain ( and EMTCC life member) Ken Penaluna had to return the perpetual cup. Better luck next year.
18.01.2022 Hello Titans Family, Corona Virus has taken a significant affect on many people. Whether that means youre out of work, working in a new environment ie working from home or learning from home if youre a student. These are huge adjustments and its a credit to everyone for adjusting to this new normal. Such drastic changes in our work/study life can cause further changes in mental health, physical health and our overall well-being. Its important to acknowledge these chang...es, and check in with your mates. Connecting with your friends and family is critical, after all we are here for each other to get us through this difficult period. Here are some simple and quick tips to help with your overall mental health and well-being. Remember to continue a healthy exercise routine and we have all loved seeing it so far when logged in the Strava app! Be sure to search East Malvern Tooronga Cricket Club in the club search. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xzNMABRELPg
16.01.2022 FINAL TEAM OF THE YEAR (we really mean it this time, there are no more reserve days) Thanks to rain delays over the past two weeks, ourMen's Sunday MCA B teamwill take to the field againthis Sunday at DW Lucas Ovalfor itsGrand Final re-start against Kingston United. Only ten overs were bowled last Sunday and the Titans had Kingston United reeling at 4/12. While the match starts afresh this Sunday, the Titans will be going in full of confidence.... We have one change to the team with Leroy Jones graciously giving up his spot to John Murphy, who is returning from injury, to give him the opportunity to win a flag with his son Tom. Play starts at 11amso come down and get your final fix of club cricket before winter!
15.01.2022 The latest club newsletter is here - click on the link below for updates on planning for the season ahead, the announcement of our senior captains and a chance to win one of three new cars in the 2020 Toyota Good for Cricket raffle. If you're not on our mailing list, please email Neal Woolrich ([email protected]) to subscribe. https://mailchi.mp/9075776841/emtcc-25-september-newsletter
15.01.2022 Titans Club Awards Bowling Samantha Arscott Div 1 Women 5/3 v Richmond City... Ivo Ten Harkel D Sunday 5/10 v Surrey Hills Daljit Saini C Sunday 5/21 v Melbourne Strikers Yatinder Singh C Sunday 5/22 v Ashwood Lachie Carter B Sunday 5/24 v Charles Sturt University Anthony Wilks B Sunday 5/15 v Carnegie Justin Baumgarten B Sunday 5/47 v Ramblers Ed Court 2nd XI 5/51 v Edinburgh Alex Wilkinson 1st XI 6/41 v Glen Iris Batting Nick Spark 4th XI 104 v Heathmont Chris Glynn 4th XI 126 v Mazenod Walter Hawkins 2nd XI 101 v Old Carey Jarred Lions 1st XI 134 v Canterbury
13.01.2022 Our August 2020 newsletter is out now! Despite the Stage 4 lockdown there's plenty going on around the club as we cross our fingers and prepare for the season ahead. Click the link below to read on:... https://mailchi.mp/492c17f58ef9/emtcc-august-2020-newsletter And if you're not on our mailing list, please email Neal Woolrich to subscribe - [email protected]
13.01.2022 REMINDER ABOUT TOMORROW'S EVENTS PAST PLAYERS DAY & CENTENARY EVENT Saturday 29 Feb from 4pm @DW LUCAS Hi All Just a reminder that we have 2 significant club events going ahead tomorrow back to back.... PAST PLAYERS DAY - from 4pm @ DW Lucas Focus : Celebrating EMCC 1979/80 Premiership and TDCC 1988/89 Flag Finger Food provided. Make sure you let your past team-mates know and get down to catch up and celebrate past glories. Then stay on for .. TDCC CENTENARY/ CLUB END OF SEASON FROM 7pm also @ DW Lucas All current players, families and friends of the club are invited Live Music Snack bar will be open Chips, Dim Sims. Hot dogs etc. A light Lasagne / salad meal is also available for $10 let me know by liking Facebook post comment for multi order. A response will assist our catering planning. A late change is that Firsts game has now been relocated to Waverley Oval. Maybe drop in there before heading down to Lucas. See you there
13.01.2022 Meditation has many benefits and its as important as ever to be in touch with yourself and your inner well being. Benefits include: -Reducing stress -Helps to control anxiety... -Enhances self awareness -Can help fight addictions All it takes is 5 minutes out of your day to reset, try this link below to see how it can help you! https://youtu.be/i50ZAs7v9es
13.01.2022 EMTCC SENIOR PRESENTATIONS POSTPONED Hi to All our Senior and Junior Players. Families and Friends Sorry to be the bearer of yet another bit of bad news.... However, with all that is going on, the club has decided to postpone the Senior Presentation Evening which was scheduled for Friday April 3rd to a date to be announced. Trophies are being ordered. The intention is for them to be presented at a preseason event later in the year as we a approach a new season and more normal times. It was a great season - with some great personal achievements. So in the meantime we will look to announce the award winners online. Watch email and Facebook. Stay Safe Mike Fogarty for EMTCC
12.01.2022 The inaugural Titans Movember Marathon was a great success on the eve of Melbourne Cup. Thanks to our generous donors for supporting a great cause, and to the Titans who completed their courses: Rory Stewart a phenomenal 42kms over 6 hours, taking in the sights from his home in Glen Iris, to Tooronga, onto Gardiners Creek trail near Tooronga Village, out past Deakin to Box Hill, then back to Lucas, then out towards Burnley and back to Lucas again.... Noel Fidock, Chelsea Smith, Leroy Jones, Louisa Seymour, Lachie Smith, George Waring and Steph, and Neal Woolrich for completing half marathons. Dean Jones and Mike Fogarty 10kms each. Matthew Dawson 21kms on the bike. Our GoFundMe campaign is still open so please click here to donate: https://gf.me/u/y5grrt
11.01.2022 A message from Dan Jarvis. The club needs your help! East Malvern Tooronga Cricket Club is seeking to update our playing records to ensure accuracy for all men and woman who have played for the club. We are seeking old scorebooks from East Malvern Cricket Club, Tooronga District Cricket Club and Ladies teams who represented Tooronga District Cricket Club/Melbourne Tooronga Cricket Club to allow the club to enter these results into MyCricket and allow former players young and... old to reflect on their careers in a digital environment. We would love to unearth former players, not just those who went onto higher honours but even those who may have only played 1 game to recognise the contribution they made in making the club what it is today. Former captains, presidents, committee people and players in the past have often been asked to store these historical items and we are hoping you still have them or could put the club in touch with someone who might. With everyone currently spending more time at home, some spring cleaning might unearth these missing records. All books received once the records have been updated will be returned to the owner in the condition they were received. Please contact the club direct or e-mail Daniel Jarvis ([email protected]) or comment on this post with information to help track our club history down. Regards Daniel Jarvis EMTCC
11.01.2022 Great night at the bushfire charity t20 with the footballers passing the cricketers 170 with a big 6 with 5 balls to go. Well done to all.
10.01.2022 MCA Awards D Sunday Best and Fairest Shah Udin Batting Award Shah Udin 518 runs @ 34.5... Bowling Award Aoun Hassan 25 wickets @ 9.4 C Sunday Best and Fairest Arsh Singh Batting Award Jessraj Badhaan 275 runs @ 21.2 Bowling Award Arsh Singh 18 wickets @ 23.4 B Sunday Best and Fairest Travis Fidock Batting Award Travis Fidock 391 runs @ 24.4 Bowling Award Shayne Moore 32 wickets @ 12.00 Hat Trick Trophy Tom Sutherland v Ajax Well done to all
09.01.2022 A quick update from the Titans Movember Marathon circuit - Rory Stewart has completed 34kms, 8kms to go until he's back at DW Lucas. A phenomenal effort! Go Rors.
09.01.2022 Big day on Saturday 29/2. Tooronga District CC centenary and some EMTCC premiership reunions from 7pm. Guitarist from 8.30pm till 10.30pm.... For those not playing come and enjoy the 1st XI playing a one day game at Lucas Oval while we host a past players day in the club rooms from 4pm. Bar open from 2pm. The Tooronga District CC 30 year 1st XI premiership and the EMCC 40 year 1st XI premiership will also be honoured during the day.
07.01.2022 Thanks to everyone who attended the Zoom Presentation Night yesterday. For those who missed it please find a full list of award winners below. Womens Awards Womens Division 2 XI... Best and Fairest Kim Thomson Batting Award Kim Thomson 169 runs (undismissed) Bowling Award Liz Leerson 10 wickets @ 5.00 Womens Division 1 XI Best and Fairest Ellie Campbell Batting Award Ellie Campbell 182 runs @ 45.5 Bowling Award Samantha Arscott 10 wickets @ 10.8 Coaches Award Hannah Faraone Well done Girls, Go Titans!!!!
07.01.2022 THE TITANS FACE MASK IS HERE! A reminder that Titans face masks are now available for just $15 each. To purchase, please deposit $15 per mask into the clubs bank account and email Mike Fogarty to advise of your order:... BSB: 633-000 Account: 146 680 582 Each mask comes in its own sealed plastic sleeve. Masks will be available to collect at the Fidock residence (5 Sutherland Street, Malvern East) for those living within 5kms, or for those more than 5kms away we will deliver to you.
07.01.2022 Last chance to get involved in Monday's Movember event for EMTCC. Anyone welcome and just $10 entry. 5, 10, 21 or 42km and can be done individually or as a team / family can combine for 21 or 42km. Let me know if you are interested. Rory Stewart ([email protected])
07.01.2022 As of today, Movember is upon us! While many of us have some fun growing Mo’s, there is an important cause behind this. Movember help to raise awareness with men’s health issues, helping males speak up and preventing men dying prematurely. EMTCC are proud to embrace Movember and it’s community. ... Please support Movember and EMTCC by donating on the link below. https://www.gofundme.com/f/east-malvern-tooronga-cricket-cl Lastly, for anyone who is struggling to speak up or are in need of help, no matter how big or small, please get in contact with. EMTCC’s welfare officer Arron Wheatley.
06.01.2022 THURSDAY NIGHT MOVIE REVIEW To stay connected during lockdown, every Thursday night at 7.30 the EMTCC will host a review on Zoom of a club members favourite sports movie or documentary. It will be announced in the week before the meeting, so everyone gets time to watch it. ... The review will be around five minutes including a favourite line or scene and a takeaway for the season ahead. Our first movie review will be this Thursday 20 August at 7:30pm will be George Delimitrou presenting The Short Game (Netflix). Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84233416243
06.01.2022 Presentation night has arrived, but in a slightly different way! Join us on the Friday 24th April You dont want to miss this event, who knows you might even win an award. ... Link will be posted morning of event!
06.01.2022 Please find the link to the Presentation Night Zoom Event below. See you all there. You are invited to a Zoom webinar. ... When: Apr 24, 2020 07:30 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney Topic: East Malvern Tooronga Cricket Club 2019-20 Presentation Night Register in advance for this webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us//register/WN_22LFWZCDTSKW5TbjH1E-1Q After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
05.01.2022 Player registrations are now open for Women's and Men's senior teams for season 2020/21. Please click on the link below to complete your registration. If you don't know your My Cricket details, please contact Noel Fidock ([email protected]) ... https://www.playcricket.com.au/club-finder/club-details
05.01.2022 Congratulations to the First XI who secured a spot in the grand final next weekend with a stirring victory over the Balwyn Saints this afternoon. Commiserations and a congratulations on the season must be shared also with the Fourth XI and the MCA D side who fell agonisingly close this weekend but still represented the club in the right spirit all weekend. One more game to go and all support would be greatly appreciated next weekend.
04.01.2022 THE TITAN 1000 CHALLENGE With pre-season training on hold, mens coach Dean Jones has set his charges the Titan 1000 challenge a bid to clock 1000 kilometres walking, running, swimming or cycling in the pre-season. The men have made great progress and some fantastic times have already been registered - Rory Stewart has worn a path in his lawn registering nearly 200kms in the first two weeks, while Oscar Sargeant set the time to beat with a blistering 5km run in 20:47.... All other players and supporters are welcome to join simply download the Strava app and search for the East Malvern Tooronga Cricket Club. At the end of each week we will total up the leader board and see how many kms we have covered. Well have prizes for the leading Titan at the end in junior (u20), senior (20-40) and veteran (40+) categories. Rory's former lawn:
04.01.2022 He's done it! Take a bow Rory Stewart - 42kms done and dusted. Kudos also to Noel Fidock, Chelsea Smith, Leroy Jones and Neal Woolrich for completing their half marathons, and Mike Fogarty 10kms. You can still donate at our GoFundMe page here: https://gf.me/u/y62gat
04.01.2022 ECA Awards 4th XI Best and Fairest Roland Burt Batting Award Michael Sargent 334 runs @ 37.1... Bowling Award Chris Jenner 15 wickets @ 11.1 3rd XI Best and Fairest Anthony Leach Batting Award Chris Glynn 167 runs @ 41.8 Bowling Award Anthony Leach 16 wickets @ 16.9 2nd XI Best and Fairest Eric Maillard Batting Award Lachie Carter 146 runs @ 20.9 Bowling Award Eric Maillard 17 wickets @ 17.2 1st XI Best and Fairest Alex Wilkinson Batting Award Jarred Lions 387 runs @ 48.4 Bowling Award Alex Wilkinson 38 wickets @ 12.2 Emerging Player Award Will Giles 134 runs and 14 wickets Go Titans!!
04.01.2022 Congratulations to the combined EMTCC/Washington Park 13/U Stage 1 team on completion of a very successful first season in girl's cricket. They had many good wins and several of these girls participated in Rep cricket over the summer. They also had an absolute ball and is shows that combined teams can be successful. Well done to the two coaches/umpires, Rachel and Claudia from our Div 1 women team, for supporting this team in the field during most of their matches on Wednesday evenings. Thanks also to Baz who has trained these girls with the Stage 2 team (and 16/U girls)..
04.01.2022 SPORTS MOVIE REVIEW UPDATE!!!! Due to a pre-existing engagement the movie review will now be on WEDNESDAY at 7.30PM on Zoom. Jump on board to get George Delimitrou's rundown on The Short Game. For those who haven't watched it yet it is on Netflix and well worth the look.... See you on the line on Wednesday. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84233416243
02.01.2022 Congratulations Seb Gotch on maiden Sheffield Shield century for Victoria. Great work Seb
02.01.2022 Hi Titans, Dont forget about Sundays trivia!!! If you havent already done so, can you please indicate on the event if youll be attending. ... We promised prizes and here they are... $75 Voucher to East Malvern Wine and beer house, Our newest club sponsor for 20/21 season. 2 free EMTCC face masks, the latest bit of fashion thats about to sweep the community of East Malvern.
01.01.2022 A big day for everyone tomorrow, please make the effort to check in with friends and family, workmates and team mates. Its an especially important time with many feeling down and like the lockdown is so far away far from ending. Remember were all in this together. A conversation could change someones life.
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