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24.01.2022 How do you practice self care? Encapsulator is designed to take you on a journey of personal discovery. Let me make you a simple promise, switch your camera to record on selfie mode and try this, you will enjoy the experience. ... Take a moment to show yourself how much you care....... Record a video message of love and hope to the future #personalmedia #privatemedina #letyourpassionlead #chooselife #cleanandsober #digitaltimecapsule #personaldevelopment #motivation #coaches #professionalcoach

24.01.2022 Jeez, for a bloke with a broken leg who cant even walk up the stairs to go to bed. Lol, its been a big day for encapsulator This gentleman Nick Redstone from RTFT will be giving our Digital Time Capsules away from his online coaching show, just like Oprah He recons

23.01.2022 Wow, such a powerful story! I am very proud to know you Liz, please keep sharing the message of recovery

23.01.2022 They told me Danny if you want to stop using drugs and a life full of misery, you dont have to change much, JUST EVERYTHING! There were no truer words and no greater victory. ... Today I am free from addiction and I use my strength to bring happiness to those around me. I love my life, I love my work and I smile way too much Service keeps me clean, sane and happy! Please share with me, what action are you putting in to create your own happiness Danny A Shannon The Gratitude Maker Hahaha #happiness #gratitude #action #recoveryispossible #recovery

22.01.2022 Jimmy is an absolute solider, he has seen so much change in his life since the day he created his first Time Capsule Video back in 2016. We love you Jimmy, thank you for being a part of our pilot program and teaching us the benefits and value in creating a video message to your future self.

22.01.2022 Have you ever spoke to the future you ? In 2016 I recorded a video message to my future self to be opened on my 10 year milestone of sobriety. I had no idea how amazing the experience of actually creating the video would be. ... I found myself talking about stuff that I had never thought of before. I was alone and able to completely express myself without fear of judgment. It was such a therapeutic process. Fast forward 5 years down the track and that video gave me goosebumps to watch, I felt proud that I had achieved some of my goals and it truly gave me a document to measure my growth. When we verbalise our goals out loud it’s very beneficial. Have you ever recorded a video message your future-self ? As it happens we have now developed Encapsulator a web platform that provides Digital Time Capsules. If you would like to learn more, come check us out at

21.01.2022 WHAT IS A DIGITAL TIME CAPSULE? Our Digital Time Capsules allow individuals to capture their hopes, dreams and future aspirations and store them away, untouched, until a predetermined future date. Maybe youre a new Mum and would like to send a message to your child for their 18th birthday.... Perhaps youre a grandparent who wants to deliver a note to your unborn grandchildren. You could even be a fitness junkee or a budding entrepreneur seeking to stay accountable to your goals. Whatever the case, and wherever the place school, work, home encapsulator has a use for you! Come check us out

21.01.2022 A Letter or Video Would you rather write a letter to your future self two, five, or ten years from now or record yourself talking instead? Even in 2021, some of us are camera shy and would be more comfortable writing about anything and everything instead of going live or recording a video. Not to mention the handful, who would choose to try neither this nor that. ... But there’s so much power not just in the spoken word, but also in talking to yourself - out loud. Over on our blog, we have shared the 5 ways in which my very first time capsule video made a difference in my life Thank you

20.01.2022 My Mum thought I would be better off dead In this short film and article you may get a little emotional, I was asked if I would like to be in a news film story by SBS Insight to share my journey. As most of you know, I love sharing the message of recovery. I couldn’t believe my luck, what a perfect opportunity to showcase my work and my invention. ... This film and article is about the broken relationships I created and the journey from addiction to recovery. How I manage to rebuild those relationships with family. We also show my work with people on a transformation journey and how Encapsulator is assisting clients to document their journey with our Digital Time Capsules. It’s a program we call The Future-Self Video Journal For Goal Re-commitment In Recovery Program blog post in comments section. It’s been an emotional journey, but just one foot in front of the other, one day at a time. I want you to know that recovery is absolutely possible I think we are all effected in one way or another with addiction, it comes in many forms. Would you agree? Please feel free to share the link if you think the message could help others. I have come a long way but I have a long way to go. Thank you

18.01.2022 Isnt this just crazy! None of us will even be around to watch this epic film allows individuals to create private and secure video messages locked away in our time-locked vault. ... The exciting thing is that you can choose a date when you are still alive for it to hatch Create yourself a future experience of discovery with a Digital Time Capsule by encapsulator #memories #timecapsule #private #secure

17.01.2022 The Lived Experience Project! So very proud to be the first image from this powerful vision to inspire one million individuals by showing them that change is possible! Thank you For this opportunity Wade Hunt ... Check out the Instagram page Its my honour to share this with such an awesome friend and brother Justin me and this guy have shared so many laughs this past 11 years of my recovery and he has been a massive part of my journey. I love you brother For more information please follow my brother Wade Hunt , he has some amazing ideas. #recoveryispossible #recovery #livedexperience #sobriety #gratitude

17.01.2022 Feeling pretty chuffed after these two amazing powerhouse businessmen did an interview with myself about the benefits and value Encapsulator can provide. I am so blown away after receiving such amazing feedback and interest in our Digital Time Capsules. Thank you sooo much boys

17.01.2022 A quote from our founder, isnt this what we are all looking for ? We wish you a wonderful journey of discovery with a Digital Time Capsule by encapsulator

17.01.2022 This guy Is a massive testimony to the possibility of change. I remember the day Leigh watched his Time Capsule video, he came out of the room after watching it, in quite a bit of shock, I clearly remember the look on his face. As the moments went by, that look of shock turned into a grin of disbelief and pride. Leigh so was happy with his progress and feeling very proud of the change he had made the previous 3 years. ... Thank you very much for letting us capture your journey Smiddy

16.01.2022 I just came across this episode and I’d love to share it with you guys. It’s crazy the way the world can open up when we share our passion, experience and hope. Have a wonderful day

16.01.2022 Even Peppa Pig knows about Encapsulator Time Capsule Videos Time capsules have been a method of communicating with future man ever since time began, they could be buried in the ground or sealed in a vault. Encapsulator has transformed the time capsule for the digital era so what was once buried in the ground can now be locked in the cloud waiting for you to discover ... Create yourself a future experience of discovery with a time capsule video by Encapsulator #future #personaldevelopment #memories #innovation2020 #technology

15.01.2022 VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED Actually, you probably should not watch this video, it could contain content that may offend some viewers I probably should have mentioned in the video that I am a man in recovery from drug addiction, ... its been 10.5 years since my last mind or mood altering substance. I got clean finally on 15th September, 2009 after 17 years on the streets using and abusing any drug I could get my hands on. In this video I share about the insanity, the obsession and compulsion that a drug addict is driven by on a daily basis to get their fix. I share a little story with you about the day I realised I was a drug addict. I am sure we all have same crazy stories to share, i am just a very grateful man to be clean and serine today.

15.01.2022 Ep.4 The First Time Capsule Video On the 15th of September 2014, I reached a massive milestone of 5 years sobriety from Drugs and Alcohol. This was a day I never thought possible... As I sat there reflecting, it stuck me! I have nothing to show me what I was like back then when I entered Recovery. What was I thinking? How was I feeling? I purchased a video camera and did a little research on some questions that you might answer when creating a time capsule I started the camera rolling and I immediately realised that this experience was unlike anything I had ever done before. I got a little teary when I thought and spoke about my family. Its was quite an emotional experience In this episode, I actually show you footage of the original Time Capsule that was made, which has also now catapulted me into launching our Digital Time Capsule Company encapsulator Did you know your memory is not as accurate as you think? When we recall experiences in our lives we are only going back to the part of our brain that last remembered this experience. So as time passes the memories that we are creating become diluted. Thank you very much for your ongoing support you guys are amazing, you can create your very own future experience of discovey by visiting us at

15.01.2022 We are very grateful for the continued support and interest with our Digital Time Capsules. Capturing precious private moments in time and delivering them to our future self or loved ones. Our founder Danny is incredibly proud of what we are creating, please feel free to check out this cool interview, where it all started ...

14.01.2022 An interview with Michael Lane and Ahmad Imam How was the encapsulator - Digital Time Capsule idea conceived? ....... Wow, what an honour to be asked such a question by these two incredible men! If you look closely it actually looks like I even impressed them ... As it happens gentleman, I celebrated a massive milestone of 5 years clean from drugs back in 2014 and I was very grateful reflecting on my Journey and I thought to myself; I wonder what I was like back then when I entered recovery ? What was I thinking? How was I feeling? I wondered what it would be like if I created a video message to my future self to be discovered at my 10 year milestone Boom encapsulator was born! We provide Digital Time Capsules, allowing individuals to reflect on the present moment and record their hopes, dreams and future aspirations, locked away into our secure time locked vault to be discovered as a date in the future The full interview is in the comments section. Thank you very much guys. Come connect with me Danny A Shannon #podcast #business #linkedin #memories #accountability #coach #digitaltimecaplues

14.01.2022 Enough of the Dirty Bulk! #digitaltimecapsules Time to shred, day 11 and killing it, 2 kg down, 8 to go ... Using to keep myself motivated and accountable to my promise of 90kg in 10 weeks! #strengthtraining #shredding #hungry #bionicleg #strong #motivation

13.01.2022 Ep.6- Spirituality Is My Drug My Spirit was blackened throughout my addiction for 17 years of darkness and misery When I entered Recovery from Drugs 10 and a half years ago, I heard that;... The opposite to Addiction is Connection These days my life is full of beautiful connections, I never want to lose this! Today I am so grateful that my Spirit is alive and enjoying life, today I will honour that Spirit by staying clean and sober The value of connection I would love to hear your thoughts guys? Please Visit us at

12.01.2022 Ep.2-Letting Go Of The Past I spent a solid 17 years on the streets using and abusing any drug I could get my hands on, my life was one big Merry-go-round of Jails, institutions, homelessness, and misery I had been attempting to get clean ever since the age of 16 without any #success. ... In 2009 I was at a crossroads in my life. Do I buy the drugs or do I go back to the rehab? For the first time in my life, I made a different decision. Resulting in a significantly different outcome. With a lot of hard work and dedication, I am very blessed to share today that I am 10 years, 6 months and 30 days clean and Sober What a bloody miracle, please reach out if you need any information and thank you. Stay safe and healthy friends! #gratitude #recovery #sobriety #happiness

12.01.2022 Who is the one person in your life who has had the biggest influence? Past or present, it does not matter! Have a think about the impact they have made on you. ... Do you want to make yourself feel good ? Be brave, Now switch your camera to selfie mode and record a message of love and hope to them. Let them know how much they mean to you Did you know that we can increase our levels of happiness by up to 19% when we express our gratitude to those who have made an impact on our lives. Go on, be brave and create a video message to the one you love! For plenty more wonderful tips on gratitude please connect with me Danny A Shannon We wish you a wonderful journey of discovery with a Digital Time Capsule by encapsulator !

11.01.2022 Ep. 5 encapsulator the Digital Time Capsule company I am extremely proud of what we have created. We provide individuals with the ability to;... Record Create Store & Recall Significant #private Moments for #personal satisfaction and/or #benefit. #Express yourself without fear of judgment on video, #reflect on your present moment and #record your #future, #HOPES, #DREAMS AND #ASPIRATIONS Having #organically grown from a concept of a positive nostalgic experience into a #PrivateMediaPlatform where you are able to capture the essence of who you are #now for your future benefit. We have been #teaching people exiting prison the #value of #personal #responsibility. #AchievingSuccess in the AOD sector and now branching out into the #corporateworld the applications for encapsulator appear to be limited only by your #imagination. As time goes by our #Memories fade, #Encapsulators wont Create for yourself a #future #experience of #discovery with a Digital Time Capsule by

11.01.2022 Lets go live 8pm tonight! Is there anything that you would like to know more about our Digital Time Capsules? Im looking forward to answering all your questions, I will see you at 8pm AEST

11.01.2022 My Recovery Journey the Highlights Ep I am very proud to present this 6 part series, documenting my journey of recovery and the creation of Encapsulator I am so incredibly #Grateful to share my #Experience, #Strength and #Hope with these amazing boys effected by Drug and Alcohol addiction and the criminal justice system. These guys are my teachers, the more I give the more I get back ... My journey has been amazing, I truly believe that We keep what we have by giving it away I hope you enjoy and thank you very much for your support #personaldevelopment #business

10.01.2022 Thank you Amy! Create yourself a future experience of discovery with a Digital Time Capsule by

09.01.2022 Sometimes you just got to smile and admire your own personal accomplishments Loving life and capturing my journey with a 5 year Digital Time Capsule. Over 100 video items of interactions and demonstrations

09.01.2022 How Good Is Your Memory? Its quite interesting Some people do have a photographic memory. ... But for the rest of us, overtime our memories start to fade, distorting our ability to recall things accurately. We slowly start to make up or create our memories, loosing accuracy and the ability to accurately learn from the past. Problem solved = encapsulator As your memory fades ours wont. Our Digital Time Capsules allow you to respond to some engaging questions which will assist to capture the essence of exactly who you are today and allowing you to create the most accurate video possible. Express yourself without fear of judgment Allowing you to freeze moments in time to recall with clarity and understanding like never before. History only remembers what is documented. Document your history today with encapsulator. As your memory fades ours wont. We wish you a wonderful journey of discovery with a Digital Time Capsule by

08.01.2022 So proud of you Brother Johnny captured his journey from addiction to recovery using our Digital Time Capsules by Encapsulator Such a wonderful tool to measure our growth over time. ... A lot has changed for this incredible man, we are so proud to showcase his story today. Create yourself a future experience of discovery with a Digital Time Capsule by encapsulator

08.01.2022 Ep.3 - The Gifts of Recovery I heard many years ago Danny if you want a life free from drugs and misery, you need to build yourself a life worth living and a life you will never want to lose Another foundation of recovery is to give back what was so freely given to me ... We keep what we have by giving it away I get this amazing opportunity to volunteer and share my time and experience with members at hospitals, detoxes and other types of institutions all over the world. It is such an honor and has been a massive part of my journey of recovery Now #facebook and Instagram is giving me wonderful opportunities to share my experience live on the platform, podcasts and other interviews. Thank you sooo much for your support guys. #memories #digital #gifts #recovery #support #digitaltimecapsules

08.01.2022 Thank you very much to everyone who has participated in our 2 year Time Capsule Video pilot program The feedback and success has been so amazing, we are very grateful for your support and feedback. Encapsulator has been helping to document and transform lives for the better ... The opportunities opening up all around the world have been very exciting. I hope that you have enjoyed the legacy created for future generations and continue to document, track and reflect on your own progresss. We are excited to launch the latest updates and pricing model, we provide service as a software at a level you will struggle to find anywhere else. Our team is available any ready to support you through your Time Capsule journey 27/7 365 days a year :) We wish you the most amazing experience of future discovery with a Time Capsule video by Encapsulator #thankyou

08.01.2022 Ep.1- My Recovery Journey I am very proud to present this 6 part series documenting my journey of recovery and the creation of a Digital Time Capsule company Encapsulator I am so incredibly grateful to share my Experience, Strength & Hope with these amazing boys effected by Drug and Alcohol addiction and the criminal justice system. These guys are my teachers, the more I give the more I get back ... I would love to hear your thoughts guys. We keep what we have by giving it away I hope you enjoy and thank you very much for your support! Feel free to come check us out

07.01.2022 I Don’t Know What I Am Doing But It Seems To Be Working Please don’t get me wrong, I am no expert at this, but it would be rude of me if I didn’t share this with you How I have managed to be interviewed all over the world with over 20 podcasts, media releases and LinkedIn live sessions in just the last 12 months ... I don’t think we need to be experts, we just need to find our passion and share it with the world. Step 1- Identify your passion, what do you love most in the world? Step 2- Be brave and create video content, share your knowledge and passion with the world. Step 3- Send audio or video messages to your potential Podcasters, express your excitement and gratitude to be connected with them, be kind and genuine. Step 4 - Repeat EVERY single day, you will get the hang of it. BOOM Most important for me is to have lots of fun doing this, its taken me 18 months but I am getting the hang of it As I say my friends, be brave and practise courage and never give up. I learned everything I know due to my commitment to #recovery from drugs and alcohol, its the greatest show on earth :) Come connect with me if you want to hear more stories about addiction and recovery Danny Shannon #gratitude #connection #sobriety

07.01.2022 Who is afraid of recording a personal video to their future self ? Please share your thoughts?Who is afraid of recording a personal video to their future self ? Please share your thoughts?

07.01.2022 These Images Are Extremely Powerful! This wall has a collection of over one hundred of the boys photos I have worked very closely with this past decade, they are all soldiers Very sadly we have lost at least 8 of them to either drug overdose, suicide or alcohol related death. ... Nevertheless every single time one of the clients past or present walks into my office the first thing they do before even looking at me is look to this board for some connection. This wall of images is one of the most powerful tools to build rapport and connection and its where it all started for encapsulator- Digital Time Capsules I hope you enjoy this Danny A Shannon #connection #growth #memories

04.01.2022 Digital Time Capsules Its seems that the biggest benefit for Adam when creating a Digital Time Capsule is the ability to show himself some love and kindness on camera in a confidential place. He found the experience a little weird but very rewarding. ... Adam was able to identify through creating his future video message that he was very proud of himself and looks forward to its hatch date in 10 months time. Thank you for your feedback mate! #love #kindness #gratitude #proud #memories #futureself #timecapsules #encapsulator

04.01.2022 This short article makes me feel so blessed, its such a beautiful testimony to the life I choose today! Something went very right if youre still smiling 30 seconds later An Interview with Jordan Gross from cloud 9 moments ...

04.01.2022 Its unlike anything you have ever done Don’t believe me ? Here is some feedback from a few of our customers ... Think about it, have you ever recorded a video message to your future self ? Imagine the opportunity to respond to some engaging questions and talk about the stuff you may rarely even think about! The ability to express yourself with fear of judgment is such a valuable aspect Feedback is always the same; It was really Emotional It was really Powerful The message to my future self was so unique We encourage you to be kind and loving, try to lower your fronts and ego and remember this is a message to you only. No one will see it unless you choose to share it in the future. Go on, create yourself a future experience of discovery with Time Capsule Video by Encapsulator

03.01.2022 Proud moment Encapsulator continues to grow and bring value and a tool to measure your own personal growth. #we wish you an amazing journey of future discovery with a Time Capsule Video by ... #entrepreneurship #tech #video #memories #growth #personaldevelopment #thankyou

03.01.2022 Celebrating 5 Years Sobriety! Jimmy has been documenting his journey with our Digital Time Capsules Testimony video link here Jimmy was introduced to drugs at the age of 10 by his neighbours back home. Today he turns 5 years clean and sober from the use of ANY mind or mood altering substances. Jimmy, you are an absolute champion #recovery #sobriety #recoveryispossible

03.01.2022 encapsulator - Digital Time Capsules Maybe youre a new mum and wanting to send a message to your child for their 18th Birthday? The applications are absolutely limitless! What would you say to your future self in 5 years time ?...

03.01.2022 Welcome, I know you are just dying to learn more, we make contact with organisations who regularly ask us to pass on some more information about our Time Capsule Videos Here is a introduction to your future experience of discovery. ... We would love your feedback

02.01.2022 OMG, I AM LOSING MY MIND Did you Know? Your memory may not be as accurate as you think either?... When we recall experiences in our lives we are only going back to the part of our brain that last remembered this experience last. Thats Crazy, yeah? So, as time passes these memories and precious moments in our lives are starting to fade, our memory is becoming diluted. How Sad, right? Well, dont stress too much, there are plenty of solutions Please share with me, what is going on in your life at present that you DO NOT want to forget?? Encapsulator has got you covered It would be rude if I didnt share this special offer to document history for just $9.95 for 12 months subscription Digital Tine Capsule #Memory #History #Digital

01.01.2022 Get excited !! Encapsulator was entered into a competitive selection process for funding with the NSW government. We have been able to demonstrate and showcase the benefits that Encapsulator has provided in the Drug and alcohol sector.... Services such as; - Wesley Private Hospital (Ashfield and Kogarah) - Glebe House - Core Logic - CBRE - The Power In You Project Are just a few that were entered as evidence to the value and success of the Encapsulator program. I wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone that continues to support me through my business journey. I am so grateful to all of you. Stay tuned this next 4 months as we roll out some revolutionary technology within the platform. 360 hrs of developments coming An App Overhaul of security UI/UX - User interface and user experience Plus so much more! We wish you a future experience of discovery with a time capsule video by Encapsulator #business #tech #founder #innovation #mvp #nswgovernment #boom

01.01.2022 Don’t you just love it when you open up that beloved box of treasured possessions that serve as a blast from the past? From ticket stubs, letters, and unique gifts to that cliched coffee mug that unfailingly makes you smile and ever-so-briefly reminds you of a once beautiful moment in time. We bet, just a quick glance at these simple treasures brings back so many memories of what life was like, who you were as a person, and how everything has changed for the better, Encapsulator ’s time capsules not only instill this heart-warming feeling but come with a deeper purpose to help you: Document your journey Capture the real you Remind you of your growth, wins, and successes Stay accountable to your goals and dreams On this note, we have put together a quick step-by-step guide on how you too can use this tool, Encapsulator in a myriad of ways. Are you ready?

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