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23.01.2022 My favourite little 4 year old is making himself comfortable in the new Fremantle clinic room. Countdown to the first day of practice on Monday!

20.01.2022 In 2021, our focus is on connection. Connection to ourselves, our values and our needs. Connection in our relationships and to our community. Connection to our core business values, compassionate client support and to ethical practices. Connection to rest, to presence, to play and to peace. ... We're not exactly sure where this intention may lead us this year, but we are ready to embark on the journey. What is your intention in 2021?

18.01.2022 Years ago, when I was a mum with two babies under two living in a small town in Central Queensland, I would treat myself once a week to a yoga class held in the one gym in town. Not because I was really into yoga or keeping fit, but because each week our wonderful teacher (Lulu) would guide us through ten minutes of relaxation at the end of the class. How I used to crave those ten minutes of blissful rest while laying in shavasana (corpse pose) on the stinky old gym floor! ...Lulu would dim the lights, put on soothing, resonant sounds and slowly make her way around to each member of the class to deliver the most beautiful gift of all: a gentle temple massage with fragrant essential oils. Even now the thought of these moments is enough to bring tears to my eyes. As an exhausted new mum, it was the most exquisite experience, those few short minutes of pure relaxation and calm. Tonight, I was feeling a little frazzled so decided to treat myself to a sound bath (google it!). In the first few moments of listening to the clip, I felt transported back to lying on my yoga mat on the stinky gym floor, floating in a cloud of absolute bliss. And although I have no Lulu to give me a temple massage anymore, I felt such a sense of being soothed and calmed by the beautiful sounds. So if you’re like me, and you don’t give yourself much time for relaxation, I really encourage you to take half an hour to allow your nervous system to settle and ground with a sound bath. Maybe even light a scented candle or diffuse some oils at the same time for a full sensory experience. Whatever it takes - this is a reminder to carve out that time for yourself. Also, if you have any little ones who struggle with calming down to sleep in your house, you might even be generous enough to share the experience with them! Click on the link below for the clip I listened to tonight. Ps. If anyone knows Lulu - tell her she is amazing

16.01.2022 I just love this short clip from the wonderful team at NICABM in which Tara Brach speaks about brain integration and the neuroscience of fear. Tara tells us that when we experience fear, it can feel like a wave of emotion that throws us around if the different parts of our brain aren't in communication. By exercising our "mindfulness muscles", we are able to pull together and reconnect all of the parts into a whole brain system so we can witness and name the emotion for it is. This opens up our ability to respond to what is happening with presence and heartfulness. See more

16.01.2022 It’s time to start showing up for ourselves first...even if it doesn’t make sense to the world around us. Perhaps this journey of allowing misunderstanding is part of your missing peace?

15.01.2022 Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr Baumann is the Senior Australian of the Year for 2021. She is an elder from the Nauiyu region (Daly River, NT) and her language is the Ngan’gikurunggurr language. She is a teacher, an artist, a writer, an advocate and an activist. In short, Aunty Miriam is a living legend. I was first introduced to her writing on Dadirri (a spiritual practice of deep listening or contemplation) at uni, and have returned to it over and over again in the years since in my... personal reflection and in my creative work. In her essay on Dadirri, Dr Ungunmerr Baumann writes: We have learned to speak the white man's language. We have listened to what he had to say. This learning and listening should go both ways. We would like people in Australia to take time to listen to us. We are hoping people will come closer. We keep on longing for the things that we have always hoped for - respect and understanding Read the full essay here: For more on incorporating Dadirri into your own practice: Today (and all days, but especially today), we must heed the call to listen deeply, to contemplate and understand, to respect and work towards healing. We must allow the past to teach us of the work that needs to be done for our future. We must take time to come closer and listen to our First Nations people with respect and understanding.

14.01.2022 This. Absolutely this

12.01.2022 ‘When adults are under stress, our instinctive biological response is to fight, flee or freeze. Many parents get easily activated and triggered by their kids. The kid throws something, the kid is crying, the kid is screaming, ‘I hate you!’ and all of a sudden you're triggered. In these moments, take a deep breath and try to replace fight or flight with stay and help, says Brackett. When both parent and child are emotionally activated, it’s very hard to problem solve so parents may need to take a walk or time to collect themselves. But it is critical to circle back and attend to the child.’ Important, difficult work for parents! Well worth a read.

11.01.2022 Absolutely When we meet our own needs as parents, we are better able to attune to our children’s needs. In the stressful times, trying to remember all of the parenting strategies we have been told about or read about won’t work. Instead, we need to calm our own nervous system down and the loving, kind parent we already have inside of us will be able to be in charge. ... So have that cup of tea, take that walk, go get the shopping on your own (for once), read that book, close those eyes for a few minutes - we are better parents when we take the time to care for ourselves first.

08.01.2022 In our house we say that you have only made a mistake if you haven’t learned from the experience. After a few missteps from our local tooth fairy, Miss 7 learned tonight about assertive and empathetic communication. Hopefully the tooth fairy learns her own lesson and picks up her act next time

08.01.2022 So, I have the bestest mentor/friend/fairy godmother in the entire world! (Apologies to all of the other mentors/friends/fairy godmothers out there - I’m sure you’re good, but mine is incredible). What a way to start my first day at the new clinic!

07.01.2022 Emotions are constructed by our interactions with other people, says Brackett. Caring for a child's emotional development is key to life-long flourishing because while part of our success in life is knowing how to count and read and write, a bigger part of our success in life is knowing how to get along well with other people and deal with life's ups and downs. This great article also outlines Yale’s RULER approach for recognising and regulating emotions. Well worth a read

05.01.2022 It's R U OK Day today, and also World Suicide Prevention Day. I think the idea of connecting with people and asking the question "R U OK" is incredibly important. The R U OK Day website asks us to consider people in our world who might be struggling with life's ups and downs, people for whom you feel like something's not quite the same. Super important, right? Definitely. But...what happens if you are a bit of a "coper" - you know, one of those people that on the surface... seems to be fine, that seems to have it all together, one of those people that is always doing the checking in on other people? Sometimes on days like this you might wish you could take off your coping mask so people would ask if YOU are actually ok for once! If that is the case, maybe today is the day that you show up for yourself. Maybe today you are the one you have been waiting for, who will the question that needs to be asked. So, make some time to check in, ask yourself how you are going, and welcome the answer. If this means you connect with some difficult feelings or struggles below the surface - respond to yourself with compassion. You might like to use the card below to help take a mindful self-compassion break. You might also like to check out this blog post from last year's R U Ok Day to give you some ideas.

05.01.2022 Great news for anyone currently accessing or hoping to access a psychologist via Telehealth (ie. videconferencing): Medicare rebates will continue for this service until March 2021. I have provided Telehealth for a number of years now, ever since a wonderful client from a rural area encouraged me to consider this option. I can only hope that the service becomes a permanent Medicare feature beyond 2021. It makes psychological intervention accessible and practical. For examp...le, for school students for whom leaving school once a week for appointments takes time away from their studies, or for the parent who doesn’t have childcare available to leave home to go to a session, or for the family in an area where waiting lists for a child & family psych are 6+ months and they need help much sooner; Telehealth is an option that provides professional help without further stretching their resources. Of course, Telehealth doesn’t suit everyone or every situation, but offering it for all Australians is a great step forward in building more capacity in our mental health care system.

02.01.2022 And so begins the the last week of clinic for the year. What a decade this year has been! If you have time over the holiday period, try to carve out some time for a reflection on the year that was, and think of the values that you would like to take into 2021. Follow the link for our Christmas reflection, complete with FREE downloadable Values Reflection. ...

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