Endo Relief | Businesses
Endo Relief
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25.01.2022 Brain fog A common symptom of those suffering from endo and related chronic illnesses. Brain fog tends to occur when inflammatory cytokines produced by the immune system in response to ectopic lesions and hormones are released into systemic circulation. ... This process leaves one feeling fatigued mentally and physically; struggling with comprehension, forgetfulness, and just general feels of brain malfunctioning. The video explains some other symptoms. #endoawareness #brainfog #endosymptoms #chronicillness #endorelief
22.01.2022 Mould. It can tie into the endo picture. It’s something we may not think about very often...but we should. It can lurk in the most unexpected places such as new homes and even medical prosthesis including breast implants, mesh, and other internal inhabitable places. ... It only takes 24-48hrs to multiple. An estimated 25% of the population are genetically susceptible to Mould toxicity and it’s highly under diagnosed, since GP’s are mostly unaware. Mould toxicity causes a chronic inflammatory response, due to the production of biotoxins produced, resulting in Chonic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS). CIRS patients present with a wide range of non-specific symptoms, including: Fatigue, weakness Post-exertional malaise Memory problems, difficulties with concentration and executive function Disorientation and confusion Headaches Vertigo, lightheadedness Muscle aches, cramping, joint pains without inflammatory arthritis Hypersensitivity to bright light, blurred vision, burning or red eyes, tearing Cough, asthma-like illness, shortness of breath, chronic sinus congestion Air hunger or unusual shortness of breath at rest Chronic abdominal problems including nausea, cramping, secretory diarrhea A propensity to experience static shocks Mould can also raise levels of estrogen flaring up endometriosis If you have, or know someone experiencing these symptoms, with no known cause, please encourage them to investigate Mould toxicity with an intergrative specialised physician. https://www.9news.com.au//1b2feb6b-b6f8-4b1b-8900-962403f2
21.01.2022 It had spread like cancer... This is the exact reason you should never leave endo untreated. https://7news.com.au//aussie-mum-tam-wrigleys-message-to-w
20.01.2022 What’s for breakfast? Endometriosis is fuelled by our estrogen hormone, therefore we have to make sure we are not reabsorbing this estrogen back into circulation from the bowel. How do we achieve this? By keeping things exiting smoothly, at least once to twice per day So what foods help? ... Insoluble fibre including flaxseed meal and psyllium husk bind to free estrogen in the digestive tract, increasing excretion and reducing the Re absorption of estrogen by intestinal bacteria. (But don’t forget adequate water intake) Other foods to increase your ability to include apples, kiwi, pear, banana, figs, prunes and chia seeds; some of which act as prebiotics to feed your beneficial bacteria. Add some of the above foods to your brekky today to help your body move estrogens out #endometriosis #endometriosisawareness #endodiet #endodietitian #endoawareness #adenomyosis #adenomyosisawareness #endometriosiswarrior #endometriosisqueen
19.01.2022 Repeat after me... it’s ok to rest Endo can really take a toll on your body. It’s so very important to prioritise self care. Give yourself some slack, you might be going through a lot right now between endo flares, juggling careers, family, or study. I can remember the days I used to push hard when I was mid flare. It often ended with strong pain meds on the couch with a hot water bottle. I decided to start putting my needs first. After all, you can’t pour from an empty cu...p! Resenting flare days only makes things worse. We have to learn to embrace and accept them without judgement, while giving ourselves loads of love and self care. What does this look like? A warm bath with essential oils A gentle hatha yoga session A short mindful pain meditation Drawing a picture of how you’re feeling Journalling about your pain, feeling and hopes and dreams Getting lost in a gripping book Have you done any self care activities today? I would love to hear about them xx
17.01.2022 Rather than buying toilet paper to protect yourself from Coronavirus...why not try looking after your immune system? Acupuncture regulates the immune system, as it lowers mortality rates, increases serum interferon levels, and improves the phagocytosis of viruses. Studies also find acupuncture effective for enhancing the clinical efficaciousness of anti-viral drugs. Get 7-9 hours of good sleep per night. Sleep regulates the immune since undifferentiated or less differen...tiated cells like naïve and central memory T cells peak during the night, when the adaptive immune response is initiated. Eat your greens! A diet with lots of vegetables, especially broccoli which is high in vitamin c have been studied to boost immunity including lymphocyte activity (steam lightly so you don’t destroy too many phytochemicals and nutrients) Get your body moving. Exercise has been very well researched for improving immunity via several mechanisms including the mobilisation of NK cells and CD8+ T lymphocytes that exhibit high cytotoxicity and tissue migrating potential Cut back the rubbish including sugar, processed food, alcohol and replace with a wholesome diet of fresh produce; stress less; turn your shower to cold for 30 seconds at the end; and take sauna sessions. Lastly, rather than wrapping yourself in toilet paper, see a reputable, evidence-based clinical nutritionist or naturopath to give more hot tips on supporting immunity and taking protective nutrient and herbal formulations to enhance immune function. Let’s take the fear out of coronavirus and focus on the things you CAN do. We are not as helpless as you think. - #coronavirus #coronavirusprevention #stopbuyingtoiletpaper
15.01.2022 Afternoon snack time. Banana with raw cacao powder, rice malt syrup, cacao nibs, shredded coconut. So simple and so delicious to satisfy that sweet tooth #endofoods #endoawareness #endometriosis #endodiet #clinicalnutrition
14.01.2022 Do you know how to choose a good endometriosis surgeon? While Endo symptoms may be reduced or put into remission through a multi-modality approach, in many cases it does require surgical removal. Ensuring you have chosen an advanced trained laparoscopic surgeon specialising in endo is super important since endo can easily be missed leaving you with symptoms... even after surgery https://www.qendo.org.au//how-to-choose-an-endometriosis-s... #Endorelief #endosurgeon #advancedlaparscopicsurgeon #endospecialist
14.01.2022 So many women with Endometriosis, despite being in terrible pain and discomfort, push so hard to keep life functioning as normal as possible. Many are juggling careers, children, families, and some are bed bound physically unable to complete the simplest of daily tasks due to their debilitating symptoms. Where ever you are on that scale today, I just want to encourage you to do just one thing to look after yourself this weekend. ... So what does self care look like? It’s not just reading a book, taking a hot epsom salt bath... it’s also things like preparing a tray of roast veggies for lunches to help stop the reach for any junk food that might stir up your endo symptoms. It’s doing an online organic grocery order so it’s ready for pick up/delivery early in the week. It’s buying a journal as an outlet to write even just two lines in every night including a few things your grateful for. There are 101 ways to love and nurture yourself. How about trying incorporating some of these into your life. With endo in the picture, self care really must become a necessity to practice through out your week. #selfcare #endometriosis #endoawareness #endorelief
12.01.2022 My organic veggie order arrived today. What do organic vegetables have to do with endo? Studies suggest that endocrine disrupting chemicals such as pesticides (organophosphates) are a risk factors for endometriosis. Results suggest that exposure to elevated concentrations of diazinon (the parent compound of IMPY) and chlorpyrifos and chlorpyrifos-methyl (parent compounds of TCPY) may be associated with endometriosis. ... https://www.researchgate.net//338543695_Association_of_uri If you have endo, do your hormones a favour by eliminating foods sprayed in pesticides, henceforth reducing your toxic load. #endoawareness #endodiet #organicveggies #endorelief #endo
12.01.2022 The difference between Adenomyosis and Endometriosis. Both can be super painful or asymptomatic. While symptoms for both conditions can be managed or even put into remission for some cases, surgical removal is often necessary for both: excision surgery for endometriosis and hysterectomy(in appropriate settings) for adenomyosis. ... #endometriosis #adenomyosis
10.01.2022 Endo Belly This is what an endo belly can look like in full flare. One of the most frustrating parts of endo is when you have an event coming up that requires fitted clothing, and your belly blows up like a balloon for no particular reason! ... Trust me, I’ve been there. I know how it feels. There was actually a point where I would rub my belly in public so people would think I was actually pregnant instead! So what causes the dreaded endo belly? Inflammation Due to endo being an inflammatory condition, it results in swelling and bloating. As blood vessels dilate in response to inflammatory mediators, fluid leaks into surrounding tissues resulting in swelling Gut Dysbiosis Women with endo may have a higher level of bad bacteria in their large intestine. When eating foods that these bacteria feed off, this leads to bloating due to fermentation Candida Overload Candida is a yeast that can become problematic when levels reach excess. Candida can be associated with higher levels of estrogen, commonly seen with endo girls. Candida also thrive off a diet high I refined carbohydrates. SIBO Small intestinal bowel overgrowth occurs when too much bacteria end up in the small intestine instead of large one - where they should be! This can result in pain, bloating and bowel movement changes Food intolerances When foods are consumed that your immune system reacts to, this leads to further inflammation in the gut. Common culprits are gluten, wheat, dairy and eggs. Eating an AIP (autoimmune paleo) diet can provide relief from bloating So there you have it. A few reasons why endo girls might bloat! Working with a clinical nutritionist can be a good way to sort through what is triggering bloating for you. #endorelief #endobloat #endobelly #endometriosis #endo #endometriosisawareness
09.01.2022 Have you tried eating an autoimmune paleo diet? Research has shown strong links between endometriosis and autoimmune disease. Some believe endometriosis is an autoimmune disease in itself. An autoimmune paleo diet is ... a strict elimination diet designed to correct imbalances in gut bacteria and reduce systemic inflammation for a period of time. The eats list: Grass fed free range meats A range of vegetables expect those types on avoid list The avoid list: Gluten Dairy Legumes Nightshades Nuts and seeds Eggs Alcohol There are thousands of amazing AIP recipes available with a simple web search. If you have severe endometriosis or other autoimmune conditions, a trial of the AIP may help. But please check with your GP first. #endonutrition #endometriosis #endodiet #endodietition #endoawareness #endoambassador #endowarrior #endometriosisawareness #endoangel #endorelief #endoendo #endo
07.01.2022 My pomegranate fruit salad. Pomegranate exudes multiple health benefits. Research shows that pomegranates can help prevent or treat various disease, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, oxidative stress, hyperglycemia and inflammation. ... Pomegranates have even been shown to provide anticarcinogenic effects and has been studied as a treatment in prostate cancer. There is currently a clinical trial being conducted on pomegranate and its protective ability against free radical damage in endometriosis. Recipe is here - 1 banana (sliced) - 2 kiwis (diced) - 2 slices of pineapple (diced) - 1 handful white grapes - 1 slice of watermelon (diced) - Half a pomegranate (seeds) - Juice of 1 orange - Juice of 1 lime - Drizzle of honey Mix all together & serve with coconut yoghurt. Makes about 4 servings. Enjoy! xx #endodiet #endometriosis #endonutrition #endonutritionist #endometriosisawareness
04.01.2022 Just wow. These stories blow me away...how is this even possible?? Maybe she had endo belly, so it was nothing unusual? https://7news.com.au//queensland-woman-unknowingly-pregnan
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