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25.01.2022 Happy New Year everyone! This year has started with a lot of pain, anxiety and suffering for all the people affected by the fires. This is absolutely heartbreaking, but I also have in my mind that a new year comes with opportunities of new beginnings at all levels. So I will cling to that thought and wish everyone strength, health, love and joy.

25.01.2022 What do you do for your mental health at the moment? Its hard enough under normal circumstances but with everything happening, it has to become a priority. Well, there is something that most people think they are not very good at and therefore do not really take the time to do but really works well in decreasing stress and all type of mental health issues See, this one thing which has been studied time and time again by scientists and has shown to consistently have the abil...ity to make you a happier, more relaxed person is meditation. You knew it, didnt you? Youre home with more time on your hand so it might be worthwhile trying it (again?). To help out I have attached a link which will disappear within a week but that I can send again if needs be (just message me). And as a personal note, we are very often asked to be kind to others, to give, to be there, to help and this is truly important. However you will not be able to do all those things if you are not charging your own batteries. My point is, be kind to yourself first, then you will be able to give so much more! Meditation is being kind to yourself. #meditation #naturopathy #Bekind

25.01.2022 Im not too keen on fruit juices because of the sugar hit that you receive due to the lack of fibres naturally present in the fruit but I do love vegetable juices for all of their beautiful health-promoting phytochemicals! Dont understand me wrong, carrots and beetroots have the potential to deliver some sweetness as well but balanced with a lots of greens, they make a beautiful addition to a vegetable juice. However something that has always troubled me was the waste of fi...bres left after you juice. Well, I decided to try to make patties of them and they were delicious! And its actually totally easy: - Vegetables fibres - 2 eggs - 2 garlic cloves - Salt and pepper Mix everything, form patties with hands, cook and eat! So for everyone juicing out there, dont waste anything! And yesI did a smiley face

24.01.2022 I have dandelions in my garden. Who doesnt, right? Of course, thanks to my training as a naturopath I am very aware that it is a great therapeutic plant, but today, as I was thinking I should really mow that lawn, I suddenly felt a sense of wonder that, in our everyday lives we were really surrounded by natural medicines and sometimes we just forget to acknowledge this amazing fact! Dandelion, rosemary, thyme, lavender, lemon balm! There are too many to list and every single one of these examples give powerful herbal extracts that can be used for all type of conditions! This little realisation also reminded me to really look and really be present to whats around me. So today, I left my dandelions be and send them a quiet thanks

23.01.2022 I honestly did not think I would have to write about viruses before autumn or winter but the emergence of the coronavirus and its strength made me think otherwise. My aim here is not to generate fear but rather give information about what herbal remedies can do. Because there is no antiviral treatment for this virus, prevention is paramount and this is where herbal remedies are very effective. We have a lot of antiviral herbs which boost the immune system, fight viral infect...ions and help prevent replication. Is it bullet proof? No, nothing is and everyones body is different. But does it give you a fighting chance? Absolutely! So if you are planning to travel to Asian countries or just want to support your immune system in wake of what is happening, herbal medicine will be able to help. #coronavirus #health #herbalmedicines #complementarytherapy #alternativetherapy #virus #wuhan #naturopathy See more

22.01.2022 I talked about meditation last week as a way to lower anxiety and many other health issues but there are other natural ways of feeling mentally better and this is so important to be aware of them, above all at the moment: 1- As a Naturopath I work with multiple herbs which will help mitigate mental health issues. In a 2018 study, scientists found that lavender, passionflower, and saffron demonstrated benefits comparable to standard anxiolytic and antidepressant medication. Ye...s you read correctly. 2- When anxiety or depression disrupts sleep, California poppy and valerian are very useful and I am not the only one stating this. In a 2019 study, adults experiencing insomnia took a mix of valerian and California poppy for 4 weeks. Results showed: - Improved sleep quality and duration. Insomnia score decreased by 30% and sleep efficiency increased from 78% to 84%! - Participants woke 25% less frequently and when they did wake, were able to fall asleep faster, with the total duration of wakeful episodes dropping considerably by 25 minutes. - Last but not least anxiety scores significantly decreased by 50%! 3- And finally, please, please, spend time in nature! Yes you can still walk outside in natural surroundings even if sometimes beaches or National Parks are closed. There are still plenty of natural venues that would bring these benefits. In a very recent study (2019) scientists have found that if you spend 20 to 30 minutes sitting or walking in a place that provides you with a sense of nature, you will lover your cortisol level (cortisol being the stress hormone). HOWEVER the benefits were only derived when participants avoided the use of social media, internet and phone calls, and did not read or converse while enjoying the great outdoors. So get rid of your devices when relaxing outside and be more mindful of Nature around you! I will also add something that I am completely convinced of: when you sit in nature, take your shoes off!! Bare feet on the earth (earthing or grounding) has shown in multiple studies that it decreases cortisol levels (and improves many many other health conditions). I have written a blog on earthing so you can refer to it and look at the studies I have referenced. 1 Yeung KS, Hernandez M, Mao JJ, Haviland I, Gubili J. Herbal medicine for depression and anxiety: A systematic review with assessment of potential psychooncologic relevance. Phytother Res. 2018 May;32(5):865-91. 2 Abdellah SA, Berlin A, Blondeau C, Guinobert I, Guilbot A, Beck M, et al. A combination of Eschscholtzia californica Cham. and Valeriana officinalis L. extracts for adjustment insomnia: A prospective observational study. J Tradit Complement Med [Internet]. 2019 Feb [cited 2020 Mar 2]. 3 Hunter MR, Gillespie BW, Chen SY. Urban nature experiences reduce stress in the context of daily life based on salivary biomarkers. Front Psychol. 2019 Apr 4;10:722.

22.01.2022 Cooking improves digestion and the absorption of many nutrients but it also reduces levels of some vitamins and minerals. So do you know whats the best cooking method for preserving them? Whenever youre boiling, simmering, poaching, grilling, broiling, microwaving, roasting, baking, sautéing, stir-frying, frying or steaming, know what youre gainingand losing!

22.01.2022 The hormonal changes of menopause can produce a wide variety of symptoms, ranging from hot flashes and vaginal dryness to anxiety, depression, and insomnia. Many of these symptoms are caused by the natural decrease in oestrogen production that occurs for women at that time. Yes, we are all aware that menopause is not a disease. It is clearly a natural process, but one that many women prefer not to experience. Women are not too keen, and who could blame them, on accepting as m...erely part of life the decrease in libido, pain during intercourse, years of hot flashes, and other uncomfortable problems that may accompany menopause. Oestrogen-replacement therapy can alleviate many of the problems associated with menopause. However, it creates counterbalancing risks. The most frightening issue is the increased risk of breast cancer that appears to be associated with replacement oestrogen. In addition, oestrogen therapy can cause blood clots in the legs, and it appears to raise the risk of heart disease rather than prevent it (as previously thought). For these reason many women trust natural therapies and we do have herbs that we can use to alleviate these symptoms. They have been extensively researched. One of them is Black Cohosh. The best study was a 12-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of 304 women with menopausal symptoms. This study(1) appeared to find that black cohosh was more effective than placebo. The best evidence was for a reduction in hot flashes. So why should women suffer? (1) Osmers R, Friede M, Liske E, et al. Efficacy and safety of isopropanolic black cohosh extract for climacteric symptoms. Obstet Gynecol. 2005;105:1074-1083.

22.01.2022 Not sure about you but spring always makes me happy! It's not too hot but it's definitely warming up and I'm starting to see more colours in my garden! It's also the time when I start thinking about including more salads in my daily diet and gently let go of soups or slow-cooking dishes. Well, this is one of my favourite salad and I thought I could share! Just click on the photo to have the recipe and tell me what you think! :)

20.01.2022 Another incredible way plants can help is through the therapeutic use of their essential oils. A 2016 systematic review and meta-analysis study (pretty much the Gold Standard of scientific studies) found that plants essential oils were very effective in reducing pain. Some of the findings (but they are many others if you read the study) indicated that back pain can be relieved and the particular oil they used was ginger oil. No surprise there! Menstrual pain was also greatly... improved by massaging with therapeutic essential oils and postoperative pain was effectively decreased thanks to the use of aromatherapy. Sometimes these finding indicated that medication use was significantly decreased as a consequence of it. I see that as another sign that plants are powerful and can make a huge difference in peoples quality of life, above all when in pain! Click on the study link if you want to read more about it! And happy Monday to all!

17.01.2022 I'm really big on staying hydrated and I love ginger and blueberries so this drink is heaven for me! Hope you like the recipe but in all honesty, play with your imagination, add your own ingredients and make your own refreshing drinks! Strawberries, lemon, blood oranges, mint, cold freshly brewed green tea are only some of the ingredients you can play with! Have fun and don't hesitate to tell me which healthy drink you like to prepare!

17.01.2022 It’s this great time of the year where days are lovely but nights start to get fresher. It’s also a great time to think about recipes that can provide not only warmth but are also good for the gut and we know what’s good for the gut is good for our mood and our immune system. This soup contains curcumin, the key compound in turmeric, which is a natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Drinking it warmed with some healthy fat maximises the healing properties of curcumin and... increases its absorption. Ingredients: * 1L (4 cups) bone broth (you can make your own or buy good quality store-bought) * 2 skinless organic chicken breast fillets, cut into 3 cm cubes * 1 knob ( cup) fresh ginger, peeled and grated * 2 carrots, thinly diced * 2 celery stalks, thinly diced * 1 leek, halved, thinly sliced * 100g cauliflower (grated or pulsed in a food processor until it resembles grains of rice) * 1 tsp apple cider vinegar * 1 tsp ground turmeric * Pinch of salt and black pepper * Large handful of chopped coriander leaves * Greek or coconut yoghurt * Method: 1. Combine the broth and ginger in a saucepan over medium heat and bring to a simmer. 2. Add diced chicken, reduce the heat to low and cover with the lid to gently poach for 10 minutes. 3. Add the apple cider vinegar, turmeric and black pepper. 4. Add the carrots, celery, leek and cauliflower and cook for another 5 minutes, or until the vegetables are tender. 5. Serve with a garnish of coriander leaves and yoghurt. Note: If you need more liquid in the soup, just use more bone broth or you can add boiling water as you go. Enjoy!

16.01.2022 If youre like me, there is always a lot of things happening in the morning and sometimes it is difficult to leave our warm comfy bed which in turn makes us rush out to prepare ourselves for the day and well, breakfast has to be a quick thing! And sometimes our breakfast choices are not optimal. Liquid breakfasts on the go, commercial cereals or cereals bars are not only filled with sugar but are also more likely to make us experience the mid-day energy crash. This is why I this smoothie! This is honestly what I eat for breakfast 3-4 times a week! Its quick, its healthy and most of allits yummy! Try it and tell me if you like it! :) Recipe: Preparation time: 5mn: In a blender put: 1/4 cup rolled oats 1/2 cup milk (or any milk substitute) 100g high protein yoghurt (greek yoghurt, yopro or the like) 1 banana or 1/2 cup of berries (fresh or frozen) Optional: 1 tbs of flaxseed meal (for an extra omega 3 boost- Health sections of supermarket) Et voilà!! Blend everything thoroughly and enjoy!

16.01.2022 What a strange world we are living in at the moment! Not thinking I would have any issues, I was going to order a few great quality products for my family to support their immune system as the cases in NSW increase and to my utter shock I realised that the products I wanted were out of stock!! And I promised you I wasn't going to buy 3 tonnes of anything! At that instant, I realised two things: very obviously nobody is immune to panic buying! And two, I had to think outside t...he box. My advice is always the same when confronted with viruses. You need to make yourself a priority: eat well, rest well, keep active, decrease stress! These are not empty words! This is the foundation of being a healthy human being! This is what everyone should be focusing on at the moment instead of stocking on toilet paper! So that's the first thing! However we can all do with a bit of help sometimes so I created an immune boosting syrup that everyone can do at home and which ingredients availability in the supermarkets is not at risk at the moment. However who knows what's going to happen after this blog : 1 cup of honey (Manuka is best but I realise that it is expensive so any local honey would do) 6-7cm long fresh ginger A small rosemary twig Some oregano Peel the ginger rhizome and cut it in slices. Put all the ingredients in a small saucepan and heat at medium temperature to extract all the beautiful immune boosting properties of these plants. Let it simmer for about 15mn but stay with it because its very hot and have a tendency to boil quickly. Once done, put it in a jar, wait until it cools enough and put it in the fridge. I leave the ginger, rosemary and oregano inside but you can take it off the mixture. It can stay between 1 and 2 months in the fridge. I recommend 1 tsp every morning to help the immune system. Other ways to take it is 1 teaspoon in a hot tea with freshly squeezed lemon juice. It can also be taken as needed if a cough developed. Enjoy!

16.01.2022 This is a small observational study which results have been released this year but it is very exciting and shows once again how plants can help us manage our conditions. 30 patients at risk for progression of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) were given a standardised extract of the fruit of saw palmetto for 15 years. BPH is a prostate gland enlargement. It is a common condition as men get older. An enlarged prostate gland may cause uncomfortable urinary symptoms, such as bl...ocking the flow of urine out of the bladder. It can also cause bladder, urinary tract or kidney problems. So for 15 years, each year they were monitored for these symptoms, the results were really good: - Subjective assessment of BPH symptoms using IPSS (International Prostatic Symptoms Scale) did not worsen for any of the patients, in fact, patients experienced a significant reduction in symptoms. Quality of life for all patients during follow-up was significantly improved. - The Maximal Flow rate (QMax) indicated significant improvement - The amount of urine the patients voided during urination increased significantly, and the amount of residual urine also decreased significantly. - At completion of follow-up, no significant growth of the prostate was observed!! - Serum PSA level remained fairly stable. Saw Palmetto is a great herb used as part of a naturopathic approach to BPH and according to these recent results, it can bring many benefits! Virginie, Naturopath

16.01.2022 Have you seen how many freshly-pressed, no preservative, no added sugar, no artificial flavours juices there are in your store at the moment? Some with very enticing mix and even with superfoods! It seems to me there are new brands appearing all the time! However is drinking them healthy? This article looks at the benefits but also warns you that at the end of the day, they are mostly high sugar, low fibres drinks. Consume them in moderation and up your intake of whole fruits and vegetables instead.

15.01.2022 What do you do for your mental health at the moment? It’s hard enough under normal circumstances but with everything happening, it has to become a priority. Well, there is something that most people think they are not very good at and therefore do not really take the time to do but really works well in decreasing stress and all type of mental health issues See, this one thing which has been studied time and time again by scientists and has shown to consistently have the abil...ity to make you a happier, more relaxed person is meditation. You knew it, didn’t you? You’re home with more time on your hand so it might be worthwhile trying it (again?). To help out I have attached a link which will disappear within a week but that I can send again if needs be (just message me). And as a personal note, we are very often asked to be kind to others, to give, to be there, to help and this is truly important. However you will not be able to do all those things if you are not charging your own batteries. My point is, be kind to yourself first, then you will be able to give so much more! Meditation is being kind to yourself. #meditation #naturopathy #Bekind

15.01.2022 Glucosamine is an excellent agent which helps with managing symptoms of arthritis. But, I hear you say, my newspaper recently told me glucosamine was ineffective and even dangerous?? So who do you believe? What should you do? You know glucosamine worked for you but you are worried about what you read. You dont want to be in pain again so you might reconsider taking ibuprofen? And its so conveniently available on every supermarkets shelf! Well lets take a step back and loo...k at it with some perspective: People who had reactions were taking other medications (such as Warfarin) and did not know about potential interactions. Why? Because they did not see their healthcare practitioner for advice on taking it. Its marketed nationally for arthritis and sold everywhere! Its like St Johns Wort, the most well-known herb for depression and anxiety! The number of people on it, who have no concept that this is one of the herb with the most interactions with antidepressants medications! And plenty of others by the way Other people had allergic reactions because glucosamine is derived from shellfish- same issue as above. No advice of the appropriateness of glucosamine was given. This is why Practitioner-only products are not a bad idea. The number of adverse reactions are extremely small over the number of years studied and resulted in no deaths. During that same time period there was 50 deaths due to Ibuprofen. Why is it not news worthy? Why is the media not saying that Ibuprofen is dangerous and could result in death? Finally one of the authors of the study is a professor who is a board member of the Friends of Science in Medicine. The Friends of Science in Medicine have a history of having a narrow minded view (to put it mildly) on complementary therapies. Any bias, do you think? My advice about all that is what I tell patients over and over again: ask your health practitioner before taking anything and this is especially important if you have allergies or are taking medications. Because you can buy it off the shelf does not make it safe. I could go on but I will finish by restating Dr Mark Donohoes simple statement uttered during the FX Medicine podcast: scaring people for no reason is not science. FX Medicine: Sydney Morning Herald article Scientific study:

13.01.2022 It is sometimes hard at that time of the year to be mindful of what we eat and drink! There are so many celebrations to attend with family, friends and work colleagues and as a result we eat more food than we would normally do and we may even drink more alcohol. The idea is not too feel guilty about it but to try something new from time to time. Have a look at this recipe, it is truly healthy and more importantly, it is delicious! Enjoy!

13.01.2022 Do you know what Earthing is? Its basically having your bare feet on the ground. It turns out we dont do that often enough (even in Australia!) and we are missing out on huge health benefits! According to research the exchange of negative electrons coming from the Earth through our body via our bare feet reduces pain, reduces inflammation, makes you sleep better, boosts your immune system, increases blood flow, reduces osteoporosis markers, supports healthy cardiovascular s...ystem, reduces blood pressure, lessens stress etc. The list is so long that you may think, thats too good to be true but scientists know its true, they studied it. They published it. 30-120mn of Earthing (or putting your bare feet on the Earth) is enough to experience most of the benefits I told you about. Surely we can take 30mn in our day to put our feet on the ground with a cuppa? But do not take my word for it, read the many studies that all come from academic journals (I selected a few for you) and watch the Earthing movie where you can see cardiovascular specialists, GPs and other health authorities affirm and confirm what we should have remembered! And while you do that please kick your shoes off! Some studies: The effects of grounding (earthing) on inflammation, the immune response, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases (2015): Electric Nutrition: The Surprising Health and Healing Benefits of Biological Grounding (Earthing) (2017): Earthing (Grounding) the Human Body Reduces Blood Viscositya Major Factor in Cardiovascular Disease (2013): The Effects of Grounding (Earthing) on Bodyworkers' Pain and Overall Quality of Life: A Randomized Controlled Trial (2019): Integrative and lifestyle medicine strategies should include Earthing (grounding): Review of research evidence and clinical observations (2019): The Earthing Movie: #Barefeet #Earthing #Health #Naturopathy #Grounding #ChronicDisease #Pain #Inflammation #ImmuneSystem

13.01.2022 Some facts are so strange but also so interesting! Anxiety has an effect on pretty much all of our body systems and this is the reason why it is important to address it. However did you know that anxiety affects your sense of smell? Literally, the more anxious you are, the more the word around you stinks! This is due to the many neuronal connections we have between our olfactory sense (our sense of smell) and areas of the brain which deal with primary emotions such as the amy...gdala or the hippocampus. They are constantly communicating with each other and anxiety has therefore an effect on the pleasantness of what we smell! Fortunately naturopathy can help reducing stress and anxiety with the use of plants and nutrition! Lets get back to smelling the roses, literally and figuratively! Reference: Krusemark E, et al. When the sense of smell meets emotion: anxiety-state-dependant olfactory processing and neural circuitry adaptation. J. Neuroscience. 2013;33(39):15324-15332.

12.01.2022 Its this great time of the year where days are lovely but nights start to get fresher. Its also a great time to think about recipes that can provide not only warmth but are also good for the gut and we know whats good for the gut is good for our mood and our immune system. This soup contains curcumin, the key compound in turmeric, which is a natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Drinking it warmed with some healthy fat maximises the healing properties of curcumin and... increases its absorption. Ingredients: * 1L (4 cups) bone broth (you can make your own or buy good quality store-bought) * 2 skinless organic chicken breast fillets, cut into 3 cm cubes * 1 knob ( cup) fresh ginger, peeled and grated * 2 carrots, thinly diced * 2 celery stalks, thinly diced * 1 leek, halved, thinly sliced * 100g cauliflower (grated or pulsed in a food processor until it resembles grains of rice) * 1 tsp apple cider vinegar * 1 tsp ground turmeric * Pinch of salt and black pepper * Large handful of chopped coriander leaves * Greek or coconut yoghurt * Method: 1. Combine the broth and ginger in a saucepan over medium heat and bring to a simmer. 2. Add diced chicken, reduce the heat to low and cover with the lid to gently poach for 10 minutes. 3. Add the apple cider vinegar, turmeric and black pepper. 4. Add the carrots, celery, leek and cauliflower and cook for another 5 minutes, or until the vegetables are tender. 5. Serve with a garnish of coriander leaves and yoghurt. Note: If you need more liquid in the soup, just use more bone broth or you can add boiling water as you go. Enjoy!

12.01.2022 Is inflammation bad? No inflammation is not bad, it is a natural body process that results in the affected area turning red, puffy and hot as your immune system rushes to assess the injury and fight any pathogen that might have entered your body. A normal, healthy inflammatory response should flare up and die down again a short time later, as the healing process resolves the inflammation and the injury heals. However what if the inflammation does not resolve itself? Chronic i...Continue reading

12.01.2022 This is a study undertaken at Southern Cross University earlier this year, confirming that naturopathy is effective for a wide range of complex health conditions. Although I am very happy that it was recognised, I am also disappointed that despite all the evidence, our government is still looking at removing health insurance rebates for natural therapies. A small win is a win nonetheless and I hope more studies like this one will continue to emerge.

12.01.2022 Let me introduce you to my (rolling drums): Chronic Inflammation and pain reduction Program I am so very excited about this program. This is one that involves Earthing! If youve followed my blogs or if you are one of my long suffering loved ones, you will know how convinced I am about the therapeutic effects of earthing. Not only am I convinced but Ive seen pain reductions in people who tried it, sometimes it was incredible to see! However this is not only for pain. Pain r...eduction is only one of the side effects. Studies have shown that it decreases inflammation and therefore helps pretty much every chronic disease you can think of. It improves sleep, improves your cardiovascular system, reduces your blood pressure, reduces stress, depression and anxiety by lowering your cortisol level and boosts your immune system. In summary it makes your body work better. So in this consultation you will have to be earthed. Its part of the treatment. And therefore not only am I going to demonstrate and explain what Earthing is but you will have your own Earthing matt/pad included in this program that will help you stay earthed for longer period of time, at home. But its not all. Earthing works at helping your body work better as a whole but my therapeutic herbs and nutritional supplements will cut to the chase and help the specific body systems that need healing. I use evidence-based herbs that are known to instigate healing in the body and will complement and amplify the Earthing treatment. So whats included in this program? - An initial consultation- Lasts 1h30 to 2h. Yep I will spend lots of time investigating :) - 2 Follow-up consultations- Lasts 30mn-45mn - You will be earthed during each consultation - 1 Earthing Mat or Pad, depending on your needs - 1 personalised treatment plan - 1 Food diary - 1 Symptoms diary if applicable - Nutrition Plan - Lifestyle plan Not included: you may need to purchase some herbal remedies or nutritional supplements if applicable. However I do not like to overprescribed, the simpler the treatment is the better. Investment= $399 Do note that I am now only available on Saturdays. I am really looking forward to being a part of your healing journey! If you have any questions, contact me on my website or through my Facebook page and I will be more than happy to give you more information.

11.01.2022 Im always excited when scientists are studying plants to relieve pain as pain, whatever the cause, is often debilitating for many people and decrease quality of life. A very well known and unfortunately very common type of pain is experienced every month by a lot of women: dysmenorrhea or period pain. Did you know it can affect 80-90% of women of reproductive age (18-28 years of age)? The cause of this phenomenon ranges from high levels of prostaglandins (PGs) to other fact...ors such as genetics, stress, and different body types. Many of the women experiencing period pain will use NSAID drugs such as ibuprofen or Ponstan but we all know they can have serious side effects and it has prompted many research on more natural alternatives. Willow bark (salix alba) has been traditionally used to relieve pain for thousand of years. However there are few studies on its effect on dysmenorrhea leading to the present study designed to evaluate its effect on this condition and compare its effectiveness to mefenamic acid, a NSAID and a standard treatment for pain. The results were great: - it showed that willow bark is more effective than mefenamic acid to control period pain. - Willow bark was also better at reducing the frequency of symptoms such as abdominal and back pain, breast pain, headache, vomiting, nausea, diarrhoea, cramp, fatigue, muscle stiffness and fainting. - When taking willow bark, 77.39% of people experienced no symptoms (wow!) and 22.18% only had mild symptoms. - In comparison, with mefenamic acid, 44.58% of students had mild symptoms and 28.12% experienced moderate symptoms. - Finally treatment with mefenamic acid was significantly more likely to be associated with clotting than use of willow bark. Researchers attribute the effect of willow bark on dysmenorrhea reduction to its ability to inhibit the activity of prostaglandins and the best part is that none of the women studied had any adverse effects! So if period pain is an issue for you, why not try willow?

11.01.2022 Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a very common disorder in women of reproductive age, affecting 75% of women with a higher rate in younger women. Symptoms can be physical or psychological and include food cravings, fatigue, depression, petulance, acne, water retention, irritability, and forgetfulness. A lot can be done to ease these symptoms but it is great to see that scientists have studied the positive effect of one of the herb we are using: lemon balm (Melissa officinalis).... They conducted a double-blind, randomised, placebo - controlled trial on 100 schoolgirls aged 14 17 years and investigated the effectiveness of lemon balm in reducing PMS symptoms with great results. They found that the intensity of physical, psychological and social symptoms such as stress, anxiety and depression, was significantly reduced in the Melissa group compared to placebo as a result of Melissas anxiolytic and spasmolytic effects. So for all women suffering from this common syndrome, nature and naturopathy can help! Virginie, Naturopath

11.01.2022 Nutrition can be truly confusing when you start looking at the myriad of different diets that claim to be the best and offering the perfect health. Im not saying that some diets claims are unfounded but I acknowledge the difficulty of making the best decision for yourself. That is why I found this article really interesting! It relates the results of a study stating that the type of diet a person follows is not as important as simply making sure it includes healthy and nut...rient-dense foods. And we all know what healthy foods are, nothing new there: - Eat plenty of vegetables (6+ serves) and 2 pieces of fruit - Eat fibre rich food (vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes- helps with bowel movements and feeds good bacteria in your gut) - Dont eat too much red meat (inflammatory) - Include healthy fats (avocado, olive oil etc..) - Include more fatty fish in your diet (omega 3s are anti-inflammatory) - Avoid or restrict sugary beverages and sweets - And drink drink drink water! Stay hydrated! So if you are confused about what to eat to stay healthy, just follow these principles and dont worry too much about putting a name on your diet :)

11.01.2022 If there is one thing I hear most when discussing diets and specifically water intake is: yeah, I know I should drink more water or I just dont like the taste of it That goes for adults and kids. Water is one of the cheapest way to improve your health. There are millions of reactions in your body that need it to function properly. Let me be clear on this: water is essential for health and being dehydrated is making your body pointlessly work harder. Did you know that t...his fluid helps regulate body temperature, transport nutrients, maintain brain function, improve bowel movements and enhance physical performance. And Im not even broaching the subject of weight loss and skin health to which water is essential. Not getting enough water can cause side effects like nausea, fatigue, constipation, headaches, and dizziness. How much you drink really depends on what you consume as you will have water in fruits and vegetables as well as in some other drinks such as teas. It also depends on your age and gender. However aiming to drink between 2.5 and 3L water per day should support body functions optimally for most people. You may even drink more if you exercise. And help is available! There are phone apps around you can use to remind you to drink water, so check them out. As for the taste, there are so many delicious ways to change it such as putting mint, strawberries or lemon in it that it is not really an excuse. A final note: dont wait to feel thirsty, its already too late, just drink regularly.

10.01.2022 Have you heard of palmitoylethanolamide (PEA)? My industry is a little bit excited about this molecule produced naturally by our body and which have similar pharmacological anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects to cannabis. Simply put this is one of the compounds that we produce that regulate inflammation and pain in our body. Ok, but what does that mean for people like you and me? PEA is dispensed as a powder and is used for various chronic pain conditions. I could list th...em but Im just going to focus on one in particular which is very common: osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is one of the most common degenerative and progressive joint diseases. It is often painful and because of the pain insomnia is naturally prevalent. The good news is PEA has effectively shown to reduce the pain score after eight weeks of treatment. The double-blind placebo-controlled trial of 111 participants, received 300 mg PEA, 600 mg PEA or placebo, in divided doses, twice daily. Both PEA dosages significantly reduced pain and stiffness in the participants, with no adverse effects reported. So when you are aware that 2.2 million people suffer from osteoarthritis in Australia and that 3.1 million people have one or more prescriptions dispensed for opioids, such as oxycodone. And when you know this opiod usage leads to addiction and hospitalisations for opioid poisoning, why not try something more natural?

08.01.2022 Did you notice a sudden propensity to snack more since were stuck at home? Same here!! I had to be extra mindful about what I put in my mouth and how often I do it! And often there is no real hunger, it's more like a sense of boredom, isnt it? Like with everything, preparation is the key! So today as I was preparing a snack plate for my teenage boys, I decided to make a photo of that plate, just to show that nutritious snacks do not need to be expensive or complicated to Obviously having 2 physically very active teenage boys, their snack plate is of different size than mine but what we have in common is a piece of protein, vegetables, fruits and seeds! Here are a few snacks I assembled: Pepitas: rich in zinc, great for our immune system Grapes and blueberries 1 Boiled egg Cherry tomatoes and bocconcini with herbs A few crackers with guac Other ideas: Sliced cucumbers with goat cheese (yum!) Cottage cheese on crackers with chives Hummus and veggie sticks Piece of roasted chicken 1/2 an apple Roasted chickpeas Carrots sticks Cubed cheese etc. Another thing that I always implemented with my boys is to centre yourself, pause before eating that food and ask yourself: am I really hungry? It allows you to connect with your body and listen to it. Sometimes the answer will surprise you! It might just be that you are thirsty rather than hungry or like me sometimes, just bored

07.01.2022 As if we needed more proofs that exercising is good for your health! A recent review (2019), acknowledged the growing evidence that physical fitness influences the gut microbiome and as a result, promotes health. In particular, it boosts immune function, lowers susceptibility to infection, lowers the inflammatory response and increases tissue repair. Whats not to like? And dont forget, exercising can take many shapes and forms. You do not have to morph into an athlete to reap the benefits. Aim for 30 mn everyday and start gently in the beginning. Walking, swimming, dancing even, are all gentle ways to exercise! So get moving!

06.01.2022 I’m not too keen on fruit juices because of the sugar hit that you receive due to the lack of fibres naturally present in the fruit but I do love vegetable juices for all of their beautiful health-promoting phytochemicals! Don’t understand me wrong, carrots and beetroots have the potential to deliver some sweetness as well but balanced with a lots of greens, they make a beautiful addition to a vegetable juice. However something that has always troubled me was the waste of fi...bres left after you juice. Well, I decided to try to make patties of them and they were delicious! And it’s actually totally easy: - Vegetables fibres - 2 eggs - 2 garlic cloves - Salt and pepper Mix everything, form patties with hands, cook and eat! So for everyone juicing out there, don’t waste anything! And yesI did a smiley face

06.01.2022 Eggs for breakfast?? Yes, please!! And why not, eggs are one of the most nutritious food! But what happen if you have elevated cholesterol? Should you limit their consumption? After all, yolks are high in cholesterol! Lets start by stating that cholesterol is very useful and has a lot of functions. The cells in your body need cholesterol for their membrane. Cholesterol is also used to make steroid hormones like testosterone, oestrogen and cortisol for example. In a nutshell:... you want cholesterol in your body. However cholesterol is not that simple because the more you eat, the less your body produces! Indeed if you eat a lot of cholesterol-rich food, your liver starts producing less in order to keep cholesterol levels from becoming excessively high. Therefore the total amount of cholesterol in your body changes very little, if at all! What changes is its source: your diet or your liver! What does that mean for you though? For healthy people the science is clear: up to 3 whole eggs per day are perfectly safe. For people who already have high cholesterol and type 2 diabetes, eating up to 7 eggs per week with a healthy diet is perfectly fine. When I say healthy, I mean no bacon (sorry, your bacon is more likely to raise your cholesterol levels than your eggs). The reason why people with type 2 diabetes should limit their eggs consumption this way is that research suggests that people who have type 2 diabetes and eat a lot of eggs have an increased risk of heart disease. I guess the end message is this one: whatever your health and cholesterol levels, eggs have a place in a healthy diet! Dont be afraid to enjoy them!

06.01.2022 There are a lot of information about the efficiency of plants in treating diseases and there is the general idea that plants and nutrients in supplemental form can do no harm. Well, they both have less side-effects than medicinal drugs but make no mistakes, they act physiologically on your body and they need to be monitored by a trained professional above all if you are on medications. Some plants and nutrients may have significant interactions on drugs you are already taking... for your condition. For example, one of the most well known plant who has been proven to have anti-depressant properties but interacts with most antidepressants is St John Wort. Not knowing that, you may have heard of the plant and think it can only help you and buy it over the counter when in fact, it may interact and reduce the effect of the drugs you are taking Or say you have really bad acne and the doctor has prescribed isotretinoin tablets (main brand: Roaccutane) which contains a retinoid related to vitamin A. At the same time you read that vitamin A is really good for your skin and buy some tablets, so hey, what could go wrong? Well, there is a major risk of additive toxic effect with the use of both the supplement and isotretinoin tablets. I guess what I am saying is be careful about the supplements you take while on medication. If you plan to add a more natural approach to treating your condition, talk to a trained professional who knows about the benefits and the potential risks. Your naturopath will know this information.

04.01.2022 Strong bones have to be built from a very young age because peak mineral bone density for men and women occurs between the ages of 25 and 35. After that, unfortunately, it slowly starts to decline. But this is not the only issue: other conditions are associated with osteoporosis such as osteoarthritis and research also shows an association between heart failure and osteoporosis. Therefore it is so important to encourage activities for our kids so that they start their adult l...ife with the best mineral bone density possible. However, if you want to be proactive, there is good evidence to suggest that dietary and lifestyle therapies and specific types of exercise can improve bone mineral density. 1- Do weight bearing exercise. It is so important! This strengthens the muscles and allows better support for the skeleton (meaning less fracture risks). Bones become stronger when a certain amount of strain is placed on them, and is particularly important for women to focus on during menopause with the loss of oestrogen increasing bone loss. 2- Eat foods that maintain bone health. Dairy products (if you can) are certainly a good way to get a lot of calcium in your diet but by no mean the only ones! Many non-dairy sources are also high in calcium, including nuts and seeds, sardines, spinach and kale. Potassium and magnesium are also important minerals for bone health so eat a lot of green leafy vegetables, eat avocados, bananas, potatoes and fish. There are also helper foods you can eat which scientists have shown to have direct effects on either inhibiting osteoclast activity (breaking down the bone) or stimulating osteoblast activity (building it up): blueberries (reduce bone breakdown) and plums (5 to 6 a day- increase bone formation), citrus fruits (positive association between vitamin C consumption and maintenance of bone mass), onion (reduce bone breakdown) and alfalfa sprouts (helps with both formation and maintenance of bones thanks to high vitamin K content). 3- Getting out in the sun and receiving more beneficial vitamin D will also help as Vitamin D keeps your bones strong by helping your body absorb calcium and phosphorus, key minerals for bone health. Taking care of your bone health is something everyone should be interested in! It might not seem important now but as you age and want to keep your autonomy, it will quickly become essential.

03.01.2022 This last post is a bit tongue in cheek but a reminder not to take life too seriously! Merry Christmas and happy New Year to you all, stay safe and above all, have fun! See you in 2020!

01.01.2022 Is there anything Turmeric can't do? In a time when antibiotic resistance is a real world issue, it is good to see that this rhizome has provided some much needed answers to this problem. And it's only one of its action, it is also a potent anti-inflammatory and a great antioxidant! It is definitely one of the most researched plant today! However before taking any over the counter supplements containing turmeric, be aware that quality is very important as the phytochemicals inside turmeric are not easily absorbed by your body. Having access to high quality practitioner-only products containing turmeric and knowing the potential interactions between turmeric and any drugs you are taking, are one of the many tools a naturopath has, so do not hesitate to ask any questions about this great herb!

01.01.2022 Have you ever watched Alien, the 1979 movie with Sigourney Weaver? Well these studies sure reminded me of it! Its both amazing and a little bit scary! What if I were to tell you that this chocolate craving you are experiencing may not come from you but from your intestinal microbiome really bent on surviving? This is what these studies have now found:... - Imbalanced gut flora will consciously alter the dopamine-reward system to generate cravings for foods they require for survival, or foods that suppress their competitors. - They will make you feel absolutely miserable by changing neuropeptide signalling until you eat foods that enhance their fitness. - They will actively change your taste buds so that you have more receptors for, say, fat or sweets! - And wait for that one, this is even creepier: if they dont have enough of the food they need, they will increase production of neurotransmitters such as GABA which reduce inhibitions, alter facial expressions, and make you appear more socially attractive thereby increasing your chances of finding food Ok, I think I scared you enough! What does that mean for us? - That gives us an understanding that stopping food craving is not only about will power. This is these bacteria's survival which is at stake. They are really invested in you eating a particular food, otherwise they die! And obesity is scientifically linked to an unbalanced gut flora. - It makes us understand that mood alteration (anxiety, depression) may also be linked to the same issue. The good news is we can work on establishing a healthy gut flora. Specific practitioner-only strains of probiotics and herbs will both help with resolving this unbalance. So next time youre thinking about grabbing that yummy chocolate bar, ask yourself, who is really doing the thinking? Reference: Alcock, J., Maley, C. C., & Aktipis, C. A. (2014). Is eating behavior manipulated by the gastrointestinal microbiota? Evolutionary pressures and potential mechanisms. Bioessays, 36(10), 940-949. Karsas, M., Lamb, G., & Green, R. J. (2018). The immunology of mind controlexploring the relationship between the microbiome and the brain-part 1. Current Allergy & Clinical Immunology, 31(2), 103-109. Karsas, M., Lamb, G., & Green, R. J. (2019). The immunology of mind control: exploring the relationship between the microbiome and the brain (part II). Current Allergy & Clinical Immunology, 32(1), 50-57. Martin, C. R., Osadchiy, V., Kalani, A., & Mayer, E. A. (2018). The Brain-Gut-Microbiome Axis. Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 6(2), 133148.

01.01.2022 I cant think of a a food that is more controversial than milk! Everyone has a strong opinion on whether you should consume it or not and depending on which side of the nutritional fence you sit, whether you should drink its low-fat or full-fat variety! I try to look at milk the way I look at every food. Avoid the processed variety! For me, it means to avoid the sugar-loaded flavoured milks and to keep it the way nature produces it: full fat. The reason is quite simple reall...y: the fat in milk assist in the absorption of important fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A and D. The fat also balances its sugar content. Until very recently the Heart Foundation encouraged people to drink the low fat variety. It claimed that full fat milk increased risks of heart issues. However after reviewing all the studies available, it is now acknowledging that they were wrong. Unless you have a pre-existing heart condition, there is absolutely no link between consumption of full fat milk and increase risks of heart disease or stroke. So here we go, no more guilt about enjoying whole full fat milk!

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