Energize Pilates in Brighton East, Victoria | Pilates studio
Energize Pilates
Locality: Brighton East, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 9531 2881
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25.01.2022 Miss you and we see you face to face soon!!
25.01.2022 Up to DAY 11 of challenge ENERGIZERS. You can still join in and do Pilates most days and still do your walk or run. Lets move together & be accountable through a private FB page and adding #energizebuddies to post on your Insta stories. Join the online video on demand library and you certainly have lots of choice. Energize team are also involved and lets keep motivating each other for the challenge & work for that post iso body. TAG a friend who can join us, it costs you... nothing more to your online classes or video on demand subscription. LETS GO!!! . . . #pilates #pilateslovers #strongwomen #workoutonline #fitnesschallenge #pilatesmelbourne #pilatessydney #pilatesforthepeople #pilatesforeverybody #pilatesonline #pilatesformums #abs #wegotthis #postisobody See more
24.01.2022 MARCHMATNESS 2021 Day 13- ONE LEG KICK This exercise opens up the front body and fires up the back of the body. Prepares you for double leg kick to come... . .... . @360pilatesonline @marchmatness . #mmthankyou #pilateslover #thankyoupilates #matpilates #globalcommunity #artofcontrology #worldwide #movementheals #pilateseverydamnday #pilateslove #meetmeonthemat #marchmatness2021 #pilatesinstructor #pilates #contrology #singlelegkick #iampolestar See more
24.01.2022 New timetable is out for the 22nd June, when we re-open. Bookings are now available! We MISS YOU. . . .... Meanwhile were still Zooming with your fave classes. Video on demand also available. Rent one class or subscribe monthly. . . . #supportlocal #smallbusiness #pilates #pilateslovers #elwood #moveit #strongwomen #pilatesinstructor #videoondemand #fitnessmotivation #staysafe #fitness #impolestar #iso #fitfam See more
24.01.2022 If you want to work out anytime, anywhere, then Energize Video on Demand is for you. Sessions from $10 to monthly subscription Energizers. Clients are just loving it and we just keep adding more videos weekly. https://vimeo.com/ondemand/energize . . .... #ondemandworkouts #ondemand #virtual #pilates #pilatesinstructor #lovepilates #pilateseveryday #activewear #supportsmallbusiness #matpilates #reformeronthemat #barre #barreworkout #slidingdiscs #loopbandworkout #videoondemand See more
23.01.2022 NEWS ALERT The day we’ve been waiting for Energizers. We are allowed to open for Massage as of the 2nd November and starting to see privates & semi privates as of 9 November. Please email for massage, to be added to our waitlist. Clients always move appointments around. We are here to look after your health as always, just reach out and have some hands on....it’s been a while since massage has been allowed, we know and get it.... Privates have options of pilates practise at studio from the 9/11, at the local park with booking and some just love the idea of staying with Zoom. Of course, there’s video on demand and that’s here to stay. Blessed with options, for different needs & circumstances. Victorians you’ve done the hard yards, geez do we know it. Look after yourselves in body and health, and never compromise otherwise. Really really can’t wait to see you face-to-face. Big hugs all from your Energize team. *Mat exercise above- Bicycle . . . #pilates #lovepilates #elwood #videoondemand #matpilates #pilatesmelbourne #abs #strongnewskinny #strongwomen #moveyourbodyeveryday #pilatesinstructor #ondemand #ondemandworkouts #pilates #barre #pilateslovers #core #strongwomen #strongbodystrongmind #supportsmallbusiness #pilatesmelbourne #pilatessydney #pilatesonline See more
22.01.2022 Energizers, whilst many have been asking when is the studio re-opening, we dont know. Find this to time to dig deep within and most of all nurture your soul and love and love some more, as its a time we all need more of it. Check in with your friends and families! . To existing and past clients of EP, jump onboard and do a virtual class with us, if you havent. Group classes and privates online with us. . On demand videos nearly launching. As many, weve had to acquire and ...learn new tech skills and good things take time Energizers, but were bringing it to you. KEEP MOVING YOUR BODIES! . . . #videoondemand #pilates #pilateslovers #pilatesreformer #fitness #virtuallearning #strongwomen #iso #moveyourbody #reformer #rollover #fitfam #spinehealth See more
22.01.2022 MARCHMATNESS 2021 Day 14- DOUBLE LEG KICK Double the fun with two legs kicking back, opening up the front of body and fires up the back of the body, using the magic circle/ ring. Added this tool, to assist in finding your two way stretch and back extension, with the added resistance of magic circle. Keep reaching out through the crown of head. Double leg kick keeps reminding me each time, with how much I need this exercise when I commit to it, with all the face-to-face tea...ching and lots of zooming I do with my instructor life! Always feels so delicious, so thankyou double leg kick, you make me feel like a bird flying. . . . @360pilatesonline @marchmatness @pilatesallianceaustralasia . #mmthankyou #pilateslover #thankyoupilates #matpilates #globalcommunity #artofcontrology #worldwide #movementheals #pilateseverydamnday #pilateslove #meetmeonthemat #marchmatness2021 #pilatesinstructor #pilates #contrology #doublelegkick #iampolestar See more
21.01.2022 Smiling to the end of the week. Big week of working on something special. We will tell you tomorrow Energizers!!!! . .... #pilates #pilateslovers #magiccircle #pilatesring #pilatesringworkout #core #moveit #strongwomen #pilatesinstructor #fitnessmotivation #staysafe #fitness #impolestar #glutes #lovemyjob #elwood #announcementsoon
20.01.2022 Ellie & Dimitria demonstrating and taking you through 4point position with deep abs exercises. 10reps of each variation. On your 4 point, lining up shoulders over hands and pelvis over knees. Hover knees couple of inches from floor, engaging your deep lower abdominal muscles and lower knees just off mat and hover up again to engage abdominals. Rpt. Hover knees from 4point position and stay lifted, taking Left leg up to donkey kick and lift and lower for (x10), then low...er leg back to hover and then bring Right leg up to ceiling and lift and lower. Can modify with keeping knees on mat and just doing donkey kick, with leg back up and down. Finish sitting in childs pose. More Videos coming your way Energizers! #abs #pilates #pilateslovers #transverseabs #obliquesworkout #core #moveit #strongwomen #pilatesinstructor #fitnessmotivation #staysafe #fitness
20.01.2022 Its the start of a brand new week, and while so much has changed these past few weeks, our motivation this morning and the start of every new week is to search for that inner strength we all have... The one that motivates us to book a class, to push a bit harder during clams, to smile and laugh when the teacher says "last one" for the fourth time. That strength of spirit makes us who we are, it hasnt gone, but sometimes, when were under pressure, we have to look a little deeper to find it.
20.01.2022 MARCHMATNESS 2021 Day 19- THE JACKNIFE Build the mat system, to get here to a advanced exercise, after you have learned to master the rollover. My work for me, has been in the hip extensors. Thankyou for constantly reminding me, how we can reach for the sky and nothing is out of limits, without doing the work. I love to always find more in the matwork. .... . . @360pilatesonline @marchmatness . #mmthankyou #pilateslover #thankyoupilates #matpilates #globalcommunity #artofcontrology #worldwide #movementheals #pilateseverydamnday #pilateslove #meetmeonthemat #marchmatness2021 #pilatesinstructor #pilates #contrology #jacknife #iampolestar See more
20.01.2022 Youre guaranteed to feel 200% better at the end of one of our on-demand classes! Over 30 videos in our library, that you can view ANYTIME, and were updating all the time. So many of you are loving this platform and we are loving the feedback. Monthly subscription & cancel anytime. ... #videoondemand #ondemand #ondemandworkouts #pilates #barre #pilateslovers #matpilates #reformerpilates #strongwomen #strongbodystrongmind #weekend #supportsmallbusiness #barreattack See more
20.01.2022 Just like many of us reminiscing holidays and good times, through Melbourne winter and lockdown#2, your not doing pilates, if you cant do a Teaser. Travels makes you appreciate what we have and as always health and love always win . . .
19.01.2022 Kim Cattrall works out four times a week and part of that is cardiovascular exercise along with Pilates workouts. The older I get, the less jarring I want my exercise to be, and I find that a long walk is equally as helpful. Were taking much better care of ourselves; we are all healthier and living longer, and creating lives for ourselves that are more than our mothers had. Does this sound like you? Follow in her footsteps and book a 1:1 private... with one of our Energize team members now and have a strong body you deserve! . . . . #workout #pilates #strength #pilatesbody #strongwoman #positivevibesonly #pilateseverydamnday #noexcuses #fitness #fitfam #core #abs #exercise #reformerpilates #matpilates #strongnotskinny #lovelife #tonedbody #instagood #fitwoman #pilateslover See more
18.01.2022 BRIDGE w leg extension/ using discs. Start seated with fingers pointing towards you, with heels on sliding discs or use small tea towels, (something that slides on hard surface). Press hips up to a bridge using your glutes, open the chest, as the leg extends, then draw the leg back in as your hips come down with control. Strong through the arms, press hips up high, stay long through crown of the head, as knees reach forward.... So much muscle activation, all in one exercise. Rpt 10 times on each side. . . . #abs #pilates #core #glutes #fitness #slidingdiscs #fitfam #strongwomen #isolation #justdoit #moveeveryday #pilatesinstructor #longbody See more
18.01.2022 One more sleep until we welcome our privates back to our Energize space. Finalising few bits and bobs today at studio, to have our tribe back, feels great and a shift is coming. Group classes hang in there a couple more weeks, whilst we are still Zooming for now. For massage, email only, as working through requests. Please be patient, we only have 8months to catch up on!! Thanks for understanding, as we sure know we all need TLC. SEE YOU .... . . #pilates #lovepilates #elwood #videoondemand #matpilates #pilatesmelbourne #abs #strongnewskinny #strongwomen #moveyourbodyeveryday #ondemand #ondemandworkouts #pilates #barre #pilateslovers #core #strongwomen #strongbodystrongmind #supportsmallbusiness #pilatesmelbourne #pilatessydney #pilatesonline See more
18.01.2022 Joseph Pilates originally called his work Contrology. As the exercise ‘Swan Dive’ shown here, he considered movement with 6 pilates principles of in mind/ body/ movement approach, such as- Centering Concentration Control Precision... Breath Flow Pilates changes lives and is a consistent practice, it’s not a short term fix or fad. Sooooo many options for at home workouts on our Video On Demand site Energizers!! Get on it and no more excuses! Link in bio. . Shoot us a message if you want a free trial of on demand and try if for yourself. Short & longer videos, depending on what you feel like on the day. . . . #energizechallenge #videoondemand #ondemand #ondemandworkouts #pilates #barre #pilateslovers #matpilates #core #strongwomen #strongbodystrongmind #weekend #supportsmallbusiness #pilatesmelbourne #pilatessydney #pilatesonline #swandive #overball
17.01.2022 Its true what they say, we are stronger together! Join our community for a six-week challenge, one class each day, LIVE or On-Demand, short or long, were here to keep you on your toes (some times literally!) through lockdown 2.0 Post your *thumbs up* pic after your daily workout with the hashtag #energizebuddies and tag us so we can celebrate your wins with you. ... You can also join our Energize Buddies Facebook group to connect with other gorgeous Energizers, chat about which workouts you love (or love/hate), share your tips and good habits, its all about connection right now! #sixweekchallenge #energizebuddies #pilateschallenge #energizechallenge #videoondemand #ondemand #ondemandworkouts #pilates #barre #pilateslovers #matpilates #reformerpilates #strongwomen #strongbodystrongmind #weekend #supportsmallbusiness @therealkateceberano See more
16.01.2022 MARCHMATNESS 2021 Day 27- BOOMERANG BOOM and there comes Boomerang next in line. What do you see here? Shapes being repeated. Open leg rocker, spine stretch, teaser, rollover, roll up and more. The more you dive into the mat work, you get to see and understand how the method builds you up from one exercise to the next. I call it ‘Brilliance’ Joseph Pilates. .... Have sound on @360pilatesonline @marchmatness @pilatesallianceaustralasia . #mmthankyou #pilateslover #thankyoupilates #matpilates #globalcommunity #artofcontrology #worldwide #movementheals #pilateseverydamnday #pilateslove #meetmeonthemat #marchmatness2021 #pilatesinstructor #pilates #contrology #boomerang #iampolestar See more
16.01.2022 Reaching for the moon to open studio again Monday oh what joy!! Dont forget to BYO a mat or oversized towel, wear grip socks and with a to do Pilates face to face again! REFORMERS ARE READY FOR YOU. Studio back in full swing, including privates & massages. . .... . KEEP MOVING YOUR BODIES! . . . #videoondemand #pilates #pilateslovers #pilatesreformer #fitness #virtuallearning #strongwomen #iso #moveyourbody #reformer #elwood #climbatree #fitfam #spinehealth #iampolestar #reformerpilates
16.01.2022 VIDEO ON DEMAND- Have you signed up to our home video library, that you can view ANYTIME. Videos range from 5min- 50min classes. Each week we add more. Our clients are loving this platform and we are loving the feedback. Monthly subscription & cancel anytime. Cant make it to studio timetable, then on demand is for you. (Link in bio...) Energizers take care of your bodies, check in with the people who need it the most & some days just be, if you need to be slow mode its o...k! Other days make sure you move your bodies, health always no.1. . . . #videoondemand #ondemand #ondemandworkouts #pilates #barre #pilateslovers #matpilates #reformerpilates #strongwomen #strongbodystrongmind #weekend #supportsmallbusiness See more
16.01.2022 Were superrr excited to finally be sharing this with you all! Energize On Demand Videos are launching on Saturday . . Mat, Barre, props classes included. We love being able to offer you another way to fit an Energize class into your lives.... check back in tomorrow for link. . . . #ondemandworkouts #ondemand #virtual #pilates #pilatesinstructor #lovepilates #pilateseveryday #activewear #supportsmallbusiness #matpilates #reformeronthemat #barre #barreworkout #slidingdiscs #loopbandworkout See more
16.01.2022 ** BEYOND EXCITED ** Effective immediately we are now offering in person private 1:1 and 1:2 duets in the local park. Please shoot through an email or message to request an appointment. Virtual studio running as per normal for both private and group classes. Thanks for your support and share the if you think someone can benefit face-to-face Pilates with us. Sunnies might be required outdoors!... . . . #pilates #pilateslovers #supportlocal #supportsmallbusiness #virtualpilates #strongbody #workoutoutdoors #elwood #pilatesmelbourne #pilateseveryday #outdoors #fitnessmotivation #fitness See more
16.01.2022 Mimicking the shape of a Easter egg, with this backbend. Even though we are in iso, there is plenty of good chocolate going around. #easter #backbend #isoeaster #chocolate #dopilatesdolife
15.01.2022 With all our screen times being upped due to Covid its important your remember to take a step back from technology. Its as simple as pouring yourself a tea and sitting in your backyard or going for a walk. Please take care of yourselves during this time. Healthy mind, healthy body xx Energize team . . . #screenbreak #coronacation #screentime #screentimeoverload #technologyfreetime #technolgyfreezone
15.01.2022 Oh hi Energizers!! We see you! In the studio, on zoom, or on-demand, Youve been putting in the work this first week back and were here for it! ... #supportlocal #smallbusiness #pilates #pilateslovers #elwood #moveit #strongwomen #pilatesinstructor #videoondemand #fitnessmotivation #staysafe #fitness #impolestar #iso #fitfam See more
14.01.2022 Hip opener with Bridge on the Barre- you can understand why most this movement done in a Barre class. It feels so good, along with strengthening the glutes on the lift. Stability, precision, control, most of Pilates principles right there. On the 23rd June, you can be joining us for a Barre Attack / or Barre Form class in house. You heard right, yep using an actual Barre to work with, when studio is open!!!! . . #pilates #pilateslovers #barre #longlegs #pilatesring #pilatesringworkout #core #moveit #strongwomen #pilatesinstructor #fitnessmotivation #staysafe #fitness #impolestar #glutes #lovemyjob #elwood #hipopener #psoasstretch #hipflexorstrength
13.01.2022 After Zooming for a couple of privates, had lunch, then did some filming for some videos coming your way soon. . Finished with this delicious wall bridge with the Swiss Ball. The stability, balance and core strength & feedback the ball gives you is incredible. TIP for many now working from home with ISO, if you havent got a Swiss ball to sit on, instead of a chair, get on it. Do your abs a favour. Dimitrias home study has used a ball to sit on for 20yrs now and for tho...se who havent noticed, our studio reception has one too. DM me for more info or for what size to get. . . . #swissball #abs #core #pilates #pilatesinstructor #moveit #stretching #fitness #pilateslovers #fitfam #weekendgoals #strongwomen #matpilates #iampolestar See more
13.01.2022 This resonated with me today, as someone close sent it my way, so sharing it with you Energizers. Join Dimitria on Saturday 12.30pm FREE Virtual mat class for PILATES INTERNATIONAL DAY- 2nd May. Celebrate the movement method Joseph Pilates designed for life. Invite your family & friends and lets get moving in your lounge room. No experience needed. ... Book via Mindbody & you receive a email link for Zoom. . . . #pilates #pilatesinstructor #pilatesmat #pilatesreformer #movementismedicine #fitfam #pilateslover #reformeronmat2020 #josephpilates #pilatesinternationalday #zoom
13.01.2022 Who doesnt want to work the love handles right- video snippet of what you can find in our video library!! OR book your virtual livestream classes if you prefer or mix it up. For our Melbourne Energizers community we are here for you all the way, sending love. . .... So many videos to choose from including Mat, Barre, props, Strength, HIIT and Stretch classes. . Pay video-by-video or get access to unlimited videos with our monthly membership (cancel anytime). . . . #energizebuddies #pilateschallenge #energizechallenge #videoondemand #ondemand #ondemandworkouts #pilates #barre #pilateslovers #matpilates #core #strongwomen #strongbodystrongmind #weekend #supportsmallbusiness #pilatesmelbourne #pilatessydney #pilatesonline See more
13.01.2022 4point glute exercise with a ball (can also be done w/out). 10reps of each variation. Taking the next knee, with ball squeezing behind the knee, up and down, engaging glutes and your core, keeping stable throughout the rest of the body. Fire hydrant- knees start together and leg opens out to side & in, keeping hips square. Knee opens to side, opening the front of the hip, to bring the leg forward to elbow and take it back with control and stability. Stay open through the hip. Do other side. Finish with a glute stretch.
12.01.2022 A core exercise and stretch all in one, hence why this exercise is one of the last with the traditional Matwork. . CONTROL BALANCE has all the body working, getting the blood flowing in inversion. . .... . #pilatesbody #pilatesphysique #pilates #pilateseveryday #iso #corestrength #core #strongwoman #controlbalance #josephpilates #fitnessmotivation See more
12.01.2022 Reformer on mat exercises- 1/ kneeling - Reach forward with arms with loopband around wrists, palms face up, and pull elbows back in and sit back on heels, keeping back straight. Don’t let bottom drift back, use your glutes and core to stay lifted up and up through crown of head. (X8 reps) We have a few reformer on mat virtual classes via Zoom, join us and move your bodies, movement is medicine and we are made to move daily. We may still have lockdowns + masks, but we are fr...ee to move ourselves how we want. You have choices within our small business- virtual classes online video on demand through monthly subscription, cancel anytime. private pilates sessions in the local park. (Yes, face to face). See more
12.01.2022 Choices for Monday 6.30am or 5.45pm REFORMER CLASSES with our superstar team. Inhale and exhale as you move the carriage with footwork.... Our reformer on mat Zoom classes have prepared you for this moment and you will see how much stronger the mat has made you, to appreciate the reformer bed more! Benefits of iso, working the body on the mat first. .... . . #supportlocal #smallbusiness #pilates #pilateslovers #elwood #moveit #strongwomen #pilatesinstructor #videoondemand #fitnessmotivation #staysafe #fitness #impolestar #iso #fitfam #reformerpilates #reformer #welcomeback #footwork
11.01.2022 ALERT- Video on Demand is now available for purchase, through link below or in bio. Video library using a mat and some props for some classes and more videos added each week Energizers. This one both of us with ring, you will have it next week. You have to wait for it! https://vimeo.com/ondemand/energize... You asked for it and we deliver, super thrilled to give you options, so get on it, SUBSCRIBE NOW! Work out with your kids, partners, friends or pets. . . . #videoondemand #pilates #pilateslovers #pilatesinstructors #strongwomen #workoutiniso #fitfam #fitnessmotivation #isoinspo #fitnessathome #mindbodysoul #matpilates See more
11.01.2022 Studio is bare and waiting to be filled with energy and life again. For now stay safe, stay home and do virtual with us online. Do virtual reformer on mat, which will help you appreciate the machine more once back....trust us. . Support all small business Energizers, as they make community. Have a beautiful Tuesday and keep smiling in your day! . .... . #pilates #pilateslovers #pilateseveryday #reformer #matpilates #lovelife #fitfam #workoutmotivation #getonline #moveeveryday #refomeronthemat See more
09.01.2022 Hands up who cant wait to move on a reformer again soon! YES Energizers Monday 22nd June, studio and timetable open for bookings and we would be lying to say we cant wait to see you in person. . . .... #supportlocal #smallbusiness #pilates #pilateslovers #elwood #moveit #strongwomen #pilatesinstructor #videoondemand #fitnessmotivation #staysafe #fitness #impolestar #iso #fitfam #reformerpilates #reformer #pilatesinstructor #pilatesreformer
09.01.2022 We love being able to give you, our clients that little bit extra! Dont forget we have equipment available to buy for at-home use, balls, loop bands, mats you name it! DM or email us if youre in need of equipment . .... #pilates #pilates #pilateslovers #therabands #matpilates #floorwork #barre #isoworkout See more
09.01.2022 Please take care of yourselves in the next couple of weeks as we finally close the chapter that is 2020. Enjoy spending time with your family and loved ones. Wishing everyone well *photo from my mums garden Love dimitria and the energize team
09.01.2022 Tuesdays Barre Form Zoom class, with our devine Ellie. . The real STUDIO life is not open, but we are grateful to still be able to connect between us online, instructors, the clients, the classes, the friends and the community. . If you havent tried virtual, jump online and just do it. For the clients who have referred their mums and friends to us, who are living interstate and O/S a big thank you, for believing in us and loving what we do and offer.... . Join Dimitria - Friday 9.30am Barre disc-o (cardio sweat to great tunes) OR. Ellie on- Saturday 9am Barre Form(glute burn & all over). . . . #pilates #pilateslovers #pilatesmat #pilatesstrong #wegotyourback #virtualclasses #communitylove #pilatesmakesyoustrong #elwood #barre #fitfam #fitnessmotivation See more
09.01.2022 MARCHMATNESS 2021 Day 21- THE TEASER Speaks for itself! There’s always a Teaser taken somewhere in the world. Thankyou as I always play on travels, inspire others and do what you love. .... . . @360pilatesonline @marchmatness @pilatesallianceaustralasia . #mmthankyou #pilateslover #thankyoupilates #matpilates #globalcommunity #artofcontrology #worldwide #movementheals #pilateseverydamnday #pilateslove #meetmeonthemat #marchmatness2021 #pilatesinstructor #pilates #contrology #teaser #iampolestar See more
09.01.2022 A teaser of a filmed video on demand displaying a reformer on the mat class with Dimitria. #rowing #abseries Energize On Demand Videos are here for your home workouts, whenever and wherever. . Mat, Barre, props classes included. We love being able to offer you another way to fit an Energize class into your lives. Casual 2day video or monthly subscription. ... extra classes added weekly . . . #reformer #pilates #reformerpilates #pilateslover #abs #core #pilatesinstructor #videoondemand #homeworkouts #strongwomen #strongbody #strength See more
07.01.2022 Spine extension & rotation using sliding discs. 5reps of each variation. Using discs or paper plates to extend spine into Swan position, lengthening out from the crown of the head, broadening the chest. Swan with arm circles. As you lift up into extension, through middle with hands, circle the arms around and arms long in front, again to press hands down on discs extending up & lifting up out of your centre, to circle. Reverse circle other direction.... Pull one arm in to ribs, to allow spinal rotation, working through thoracic spine. Make sure you keep hips down on rotation. Finish sitting in childs pose. More Videos coming your way Energizers! See more
07.01.2022 Hands up who can’t wait to move on a reformer again soon! . YES Energizers Monday 16th Nov, reformer classes and Saturday timetable for group classes start up again. The reformers can’t wait to have bodies lie on them again- ohhh FEET IN STRAPS To work those springs.... . .... . #supportlocal #smallbusiness #pilates #pilateslovers #elwood #moveit #strongwomen #pilatesinstructor #videoondemand #fitnessmotivation #staysafe #fitness #impolestar #iso #fitfam #reformerpilates #reformer
05.01.2022 Some weekend cheer, watching fabulous human Ellie showing us how to curtesy with a ball! Just get moving Energizers, put some music on and go for it! Happy long weekend, get out and breathe . . .... Music: Village People - YMCA #abs #pilates #pilateslovers #extension #core #moveit #strongwomen #pilatesinstructor #fitnessmotivation #staysafe #fitness #glutes #ballworkout #iso #fitfam See more
05.01.2022 Pilates Alliance of Australasia (PAA)
04.01.2022 Studio is closed, but the team are still here for you online. If you havent gone virtual with us yet, what are you waiting for. Move your bodies with your fave instructors and we love you supporting h a small business through these times. Lots on offer for Saturday, jump on it and you wont regret it. . . .... #pilates #pilatesinstructor #pilatesmat #pilatesreformer #movementismedicine #fitfam #pilateslover #reformeronmat2020 #foamroller #elwood See more
03.01.2022 Life can feel very upside down, together our tribe really are stronger. Stay connected with us Energizers. . When was the last time you told a loved family member or friend you loved them. Reach out with one another, as humans will always need humans. Take care of each other. . Only $49 monthly subscription, no contracts, cancel anytime, to Energize video on demand. Its better than what you imagine once you start on demand. (DM if financially not in a good position, to he...lp you out.) Link in bio. . . . . #energizebuddies #ondemand #videoondemand #pilates #pilatesmelbourne #pilatessydney #pilatesinstructor #weekend #challengeyourself See more
01.01.2022 We are officially opening back up again on 22nd June. We have started the process of looking at all measures to open studio again, to keep everyone safe and able to return to the studio in 3 weeks. Lots to do and organise, but we will continue to strive and look after our tribe in our local Elwood community. . Without you, our small business, wouldnt survive and keep staff in jobs and doing what we do best! More communication to be advised in the coming weeks. Stay tuned ...Energizers, we absolutely cant wait! . Meanwhile were still Zooming with your fave classes. Video on demand just dropped new video yesterday, HIIT. Rent one class or monthly subscribe. . . #supportlocal #smallbusiness #pilates #pilateslovers #elwood #moveit #strongwomen #pilatesinstructor #videoondemand #fitnessmotivation #staysafe #fitness #impolestar #iso #fitfam
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1170 Baldivis Road 6171 Baldivis, WA, Australia
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Business service Cargo and freight company
+61 435 577 579
Perth 6000 Perth, WA, Australia