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25.01.2022 This has been another beautiful week of Wu Tao! In TCM, late summer is associated with the element of earth. It is a time to reconnect to stillness and deep peace. Dancing the elements through Wu Tao allows us to flow into balance while our bodies embrace and integrate the healing Qi as we dance. And we have fun at the same time! The insights we received through our practice this week are: Deep connection to Earth brings deep connection to self...Deep connection to self ...brings us to a state of deep unity with life. Earthing through the body brings peace to the mind, grows gratitude in the heart and expands the light within the soul. Some activities to connect to Earth include ~ walk barefoot, be with a tree, dance, drum, notice nature, slow down, contemplate, have an attitude of gratitude, lie down on the grass and relax, be still or just BE... Sounds good eh? And if you would like to experience Wu Tao for yourself, just let me know - we would love to dance with you!
24.01.2022 Come dance with us as we celebrate the beauty and wonder of Spring! Wu Tao Healing Dance Classes are held weekly in natural spaces in the Sutherland Shire and via Zoom. Wu Tao is more than a dance class it is a community circle of people who share a love of nature, who wish to live in health and harmony and who love to dance! Class cost $20... In each class of Wu Tao, we embark together upon a beautiful and personal journey through the elements of Air, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth. As we breathe, dream, stretch, dance and meditate, we gently ease more fully into the Tao into the harmonious flow of the life-force, the Qi (chi) of Life. Being in the flow feels great and promotes health and well-being, balancing the energies of yin and yang so that we feel grounded, present and able to more easily navigate the ups and downs of life. If this feels like you contact me and come and dance with us! Call Sue 0413 644 489, email [email protected] or visit our website Looking forward to dancing with you very soon! With love, Sue xx
23.01.2022 This came to me in the shower the other day - funny where we find inspiration! Through Light, we find Peace Through Love, we find Joy Through Dance, we find Ourselves... I know this is true for me - although, through dance I also find Light, Love & Joy - as well as myself. Dance is wonderful - and it makes you feel so good! And Wu Tao is a particularly wonderful & healing dance journey to take. I just love what happens as we dance the elements is special and beautiful. Would you like to come and dance with us? New Wu Tao ~ the Dancing Way classes Sanctuary 38, Cronulla, cost $20 Tuesdays 9:30 - 11am Saturdays 9:30 - 11am (monthly - next class Sat 14th Sept) Call me (Sue) on 0413 644 489 Hope to dance Wu Tao with you very soon, With love, Sue xo Come along and feel the Wu Tao Wow!
23.01.2022 The beautiful & bright light of the Full Moon brings expansion and clarity. So too - our Wu Tao theme over the last few weeks reflects this clarity as we explored the concept of... SIMPLE Space, Ease, Peace... In our busy and complex lives, we often crave the Simple. Our soul yearns for space, ease and peace for the chance to sit in stillness, to breathe deep and long and to let go of all that we are holding onto so tightly Sometimes it feels like our lives will shatter if we stop doing, thinking, organising and worrying. But what if we could tweak things simplify things create some space, ease and peace? The simplest way is to breathe - slowly, easily Breathe in expand, open, receive. Breathe out relax, release, let go We can choose to take a few moments every hour to breathe and be. Space. Ease. Peace SIMPLE. Let the element of AIR give us this simple gift today and every day. I am Air, Air is me. One with Air, I am Free! With love, Sue x Wu Tao ~ the Dancing Way! Join us ph 0413 644 489
23.01.2022 It All Begins At The Heart... We were dancing from the heart in Wu Tao this week. Here is why: At the Heart is where the magic begins At the heart is where the spirit sings At the heart is where healing flows... And at the heart is where the soul knows that the essence of our being is joy, compassion, truth, integrity and pure love. As spring begins to flow into summer, our creative spirit - as expressed through the whoosh of the Wood element - now begins to expand, purify and transmute all negative Qi through the element of Fire. This is a sacred Fire, a healing Fire and a Fire of Joy! Come dance the Fire with me Celebrate your soul and let your Heart be free! Honour your spirit, open your heart and let your natural joy burst into every day smile, sing, dance This is who you truly are And it all begins at the heart Big love and beautiful chi, Sue xo
22.01.2022 Singing a person is an immensely powerful, loving and healing gift to give. This is what I do in my healing srssions with clients. To sing your own baby into being...Wow! How amazing and sacred. I love this - hope you will too
22.01.2022 The Daisies are Dancing - how about you? Come join us as we dance in the park! Beautiful, healing Wu Tao ~ the Dancing Way incorporates mindfulness, chi balancing, meridian stretches, dance & relaxation meditation. When we dance the elements of Air, Water, Wood, Fire & Earth out in the natural world- magic happens!... Come and experience the wonder for yourself! Classes Tuesday mornings 9:30 am in a beautiful space in the Sutherland Shire of Sydney. Call Sue 0413 644 489 for details Hope to dance with you very soon! Big love and beautiful chi xo
21.01.2022 Simple is good...
20.01.2022 What a wonderful Full Moon Wu Tao class we had on Saturday! A beautiful circle of women coming together to dance, to connect and to honour their creative wisdom, inner beauty and the gifts that they bring to the world. Expand, express and enjoy was the conscious intention that we brought into our dances and we certainly experienced all three! "I feel so blissed-out right now", was one woman's comment at the end of class. "Really great, wonderful and fabulous" were other sent...iments expressed. I know that I enjoyed the class immensely and it seems that the feeling was mutual. Thank you to all the wonderful women who came along! Looking forward to our next monthly weekend Wu Tao class at Sanctuary 38 in Cronulla on Saturday 12th October - or - weekly class is on every Tuesday morning, 9:30-11am. Class cost $20 Hope to see you there! Big love, Sue x Ph. 0413 644 489 for more information or to let me know that you are coming
20.01.2022 Being a Wisdom Tree: Over the past few weeks in our beautiful Wu Tao ~the dancing way class, our theme has been around 'To be as a Tree'. This has extended to become 'Being a Wisdom Tree'. As I sat in meditation before class last week, this poem popped in See if it resonates with you:... "Today, I choose to be a wisdom tree, with my roots deeply earthed, to anchor me, In the sacred flow of creativity, my inner light shines for all to see; My mind is still, my heart is free and my wise-self shows the way, When the time is just right, with a whoosh and a smile, I re-create my life, each day. When storms and strong winds blow around me, I send my roots deep and go within, I trust that I am strong and I trust I will know, when the time is right to begin, Each new day gifts me an opportunity - to create, to trust, to be, So with gratitude, deep respect and faith, I express all that I can be, By intuitively honouring my soul, my divine creativity, I am and will always be - my authentic self: A strong and sacred, Wisdom Tree" Will you choose today, to be a Wisdom Tree? Dance the element of Wood with me, Let our creative chi flow wild & free! Big love and beautiful chi to you, Sue xo
19.01.2022 We are working with the wood element at the moment in Wu Tao ~ the Dancing Way with our theme of - Unleashing the Liver tapping in to vital wood chi for healing and inspired action. When wood chi starts to move under the warming and awakening energies of Spring, we can sometimes feel within us, a surge of anger and frustration that has long been suppressed. A misplaced or exaggerated anger response is an indicator for an opportunity for healing. ... Acknowledgment, acceptance of and holding compassion for the part of us that feels angry and frustrated, opens the door for resolution and redirection of chi into a positive pathway. Anger suppressed, turns inward as we direct blame and shame toward ourselves. This energy is destructive and demoralising, fueling feelings of low self-esteem, apathy or depression. Wood chi naturally flows up and out into the world, like a tall tree reaching to the sky. When we feel grounded and supported, we can allow the stagnant chi of anger that has been held in the liver, to rise. A higher perspective and clarity is then available to us so that we might choose to let go, to forgive and to release the anger so that it can become a positive force that honours and supports, liberates and motivates. How can we activate the flow of our wood chi? Tuning in to a tree can help. Look for a tree that catches your attention - approach it with respect and affection. You may feel drawn to placing your hand on the trunk; let yourself feel the grounded presence of this tree being. Imagine that you too are grounded and strong - free to be your true self to express yourself and to stand tall. Respectful interconnection, deep roots, light and love are what grows a strong tree - and these energies will grow us strong too May we all choose to be like the tree If you would love to experience the wonder of Wu Tao - call Sue 0413 644 489 - we would love to dance with you!
19.01.2022 It's Spring - and all of our plants need a good feed so that they may blossom and grow. Just like them, we need to feed ourselves on all levels so that we too can blossom! In Wu Tao, the wood dance expresses this sentiment of nurturing our creative spirit in a grounded and sustainable way - in a sense - we are encouraged to Grow up Green. With the coming of Spring, we feel the creative whoosh of the wood element arising within us. Wood Qi is powerful, dynamic and when it is able to flow freely. If Wood Qi is impeded, there is a sense of stagnation, frustration, anger and a reduced ability to be clear, decisive and organised. We can then feel uninspired or by contrast, full of ideas that we feel unable to action. To be like the tree is a great way to support the flow of wood Qi. Being grounded, anchored and in tune with earth and the natural world will help us to feel empowered and connected, not only to the physical needs of our body but also to the creative spark of our spirit and soul In a sense, we become a bridge between heaven and earth and we have all that we need to grow and to express our passion and purpose The associations of the wood element season of Spring, colour green, liver and gall-bladder meridians remind us to live and grow in a healthy and sustainable way. To Grow up Green is to honour life and to express the powerful creative wisdom that we all hold within us. Lets all be like the tree - honouring and feeding ourselves so that we may feel the wonderful WHOOSH of creation... Come dance with us ~ the gift of Wu Tao is waiting for you! Call Sue 0413 644 489 Classes - Sanctuary 38, Cronulla Tuesday mornings & now Saturdays as well (monthly) * next date Saturday 14th September 9:30 - 11am * Looking forward to dancing with you - all welcome!
19.01.2022 Wu Tao Dance in the Park on tomorrow! Can you feel Summer in the air? I love to hear the song of the cicadas, to see the beautiful purple blooms of the Jacaranda trees and to feel the quiet calm of the dawn morning And I love dancing Wu Tao in the natural world!... Feeling excited for our first class of summer as we work with the heart chi and the Fire Element the fire and Joy of our spirit. Through our beautiful Wu Tao healing journey of mindfulness, breath-work, meridian stretches, wonderful dances and relaxation meditation we will connect more deeply to ourselves, to our spirit and to all of life. The Fire Dance is uplifting and fun it becomes a celebration of our soul, an intention to feel the Joy and to let our hearts be freeand it always brings a big smile to my face! Classes are held in Sydney’s Sutherland Shire, Tuesdays 9:30 am class cost $15 If you would like to dance in our beautiful Wu Tao circle contact Sue 0413 644 489 or visit my Energy to Heal website With much love and beautiful chi, Sue xx
19.01.2022 Unexpected beauty can take your breath away... This is what we have discovered over the past few weeks in Wu Tao ~ the Dancing Way. Our theme has been: 'The Beauty of the Breath'... Breath is life Breath is healing Breath is beautiful! Through breathing consciously we are able to touch beauty in a profound way. The breath is a pathway into the present moment and from there to the space that exists between one breath and the next. This is known as Liminal Space. It is powerful. It is pure. It is profoundly beautiful Let the element of AIR flow through you - quietly, consciously and easily. As you do, you will glimpse the beauty that resides within you. This is your light This is your truth This is You And you are beautiful! With love, Sue For Wu Tao dance class info, call 0413 644 489
19.01.2022 Wu Tao ~ the dancing way is now in a beautiful new venue near the beach in Cronulla Tuesday mornings 9:30 - 11 am Come and experience the Wu Tao WOW! We would love to dance with you For class info ~ call Sue 0413 644 489
16.01.2022 Wu Tao Dance in the Park - on tomorrow! (Tuesdays 9:30-11am) Come on a beautiful, harmonising and healing journey with us as we explore the following concept: Expressions of joy + Expressions of Gratitude = the Experience of Peace and Clarity We will be working with the Fire element - associated with the heart meridians and the expression/experience of joy + the Earth element - associated with the stomach and spleen meridians and the expression/experience of gratitude and pe...ace. So, take a few moments right now to breathe, ground, open your heart, smile and let the answers to the following questions spontaneously arise... What are 5 things that bring you joy? What are 5 things that you feel gratitude for? Hold them in your heart and mind like a beautiful gift and we will bring them into our Wu Tao practice tomorrow ... From the space of joy and gratitude, we can experience a beautiful sense of expansion, heightened clarity, peaceful presence and a feeling of being able to trust in the flow of life... Wu Tao is a beautiful and healing combination of mindfulness, breath-work, meridian stretches, wonderful dances and relaxation meditation that supports us to connect more deeply to ourselves, to our spirit and to all of life. Wu Tao is especially powerful and healing when experienced in close proximity to nature and the elements of air, water, wood, fire and earth. And dancing in the natural world is fun! If you would like to join us or for more information contact Sue 0413 644 489 or visit my Energy to Heal website With much love and beautiful chi, Sue xx
16.01.2022 Albert Einstein confirms what we all know in our heart - LOVE truly is the Energy to Heal...
16.01.2022 On a scale of 1-10, how contented are you feeling right now?? How can we feel more in the flow of contentment? We explored contentment in our Wu Tao~ the dancing way class the other week. Here is what we discovered... Contentment ~ the Path to Peace *Contentment is experienced deep within.... *Contentment arises when we trust our deepest knowing *Contentment brings deep peace to our body and soul How do we get to a place of contentment? By cultivating gratitude... Gratitude naturally arises when we align to the element of Earth. Late summer is the time of Earth It is a time of acknowledging the gifts and the bounty that flow toward us the beautiful summer fruits, the long sun-filled days and time spent relaxing with family and friends. In each day there is much to be grateful for, if only we would take the time to be present and notice Gratitude allows our mind to be at ease In this moment we can choose contentment and welcome the deep peace that floods our heart, mind, body and soul. In this time of new beginnings my wish for all is the experience of Contentment, Gratitude and Deep Peace. Big love, Sue xox
16.01.2022 Sharing the love..
16.01.2022 New class: Weekend Wu Tao Saturday 14th September - and its Full Moon! Wu Tao is a beautiful and healing form of dance. Each class takes you on a journey through the elements (air, water, wood, fire & earth) and brings you home to yourself.... As we dance, we balance and harmonise body, mind, heart and soul. This Saturday is your opportunity to try Wu Tao for yourself first class free! No dance experience necessary come along and experience the wonder of Wu Tao! Place: Sanctuary 38, Cronulla, Time: Saturday 14th September, 9:30 11am. Call Sue to book your place 0413 644 489 Looking forward to dancing with you with the energies of the Full Moon with us it is sure to be a magical class! With love, Sue x
15.01.2022 We had such a fun beginning to our Wu Tao Dance class today ~ singing and dancing to a song by the the fabulous Hot Potato Band - very aptly titled 'Let it Go!' Autumn is the time of the Air Element ~ when Autumn winds swirl and bluster, carrying away the old leaves from the trees.We can align to the Air Element within us, just by using our breath to gently let go of the experiences from the past that cause us grief today.Air helps us to release what no longer supports us an...d brings us into the present moment. I invited our class to write down what they would like to Let Go of today. We then put on the Hot Potato Band song and let our chi flow! I invite you now to do the same. Write down something from the past that evokes grief or pain in your life today - place your paper on the floor, play the 'Let it Go' song, breathe, dance, sing, get in the groove, get into the flow and Let ...go! Have fun! Big hugs and love, Sue xo
14.01.2022 In times such as these when we lose all sense of certainty, we can feel lost, overwhelmed, bereft and alone. If we can look outward and remember that the basic,sustaining, nurturing and healing energies of life and the natural world are all around and within us, we can see a way forward... Let us allow the Elements to bring us back into balance, back to ourselves, back into our heart and inner wisdom - with love and gratitude... From this place of grounded connection, our ...understanding expands, our vision becomes clear and from this place - the new path emerges. Sending love, light, healing, hope and peace to you all... Sue xx
14.01.2022 I honour all healers and I honour my own path. To be a healer is amazing - and - the path of a healer is also a very challenging one. We are constantly refining ourselves by going deep in order to be able to be clear enough to work at the highest frequencies of pure light and love for our clients. I love my sacred sound vibrational healing and I feel very honoured to be able to work with all of the wonderful people who come to me. Big love to you all
12.01.2022 Making a difference - just a little can mean a lot... This week in our Wu Tao ~ the Dancing Way class we are taking a moment to reflect on our life - who we are, why we are here and what we can choose to gift and share with the world. Just a few of the smaller questions in life - ha ha Our theme is: Choose Create - Share with Love... Choose your path let it arise through deep wisdom & inner knowing Create your life let it emerge from the colour and light of your soul Share your offering a gift of love, respect and joyful expression There is so much in life that can feel out of our control, however, if we tune into our deep knowing to the wise part of us that understands why we were born and what we came to share we realise that no matter what is happening around us we can all make a difference, in our own way, every day. Let our inner Light, Love and truth bubble up and out. Let kindness and caring be our intention. A smile, a hug, a helping hand can bring light and joy into the life of another. As we share the love, the joy and the beauty we have inside we feel the love, joy and beauty of expressing our true self. This is what true connection is and it is true connection that elevates us as human beings into the higher expression that is Being Human. Let Love be our guide today and everyday Dance into Life, Dance into Healing, Dance into Joy, Dance into Peace...Dance yourself with love ~ with Wu Tao. Call Sue 0413644489 We are looking forward to dancing with you very soon xx
11.01.2022 "Limitless..." Over the last few weeks, we have been exploring this theme in our Wu Tao ~ the Dancing Way classes. * Limitless Being * Limitless Mind... * Limitless Knowing * Limitless Love What does this mean? The concept of Limitless is a challenging one to understand, however, Limitless can also be an intention a premise from which to approach our life. What are the possibilities? Limitless What is our capacity for Love? Limitless Of our imagination? Limitless Our potential to create healing in our own lives, and in turn, our communities, nations and the whole planet? Limitless Limits are merely perceived blocks. If we are able to change our perception the blocks dissolve. In order to change our perception we must first let go of how we think things are or should be. The element of Air reminds us to use our breath as a conscious form of release. With each exhale we release the breath, release the tension. With each inhale we open to flow, we open to Limitless Exhale letting go of limited thoughts and judgments Inhale receive, flow, expand and soar into the Limitless Let our breath connect us to our infinite soul and experience the joy and freedom of all that we truly are Limitless If you would love to join us in this beautiful and healing form of dance ~ Tuesday mornings in Cronulla ~ give me a call on 0413 644 489. We are waiting to welcome you! Much love, Sue
11.01.2022 One with nature, One with life, One with all ..
11.01.2022 Dancing upon a wave of creative chi this week in our Wu Tao ~ the Dancing Way class! Our theme is: How Beautiful it is to Be as a Tree to embrace and enjoy the Wood Element Qi!... As we embrace the energy of spring and the creative beauty that bursts forth into the natural world, we are invited to also look within, to the creative potential that we all hold inside. It is this potential that we can now tap into with the benefit of the Whoosh of Qi that is available when we choose to be as the tree Standing tall with our feet firmly planted on the ground, we have the clarity and support we need to bring our dreams into being. What are the seeds of creative potential that you are ready to birth into the world? What makes you feel inspired, excited and motivated? What brings you joy? This is what you are here to share. Feel it, enjoy it, whoosh it up and out Be as the Tree and feel the exhilaration of Wood Qi It is a gift to you, to me and to all Much love, Sue xox Wu Tao ~ the Dancing Way classes are on Tuesday mornings at Sanctuary 38, in Cronulla. For more info, call Sue 0413 644 489 - we would love to dance with you!
10.01.2022 Over the last couple of weeks in Wu Tao ~ the Dancing Way our theme has reflected the beautiful unfolding process that we see in the natural world at this time of the year. The title is 'Emerging into the Bright Sunlight - sharing our creative spirit in a cascade of colour!' In order to enjoy the flurry of activity, life and colour - first we need to retreat into stillness, to rest and recharge.... As we become more connected to earth and to the natural world, we are able to access a sense of peace and well-being that often eludes us amid the rush and frustrations of daily life. Taking the time to slow down, breathe deeply, spend time with plants & trees quiet things that grow up from the earth - brings us into a unique space within ourselves. This space contains our creative spirit the part of us that is bright & beautiful and full of passion & inspiration the part of us that is now ready to be seen - to emerge in a colourful Whoosh! From a grounded and centred place within ourselves and with the energy of the Wood element supporting us, we feel ready to emerge into the bright sunlight to bring our dreams into being and to let our colourful and creative spirit shine! What bright, colourful creation do you have ready to whoosh into the world? Express it, share it and enjoy the light and colour that is you! With love, Sue Wu Tao ~ the Dancing Way classes - Tuesday mornings in Cronulla - call Sue 0413 644 489
08.01.2022 This week in our beautiful Wu Tao ~ the dancing way class, we have been working with the water element and intuition. Our theme is: The Sacred Waters of Women - trusting our intuitive wisdom All beings have the gift of intuition, however, women tend to be more finely tuned to the subtle realms. There has long been a saying trust your waters, which refers to feminine intuition.... Lunar energies are understood to heighten this sense as the pull of the moon impacts the water element within us, opening us up to greater insights and inner knowing. We are being urged to trust the deeper knowledge and higher understanding that is unfolding for all of us at this time. Now, more than ever, we are encouraged to Trust our Waters. There is so much in the world that is shrouded in deception and veiled in untruth. We need to be able to go within to the deep part of us that knows, that sees beyond appearances and hears what is not being said to the part that holds the gift of discernment. The more that we take the time to listen to our inner knowing, to honour the intuitive nudge to take action even if other people think we are crazy - the more refined our intuitive gift will become and the more we will learn to trust ourselves and to trust our waters. Clarity, discernment, wisdom, truth, integrity, compassion, healing and peace. These are the gifts of trusting and honouring our deep knowing. Through our sacred waters, we are able to see, understand and flow ~ for the highest good of all... Dancing Wu Tao brings healing to body, mind, heart and soul ~ and it is fun! Classes in Cronulla on Tuesdays 9:30 -11 am and new monthly Weekend Wu Tao classes begin Saturday 14th September 9:30 -11 am. Call Sue 0413 644 489 for more information. We would love to dance with you!
08.01.2022 Happy Wednesday! I hope that you are having a beautiful day Here in Sydney it feels calm and quiet with a gentle rain falling. Just the perfect vibe for our Wu Tao ~ the Dancing Way theme this week: Breathe ~Believe... ~Become! We are working with the element of Air and our breath, in a calm and conscious way. This is such a powerful practice that promotes healing, releases stress and enhances our well-being in a profound way. Once you try it you will really feel like dancing! Here are some of the benefits - hope you will try it for yourself - it feels so good! Our breath brings us to centre Our breath brings us to peace Our breath brings us home to ourselves Calm and conscious breathing allows us to let go to release that which has held us in a state of sadness, sorrow and pain. Calm and conscious breathing creates a space for light and truth, hope and joy, to flow in Calm and conscious breathing lifts us up whilst simultaneously anchoring us into deep peace and the solid strength that we hold within. So let the element of Air - and our breath - heal us today Let the element of Air - and our breath - comfort us today Let the element of Air - and our breath - release us today so that we may be present, peaceful and ready to receive the wonders that await us with our next breath! Breathe in love, breathe out love, Breathe in joy, breathe out joy, Breathe in peace, breathe out peace How do you feel? This is you. You are Love. You are Joy and you are Peace. Now breathe and be Our Wu Tao dance class is a special and beautiful space. To me - it feels like we are giving ourselves a gift each week. It feels like coming home... A place to let go, to receive and to express all that we are - and to feel great doing it. In Wu Tao - we are not only dancing with our body - we are dancing with our spirit and soul ~ wonderful! If you would like to come along and find out for yourself - give me a call - 0413 644 489 - we would love to meet you! Big love and beautiful chi, Sue xo
07.01.2022 Meditation Healing Collective - Invitation to join us! Our collective is made up of people who choose to come together in weekly meditation with an intention to bring light, love and healing into our world. Each week, before our collective meets, I sit in meditation and bring through a personalised message for our collective which offers insights, higher understanding and suggests a focus for our meditation. When people come together in love and a unified intention to bring l...ight and healing to the world amazing things become possible. Light expands, Love blossoms and beauty emerges in unexpected places! Collective vibrations of love are immensely healing for everyone and everything. We welcome all who care for our planet and who wish to contribute to the caretaking and healing of our planet, ourselves and all of life. Guided collective meditations are currently offered weekly via Zoom If you would love to be part of our Meditation Healing Collective, please contact me. Love, Light, Healing and Peace to all See more
07.01.2022 This retreat is going to be something very special and we would love to share it with you!
06.01.2022 As the holiday season approaches, A Graceful heart is a wonderful thing to have Over the last few weeks in Wu Tao, this has been our theme. What is a Graceful heart? Read on ... A graceful heart is a heart full of Grace A graceful heart is a heart that knows peace A graceful heart radiates joy and light And from a graceful heart flows a graceful dance a dance of our spirit, a dance of celebration and a dance of joy! In Wu Tao, the Fire Dance offers us a joyful, healing pathway As we dance the element of fire, we are invited to release all the burdens we are holding into the healing fire of the heart. The spirit, or Shen, is believed to reside within the heart. Our spirit needs a quiet place to rest. In the human body, the element of fire (the fire of spirit) is found in the heart. Here it purifies and transmutes the stagnant Qi that causes blocks within the flow of our life-force and impacts our capacity to flow through life with joy and grace. So let us release all that blocks our light and joy so that we can align to our natural, joyful self. Dance, sing, laugh, enjoy the company of friends and have fun in the sun! Come dance the fire with me celebrate your soul and let your heart be free! An unburdened heart is a graceful heart. And from a graceful heart flows love and joy and light and peacea gift to all Big Love and beautiful Qi, Sue
05.01.2022 Love this video Beautiful and authentic women showing us that dance truly does arise from our soul. It is both honouring and healing...
05.01.2022 'Balance and Harmony Within' is this week's theme in our beautiful Wu Tao dance class. As the Spring equinox approaches we are being urged to tune into ourselves - align to our centre - and become still... From our centre of pure love arises our deepest truth and highest purpose. This well-spring of light -filled Qi births creations of utmost beauty, peace and grace...... The vibrations of a balanced and harmonious inner world naturally radiate outwards, creating a healing resonance within the universe. Peace to all, Light to all, Love to all.
05.01.2022 Feeling excited - I get to teach Wu Tao tomorrow! What I love most about Wu Tao is that no matter how we are feeling or what is going on - we can just take it all into the dance and let the healing benefits of Wu Tao ~ the Dancing Way, work their magic! Soon we all feel back in the flow - realigned to centre, to clarity, peace, harmony and joy. It is from this grounded and peaceful place that we can truly live from the truth, light and wisdom of our soul... So I invite to experience the wonder of Wu Tao for yourself. Call Sue 0413 644 489 for class info - we would love to dance with you! Here is our theme this week: Peaceful Presence Being with what is - with love In times of upheaval, great change and loss, we can find ourselves in a constant state of anxiety and stress, worry and grief. It can seem as though we have lost our anchor, our sense of security. At these times it is most helpful to have people around us who are solid, strong, practical, loving and peaceful. These are the qualities that resonate with the element of Earth. Stillness and peace are balm to a troubled soul. Being with people who are grounded and peaceful helps us to feel grounded and peaceful no matter what is happening in our life. So today let us connect to one another connect to the element of Earth connect to Peace. Expressing gratitude for all the small things and big things in our life brings us to a place of peace, healing and joy reminding us that even through loss, there is love, light and hope. May we be a source of Peaceful Presence in our own life and may we share the gift of peace, with love & an open heart Peace to all, light to all, love to all Much love, Sue xox
03.01.2022 I think this retreat will be something special - we would love you to join us!
03.01.2022 Can't wait for our Sacred Drumming Retreat in Bali this May - we would love to share the magic with you!
02.01.2022 Online weekly Wu Tao classes via zoom - Tuesday's @ 10am - come and join our beautiful Wu Tao community! This is an uncertain and unsettling time for all of us. Wu Tao ~ the dancing way can become your grounded, supportive and healing anchor as we connect, explore and dance together each week in the zoom room. ... Our theme for Wu Tao next Tuesday 14th July is: Quiet Earth - softening into stillness, compassion, gratitude and peace... The energy or Qi of the earth element supports us to let go of worry and overthinking, allowing us to rest, restore and reconnect to peace. When we feel peaceful we are able to see our life situation more clearly and to take positive and purposeful action. Let Earth energy (Qi) flow into you, hold you and nourish you throughout our class together. In Wu Tao, we are invited to bring all that we are experiencing - all that we are - into the dances as we move into the flow of life and the healing that Wu Tao offers us. No dance experience is necessary - Wu Tao is easy to follow and enjoy. All movements may be modified. Listen to your body, move to the music and let the Qi of life bring you harmony, balance, joy and peace. I do hope that you will be able to join us in the zoom room! Class cost is at the reduced Covid rate of $15 per class. Contact Sue for more information and to book in - 0413 644 489 or message me with your details. Hope to see you in our zoom room class on Tuesday! . Big love and beautiful Qi, Sue x
01.01.2022 A teeny taste of the magic of Wu Tao - the Dancing Way. Like to join us? You're very welcome! Call Sue 0413 644 489
01.01.2022 Weekend Wu Tao is on this Saturday 12th October! Yay! Come along to Sanctuary 38, Cronulla at 9:30 am and join us on a beautiful journey through the elements of Air, Water, Wood, Fire & Earth. As we dance, we balance and harmonise body, mind, heart and soul. And - it is fun! This week our theme is:... Beginning Again ~ the blessings of Spring The creative Whoosh of the wood element gives us a unique opportunity to access the energy of action creative, expressive wood chi. The purest vision that we hold for ourselves - for our life and light unfolding - can more easily be brought into being during Springtime. Grounded, nourished and inspired we are ready to blossom. Each new day brings the opportunity to start anew, to energetically re-birth our ever refining concept of self, again and again. Being in the flow of the wood chi, our creative life-force, supports us to fully express our souls desire that is - to bring to the world the light, beauty, harmony and purpose that we have come to share. So each day, let us give ourselves the opportunity to grow, to re-express and renew, our intentions for the day and for our life. Let us receive the blessings of Spring so that, like the tree, we can stand tall and strong, sharing the beauty of our spirit and soul, with ease and grace. If you would love to experience the wonder of Wu Tao - call me and have a chat We are looking forward to dancing with you! With love, Sue 0413 644 489
01.01.2022 This feels just right...
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