The Spirit Shaman: Reiki and Readings | Medical and health
The Spirit Shaman: Reiki and Readings
Phone: +61 474 917 355
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25.01.2022 Closing the door to the past to make room.for a brighter future.
25.01.2022 Breathe and let it go, it will get better xxxxxx
25.01.2022 Its time we start feeling better, treating ourselves better, and loving ourselves better xx
24.01.2022 Understanding that situations, relationships and friendships all shift and change because we do. Sometimes we need to understand there is no room to go back because you are not the same person from the beginning. You need to then look forward in order to flourish with the new energy you hold.
23.01.2022 And so it is!
23.01.2022 Its time to let it go, release reset rest rejuvenate xxxx
23.01.2022 Shower Meditation!
22.01.2022 For all the women who need some self love ......turn this all the way up
22.01.2022 Two new decks arrived i will be doing readings tonight......comment below if you would like a card pulled for you this evening xxxxx
21.01.2022 I will be doing another interactive post tonight, stay tuned people
21.01.2022 Sometimes relationships are hard for a reason......they are to teach you what you need to know to be a soul nate for someone else.
20.01.2022 Anyone feeling the shadow yet? You know me, born in a Mercury Retrograde, it seems to be surprisingly kind to me, and actually productive. Mercury goes retrograde 14th October.
20.01.2022 WHEN YOU SLEEP.... Did you know that when you sleep you place your hands on the parts of the body that require healing? 1. Above your head: you seek greater sp...iritual connection. 2. In the chest: you have feelings that you still need to heal. 3. Stomach: anger & furious feelings. 4. Between the legs: fear, feelings of emptiness. 5. Sex organs or near them: sexual problems and lack of expression. 6. Under your pillow: hidden emotions, not showing what we really feel or our true intentions. 7. Hugging yourself: lack of affection or support from your loved ones. 8. Shoulders: exhaustion, lack of energy. 9. The hands between the head and the pillow: there is tranquility within you. If you don’t place your hands on your body while sleeping it means you are fine and in peace with yourself. If you hug your partner, It means nothing but the love you have for them. IG: awomanssoulig
19.01.2022 You can always start again no matter the age you are never stuck where you don't want to be.
18.01.2022 Keep moving forward
18.01.2022 Take heed and set your new path
16.01.2022 This is a reactive state that is very very real in people who have lived through trust issues. It is something that can be healed and moved on from. Recognise, release, reset, rest, and rebirth xxxxxxx
16.01.2022 Full.moon energy us felt for another 3 days
16.01.2022 Im open until Wednesday midnight for sit in reiki sessions due to new covid restrictions. im always available for distance healings, readings and crystal gridding. Send me a private message if you would like a booking. Love and light to you all xxxx
14.01.2022 Saturn Direct in Capricorn- The Finalization of 30 Years of Karma, Reaping Rewards for Your Hard Work, Who Is the Authority of You? On September 29th, Saturn, t...he planet of: obligation, karma and patience, turns direct at 25 degrees in his home sign of Capricorn. Capricorn, the 10th zodiac sign, deals with: status, hard work, control and authority. Be prepared to reap what you have sown in regards to past sacrifices and deeds. Saturn turning direct in his home sign of Capricorn, is paving a new 30 year cycle. Since it takes Saturn almost 30 years to come back home to the sign of the mountain goat, he is ready to lay firm foundations and exert power. When a planet returns back to his home placement, he is super powerful and directed. Whatever struggles and setbacks you have experienced in the last 6 months-3 years have not been in vain, according to Saturn. He often gets a bad rap for being the "biggest, baddest, malefic in the sky". While he does hold this title, Saturn is necessary for our survival and ability to exude patience and fortitude. The lessons you have learned have no doubt been brutal but the strength and tenacity that it has produced will be with you forever. As the saying goes, "Tough times don't last, but tough people do." As Saturn turns direct, he is being met with another malefic, Mars, the planet of: aggression, war and passion, who is currently retrograde in his home sign of Aries. Saturn in Capricorn in a tense 90 degree square to retrograde Mars in Aries, will add further irritation and frustration to the mix. The ram and the mountain goat both love their power and ability to conquer. You could feel like you just want to "explode" or "get it the F done" but be met with many tests and challenges. The lesson with this tense battle between the 2 malefics, is the art of being patient while also being persistent to forge ahead. How do you keep the fires lit within, while also being patient? How do you keep moving forward, while waiting for something to manifest? These questions will be on the forefront of our minds and hearts with this aspect. Keeping yourself motivated, while also keeping yourself grounded and centered will be tricky but necessary at this time. Saturn direct in Capricorn is here to show you the rewards for all of your persistence and feelings of isolation. Slowly but surely, business endeavors and plans you have made will begin to move forward. Nothing great comes without hard work and dedication. Saturn reminds us of this fact. The planet of karma wants you to be strong and sturdy, no matter what life throws at you. That is why his tests and lessons have been so harsh and relentless. He reminds us that to be on TOP means to deal with all the BS to get there. Instant gratification never brings long term success. One. Step. At. A. Time. Produces. Brilliance. Saturn direct in Capricorn brings: gifts and rewards for all of your struggles, forward movement with business plans and the reminder that without sacrifices, the rewards + accomplishments wouldn't feel so sweet + deserved. Astromomma, 2020
13.01.2022 You need to own your own bullshit and mistakes in situations, not just point the finger at others. We all contribute positively and negatively to all relationships in life. What do you need to reassess about yourself to ensure you are your best version of others can also be the best versions of themselves.
12.01.2022 Time to rest and relax but progressively move forward......find that balance.
12.01.2022 Its time to reset
12.01.2022 Here we go our last round of wounds surfacing this prepared.....recognise when you see these symptoms and try to do your soul work. Keep yourself grounded and take time to be still xxxxx
11.01.2022 Tonight is our full moon in the lions gate portal. Now is the time to release old energy and set intentions for our new mindset for the coming month xxx
10.01.2022 Some more cards have arrived if you dare play with these dark shadow oracles, I will put up a set to choose from........all readings up tonight guys.....sorry for the delay home schooling 4 boys is a tedious task xxxxx
10.01.2022 How you talk to others and yourself does energetically change you.....your vibe attracts your tribe
09.01.2022 Breathe through it xxxx
09.01.2022 This full moon brings lots of up and down feelings together, the key here is to recognise when you are drawing to the negative so you can bring yourself back into the light. Sit with what's troubling you and face it, so instead of it owning are the one with the power to work through it and heal the wound.
08.01.2022 Todays vibe take a deep breath and keep going.......what ever it you got this
08.01.2022 Working through our shadows, our pain, our traumas steps us from the 3D level of conciousness into 5D self awareness and energy
07.01.2022 Half of the solution is recognising what is no longer in alignment with your energy, beliefs, mindset and heart.....the other half is letting that go. Xxxx
07.01.2022 Welcome to the new people who have joined my page this week. Due to covid restrictions all of my readings and healings will be conducted online. The interactive post for today is with my shaman Oracle cards......what card/s are you drawn to and resonate with.....write your selection in the comments of this post and the messages from our ancestors will be posted tomorrow. Love and light to you all xxxx
07.01.2022 They finally arrived
07.01.2022 As we close the end of the year what energy are you going to rid yourself of to begin a new year.
05.01.2022 When this occurs its your sign to slow down and spend sometime alone, look after yourself and take time out
05.01.2022 You can wind up or down any of your charkra centres.....clockwise adds more in pumps it up.....anti clockwise releases, remove and quiets the overflow.
04.01.2022 Can not wait to play with my tuning forks xxx
04.01.2022 Today is Sunday focus on the good today and soak in your surroundings. Xxxx
04.01.2022 You have a new message from the Angels
04.01.2022 Are you someone who self-sabotages your own relationships? Here is what I've learned over the years...
03.01.2022 Crystals For Each Chakra Based on Your Zodiac Sign Balance Your Chakras Today! ... What Are Chakras? The 7 major Chakras (Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown) are energy centres in your body that run from the base of your spine to the top of your head, with each one specific to the different organs, nerves and parts of your body Why Do Chakras Need Balancing or Alignment? When these energy centres of the body get blocked or out of alignment, energy cannot flow freely through your body. This can cause you to experience issues that can be physical, mental, emotional or spiritual, based on that specific Chakra. : IG @lovebyluna
03.01.2022 This is the time now to truly face the mirror and the realisations that you are thd creator of your life
01.01.2022 Feeling the change??
01.01.2022 What you put out is what you get back.
01.01.2022 Are you recharged and ready for this week? Hold your crystals, close your eyes and feel the crystal’s energy circuit into, throughout and out of you * If yo...u are left handed, switch the crystals around : @craftingwitch on IG
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