Energy Mastery | Public figure
Energy Mastery
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21.01.2022 Attempting a new record for most people in an inflatable pool filled with ice water!! #wimhoffmethod Sometimes you just need to have an open mind and see what else is out there to help us cope with life's constant stresses! If you have the opportunity, give it a go! Very appreciative to Kym Burls who was our awesome instructor for the event and supported us all through the freezing ice bath It may have been kiddy size, but definately required mental toughness to battle... through - JUST BREATH! #trustinyourself #natureknows #justbreathe #wimhofmethod #wimhofmethodinstructor #wimhofmethodworkshop #breathing #breathingtechniques #breathwork #meditation #holdingspace #mindset #commitment #powerofthemind #coldtherapy #coldtraining #coldexposure #icebath
18.01.2022 Stress and emotions are held throughout our body in different areas. Long term tension can limit our mobility and day to day lifestyle. Having the foundation to understand how to release tension in the correct way, can give you the ability to chase after the kids when they have been NAUGHTY
15.01.2022 I just can't help but love this video....such wise words
11.01.2022 Arriving home after a stressful, full on day. Ready to relax and sit down.....oh hang on, that's not possible, there is still so much to do. The kids are "HANGRY", dinner's still to be sorted, lunches to be made, homework to help never ends. An instant way to relax is to have a glass of wine, just a quick snack to combat those hunger pains and move to the next task...... Going through the night time ritual, the kids go to bed and after the last chore... finally completed, the couch welcomes your posterior with open arms. Life just seems wayyyyy too hectic, something's got to give! Stresses are through the roof and the weight gain has got to the point of being unbearable. It's OK.....It's NOT your fault! Sometimes the stress of life become too overwhelming, not knowing how to battle these emotions and reactions is what causes half the stress to begin with, then the weight gain....oh don't even talk to me about that! Surely there is another way?! Mum life isn't meant to be so hard....or is it?? How do you overcome these crazy times as a Business Woman/Mum/Wife/Daughter? #strongmindinstrongbody
11.01.2022 I looked out of the window and see the sun gleaming under the pergola, onto the couch...I have a simple breakfast ready, made in a hurry as I'm not really sure how I am going to tackle the day. So many things to do, but not knowing where to start!! I take my coffee and toast out outside, deciding to consume every piece of the sun that is beaming onto the one spot of the couch and have a moment to truly appreciate what I have. Not only what I have, but what I created. Elements that sometimes seem so tough, out weight what I have managed to actually create. I need these moments to take in each day, to sit and think....appreciate! This is part of my daily growth and understanding that everything is actually ok....actually pretty damn good! Doing this regularly helps me to be able to pick up and move forward. Help prioritise the necessary, the productive and the all-important relaxation time. Each moment is so incredibly important, but the appreciation of each moment is often missed and therefore, we forget how lucky we actually are!!
09.01.2022 Is happiness something that is ever actually reached? We are forever striving for the next exciting moment in happiness ever fulfilled?
05.01.2022 Our body, our movement, our existence.....Our own individual eco-system. 70% of our immune system is in our gut Having a depleted eco-system impacts our mood, our fatigue, our focus.....our lives. ... Taking time for ourselves to overcome these battles is just the beginning to squeeze a little more out of our day! #masteryourengery #selfawareness #fitnessandwellbeing #improveyourself