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25.01.2022 Beggars cant be choosers Those in dire need must be content with what they get. For example, The cheapest car model will have to dobeggars can't be choosers. This expression was familiar enough to be included in John Heywood's 1546 collection of proverbs.
25.01.2022 Being left to go to rack and ruin Become decayed, decline or fall apart, as in After the founder's death the business went to rack and ruin. These expressions are emphatic redundancies, since rack and wrack (which are actually variants of the same word) mean destruction or ruin. [
24.01.2022 He was lying through his back teeth He was telling everyone he was so rich and and famous but of course everyone knew he was lying through his back teeth. "To accuse a person of lying in his teeth is the strongest of accusations, implying that the person is such a double-dyed liar as to be unfamiliar with truth.... It is very old traceable to the early 1300s, as in 'The romances of Sir Guy of Warwick,' 'Thou liest amidward and therefore have though maugreth (shown ill will).'" (From "Hog on Ice & Other Curious Expressions" (1948, Harper & Row) by Charles Earle Funk.) According to The Phrase Finder the expression might be a variant of a similar expression which dates back to the 14th century and adds: "the OED mentions lying "in his teeth," but without any further information":
21.01.2022 Dont bite off more than you can chew To try to do something that is too difficult for you: We bit off more than we could chew in our original reform proposals. Cambridge Dictionary
20.01.2022 French idioms that are used I. The English language Lassez- Faire Let it be. An easy going approach. ... An unwillingness to get involved in or influence other people's activities: The problems began long before he became CEO, but they worsened with his laissez-faire approach/attitude. If a government is laissez-faire, it does not have many laws and rules that control the buying and selling of goods and services.
19.01.2022 How are you travelling = How are you, how have you been lately. Or if someone is going somewhere like on holidays what mode of transport will they be using eg by plane, by car or on foot etc.
19.01.2022 On the gravy train used to refer to a situation in which someone can make a lot of money for very little effort. "come to Hollywood and get on the gravy train"
19.01.2022 To charge like a wounded bull' To set excessively high prices. We went out for dinner the othe other night the food was delicious, but they charged like a wounded bull. Australian Idiom
19.01.2022 He was stumped. To be too difficult for someone to solve or answer The question had him stumped.
18.01.2022 light-hearted /lthtd/ adjective amusing and entertaining. "a light-hearted speech"... (of a person or their behaviour) cheerful or carefree. "excited, light-hearted chatter" See more
18.01.2022 He had a chip on his shoulder refers to the act of holding a grudge or grievance that readily provokes disputation. It can also mean a person thinking too much of oneself (often without the credentials) or feeling entitled. He had a chip on his shoulder, he thought his boss was giving him all the hard jobs.
17.01.2022 To bite one's tongue To make a desperate effort to avoid saying something. "I had to bite my tongue and accept his explanation"
17.01.2022 Ive got bigger fish to fry. Fig. to have other things to do; to have more important things to do. I can't take time for your problem. I have other fish to fry.
16.01.2022 Youll never know till you give it a go - You never know till you try Means have a try - have a go, thats what life is about, having a go and trying to succeed. 1. It is not possible for you to know whether or not you enjoy something until you try it for the first time. A: I don't like peas!" B: "You never know till you try. I bet you'd really like them!"... A: "Those romance novels are so stupid." B: "Have you ever actually read one before? You'll never know till you try." 2. It is not possible for you to know whether or not you can do something until you attempt it for the first time. A: "I've always wanted to write a novel, but I'm not a good enough writer for it." B: "Why do you say that? You'll never know till you try." A: "I dont think I can pass the exam, give it a go and see how you go. See more
16.01.2022 To spit the dummy Australian informalities Grammyr To behave in a childish or unreasonable manner The business deal didnt go through like he hag hoped and he spat the dummy much to the surprise of his business partners.
16.01.2022 To jump the gun To do something too soon, especially without thinking carefully about it: They've only just met - isn't it jumping the gun to be talking about marriage already? Cambridge dictionary ... To jump the gun - Jumping the gun To start something before it is permissible, appropriate, or advisable. The phrase alludes to starting to run in a foot race before the starting gun goes off. Henry jumped the gun and sent the proofs to the printer before the boss approved them, and she was not happy. I probably jumped the gun with announcing our engagement before everyone was there, but I was just too excited. Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. 2015 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved. jump the gun Fig. to start before the starting signal. (Originally used in sports contests that are started by firing a gun.) We all had to start the race again because Jane jumped the gun. When we took the test, Tom jumped the gun and started early. Free Dictionary
15.01.2022 When one door closes, another opens. Alexander Graham Bell Quotes. When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.
15.01.2022 Peek a Boo Fun game with children. Is a form of play primarily played with an infant. To play, one player hides their face, pops back into the view of the other, and says Peekaboo!, sometimes followed by I see you! There are many variations: for example, where trees are involved, Hiding behind that tree!" is sometimes added. Wikipedia
14.01.2022 He was goggle-eyed when he learned he had won. adjective having bulging, wide-open, or rolling eyes, especially in astonishment or wonderment.
14.01.2022 To take the plunge . To make a decision to do something, especially after thinking about it for a long time: They're finally taking the plunge and getting married. Decisions and deciding.
14.01.2022 He was laughing all the way to the bank To be earning a lot of money easily: We'll be laughing all the way to the bank if this deal works out. Hes got a great business now making a lot of money, hes laughing all the way to the bank now.
13.01.2022 The Last Straw. Also The Final Straw,' the phrase 'The Last Straw' is used to describe the last of a series of undesirable or unpleasant events that makes you come to the realization that you can no longer accept a situation that has been worsening for a while.
13.01.2022 still waters run deep saying said about a person who says little, but who might in fact know a lot Collins Dictionary ... Still waters run deep Language Watch Edit For other uses, see Still waters run deep (disambiguation). Still waters run deep is a proverb of Latin origin now commonly taken to mean that a placid exterior hides a passionate or subtle nature. Formerly it also carried the warning that silent people are dangerous, as in Suffolk's comment on a fellow lord in William Shakespeare's play Henry VI part 2: Smooth runs the water where the brook is deep, And in his simple show he harbors treason... No, no, my sovereign, Gloucester is a man Unsounded yet and full of deep deceit.[1] According to The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs, the first mention of the proverb appeared in Classical times in the form altissima quaeque flumina minimo sono labi (the deepest rivers flow with least sound) in a history of Alexander the Great by Quintus Rufus Curtius and is there claimed as being of Bactrian origin.[2] The earliest use in English sources goes back to 1400. Wikipedia
13.01.2022 worth ones salt BY ELIZABETH NIX You might think of salt as nothing more than the inexpensive stuff that tastes good sprinkled on French fries and popcorn, but in fact its far more than just a seasoning and has a long history as a highly prized substance. Today, there are reportedly more than 14,000 known uses for salt. Not only does the human body need it to function properly, but salt also is utilized for everything from producing chemicals to deicing roads.... Before the days of artificial refrigeration, the main method for preserving food was to treat it with salt. In this way, salt came to represent power; without it, armies couldnt travel great distances and explorers couldnt sail to new lands because their provisions would spoil. Throughout the ages, a variety of cultures also used this mineral in ceremonies and religious rituals. For many centuries, until salt deposits were discovered throughout the world and extraction methods improved, salt was scarce, which made it more valuable. https://www.history.com//where-did-the-expression-worth-on
13.01.2022 Vocabulary Ere ere preposition \ er \ Definition of ere (Entry 1 of 2)... old-fashioned + literary : preceding in time : earlier than : BEFORE entry 2 sense 2 ere nightfall 'The wind is north from the snows,' said Aragorn. 'And ere morning it will be in the East,' said Legolas. J. R. R. Tolkien ere conjunction Definition of ere (Entry 2 of 2) old-fashioned + literary : BEFORE entry 3 "Rumor has it that there will be a wedding in our village ere the daisies are in bloom. " Lucy Maud Montgomery I was scarcely in position ere my enemies began to arrive Robert Louis Stevenson Merriam Webster Dictionary See more
12.01.2022 To shoot yourself in yourself in the foot To say or do something stupid that will cause you a lot of trouble If he keeps talking, pretty soon he'll shoot himself in the foot. ... So they shot themselves in the foot. Longmans Dictionary
12.01.2022 In for a penny, in for a pound Oh well we are building a new house in a nice area we may as well make it two storey, in for a penny in for a pound. Used to express someone's intention to see an undertaking through, however much time, effort, or money this entails. "oh well I thought, in for a penny, in for a pound, and scrubbed the place from top to bottom"
12.01.2022 A jailbird - Is someone who's been in prison or is still there. Your parents might refer to your disgraced car thief cousin a jailbird. Jailbird is a casual and derogatory term for a convicted criminal, especially one who's been in and out of jail several times.
12.01.2022 We are in no mans land - In the middle of nowhere Can be used when you are a long way away from civilisation. Eg. We are in no mans land out in the middle nowhere, I hope we get home safely. History: No Man's Land. No Man's Land is the term used by soldiers to describe the ground between the two opposing trenches. Its width along the Western Front could vary a great deal. ... The average distance in most sectors was about 250 yards (230 metres). See more
11.01.2022 Loose lips sink ships An American English idiom meaning "beware of unguarded talk". The phrase originated on propaganda posters during World War II. The phrase was created by the War Advertising Council and used on posters by the United States Office of War Information. Wikipedia
11.01.2022 The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry. (wrong) No matter how carefully a project is planned, something may still go wrong with it. The saying is adapted from a line in To a Mouse, by Robert Burns: The best laid schemes o' mice an' men / Gang aft a-gley.
11.01.2022 white elephant noun a possession that is useless or troublesome, especially one that is expensive to maintain or difficult to dispose of. "a huge white elephant of a house that needed ten thousand spent on it"
10.01.2022 Mindset Language Watch Edit For other uses, see Mindset (disambiguation).... "Mentality" redirects here. For other uses, see Mentality (disambiguation). Learn more This article includes a list of references, but its sources remain unclear because it has insufficient inline citations. In decision theory and general systems theory, a mindset is a set of assumptions, methods, or notations held by one or more people or groups of people.[1] A mindset can also be seen as arising out of a person's world view or philosophy of life.[2] A mindset may be so firmly established that it creates a powerful incentive within these people or groups to continue to adopt or accept prior behaviors, choices, or tools.[citation needed] The latter phenomenon is also sometimes described as mental inertia, "groupthink", and it is often difficult to counteract its effects upon analysis and decision making processes. In cognitive psychology, a mindset represents the cognitive processes activated in response to a given task (French, 2016). Wikipedia
08.01.2022 Codswallop British Informal nonsense. "I think that's a right load of old codswallop"
07.01.2022 The sky's the limit Johnny just passed his exams his mother said to her son, the skies the limit now you can really start to go places. The sky's the limit for our talented graduates!... The sky's the limit. Inf. there is no upper limit. I can afford it. The sky's the limit. You can do anything you set your mind to, Billy. The sky's the limit. There is no limit (to ambition, aspirations, expense, or the like). For example, Order anything you like on the menu-the sky's the limit tonight, or He's so brilliant he can do anything-the sky's the limit. This metaphoric idiom was first recorded in 1920. the sky's the limit COMMON You say the sky's the limit to mean that someone or something could be extremely successful. `How much are you hoping to make for this charity of yours?' `Well loads hopefully. I mean the sky's the limit.' Asked how far the young tennis player could go, McEnroe said simply: `The sky's the limit.' See also: limit Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed. HarperCollins Publishers 2012 the sky is the limit there is practically no limit. 1991 Nation He proudly proclaims that today in Russia the sky is the limit to what a person can earn. Tthe skys the limit (spoken, informal) there is no limit or end to something, especially somebodys success or progress: For an ambitious young woman in this business, the skys the limit. Free Dictionary
07.01.2022 Tea leaf - Rhyming Cockney slang for thief. The boy lost his bicycle some tea leaf stole it from him.
06.01.2022 He got his nose out of joint when the business deal failed. Be upset or irritated, especially when displaced by someone. For example, Ever since Sheila got promoted he's had his nose out of joint. Similarly, put one's nose out of joint indicates the cause of the upset, as in The boss's praise of her assistant put Jean's nose out of joint.
06.01.2022 To feather one's own nest. To look after one's own interests, especially material ones: The director was supposed to distribute the money to various charities; instead, he used it to feather his own nest.
05.01.2022 if the cap fits, wear it. used as a way of suggesting that someone should accept a generalized remark or criticism as applying to themselves. Conversation : You are always late for work. Just a little bit. ... If the cap fits wear it. See more
04.01.2022 To throw the towel in To stop trying to do something because you lack determination or because you think you cannot win. Coach Michael Wenders accused his players of throwing in the towel.
03.01.2022 To get cold feet He had business deal planned but he got cold feet and pulled out of the venture. To suddenly become too frightened to do something you had planned to do, especially something important such as getting married
03.01.2022 To chill out. To become calmer; to calm down. This phrase is often used as an imperative. Just chill outpanicking about being late won’t help.
02.01.2022 To blow one's own trumpet : to talk about oneself or one's achievements especially in a way that shows that one is proud or too proud He had a very successful year and has every right to blow his own trumpet.
02.01.2022 Vocabulary - Normalcy Yet this return to normalcy should not lull us into a false sense of security. We must remain careful. The coronavirus pandemic is far from over. Indeed, the global infection rate continues to rise exponentially, meaning that every day, more and more people continue to contract the virus. The pandemic is now more dangerous than ever before.
01.01.2022 To pull one's socks up To make an effort to improve one's work, performance, or behaviour. Come on you are always late for work pull your socks and try to get to work on time.
01.01.2022 A friend in need is a friend indeed A person who helps at a difficult time is a person who you can really rely on. "you are a friend in need, you are, Edie" Oxford Language
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