Enhanced Health Therapy Services | Businesses
Enhanced Health Therapy Services
Phone: +61 7 4724 0953
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25.01.2022 The Townsville University Hospital and Health Service have worked tirelessly last week to be on the front foot, setting up a specific COVID-19 testing clinic (drive through) in a bid to reduce the anticipated load on the health system and GPs. We urge you to reduce the number of times you leave home and continue to practice 'social distancing'. At this time, we continue to provide essential face to face consultations but are strongly encouraging online appointments if possi...ble. Our staff have been instructed to maintain the recommended 1.5m distance (please don't be offended) and high standard of hand hygiene (you will likely see them applying this at your front door before they open your door to enter). Our staff are wearing green dots if they have passed their health check for the day. ~ Dee #enhancedhealth #welikeyoubutcantcomenearyou #flattenthecurve See more
24.01.2022 The team at Enhanced Health is excited to be attending the Challenge Games tomorrow! We are proud to have the opportunity to assist such a fantastic event, and we look forward to seeing you there ~ Rachel
24.01.2022 So, I have a confession. I race my kids to get ready for bed just to get pole position on the couch to watch 'Bluey'. I am by far the coolest person you know, right!? ~ Dee #enhancedhealth #ehts #legitfunny
24.01.2022 Please support the delightful and committed team behind the Goodwill Present Drive. We welcome you to join us in bringing a little Christmas joy to others - please donate or lend a hand wrapping :)
22.01.2022 A bit of defensive driver training .... and not just for our out of town clinics. It's a circus some days just getting across town from us to you in one piece, I swear! ~ Dee #enhancedhealth #rallydriving #noratbagsinthemarkedworkcar
21.01.2022 We were delighted to be able to chip in with @little_pegs to make a small difference to those in need. #enhancedhealth #littlepegs #smallbusiness
19.01.2022 Following a fantastic outcome from our Mollii Suit trials in late August, with many of our clients experiencing a multitude of benefits after only a short period of use, we have decided to hold another clinic next week! Currently, we still have 6 spots left for the clinic! If you (or someone you know) are interested in trialing the suit, or you would just like some more information, please feel free to call myself or Natasha on 4724 0953.... We look forward to seeing you next week! ~ Rachel
18.01.2022 We are on the search for an awesome human with a degree in occupational therapy to join our team. Please head on over to SEEK.com for details (due to changes with FB, posting the link directly in this post does weird things *sigh*). photo credit: https://www.aitsys.com.au//20170328/were-hiring-admin-role/... #enhancedhealth #awesomehumanwanted
15.01.2022 #welcome #mustloveubereats #enhancedhealth
15.01.2022 We are excited to be conducting trials of the Mollii Suit next week, with the lovely team at Mollii Australia! Check out their page, and give us call if you would be interested in a trial, while they are in Townsville ~ Rachel
14.01.2022 We had a wonderful time helping out at The Challenge Games today. It looked like everyone attending had a fantastic time, and we are proud to have been a part of it! ~ Rachel
14.01.2022 Exciting things happening in Townsville! ~ Rachel
11.01.2022 Our team is at the Seniors Lifestyle Expo 2019 today! Come by and say hi ~ Rachel
10.01.2022 21 meters of wrapping paper later ... who knew the team would be so excited to unwrap their own desk! #callityourchristmasbonus #theysatontheirwrappedchairsallday #weird #enhancedhealth
10.01.2022 Have you ever said to someone, "I'm so tired I can't keep my eyes open"? This is my son's literal interpretation. You're welcome. I had to cut the video before I split my sides with fits of laughter! Mamma loves you little man - you make my heart explode ~ Dee #enhancedhealth #ehts #ohbubba #supertired
09.01.2022 Can't. Stop. Laughing! 'Not everyone has a Jordan, Jordan'! #enhancedhealth #doubleman #ranchsauce
09.01.2022 Thank you seems so inadequate when it comes to expressing how appreciative we are to all our loyal clients. We know we would not be where we are without your support. Thank you for your business, your compliments, your recommendation of our business to other people, the honest feedback that has helped us grow and your general 'cheering' us on. In the end, we are just a bunch of humans who are all heart, that want nothing more than the best for our clients. What we do for a l...iving means a lot to each and every member of our team. So, as a tiny token of our thanks, we have put together a pretty fun basket of goodies for our clients to celebrate Christmas. If you are in the area (or not in the area but want to come see us!) (5 Yeatman St, Hyde Park), drop in to rifle through the basket for a little gift from all of us at EHTS. Once again, thank you #enhancedhealth #thankyou #ilovechristmas See more
08.01.2022 In honor of International Women's Day, I share this quote which gets me every time. I know that I am who I am thanks to those that paved the way before me. The opportunities and choices I have had the freedom to make has been afforded only because of the generations of women who have come before me. May the future be even brighter for those that follow ~ Dee #enhancedhealth #IWD2020 #IWD #women
08.01.2022 We would like to thank you for your support in 2018. We will be closing for two weeks to give our team some much needed rest in order to come back in 2019 with a bang :) #enhancedhealth #besttimeoftheyear #thankyou
07.01.2022 I couldn't stop laughing having done something similar feeling all the same feels. I dare you to try not laugh! ~ Dee
07.01.2022 Trying to nail an important call and my 3 year old bellows from another room, "Mumma, I need to do a poo!". Not sure why but we are now doing business with said caller ~ Dee #enhancedhealth #keepingitreal #okaymykidskeepitreal #cantmakethisup
07.01.2022 So, there was this one time at band camp .... I made a video on coronavirus and the response of EHTS to such trickery. If you make it to 8 minutes, you're a dead set legend. This video is unedited and has no filters (see what a few years in business does to you!) but we wanted to share the essential message that we take this virus and our preacautionary measures seriously rather than make a beautifully crafted promo video ~ Dee #enhancedhealth #COVID19 #coronaifonlyweweretalkingbeer #hellowrinkles
07.01.2022 Just to let you know, we continue to serve our clients during this turbulent time. We are continuing to see urgent clients face to face - where it is considered safe and appropriate to do so with increased hand hygiene practices and staff health checks - and we have video conferencing or phone consults (the 'telehealth' buzz word you've likely been hearing a lot!) available to continue care. Of course we have had some hiccups with changes to our 'typical' mode of service de...livery but largely, it has been fun and some consults have been incredibly funny (but who doesn't need a laugh right now?!). We are all making it through with great humor and flexibility in order to continue to work towards achieving goals for our clients. Remaining consistent and in contact with our clients is important particularly with the increasing social isolation that is occurring, understandably, for the safety and overall well being of our community. Thank you to our amazing team and client community who have braved the new and uncertain world with us We are here for you - now and on the other side of this - we promise~ Dee #enhancedhealth #whereismycamera #makesureyouwearpants #justsaying Picture credit: www.cheekymonkeys.com.au See more
06.01.2022 I can't believe there are only 20 days until Christmas! ~ Tarsh
05.01.2022 Thank you, Pam A nice reminder of why we do what we do ~ Rachel
05.01.2022 While our team has been busy preparing for what we hope will be a truly awesome year, we cannot help but be impacted by seeing the loss that many people, families and businesses have experienced after fire has ravaged their community. Many have been left with nothing. 2020 will likely be a year they recall with great sadness. While we experienced loss following the 2019 floods, this pales in comparison. I remember how scared I felt immediately following the floods. I was so s...cared we would lose everything we had worked so very hard for. But by a miracle, we emerged still on our feet. I can't even begin to imagine the devastation some people are experiencing. But we want to help .... just like we were during a really difficult time. We are currently working on a partnership monetary donation, collecting bandages/creams/flanellette sheets to be posted to various animal hospitals and volunteering our services via telehealth to support people in need. We implore you to help in any way you can. Let's rain kindness while we wait for the heavens to weep over our scorched land soon ~ Dee Photo credit: @stoll_photography See more
04.01.2022 Last night, a little before 8pm, there were lights still on in our office. I stopped to investigate. As I opened the door to the office, I heard talking and laughter. I found the entire clinical team still at their computers. When I asked why everyone was still there, the reason was that one of the team was falling behind with their report writing, so in an act of support, the team stayed behind to work on their respective reports. Not only did this floor me but to learn that the admin team had dropped over with a box of cakes (thanks, Otto's Fresh Food Market!) to keep the team going, made me realise we truly have a team of giants who dig in deeper when things get tough ~ Dee #enhancedhealth #cakebeforedinner #teamoftitans
03.01.2022 Thanks for your kind words, Pam :) We are happy we could help. Just don't tell anyone how fetching I look doing 'home visits' in flannelette pjs though ~ Dee
02.01.2022 What an emotional way to start our day. Standing on our driveway. Looking down the street as our neighbors quietly took to theirs. Candles in hand. The ABC broadcast played loudly enough from a neighbour's radio for all to hear. The reflection. The reverance. The solidarity - our community coming together to never forget the sacrifices made for our country all those years ago. I feel such gratitude. How very lucky we are to live in such a beautiful country. Lest we forget ~ Dee #enhancedhealth #ANZAC2020 #lightupthedawn
02.01.2022 This! Our team's intentions in three short sentences #enhancedhealth #wowexperience #goodtogreat
02.01.2022 We turned five! And not only did we survive but we thrived Five years in business and, oh my, have we learnt a lot. We often talk about our biggest lessons, the things we have learnt that very nearly killed us in every sense of the word but ended up being lessons that propelled us to immense growth and success. Our gift to you on our 5th birthday is to share five lessons we learned along the way: 1. You are going to make more mistakes than you ever thought was possible. L...ike. All. The. Time. You will learn to grow a thick skin. You will need to teach your heart and your ego to be open to feedback. It will suck. But it's necessary for success. 2. Hiring staff is an art. Never, ever hire in haste. Make sure you know what type of people you need on your bus. If you work out they are not for your bus, help them get off as quickly as possible. There is no shame in finding that people you thought were right for your business, are indeed not. Trust me, you don't want a person on the bus who has a bout of proverbial gastro, 'cause sure as eggs, you can bet it will spread through the bus. It's not fun. 3. Growth is scary as. Some days will feel like you have a one tonne weight on your shoulders while you're at the table of life gambling away your last dollar. But growth requires you to have an immense belief in your 'why' of business in order to take that calculated risk. You may not sleep for weeks during this time and I can guarantee you won't have time for trivial things likes shaving your legs, but by golly gosh, if the risk pays dividends there will be tectonic changes in both you and your business. Days like this, you will feel like a boss. 4. Always stay true to what you believe in. William Penn wrote, "Right is right, even if everyone is against it, and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it". You may have to stand alone but keeping your integrity intact is vital for long term success. It can be a lonely road. You'll probably cry. A lot. 5. Trust the process. In the darkest of times, always remember, with hard grafting you will eventually see the fruit of your labour. And know with certainty, that "it might take a year, it might take a day, but what's meant to be will always find its way". Raise a glass - here's to us all! . . . #enhancedhealth #ehts #occupationaltherapy
02.01.2022 Townsville, you have been generous! If you haven't already, there is still time to throw your support behind this cause. We are collecting for the Goodwill Present Drive Townsville until close of business this Friday (5 Yeatman St Hyde Park) :) Any takers to help wrap?! ~ Dee #enhancedhealth #canneverfindscissors
02.01.2022 Home schooling when your mum is an OT - learning the physics of wheelchairs and how to drive Our kids are always elbow deep in an equipment delivery wanting to know how things work and who it would help. Thanks Abbi @mogowheelchairs for making this trial for our out of town client happen ~ Dee #enhancedhealth #homeschooling2020 #howdoIgetworkdoneexactly
02.01.2022 Keep it on walking speed, bud!
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