Enlightened Birth and Beyond | Businesses
Enlightened Birth and Beyond
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25.01.2022 If you haven't already, check out the Positive Birth Australia podcast for a collection of positive birth stories (now including mine)! An excellent idea if you are planning your own positive birth
25.01.2022 I'm so big. . There's no more room in there. . I'm so sore.... . I can't wait any longer. . Is this baby ever going to come out? . I can't move. . I can't sleep. . I just want this baby out. . But, soft cheese. . I'm so ready. . . . How many weeks were you when these thoughts started creeping in? . . . Sometimes, these thoughts lead us to booking a medical induction or at least trying natural induction methods. . . . This is a gentle reminder that birth by induction is very different to spontaneously going into labour. . . . Babies are born when they are ready and when our bodies are ready. . . . LET ME KNOW IN THE COMMENTS Have you been induced? . What did you like/dislike about the experience? . What natural methods of induction did you try? . . . #birthstorytime #inductionbirth #birthbyinduction #saferoutthanin #inductionmatters #thirdtrimester #4weekstogo #20weekstogo #readytopop #10weekstogo #hellothirdtrimester #readywhenyouare #naturalinduction #inductionacupuncture #inductionscheduled #12weekstogo #30weeks #32weeks #34weeks #notlongnow #knowtherisksandbenefits #maternityaustralia #pregnantmum #pregnantmumsaustralia #pregnantandperfect #instapregnancy #pregnancyjournal #pregnancydiary See more
25.01.2022 ' ! The voice in my head tells me I can't, I won't, I'm too scared. It asks me "what if?", and "how on Earth would you do that?".... I run through the worst case scenarios. My heart races, I sweat, I feel the walls closing in. But then, I remember. . Long. Slow. Deep. The other voice enters my mind. "But what if you can?" "You can do this" " " #positivepsychology #liveyourbestlife #meditatedaily #takecareofyourself #experiencelife #positivequoteseveryday #makethechangetopositivethinking See more
24.01.2022 Hey Pregnant Mumma! Don't lay awake at night stressing about labour. Don't wait until it is too late to prepare for your best birth.... Take control. Book in. Get prepared. Rock your birth! Next class starts in a few weeks! Only 4 spots left! Book Now https://enlightenedbirthandbeyond.com.au
24.01.2022 WINNER . . . .... . Did you enter the competition to win a group hypnobirthing class with me? . . . Check my stories to see if you won! . . . Didn't win? Check your inbox . . . #hypnobirthing #adelaideloves #adelaidelife #dueindecember #dueinjanuary #secondtrimester #firsttrimester #pregnantandperfect #instapregnancy #pregnancyjournal #birthprep #activepregnancy #fitpregnancy #babyontheway #babybelly #bumpie #naturalliving #lowtoxliving #lowtoxlife #naturalfamily #naturesway #adelaide #ttg #southaussie #sagreat See more
24.01.2022 When you think about the birth of your baby, how do you feel? Afraid Out of control Anxious... Stressed Powerless Unsafe Confused Worried Terrified Unsure Nervous Scared Wouldn't you rather feel: Prepared Confident Knowledgeable Educated Informed Safe Ready Empowered Strong Excited If your answer is YES, I'd love to help you! The Positive Birth Program is a comprehensive childbirth education that: transforms the way you think about birth, informs and educates you about your body, birth, and common medical intervention, policies and procedures, teaches your birth partner how to be an amazing supporter and advocate, and prepares you and your birth partner for a positive and empowering birth! My next class is on Sundays 2nd and 16th of August, 9am to 4pm at @soulmovementstudioadl . . ONLY 4 SPOTS LEFT! DM me now for more info or to book
23.01.2022 Have you seen the folio you get with the Positive Birth Program? If you haven't, check out my story highlights. It's full of course notes, visualisations, cheat sheets, scripts, recommendations for further learning, samples, and freebies! . .... . . . I still have mine from when I was expecting . . . #hypnofoilo #hypnobirthing #babyontheway #20weeks #24weeks #bumpupdate #adelaidemumtobe #expectinginadelaide #positivebirth See more
22.01.2022 NAME MY DEMO BABY . . . .... Hit me up with your name suggestions below . . . #babynames #babynamesuggestions #namemybaby #demobaby #childbirtheducator #childbirtheducation #pregnantandperfect #instapregnancy #pregnancyjournal #adelaidelife #hypnobirthingaustralia #hypnobub #hypnobaby #pregnancyannouncement #babyontheway #babyishere #boynames #boynames2020 #babynames2020 #girlnames2020 See more
21.01.2022 HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!
20.01.2022 All those images of beautiful spaces filled with fairy lights, positive affirmations and loving energy, aren't just for show. :... = increased melatonin which will help with your surges = increased oxytocin which helps with your surges too. = Less fear and more security means you are more likely to allow your body and mind to surrender to birth. My dream birth space would include an inflatable birth pool, lots of lush indoor plants, my @younglivingaunz diffuser with lavender and frankincense, ALL the fairy lights, positive affirmations, and of course, @Hypnobirthingaustralia tracks playing. What does your dream birth space look like? Let me know in the comments If in doubt, remember, what helps baby get in, helps baby come out Describe your dream romantic night in #instagramunmuted #fairylights #oily #dreamspace #relaxedbirth #waterbirthdreams #romanticnightsin #candlelight
20.01.2022 Who's with me? . . .... . . . #manicmumday #mumquotes #mumlife #quoteoftheday #manicmonday #mothersunite #unitedinmotherhood #adelaidemums #samums #sahm #workingmums #mumsofadelaide See more
19.01.2022 What do you think you cannot do? . . . Imagine how powerful you would feel, how full of confidence you would be, how much you would believe in yourself and your abilities, if you did what you thought was impossible?... . . . #magicofbirth #maketheimpossiblepossible #nothingisimpossible #makemiracles #magichappens #believeinyourself #believeitachieveit #youcandoit #yougotthis #beempowered #empoweredwomen #empoweredwoman #believeandsucceed #sawoman #samums #samumsinbusiness #mumsinbusiness #smallbusinessadelaide #adelaidesmallbusiness #birthisempowering #adelaidelife #adelaidemums #pregnancyjournal #aussiemums #adelaideblogger See more
19.01.2022 When can I come see the baby? A question new moms might hear over and over. At least at first. ... Sometimes before she has left the hospital. Before she has had a chance to sleep. Before she has even showered off the blood. When can I come see the baby? Her phone dings while she settles back in to her home with a brand new human - to her brand new normal. Her estrogen and progesterone levels are plummeting from the highest they’ve ever been to the lowest. She is shaky and hot and cold and sweaty and weak. Whether she chooses to breastfeed or not, her milk is coming in and she is sore and engorged. Whether she delivered vaginally or by c-section, her uterus will be contracting for days and weeks. Sometimes it’s as painful as labor. She’s bleeding and will continue to bleed for up to six weeks post-delivery. Her crotch is swollen and puffy and sore, or her incision is painful, or both. She is struggling to go to the bathroom - and she pees her pants (or pad) when she laughs, sneezes, and coughs. Her core muscles are weak, making lifting ANYthing hard. She’s starving. Endlessly starving. She has stretch marks and varicose veins, hair loss and acne, blurry vision and dry eyes. She sees a stranger in the mirror. She is totally and utterly exhausted. She hasn’t slept for more than an hour at a time in days or weeks. Any independence she had - to run errands, go to work, shower, eat, pee, sleep - has been suspended for now. So when you walk into her house, look at HER first. Give her space to heal, to bond, and to rest if she needs it. Be there if she needs it. Offer to help her. And then help her. Admire the baby, sure. But don’t forget to nurture the mother. . . . . . Words that couldn't be more perfectly written and image by @nichollegodar . . . . #birthphotography #birthphotographer #mumsmatter #fourthtrimester #thisispostpartum #weneedmoresupport #supportformums #motherhoodunplugged #adelaidemums #mumlife #mumssupportingmums #dontforgetmum #dontforgetdad #bringfood #goldentime #maternityaustralia #pregnantmum #postpartumsupport
18.01.2022 Do what YOU want to do. Choose what feels right for YOU. Be who YOU want to be.... . . . . . #tuesdaythoughts #beyou #believeinyourself #youmatter #adelaidelife #inspirationalquotes #quoteoftheday #quotesdaily #expecting #hypnobirthing #birthyourway #powerfulwoman #empoweredwoman #superwoman #duemarch2021 #comingsoon #due2021 #dueapril2021
17.01.2022 WHERE IS YOUR HAPPY PLACE? . . .... Like in Happy Gilmore... do you have a happy place? . . . A place where you can imagine yourself and instantly feel safer, calmer, happier? . . . My happy place is a nice quiet beach, the clean sand under my feet, cool waves tickling my toes, the sound of the waves breaking, the feel of the cool air on a warm evening. I feel like the air is cleaner, more refreshing. I love watching the waves dance, the colours in the sky magically moving and changing. . . . Share yours in the comments! . . . #happyplace #bubbleofcomfort #sunsetsbringmejoy #watersandsunset #sunsetphotography #beachatsunset #loveagoodsunset #hypnoticwaves #oceanlover #relaxationtechniques #naturegroundsme #shareyourhappyplace #spreadhappiness See more
14.01.2022 A lot of women tell me that part of their birth trauma occurred when they felt like they weren't listened to or had their choices respected. They are often lef...t feeling like a mere incubator, second to the well-being of their baby. Alone in a room full of people, not fully present or involved in the birth of their child. And this isn't the way it should be. Unfortunately, if you choose to birth within the system then you need to be prepared to stand up for yourself, your choices and your human rights. This is part of what I teach my doula clients. It is a sad fact, that the opportunity for true informed consent is rarely given to women these days. Instead their is often blatant ignorance of legal rights, bullying, coercion and abuse. This free resource is for everybody. You are welcome to share it with anyone you know who may be giving birth soon.
13.01.2022 Step one . . .... . . Often, building our self belief takes work and consistent effort. . . . Daily affirmations. Spending time with people who believe in you. Spend time visualising. Write out your goals. Listen to self-hypnosis tracks. Keep repeating. . . . Hands up below if you feel like you are lacking a bit in the self-belief department . . . #believeinyourself #shebelieved #believeanddo #selfbelief #youreunstoppable #positiveaffirmations #keepdreaming #dreamer #dreambig #affirmationseveryday #mumlife #yesyoucan #oilymumma #discoverunder1k #positivitytools #positivelyperfect #peoplethatliftyouup #selfhypnosis #selflove #loveyourself #youdeserveallthegoodthings See more
12.01.2022 How did you start today? . . . Ready to take on the world OR ready to go back to bed?... . . . We all have our days, but remember, you can choose to change your attitude... it can take time and practice but is 100% worth the effort. . . . Think positively as much as possible and take note of all the extra good things that enter your world! . . . Imagine how different birth could be if we went in to labour with a new and improved attitude... what a difference it could make . . . . #positivequotes #positiveattitude #goodattitude #attitudechange #winstonchurchillquotes #powerofpositive #powerofbirth #powerofpositivethinking #powerofpositivity #happythoughts #choosehappy #thinkhappy #empoweringquotes #empowertedtobirth #changehowyouthinkaboutbirth #transformativethinking #birthdifferent #powerofchange #enlightenedthinking #adelaidemum #supportlocal #supportsa #adelaide See more
12.01.2022 TAKE A MOMENT TO PAUSE AND CONSIDER..... . . . .... . Are you acting/choosing/wanting in a certain way because that is what you have been conditioned/programmed to do? Or because it actually supports what you want as an individual? . . . I always bang on about how Lincoln is my greatest teacher. One of the biggest realizations I've had since being blessed as his mum is that we are programmed over the course of our lives to believe that a lot of things are normal/should be expected when that's not always the case! . . . It took me longer than I'd like to admit to realise that he was the expert on the baby that he was. He was born with more wisdom than I could imagine. He knew what he needed and my preconceived beliefs about how a baby should behave had no place in our lives if we wanted to be happy . . . So take a moment, consider, if you hadn't heard those stories, read that anecdotal information, watched a dozen tv shows/movies that portrayed your experience in a certain light, how different would you feel? . . . #perceptions #innatewisdom #letyourmonkeydoit #innatepower #bornwithit #motherhoodrising #motherhoodunplugged #ig_motherhood #ig_pregnancy #motherhoodintheraw #greatestteachers #everybabyisdifferent #babyexpert #unitedinmotherhood #adelaidemums #aussiemums #mumssupportingmums See more
11.01.2022 PLACENTA ENCAPSULATION . . .... Before you stick your tongue out and make a disgusted sound or pretend to gag... take a look below. . . . Mummas have reported: * Increased milk supply * Improved mood * Less chance of post-partum depression * Decreased baby blues * Increased iron supply . . . If you are interested in encapsulating your placenta, contact the AMAZING Kelly @elemental_doula . . . Have you had your placenta encapsulated? I'd love to hear your experiences below . . . . PS Thanks for the discount vouchers Kelly . . . #placentaencapsulation #placentaencapsulationadelaide #placentapills #placentacaplsules #ouramazingorgans #placentaperfect #perfectplacenta #placentalove #placentaappreciation #elementaldoula #doulainadelaide #adelaidedoula #mumssupportingmums #sagreat #sasmallbusiness #sawoman #samumsinbusiness #southaussie #adelaidemums #adelaidelife #adelaideloves #pregnantinadelaide #natureknowsbest #lowtoxliving #lowtoxlife #naturalfamily #naturesway #naturalliving
11.01.2022 If you experienced your birth as traumatic, you are not alone. Sadly, you are 1 in 3. It hurts my soul that the statistics for birth trauma are so high. Birth is a normal physiological function and is remarkably well designed to benefit mum and baby. Yet here we are. There is a lot of work to be done to reduce this statistic. But by supporting one another, by listening, by caring, we can make a difference.
10.01.2022 Thought of the day... . . . Fear certainly has an impact on birth.... . . . If you are feeling fear about the pending birth of your baby start acting now to reduce that fear. . . . Read quality and empowering books and articles. . . Read positive birth stories. . . Book in to a Hypnobirthing Australia Class. . . . You will remember the birth of your baby for the rest of your life. The effort is well worth it . . . #thoughtoftheday #naturalliving #lowtoxliving #bodilyfunctions #normalfunction #madeforthis #naturesway #naturalbirth #believeinyourself #questionyourassumptions #quotesforyou #quoteoftheday #quotesdaily #birthquote See more
10.01.2022 Do it! . . . .... . . . . . #justdoit #ameliaearheart #positivevibes #takeinspiredaction #liveyourbestlife See more
09.01.2022 SURRENDER . . . Top tip for labour.... . . . Surrender to your primal self. Every body, baby, and birth are different. Allow YOUR body and baby to birth their way. Trust. . . . Let your instinct guide you. . . . #primalself #monkeybrain #instinctualbirth #surrendertobirth #stopthinking #turnyourbrainoff #labourtips #hypnobirthingtips #crunchymama #naturalfamily #naturalmum #naturalliving #natureknowsbest #yogabirth #spiritualbirth #bestbirth #naturalbirth See more
09.01.2022 HAPPY SATURDAY . . . .... Hope your day was filled with love . . . What did you get up to? . . . #happysaturday #familytime #newbornsmell #newbornlove #babylove #amotherslove #mummalovesyou #adelaidemums #samumsinbusiness #samums #adelaidesmallbusiness #pregnancycare See more
08.01.2022 HAPPY WORLD BREASTFEEDING WEEK . . . .... . Let me know your journey in the comments . . Haven't breastfed but support breastfeeding 0 - 6 Months 6 - 12 Months 12 - 24 Months 2 - 3 Years 3 Years + . . . . . #worldbreastfeedingweek #wbfw #extendedbreastfeeding #breastfeedingmumma #breastfeedingassociationaustralia #breastfeeding #boobie #boobiemonster #boobaddict #naturessuperfood #lettheoxytocinflow #breastfed #breastfeedingtoddler #isupportbreastfeeding #naturalfamily #naturalmum #naturalliving #breastfeedingsupport @australianbreastfeedingproject @ozbreastfeeding @breastfeeding_world See more
08.01.2022 Thanks Annette for a lovely interview
07.01.2022 LIFE CHANGING . . . .... We are told how having a baby turns our lives upside down. . . . But what if that is a good thing? . . . What if we needed to open our eyes and learn how to live.... like really LIVE? . . . Surrender. Let it transform you. Let it be amazing. . . . These babies of ours, they are truly our greatest teachers! . . . #adelaideloves #timetolive #quotesdaily #transformationtuesday #pregnancylife #expecting #babyontheway #twobecomesthree #surrendertomotherhood #motherhoodrising #unitedinmotherhood #discoverunder1k #babybump #pregnancyannouncement #14weeks #18weeks #20weeks #firsttrimester #secondtrimester #adelaidesmallbusiness #sagreat See more
04.01.2022 Cherish life . . . That is all.... . . . . . #drseuss #drseussquotes #quoteoftheday #quotesdaily #liveinthepresent #staypresent #switchoff #inthenow #lifeisspecial #cherishthemoment #liveyourlife #naturalliving #spirituallife #spiritualliving #pathtoenlightenment #mindfullness #livemindfully #mindfullyliving #yogatime #yogabirth #practicekindness #practicelivingmindfully #mindfuljournal #mindfullnessdiary #gratitude #practicegratitude #meditateeveryday #meditationlove #meditateforpeace See more
03.01.2022 Pregnancy Yoga is back at Essence of Yoga!!! https://facebook.com/events/s/pregnancy-yoga-term-3-starts-t/740291086698940/?ti=as
03.01.2022 Running towards the birth of your baby filled with this much positivity, confidence, joy, and excitement? . . . .... . . #myhypnobub #birthmatters #dueindecember #secondtrimester #thirdtrimester #babydue2021 #twobecomesthree #pregnancyannouncement #adelaidelife #adelaidemums #mumlife #babylove #toddlersofinstagram #fitpregnancy #hypnobirthingrocks #hypnobirthingaustralia #hypnobirthingadelaide See more
02.01.2022 WIN YOUR CHANCE TO WIN A FREE HYPNOBIRTHING GROUP CLASS For your chance to win:... 1 Like this post 2 Follow Enlightened Birth and Beyond 3 Share this post 4 Tag a friend below (each comment tag will equal a separate entry) * Not living the #lowtoxlife yet? Sign up to start your journey with Young Living with @lauren_perry_lowtox (Instagram) in the month of August for 10 entries! Competition ends at midnight Adelaide time, August 31st, 2020. Winner will be randomly chosen in the following week. Competition open to Australian residents aged 18 or over. This competition is in no way affiliated, endorsed or sponsored by Facebook, or Young Living.
02.01.2022 I listened as my friend told me her care providers had scheduled her induction. I listened as she asked others what to expect. I remember she was not told what to really expect. I stayed by my phone, waiting, unprepared, excited, but unknowing.... An entire day went by. Her baby was not here. The next day, I was still waiting, clueless to what she was going through. Until, finally, I got the message that her beautiful baby boy had made his way Earth-side by emergency C-section. I went to visit her in the hospital. She's one of the strongest women I know. There she was. But this was not what I had expected. She laid there, in pain, confused, looking traumatised, without her baby. I watched as she continued to ask the midwives about her baby, about what she could be doing to help. I left the hospital feeling so much. I was confused, this was not the picture of love and happiness I'd been conditioned to expect. This was the opposite. This is not how we are suppose to feel after birth. If it was, how would we still be dominating this Earth? How was I supposed to do this? There had to be another way. And so, I found it. I learned. I birthed. Incredible doesn't even begin to describe it. But it wasn't enough. No woman should have to feel that way after the birth of their baby. So now I teach you, so you know before it's too late. #instagramunmuted #youdontknowuntilyouknow #youdeservebetter #takecontrol #readyforbirth
01.01.2022 You only get one chance to birth your beautiful baby. Your experience of birth will stay with you for the rest of your life. You deserve for it to be magical. Whether you desire a natural, physiological birth or a birth with intervention or c-section, you can have a positive and empowering birth.... Birth can be utterly wonderful. You can be knowledgeable, prepared, positive, excited and confident about your birthing day! DM me for more info or to book!
01.01.2022 HAPPINESS brings me so much happiness. It's as if it just seeps out of Lincoln constantly. The way he . The way he . The way he in every puddle. The way he lives life .... He doesn't let anyone limit his happiness. And now I wonder, as adults, why do we let so many other people limit ours? Let's journey back to living our lives and sharing happiness. #spreadhappiness #sharingiscaring #peaceloveandhappiness #messagesofpositivity #happyquotes See more
01.01.2022 My favourite part Love the support this community brings to the table. If you are a South Australian Woman in Business, I'd highly recommend a membership!
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