Enoggera Baptist Church in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Church
Enoggera Baptist Church
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 7 3355 0796
Address: 143 Samford Road 4051 Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Website: http://enoggerabaptist.org/
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24.01.2022 Happy Father's Day!! We loved celebrating Father's day together in Church today, and the kids made such precious gifts for their Dads to keep. A small gift yet such a HUGE appreciation to all the Fathers who are raising and leading faith filled families. We appreciate you, we honour you, and today we are extra, extra grateful!
23.01.2022 That’s right! Playgroup is back this Tuesday! We are so excited for the year ahead! It will be so good to be together again and meet new families too! Tu...esday 2nd Feb, 9:30-11:00am at @enoggerabaptistchurch Cnr Samford Rd & Hawthorne St, Enoggera BYO picnic rug, hat, waterbottle & morning tea (nut free please) We will be set up outside on the lawn, under the trees with a few activities and making the most of our new playground! COVID Safe rules apply, please stay home if you or any family members are feeling unwell. Sign in is required on attendance and we aim to maintain a high standard of cleaning and sanitising our shared toys and equipment. Hope to see you there! All welcome!
22.01.2022 Hey gentlemen, registrations for man camp are open now! Just head on over to our website to register. Link in bio
20.01.2022 Can't wait to see you all and worship with you this Sunday! This week we are in Exodus 20 - The 10 Commandments! Why not read over the chapter to prepare for the sermon. P.s. Don't forget to register!!
20.01.2022 We are VERY excited to have past EBC regular and current Ashgrove Baptist Church pastor Josh Diyn guest preaching tomorrow! There are still heaps of spots left in our night service, so make sure you register soon. https://www.enoggerabaptist.org/register
20.01.2022 We're looking forward to gathering again this Sunday! Don't forget to register online through 'Save My Seat' on our website. Services at 9:30AM & 4:30PM. See you there!
20.01.2022 Ladies! Don't forget to register on Save My Seat for our 'Contentment in Christ' event this Saturday. We are very excited, it should be such an awesome morning of fellowship and growing together. A few things to note! Don't forget to register, and include any baby's in arms too. ... There's plenty of room left! You are more than welcome to invite a friend. Unfortunately we are unable to serve food and drinks at this event, so make sure you grab a coffee on your way! Looking forward to seeing you all there! Contact us or Danielle with any questions.
19.01.2022 Were you at Church yesterday? This was the main, takeaway message from our sermon from Exodus 18. Pretty challenging! How did it impact you? If you weren't there, we encourage you to have a listen to the sermon though a podcast app, or head to a small group and you'll get a chance to discuss the message further!
18.01.2022 We are officially at the end of our Thrive series! This week Pastor Mike is focussing on how we, as Christians, can live as ambassadors. We have loved seeing how this series has spoken to, and challenged members of our Church community to truly be thriving in their faith. See you all there, and don't forget to register! Link below - https://www.enoggerabaptist.org/
18.01.2022 We are so excited to announce that we will be having another prayer night, this time with a bit of a twist! We will be 'praying without ceasing' from 7pm until late, on Friday the 28th. Come for an hour, or come until midnight, but let us join together in prayer for each other, our church and our world today. Put it in your calendars !
18.01.2022 One-on-one bible reading among the women is something all the gals in our Church just love! If you would like to join, send us a message and we'll make sure our Womens Ministry leader Danielle finds someone to link you up with!
18.01.2022 Tomorrow is a special day! We join together to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus! What an incredible celebration. We also are so excited to have baptisms both at the morning and night service. - We would love for you to join us. If you are coming don't forget to register online and please bring and wear your mask to keep Church safe for everyone. - See you then. 9:30AM & 4:30PM... - https://www.enoggerabaptist.org/register See more
16.01.2022 Get ready for small group sign ups tomorrow at our morning service! And our serving rosters will also be open for anyone looking to help out in the life of the church. See you tomorrow!
16.01.2022 During our Thrive series we recommended books to read relating to the topic that we covered each week. The series may be over, but we still want everybody to continue thriving in their faith, so we will continue to promote these incredible books, and we can still order more in for anyone that would like to buy one! Have you read any of them? ___ We only have pictures of a few because they sold so quick! But there is a book for each topic (topic seen in the contents page photo!) so if there is something you feel is holding you back from thriving in your faith, we probably have a book for that! Message us for more details.
15.01.2022 Happy Tuesday Church fam! The start of the week is a perfect time to start meditating on the sermon from the Sunday before to start the week off right. This quote was one Mike used in his sermon! This week during lifes craziness, how are you going to apply what God has been teaching you?
15.01.2022 Would you like to help us serve our community and bless others this Christmas? EBC is teaming up with an organisation called the Kings Table, and we are creating and donating as many Hope Hampers as we can to people experiencing homelessness in Brisbane. We would love for our Church to get involved and donate. You can donate however much you feel led, each hamper is $45. All money needs to be in by Friday 11th Dec, ready for packing day on the 13th December! All hands on de...ck :) More details to come!
14.01.2022 If you are new and would like to know more about Enoggera Baptist Church, then this course would be a fantastic place to start. Starting this Sunday after the morning service, the EBC Essentials course will explore the vision, the theology, and the values of Enoggera Baptist Church. It also serves as our membership pathway for those would like to step into partnership with us for the sake of the gospel. Learn more by heading to the home page of our website
13.01.2022 'Together we rise. During a time of darkness and despair, we rise as the Church to shine the light of Jesus around the world. We rise to help vulnerable children and their families. We rise against the devastation of COVID-19. We rise against poverty. Together, we rise as one' - Compassion. Our Church alone sponsors over 60 Compassion children, how awesome! Lets always keep supporting and keep praying for our incredible brothers and sisters overseas. Compassion has recently... sent us some prayer requests from the Churches in Thailand: 1. Comfort for children and their families who are living with fear and uncertainty. 2. Parents who work as labourers and have lost their income during lockdowns. 3. Funding to help 881 households with adequate food and emergency supplies as they struggle to provide for their children’s basic needs. 4. Protection for local staff as they continue to support children and communities during COVID-19. Thank you for praying, Church! And make sure to get in contact if you would like to sponser a child or donate.
12.01.2022 Have you seen episode 7 of our Unpack series? (Or listen, considering the camera difficulties in the first section of the video!!) It features a good friend and former Ennogerite, Giuliano, who is now a Pastor at Sandstone Point Community Church! Pastors Matt, Mike and Giuliano delved into Matthew 6:1-19, and it made for an interesting Bible study discussion! Find it up on our YouTube channel or podcast app
12.01.2022 Small groups are still up and running! At small group, we share our burdens and pray for each other, we lift each other up, encouraging one another in the faith. We challenge each other, we meditate over the sermon or Bible passage together, we laugh together, we serve one other, & we often will snack, share a meal, and drink too much tea together as well. We really can't recommend them highly enough! Message us if you're not linked in to a group and we will help plug you in.
11.01.2022 Ladies this one is for you, so put the date aside! We are so excited to have another women's ministry event coming up. We will be enjoying a morning of fellowship, growth and worship together. Danielle will be bringing a message, as well as a panel of wonderful ladies speaking about wrestles with contentment they have experienced. We would love for you to join us. Just click the link below to register... https://reopen.church/r/cpziUWz4
11.01.2022 Have you invited any friends or colleagues to Alpha course yet? In the Alpha series, @nickygumbel leads us through adressing some and themes questions that we rarely have time to consider, and how those questions just make sense when you're walking with Jesus. Come and eat with us as we watch and discuss this video series. Starting Monday 21st of September, 7PM Register here!... https://www.enoggerabaptist.org/events/2020/alpha See more
10.01.2022 Are you going to your small group this week!? We have so many groups running, all at different times to suit everyone. Life does get busy, but putting aside time for smallgroup is so important!
10.01.2022 ROMANS DAY ONE We are so keen to dig into Romans, and we strongly encourage you all to be reading this incredible book over the coming weeks. We have built this 30-day reading plan to help you get started! STEP 1: PRAY... Pray that God will give you wisdom and insight as you study the letter of Romans. STEP 2: READ THE ENTIRE BOOK IN JUST A FEW SITTINGS, OVER A WEEK. Have a go at reading it all in under a week in order to get a feel for its themes and feel. Yes, we will be breaking it apart verse by verse and seeking to understand its meaning over the coming months, but we shouldn’t do that without also reading it as a whole letter. While reading it, try take note of the big ideas, themes and words Paul keeps coming back to. STEP 3: READ AGAIN! This time, read it and highlight the following words. Look at how they’re used and what they are adding: #1 - In Christ #2 The Righteousness of God #3 - Love #4 - Law #5 The Trinity STEP 4: COMMIT TO READING THE BOOK Through the series, commit to continuing to come back to the book. Read it often. Read it quickly. Read it slowly. But don’t leave it on the shelf. We look forward to hearing what God is teaching you all through Romans over the coming weeks!
10.01.2022 To account for COVID guidenlines and because we were continually reaching capacity, we are now streaming the service live from the Church Hall! We have a seperate registration section on the website, so if the Church building has filled up, you can still attend! Visit our website to register.
08.01.2022 Tomorrow night is the night! Get a good nights sleep tonight in preparation for our prayer night tomorrow. We will be praying without ceasing from 7pm till late, and would love for you to join us! Come for as long as you are able, the first part of the night will run through until around 8:30pm, but the majority will be a time of free and unstructured prayer together. _ Bring some warm clothes as well, because there will be a prayer walk over the neighbourhood for those who would like to join in (as the Norwegians say, there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing). Never underestimate the power of God to move in answer to the faith-filled prayers of His children!
08.01.2022 Next Sunday is officially our last week in the book of Exodus! What a journey this series has been. We would love to hear from everyone about how the series has been teaching you. We will have time to share in that service, so start considering how this series as grown you in your walk with God!
07.01.2022 We are SO excited to be starting our series in Romans this week! We believe that at some point in your Christian walk, spending a good season studying and being shaped by this book is a must. For our church, that time is now. We have put together some great resources for you all that we will share more about in the next few days. But for now find all of them through the link below! https://www.enoggerabaptist.org//studying-romans-as-a-chur
07.01.2022 Today is the last service in the book of Exodus. Bittersweet! Don't forget, we'd love to encourage eachother and our Pastors by spending some time sharing what we have learned through this series. Take some time this morning to ponder over the last few months. How has the Exodus series impacted you and your walk with God?
06.01.2022 ADVENT Day 1! Christmas is almost here. The advent season is about adoring our saviour who has come to rescue and ransom us. Our God has come down, He has dwelt among us, and we would be missing the greatest source of joy and thanksgiving to neglect this reality. We invite you to join us at EBC to reflect on all Christ is to us through our daily Advent devotionals. We pray that the Holy Spirit will open your eyes to his glory and inflame your heart with love for him this Ad...vent season. Find our daily advent devotional on the 'blogs' tab on our website.
06.01.2022 New COVID announcements mean we can now fill the Church like old times! Maximum capacity is now 100 people. Please still remember to register you attendance online, sign in and practice social distancing. How good is God! We are so grateful to be back.
06.01.2022 This week, remember to ask God to reveal His glory. His glory is his goodness!
05.01.2022 Week 3 of Alpha is running next week! It is such an incredible opportunity to be able to share the Gospel in an open and inviting environment. We will always ask for and appreciate prayer for our alpha leaders and for all those who come along. Please be praying!!
05.01.2022 As per government regulations we are back up to 100 people for church this Sunday! If you’re coming along, still head on over to our website to ‘save my seat’ to let us know you’re coming! And be encouraged to wear your mask if you’re more comfortable but masks are no longer mandatory! Keen to see you there!
05.01.2022 Sorry to all our families but we’ve had to cancel tomorrow’s playgroup session at the last minute. We hope to see you at the next one! We’ll post details here
04.01.2022 GREAT NEWS! We are very thankful to be able to announce that our Easter services will be moving ahead after the recent lockdown was announced to be lifting at noon today. Please note the government directive to wear marks at indoor venues, so make sure to pick up a mask before making your way to church.... Excited to see you all! + + The Shadows Service (Thursday): 7:00pm + + Good Friday: 9:30am + + Easter Sunday: 9:30am & 4:30pm + + Don't forget to register for our services register: https://www.enoggerabaptist.org/register
04.01.2022 Get out your Bibles and flip back to Exodus again, Church! We have finished our Thrive series and are back into going through the book of Exodus, and we are very excited to be doing so. ________ This week we are diving back into it from chapter 15:22 to 16:36. We left off with the song of praise after crossing the Red Sea, and we pick up the story with the Israelites grumbling that there is no food and water on the otherside. Classic!... Why not have a read over a few chapters beforehand, to jog your memory and prepare for the sermon.
03.01.2022 It's good to explore. We're built for it. Come and explore with Alpha today. You can ask questions, you can tell what you think, you can just listen. There's always a seat for you at Alpha. #TryAlpha #exploremore
03.01.2022 HE IS RISEN! On the day that Jesus rose from the dead, we had the exciting privelege of baptizing two believers into new life with Jesus! What an awesome, special and emotional day yesterday was. Congratulations to Ian and Pia! 'Having been buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through faith in the powerful working of God, who raised him from the dead. And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made aliv...e together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross. Colossians 2:12-14
03.01.2022 Tomorrow is Romans day one! Who's excited?! Why not prepare by checking out the online introduction courses by @thegospelcoalition and @thebibleproject tonight. Find them in the link below. https://www.enoggerabaptist.org//studying-romans-as-a-chur... #romans #thegospelcoalition #jesuschangeslives #thebibleproject
02.01.2022 Wave goodbye to the Westhuyzens this Sunday, as Mike takes some time off on a mini-sabattical. Please be in prayer for Mike and his family during this time, that it might be truly a time of rest, quality time, refreshment, and spiritual abundance.
02.01.2022 Did you make it to Church yesterday? Pastor Matt took us through Exodus 25-30, which is a large portion of ceremonial laws given from God to Moses and the people of Israel. While these laws that are all about tabernacle measurements and what garments the priests should wear aren't so applicable for us in 2020, we read it to understand the love of God towards us, and the magnitude of Jesus' sacrifice. God wants to dwell among us and be near us, but without Jesus, our sin sepa...rates us from that closeness. The sermon is up as a podcast if you missed it!
02.01.2022 At Enoggera, we truly believe that Alpha is the perfect opportunity to explore big questions surrouding faith, life and meaning in a safe and no-pressure environment. Starting on Monday 21st of September, led by @mikewesthuyzen & @jess_phann, we will be delving into these questions, and couldn't be more excited! More details to follow, so be thinking and praying over who you might invite!
02.01.2022 Thank you to everyone who came to our 'Contentment in Christ' Women's event! What a wonderful morning of fellowship together.
02.01.2022 Have you read Tim Chester's 'Exodus for You'? We recommend that you do while we are still walking through the book of Exodus! Get in contact with us or Pastor Mike if you're after a copy. #timchester #exodus
01.01.2022 Church will be open tomorrow! As of this morning, a Coronavirus outbreak in Wacol has resulted in a new wave of restrictions across Brisbane. These restrictions apply to gatherings that do no have a CovidSafe plan in place, which we do. Because of our existing plan, it is business as usual for us, with our normal 9:30am and 4:30pm services going ahead. It is however it is a reminder that we must remain vigilant in adhering to the social distancing & hygiene rules given how q...uickly the situation can change. SAVE YOUR SEAT We are restricted to 50 people in our auditorium, so don't forget to register - https://www.enoggerabaptist.org/register. FOR MORE INFORMATION See the official government communication here: https://www.qld.gov.au//current-sta/urgent-covid-19-update
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