Environs Kimberley in Broome, Western Australia | Non-profit organisation
Environs Kimberley
Locality: Broome, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 9192 1922
Address: 44 Blackman Street 6725 Broome, WA, Australia
Website: http://www.environskimberley.org.au/
Likes: 9555
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25.01.2022 The Martuwarra Fitzroy River is looking forward to a big wet. Life is blooming in the small pools that remain. Insects running amok, birds singing, fish fingerlings swimming around, wallabies drinking under the watchful eyes of the hawk. This morning was just wonderful. We have to protect this precious place from vast irrigation, landclearing and massive pumps that Gina Rinehart and the Harris brothers want to put in. Sign the petition here https://www.environskimberley.org.au/protect_fitzroy
25.01.2022 The Fitzroy River is under serious threat from massive industrial agriculture proposed by Gina Rinehart and NSW cotton agribusiness. Please sign the petition to protect this special river in perpetuity. Check out the video from Channel 10 News Link to petition here https://www.environskimberley.org.au/protect_fitzroy
25.01.2022 Check out the beautiful clouds over King Sound as the Fitzroy River winds its way there. The parched floodplains have been hosting all the river creatures with the Barramundi using them for feeding, they put on a third of their weight there. With plans to take 375 billion litres of water every year (more than the 2 million people in Perth and the southwest use in a year) by billionaires, the river is at risk. Please SIGN the petition and SHARE https://www.environskimberley.org.au/protect_fitzroy
24.01.2022 If you're in the Kimberley this weekend, head over to Fitzroy Crossing tomorrow to experience this event. Protect the Martuwarra Fitzroy River!
24.01.2022 Australia's beloved Bilbies have been forced out of 80% of their original range. Despite being listed as a threatened species globally, Federally and in State legislation, government's continue to allow the destruction of its habitat. Check out this disturbing story about the cattle industry destroying Bilby habitat just south of the Kimberley. SIGN the petition at the bottom of the story and please SHARE!
23.01.2022 Art Auction Spotlight: Mangkaja Arts, Fitzroy Crossing Check it out here! www.galabid.com/environs Mangkaja Arts began as an arm of Karrayili Adult Education Centre, first established in 1981 for local people who wanted to learn the English language. Today the art centre is located in the centre of Fitzroy Crossing and functions as a fine art gallery, specialty store and a studio space for the artists to paint and make cultural artefacts. ... Artist Name: Sonia Kurarra Title: Fitzroy River Description: "This is the river near Noonkanbah. Its got palm trees and pamarr (rocks)." Artist Name: Isaac Cherel Title: Garringeri Description: The roots of the lily pad can be roasted and eaten. They are found in billabongs and springs, and have a beautiful flower. Artist Name: Dorothy Tjiklim Forest Title: Rivers and Billabong Description: My Grandmother use to take us to gather food from the billabong when I was little. We would help her hunt and gather things along the billabong. It is still an important part of my story about living off the land and we still go and gather food that way today. This is what the billabong looks like after the wet season and the water has pushed everything into it from when the billabong and river connected. Artist Name: Penny K-Lyons (Nyangkarni) Title: Untitled Description: "This one Paynjarra jumu (soakwater) good country this one, desert country, long way out. Yarun (bloodwood) them trees, This is desert country. We get bush tucker in this country. . . . #art #artauction #thekimberley #aboriginalart #artist #buyart #buyartonline
23.01.2022 Arent mums just the best? @ally.photog .... . . #dugong #thekimberleyaustralia #endangeredspecies #dronephotography See more
22.01.2022 Are you interested in learning about how to sustainably produce bushfoods with nature? In partnership with @northregionaltafe, Environs Kimberley are offering opportunities for local Kimberley people to enrol in a short course to do just thatsavanna enrichment. Savanna enrichment is a sustainable way of increasing the yield of bush food plants while keeping their natural habitat intact. Instead of clearing and creating crops with one species, S.E enhances natural pro...duction by adding native plants, using targeted irrigation and maintaining a healthy and functional ecosystem. In this course you can learn how to propagate, irrigate, and plan native bushfoods to increase your skills in the bush plant resources industry! Full scholarships are available and Indigenous students are strongly encouraged to apply. Register and come along to one of the 3 info sessions on Monday 14th September to find out more. For more info call 08 9192 1922 or email [email protected] To find out more and to RSVP your place in the info sessions, register here: https://www.environskimberley.org.au/savanna_enrichment_cou The enriching Kimberley native food producers and enhancing ecosystems project is supported by the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, through funding from the Australian Governments National Landcare Program. . . . #bushfoods #thekimberley #environskimberley #trainingopportunities #tafe #nativefoods #bushtucker #australianfood #nativeplants #conservation #innovation #smallbusiness #nationallandcareprogram #nlp #smartfarms
22.01.2022 Protect the Kimberley's Margaret and Fitzroy Rivers from Murray Darling style irrigation, landclearing, poisonous chemicals to kill insects and weeds washed into creeks and wetlands. Here's the plan by the Gogo lease holders, cotton and beef farmers from the Murray Darling. Make sure you SHARE in the Fitzroy Valley. Here's a petition to Premier McGowan calling for the protection of the Fitzroy River and floodplains https://www.environskimberley.org.au/protect_fitzroy
22.01.2022 Art Auction Spotlight Check it out here! www.galabid.com/environs Artist Name: Damian Kelly... Title: Storm off Broome Medium: photograph, framed Description: From 2020 wet season, Reddell Beach Artist Name: Ian Mcconnell Title: Big Storm in Broome Medium: acrylic on canvas Description: Wet season, big storm in Broome. Artist Name: Natalie McCarthy Title: View from Djugeridi, Walmajarri Country Medium: Oil on board 2019 Artist Name: Suzy French Title: Boabs on the Range Medium: oil on canvas . . . #art #artauction #thekimberley #aboriginalart #artist #buyart #buyartonline
19.01.2022 Happy #WorldRangerDay to all the men & women who dedicate their lives to the preservation of our planets natural treasures and cultural heritage! EK is lucky and proud to work alongside some incredible Indigenous ranger groups in the Kimberley, supporting them to look after their country. Thanks for being on the front line in looking after our future!... . . . #kimberleyrangernetwork #StandWithRangers #NaturesProtectors #thekimberley #conservation #makeadifference #environment
19.01.2022 Don’t forget Mr Stokes owns The West, Channel 7, GWN, the radio channel as well as the Broome Advertiser - no wonder they refuse to report on protests against fracking!
19.01.2022 Texan frackers want to unleash this industry on the Kimberley. Were looking at tens of thousands of wells if it takes off. Theyre planning 6 wells in 2022 and seeking EPA approval. Send in a submission by signing on here, dont forget your postcode, and SHARE! https://www.environskimberley.org.au/texan_frackers
18.01.2022 This is the Margaret River that flows into the Fitzroy. Gina Rinehart owns the pastoral lease on one side and the Harris Family, cotton and beef farmers from NSW, own the lease on the other side. Combined they want to take 375 billion litres a year from the Margaret and Fitzroy for crops like cotton and to feed cows. This is more than the 2 million people in the Perth and southwest use in a year. Tens of thousands of hectares would be bulldozed and fertiliser and pesticide use would be huge. Help protect these tropical rivers, the critically endangered sawfish, Barramundi, the billabongs and more. We don’t want a Murray Darling situation here! Sign the petition here https://www.environskimberley.org.au/protect_fitzroy
18.01.2022 The Martuwarra Fitzroy River Council has taken out a full page advertisement in The West Australian stating the Fitzroy River was too precious to pump. The Fitzroy River is recognised as an Aboriginal heritage site and a national heritage place. Plans for fracking, irrigation and associated broad-scale land and habitat clearing pose a significant threat to this unique and beautiful corner of Australia, part of the advertisement said. We call on the Government .... to pro...vide an information and consultation process for Aboriginal people living in remote towns and communities. MFRC chair Dr Anne Poelina said traditional owners supported development, but it needed to be sustainable and involve proper consultation with all stakeholders. We have clear plans on how development should proceed, which are ethical and based on science, she said. The Pastoralists and Graziers Association is calling on the McGowan Government to scrap plans for a National Park on the Fitzroy and open it up to Murray Darling style development. Its time to protect the Fitzroy River, SIGN the petition and SHARE https://www.environskimberley.org.au/protect_fitzroy
17.01.2022 These stunning little birds are known as.... you probably guessed - purple-crowned fairy-wrens! Unlike other fairy-wrens who are a little more promiscuous, purple-crowns are monogamous and work together in family groups, with all members helping to feed the next generation. These small energetic little birds are scattered throughout Kimberley and NT waterways and are a specialist of dense riparian vegetation. PCFW are endangered and very sensitive to the impacts of ...fire and cattle grazing on their habitat. Their sensitivity allows them to be used by scientists as an indicator species to monitor the health of river systems. Recovery of PCFW populations and their important riparian habitat is dependent upon the protection and active management of fire, weeds, feral animals and cattle around waterways. Karen Bettink . . . #birds #thekimberley #birdsofaustralia #nature #birding
17.01.2022 September is National Biodiversity month in Australia! Its awesome that this month is dedicated to something as important as biodiversity which is truly one of Australias greatest riches. Biodiversity is the variety of all life forms on earth- plants, animals, fungi and even micro-organisms! Australia is home to between 600 000 and 700 000 species, many which are only found here. About 84% of our plants, 83% of our mammals and 45% of our birds are ...endemic (found only in Australia)! Biodiversity is so important because they support the healthy ecosystems we rely on for economic, cultural, social and scientific benefits. We are so lucky to work with, study and help protect biodiversity in the Kimberley. So to celebrate, get ready for a month-long dose of awesome Kimberley species celebration! @damiankellyphotography . . . #nationalbiodiversitymonth #biodiversitymonth #thekimberleyaustralia #protecthekimberley #conservation #environment
16.01.2022 Congratulations to Ngarralja Tommy May on winning the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Awards. Check out his work on the EK Art Auction online here - https://app.galabid.com//472ceb0e-a490-466f-96d2-2c3656e44
16.01.2022 VOTE to help us protect the Kimberleys Fitzroy River. Help us get $20k to strengthen the campaign against corporate interests pushing for #murraydarling style irrigation. Voting closes today! https://www.australianethical.com.au//fo/community-grants/ #AustralianEthical... #fitzroyriverwa Willare
16.01.2022 Art Auction Spotlight: Jimmy Pike Check it out here! www.galabid.com/environs Pike was a generous supporter of Environs Kimberley and donated drawings and paintings to the early art auctions. He joined us on our visit to Mornington Station during our first long campaign to protect the Fitzroy River. ... Artist Name: Jimmy Pike Title: Rockhole Medium: felt-tipped pens on paper, framed Description: 3 colour Kimberley landscape. Artist Bio: Jimmy Pike was born in the Great Sandy Desert in about 1940, a member of the last generation to grow up in a traditional hunting and gathering society. He moved to Cherrabun Station with members of his family when he was still a boy. After many years working on cattle stations in the Fitzroy Valley and several more in prison, he took up painting and within a short time had gained an international reputation as an artist. Pike travelled with his exhibitions to the UK, China, the Philippines, Italy and Namibia, as well as across Australia. His work has been shown in many other countries including Germany and the United States. He died in 2002. . . . #art #artauction #thekimberley #aboriginalart #artist #buyart #buyartonline
14.01.2022 The annual Environs Kimberley Art Auction has gone online! Dont worry though! If you love the thrill of a live auction we will still be holding one as well. All proceeds raised go towards the conservation work of Environs Kimberley, as well as supporting Kimberley artists and Art Centers through these difficult times.... . . . #art #artauction #thekimberleyaustralia #conservation #aboriginalart #indigenousart #photography See more
14.01.2022 This week Australia is celebrating National Science week (woo!! ) so we thought we would share a little about where the science happens here at Environs Kimberley - the Kimberley Nature Project (KNP) The KNP collaborates with Aboriginal and community groups across the region to protect, manage and document ecologically and culturally important species and ecosystems. We work with Aboriginal Rangers to: Manage wild fires, feral animals, weeds and other threats ... Monitor threatened species and habitats, such as bilbies and seagrass Conduct ecological surveys and mapping Collect and propagate native seeds for revegetating degraded areas and selling as bush foods Support Aboriginal groups to document their traditional ecological knowledge for books and interpretive signage Although we are strong in our science, we realise that the best conservation outcomes come from a combination of scientific and traditional cultural knowledge. Our joint-projects utilise traditional technology such as traditional fire management and cultural practice, with cutting-edge science like eDNA testing, drone mapping and artificial intelligence. #nationalscienceweek #thekimberleyaustralia #makeachange #conservation #workingtogether
13.01.2022 Did you know theres an advertising campaign to stop the Fitzroy River National Park and allow massive pumps in there? The river needs our support for protection. We cant let the billionaires ruin the river. Please sign at the link below and SHARE!
12.01.2022 We are extremely privileged and proud to be able to work with Aboriginal people across the Kimberley and beyond to look after and protect Country. Thank you for all you do, we stand with you. Always was, always will be!
11.01.2022 Art Auction Spotlight: Warlayirti Artists, Balgo Check it out here! www.galabid.com/environs Warlayirti Artists is one of Australias leading Indigenous art centres. Located in the Community of Wirrimany (Balgo) In the south east Kimberley, on the edge of the Great Sandy and Tanami Deserts, Warlayirti Artists represents more than 200 artists from across three communities. ... Artist Name: Pauline Sunfly Title: Luurnpa Description: Pauline has painted Tingarri and Luurnpa (kingfisher) features from her Fathers Tjukurrpa (dreaming). The Luurnpa travelled about and used all the waterholes depicted in the painting, including Lappi Lappi and Tjampitjin-Tjampitjin. The Luurnpa tracks are seen in the countryside among the puti (mulga scrub). This country is around the north shore of Wilkinkarra (Lake Mackay). Pauline is the daughter of renowned Warlayirti artists, Sunfly (dec), he was the senior custodian for this Law and Country, which he learned when he was a young man living on Country, he then passed on to his daughter. Artist Name: Winifred Nanala Title: Wilkinkarra Description: Winifred Nanala has painted some of her fathers traditional country, which is centred around the vast salt lake known as Wilkinkarra, or Lake Mackay. Her father was a senior custodians for Wilkinkarra. Wilkinkarra is situated far to the south of Balgo in the Great Sandy Desert and is at the centre of many important stories. This painting depicts Wilkinkarra surrounded by the tali, or sand dunes which dominate the landscape of the area. Tjumpo (dec) was a senior artist at Warlayirti and taught Winifred his style of painting, telling her many stories of his country.
11.01.2022 The PGA representing the interests of Gina Rinehart and cotton and beef farmers from NSW, the Harris Family, want mass irrigation along the Fitzroy and its tributaries. They want more water than the entire 2 million population of Perth and the South West uses in a year out of this National Heritage listed river. Its time to fight back - please send a message to Premier McGowan here https://www.environskimberley.org.au/protect_fitzroy
11.01.2022 EK (mini) live Art Auction. Pared down version has amazing art, great music and awesome company. Opening now at the Broome Convention Centre.
10.01.2022 WA Government agency DevelopmentWA (formerly LandCorp) is seeking approval to bulldoze 70 hectares of prime Kimberley bush just out of Broome. Their own commissioned report describes the area as 'The vegetation within the study area is considered to be generally in Very Good to Good condition, which offers excellent habitat for native fauna.' Bilbies are known in this area. It is also the site of the highest density and largest patches of Gunurru / Cable Beach Ghost Gum / Cor...ymbia paractia in the world. Gunurru is only found on or around the Broome Peninsula - nowhere else in the world. They have been recommended for protection. The report to the WA Government states that it is 'possible' they are present. Submissions can be made to the Commonwealth government by Friday at the latest. Go here to see the referral with all the information: http://epbcnotices.environment.gov.au/publicnoticesreferra/ type in referral number 2020/8811 DevelopmentWA's 'Sustainable Development Outcomes Framework' states that part of the Environmental Integrity outcome is 'To protect and manage natural systems, habitat and biodiversity'. It also says the Social Inclusion outcome is 'To engage with the community to provide opportunities for them to positively influence development outcomes.' They have had no engagement with us at all. We'll let you come to your own conclusions about the integrity of DevelopmentWA's public claims.
10.01.2022 Great to see our new T-shirts 'Protect the Fitzroy River Sawfish' getting out there. Such awesome artwork by Natalie Davey from Fitzroy Crossing and so good that Natalie has joined the EK Board! Get your own t-shirt here or give one as a gift - https://www.environskimberley.org.au/shop
10.01.2022 In less than 7 days, 2,576 community members called on the EPA to set the highest level of assessment on the proposal to drill and frack 6 wells in the Fitzroy River catchment by Black Mountain subsidiary Bennett Resources. The Texan frackers will have to show how they will manage radioactive wastewater if it comes out of the ground again around Noonkanbah like it did when Buru Energy fracked a well there. Heres the link to the EPA decision https://www.epa.wa.gov.au//CMS178...47%20Chairmans%20determin While we welcome the EPAs decision, it is high time Premier McGowan stops proposals to frack the Kimberley. It is a dirty, polluting industry that contributes massively to the climate emergency we are in. WA Labor are better than this. Tell the Premier you dont want the Kimberley to be fracked - https://www.environskimberley.org.au/ban_fracking
09.01.2022 This is great news!
09.01.2022 Thanks to everyone who bought a ticket in the Serena Nowee Art Raffle. A big congratulations to the lucky winner (Melissa Williams #181) and, to everyone who did not win, better luck next time!
09.01.2022 Yanunijarra Aboriginal Corporation posted about the great work going on out in the Great Sandy Desert that we are involved in. Check it out! How does the Ngurrara Ranger’s fire management benefit the animals of the Great Sandy Desert? That is something the Rangers are setting out to find out. We have been conducting fire management around Kuduarra (Well 46) on the Canning Stock Route with funding from the 10 Deserts Project, and last month we conducted our first long-term b...iodiversity monitoring trip to investigate how this affects the animals of the Great Sandy Desert. The Ngurrara Rangers headed out to Kuduarra with traditional owners for the area, and ecologists from Environs Kimberley, the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions and the 10 Deserts Project, with additional support from the NESP Threatened Species Hub. We spent the first long hot day digging in 80 buckets to set up long-term biodiversity trapping sites in different aged jitapuru (spinifex in Walmajarri language). This included jarlujanka jitapuru (old growth spinifex,), yitilaljanka jitapuru (medium age spinifex), larparnwarnti jitapuru (re-sprouting/recently burnt spinifex,) and wuntara (very recently burnt spinifex). We then spent the next few days checking to see what animals live in these different areas. We caught many animals in the traps, from wurrkarn (skinks) to wakura (geckos), wiji (small dragons) to pampirta (large dragons), and even a little mammal called a Kaluta which has never been recorded in this part of the desert before! Some animals don’t mind what kind of jitapuru (spinifex) they are in, whereas others a really picky, only liking recently burnt jitapuru, others really old jitapuru. This means that if we want to help all the animals of the desert we need to have patches of all these different aged jitapuru scattered close by throughout the landscape. This was great to see as it is exactly what the rangers are trying to achieve with our fire management work! Right-way warlu (fire) = lots of different aged jitapuru = lots of different animals = Healthy Country! . . . #thekimberleyaustralia #biodiversity #conservation #nature #nesp #countryneedspeople #greatsandydesert #indigenousfiremanagement #culturalfire #naturelovers #nature #kimberleyrangernetwork
08.01.2022 EK Art Auction on tomorrow (Friday 7th) at Convention Centre Heres a special behind the scenes preview of the show. Doors will open at 6:30 pm and the auction will start at 7:45. Please note that numbers for the event will be limited to please get there early to avoid disappointment.... There will be music by Chica and Jaime Jackett, and food available form the Little Waroeng food van. The event will be a scaled back version of the annual EK Art Auction, but there will be the same promise of stunning art, a fully stocked bar, an indefatigable auctioneer, and good times! All proceeds raised go towards supporting the conservation work of Environs Kimberley, and also directly to support Kimberley artist and Art Centres. Hope to see you there! . . . #art #artauction #thekimberley #aboriginalart #artist #buyart #buyartonline
08.01.2022 Walmadany. This place is so special. Humpback whales, turtles, reefs, sponge gardens, monsoon vine thickets, heritage sites, Pindan cliffs. There were many set-backs in the struggle to protect this place but we never gave up. Here it is.
08.01.2022 WA Landcare network are showcasing the great work that landcarers do, and have highlighted our Kimberley Nature Project in their Aboriginal collaboration case study series!
08.01.2022 Art Auction Spotlight: Warmun Art Centre, Warmun and Yarliyil Arts, Halls Creek Check it out now! www.galabid.com/environs Artist Name: Dallas Fletcher... Title: Coronavirus Lockdown Artist From: Yarliyil Arts, Halls Creek Description: Dallas explores the human rights abuses and injustices against Aboriginal people, and is depicted through contemporary and bold designs and statements. Artist Name: Maureen Joyce Deegan Title: Colours of Earth Artist From: Yarliyil Arts, Halls Creek Description: This painting depicts the natural colours of the earth that are called ochre. there are many different colours that are used by Aboriginal people for different ceremonies here. In my painying I use the colours red, white, yellow and brown that can also be mixed together to make different colours. Artist Name: Graham Lightning Title: Kimberley Landscape Artist From: Yarliyil Arts, Halls Creek Description: This painting depicts Rainbow Lorikeets that fly wild in the Kimberley. Name: Gordon Barney Title: Birnoo Country Artist from: Warmun Art Centre Description: This painting shows Gordons country - Birnoo Country (Alice Downs Station). Birnoo is Gordons mothers country. Gordon mustered cattle all throughout this country for many years - the way his father taught him to. He became known as a skilled horsebreaker and buckjumper (rodeo rider). When Gordon worked as a stockman, he would often carry with him a saddle bag for his ochre collection. At the end of his mustering stint, he would have a bagful of ochres that he sourced from riding through his country. He often paints the hills of Birnoo, which connects his to his mothers country. . . . #art #artauction #thekimberley #aboriginalart #artist #buyart #buyartonline
08.01.2022 A lot of talk about cotton, an extremely damaging industrial crop, and expansion into the Northern Territory as well as massive landclearing proposed around Kununurra but a recent EK visit to Lake Argyle recently showed its at its lowest level in nearly 30 years after 3 successive below average wet season rainfall totals. When is the McGowan Government going to start planning for climate change and also do its bit to reduce pollution with CO2 from industries like fracking?
07.01.2022 Environs Kimberley director Martin Pritchard said the groundwater-only scenario could lead to a healthy future for the river but only if there was no impact to groundwater-dependent ecosystems and cultural heritage was protected. The other option to take 300 billion litres a year would mean handing out water in quantities equivalent to the annual water use by the two million residents in Perth and the South West to billionaires, for free, he said. Giving out the water woul...d lead to a Murray Darling-style disaster, instead of protecting the Fitzroy River, as the Premier promised before the 2017 election. Sign the petition to protect the Fitzroy here - https://www.environskimberley.org.au/protect_fitzroy https://thewest.com.au//state-government-paper-unveils-wat
07.01.2022 Get your bids in before the EK Online Art Auction closes today at 5pm (WST)! https://app.galabid.com/environs This is a rare opportunity to see such a diversity of Kimberley art works in one place, available for purchase online, and for a good cause! All proceeds raised go towards the conservation work of Environs Kimberley, as well as supporting Kimberley artists and Art Centres through these difficult times.
07.01.2022 Hurry and book your spot for this awesome Kimberley Aboriginal bush resources workshop! This one-day workshop is designed to provide an understanding and knowledge around the advancement of Kimberley Aboriginal bush plant resources - specifically in certification to protect authenticity and traditional knowledge. Topics will include:... Why certification and whos it for? What could certification change for the Kimberley? What makes good certification? Importance of trust and credibility Follow this link https://buff.ly/31T7UkW and BOOK NOW! Places are strictly limited and will run out! . . . #environskimberley #broome #thekimberleyaustralia #workshops
06.01.2022 The Kimberley’s remarkable corals will not survive climate change - stop fracking and fossil fuel burning and protect corals in the Great Kimberley Marine Park!
06.01.2022 "We are extremely concerned that experienced frackers from Texas have arrived in the Kimberley and have been welcomed with open arms by the McGowan Government," Environs Kimberley Director Martin Pritchard said. "The overwhelming public sentiment is that fracking should not be allowed in the Kimberley." Please SIGN the petition https://www.environskimberley.org.au/ban_fracking
06.01.2022 EK Online Art Auction starts NOW!!! Check out some of the stunning pieces that have been donated for the virtual event and are currently taking over the EK Office! The Online Art Auction will run for 10days and is a rare opportunity to see such a diversity of quality Kimberley art works in one place, available for purchase online and for a good cause! ... All proceeds raised go towards the conservation work of Environs Kimberley, as well as directly to support Kimberley artists and Art Centres through these difficult times. Check it out here: https://app.galabid.com/environs
05.01.2022 Art Auction Spotlight: Jacky Cheng Check it out here! https://buff.ly/3i3102Q Artist Name: Jacky Cheng... Title: Water Medium: 200gsm Arches paper, hand-dye Aizome washi paper. Size: 30cm diameter Link to the how it was made: https://buff.ly/2EI4fy9 Description: Encroachment on good farming land, disruption of other land uses and industries, clearing of bushland, air pollution, contamination or depletion of ground or surface water, pollution of waterways, health impacts on workers and nearby residents, and damage to biodiversity. Water creates global, social, political and environmental concerns effecting humans, animals and plants alike. This bas relief sculpture explores the issues surrounding this essential element. . . . #art #artauction #thekimberley #aboriginalart #artist #buyart #buyartonline
05.01.2022 We have 2 job opportunities available at the moment! Are you dynamic, highly motivated and passionate about natural-cultural resource management? We are looking for a Project Officer and a Project CoordinatorEcologist to join our Kimberley Nature Project team. For more information follow the link in our bio! ... . . Project Officer (0.40.8FTE) Salary range Level 4 The Project Officer will lead the engagement and delivery of the Broome Community Seagrass Project, and provide support to the KNP team. Applications close 27th August 2020 . . Project Coordinator- Ecologist (0.8FTE) The Project Coordinator will lead the engagement and delivery of the large multi-year Kimberley Wetlands Project and support the broader KNP team with our many discrete and regional cultural, natural resource management projects. Applications close 30th August 2020
04.01.2022 Happy National Threatened Species Day! Australia is home to more than 500,000 animal and plant species, many of which are found nowhere else in the world. Over the last 200 years, more than 100 animal and plant species have become extinct. We are very fortunate to have special places like the Lacepede Islands on Nyul Nyul Sea Country in the Kimberley which are havens for the Endangered Green Turtle (yes its a tortoise but theres no turtle emoji ) . ... The Lacepede islands are one of the most important green turtle rookeries on the Kimberley Coast. The islands are protected as a Class A Nature Reserve, but the rich waters that surround them remain unprotected. Martin Pritchard & Jenita Enevoldsen #turtles #nationalthreatenedspeciesday #greenturtles #kimberleycoast #kimberley #thekimberley #protectthekimberley #marineparks
04.01.2022 Weve just hit 8,000 Likes! Thanks so much to to everyone who cares about this magnificent part of the world - The Kimberley. We stand with Traditional Owners on the frontline to protect the region - - National Heritage listed... - Top 4% of most intact coast on the planet - Largest, most intact tropical savannah on Earth - Worlds oldest, vibrant, living culture. There are many ongoing threats and were so glad you are on this journey with us. Help us build on our successes by inviting your friends to Like this page and follow us on Insta and Twitter. Become a member if you like - https://www.environskimberley.org.au/1_year_membership This place is Nyangyan-garnanya (Mt Trafalgar) on Dambimangari Country, Prince Regent National Park. The crab and the flathead fish lifted it here - Dambimangari Healthy Country Plan. Photo: Mirra Holzman
04.01.2022 Weeds, weeds, weeds! Many people are working hard to prevent and control weeds and protect our unique flora and fauna, cultural sites and agricultural systems. The Kimberley Weeds Network is committed to raising our regional voice and improving knowledge sharing across organisations. If you would like to learn more about weeds in the Kimberley, then please join our KWN online mini-forum tomorrowFriday 13th November at 12.30pm to listen in and engage in presentatio...ns including: IUCN ecosystem approach to invasive species management NT’s experience of Quik Corp systems Stinking passionflower genetic diversity Just email [email protected] to receive the mini-forum link. See you there! Stinking passion flowerLouise Beames . . . #weeds #Kimberley #weedmanagement #environment #conservation #broome #naturelovers #botanic #plants #plantsofinstagram #plantlovers
04.01.2022 Passionate about this incredible place called the Kimberley? Keen to work for a great organisation whos purpose is to protect this incredible part of the world? Check out this job - Manager - Social Enterprise Development (0.2 FTE to start with). Go here for details - https://www.environskimberley.org.au/positions_vacant
03.01.2022 Lets protect the Kimberleys Fitzroy River from industrial scale irrigation by billionaires. Go here to send a message to the Premier https://www.environskimberley.org.au/protect_fitzroy
03.01.2022 Radioactive water came out of this well on Noonkanbah when Buru Energy fracked it in 2015. Texan frackers have taken over the lease and want to drill and frack 6 more wells. Theres 7 days for the public to comment on what level of assessment this should have. Fracking should be banned but the WA Government has yet to do that. Put your submission in at this link - https://www.epa.wa.gov.au//ep371-laurel-gas-exploration-an
03.01.2022 The devil is in the detail! While Twiggy isn't proposing to frack at this stage, long term... If you'd like to take action on fracking, sign here https://www.environskimberley.org.au/ban_fracking https://www.watoday.com.au//green-group-challenges-twiggy-
02.01.2022 Clear your schedules everyone, #NationalBilbyDay needs celebrating! Bilbies are one of our most iconic native marsupial species and we are lucky in the Kimberley to still have some around! You can still find them on the outskirts of Broome, and across the southern Kimberley. But dont let that fool you, they are sadly in decline. Having been be found across 70% of Australia, their range has shrunk to the Northwest, making the Kimberley one of the last remaining str...ongholds. Its really important that Bilbies have their own day because they are Australias last surviving bandicoot species in arid and semi-arid environments. Now listed as Vulnerable, the Bilby is at risk from a number of different threats - predation by feral cats and foxes changed fire practices habitat changes from introduced species such as rabbits and grazing landclearing Environs Kimberley has been involved in Bilby conservation for many years now, working alongside Karajarri, Yawuru, Nyul Nyul, Nyikina Mangala, Gooniyandi and Ngurrara Rangers and other traditional owners, as well as @WAParksWildlife and @wwfaustralia, to understand and protect these incredible little creatures. @damiankellyphotography . . . #bilby #endangered #conservation #cute #thekimberleyaustralia #visitbroome
02.01.2022 Happy national wattle day everyone! How good is this for the first day of biodiversity month?! With close to 1000 species of Acacia in Australia, its no wonder golden wattle is our national floral emblem. Not only do wattles have darling fluffy white to golden flowers and a delicate scent, they have been an important food and cultural resource in Aboriginal societies for thousands of years. ... These wonderful shrubs are strong pioneers and respond to disturbances like fire and clearing by rapidly germinating and establishing. Wattles are one of the few plants that fix atmospheric nitrogen which supports the growth of other plants. Once established, they also provide essential shade and protection. There are over 50 edible species of wattle across Australia. The seeds are highly nutritious and on average contain about 50% carbohydrate (starch and fibre); 25% protein and 10% fat. The seed is typically roasted and ground to give a nutty and sometimes coffee-like flavour. It is one of the most commonly used native ingredients in contemporary Australian foods and particularly well suited to breads, ice-cream and other desserts, as well as in seasonings, coatings, cheeses, yoghurt and sauces Environs Kimberley is supporting the emerging conservation economy and an Aboriginal-led bush products industry in the Kimberley. We are working with Aboriginal ranger and community groups to learn more about Kimberley wattles including developing sustainable harvesting guidelines, collecting and preparing the seeds and mapping wattleseed resources. Our enhancing native food producers and enriching ecosystems project has support from Impact Seed and is funded by the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, through the Australian Governments National Landcare Program. . . . #impactseed #landcare #bushfoods #wattleseed #conservation #conservationeconomy #sustainableharvest #wildharvest
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