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Enzo Travel Dog


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25.01.2022 Starting to enjoy bike rides! Must remember not to dash off after seagulls when attached to the bike with the recoil lead thingy! Otherwise, it’s a piece of cake! Ah cake, something else I don’t get anymore, sigh!

25.01.2022 The local tavern has an area set aside for dog owners to have a drink while watching the sunset. Really liked this sign. Barking Lot - dog pun on parking lot- HaHa. Check out the paw tats on the white dog!!

25.01.2022 I like to run the first couple of km then sit back and take in the scenery. Saw a kangaroo on the way back, thought we might have caught it on the bike but the Sparrow wanted to stick to the trail. Lemonade icy pole half way, 26 km round trip, Big naps all round in the arvo. Great day!

24.01.2022 Had a great day on Magnetic Island today. We went over on the car ferry, the folks hired a Suzuki and we checked out all the beaches. It’s a very nice little island! Then we met Uncle Alfie and Aunty Edie for a late lunch. Gave Aunty Edie a kiss, (it’s ok dogs are Covid-proof). I got a sliver off the Silverback’s steak. Nice. Alf told some funny jokes, all in all a top lunch. ... Before I knew it we were back on the ferry to get Ziggy and then back to the caravan park in Townsville. On the way the Silverback and I replied to my emails and social media comments, while the Sparrow took some sunset photos. The only negative was dinner, which was nearly an hour late. Still, mustn’t grumble......

24.01.2022 Yep still here! Apparently the sun is scheduled to reappear Wednesday! I’ve been using my lockdown time to try and advance my sofa rights! So far I’ve gone from ‘only on the blanket’ to ‘ mostly on the blanket’. ... Small gains, I know, but progress is progress! My aim is to be lying up the other end, head on pillow, ear phones in, listening to country music. It could take a while!

23.01.2022 Sittin in the kitchen mmm.. Pizza in the oven mmm.. Fit as a trout, ribs are showin.. Think I might get some mmm..... Ah I love Otis Redding! And pizza!

23.01.2022 Hang on! The rain stopped for about an hour so we dashed down to the beach to give Ball a bit of exercise. It was awesome! When I got back, I sat outside for a while.... just until the rain started again. We’ve had 100mm (4 inches) since 9am.... and it’s only 5pm. Apparently, another 4 inches predicted for tomorrow.... Ziggy’s looking incredibly clean!!

22.01.2022 Yep still here! The rain has stopped and the sky is blue. Took the folks out for breakfast in the village. Every dog in town must have had the same idea. Naturally we went via the beach and the lookout!

21.01.2022 Had to share this. One of my fellow rescue dogs, Major, has just become First Dog-OTUS or DOTUS for short. His adopted parents are called POTUS and FLOTUS. Yep that IS true! Luckily his owners are moving into a big house with a huge garden that is very securely fenced. ... Have you seen the size of him? He was so lucky to get rehoused. One things for sure, if a burglar climbs in their window he’ll probably jump straight back out once he sees Major! They’re in Washing-town, called Washington for short. Sounds like a scary place. Can you imagine coaxing Major into the laundry sink for a bath?

20.01.2022 It’s a stellar morning on the Dog Beach. Miles of low tide running. Then back home for Brecky and a nap! The last few days have been a bit disorganised. The Silverback had a big skin bump removed and has been lying around letting that heal. Seems this state of affairs will continue a couple more days yet.... Luckily he’s had the news channel on, so I’ve been able to brush up on current affairs. Good dog fight doing on in the USA right now, though sadly it seems to be dying down. I love a good dog fight, but only if watched from a distance! On TV is ideal! Looks like the Coconut Virus v Cheif Health Officer fight is nearly over too! Might have to start watching old Lassie movies soon! Or better still Red Dog! Guess there’s some big decisions coming up!

20.01.2022 It’s a topsy-turvey world, must be Covid! There are ‘moonrise’ shots. The Silverback went surfing at sunrise while the Sparrow and I ran on the beach. Early tea followed the Silverbacks afternoon nap ( a surfing day ritual), THEN we finally went walking on the beach! ... The little white dot above the Sparrow’s head is the moon. You’ll have to google it, I only found out it existed today!

20.01.2022 The folks walked down to the French Restaurant in the village today, just for coffee. I checked in under the table and lay down. Sit outside that cafe long enough and every dog in town will walk by!

19.01.2022 Enzo-sea-dog. Oh the life on the ocean wave .... Hang on, no one mentioned waves in the brochure!

19.01.2022 Doesn’t matter how much of the sofa you get, it’s always comfortable enough to sleep on! No it is! I like having my head up and neck fully extended!

19.01.2022 We’re at Croydon FNQ, don’t even ask where that is. I totally lost track in the van today. At one point, Highway 1 got down to a single lane, unsealed road with cattle grazing along the edge! Just playing ball in the park with the Silverback, when a kangaroo went past. Couldn’t catch it, but got close! Took me ages to find the park again! Really worked up a thirst. Learnt a new word, soon as I get my breath back I’m gonna look it up on Google........ ‘GROUNDED’

19.01.2022 It’s going to be a hot one! It’s already high 20’s at 7am! Beautiful steamy morning on the beach. Even the crabs were playing in the water’s edge to keep cool!

19.01.2022 And that folks is how wet I got just going out for a pee! Needed a full towel down before I could go to bed! It’s been raining cats and pigs at Scott’s head. Something like 5 inches in two days. The folks have watched a whole Netflix mini series and I’ve just been catching up on sleep. But the time comes when no matter how hard it’s raining a dog’s gotta pee. Anyhow, should be right until morning now. If it doesn’t stop soon we’ll be leaving before we even get to go to the d...og beach! Might have to call an emergency general meeting for tomorrow morning! Some decisions may be needed before I get kennel fever!

18.01.2022 Here’s a bit of the action from the dog beach this morning!

18.01.2022 The Savannah Way runs from Cairns to Broome, some 3699km through diverse landscapes with geological wonders and abundant wildlife..Enzo Travel Dog team travelled the section from Cairns to Karumba which is sealed all the way, though the bitumen often gets down to a single lane towards the Gulf. Cairns There’s a lot to see and do in Cairns; here’s just a couple of dog friendly tips. [ 1,122 more word ]

17.01.2022 Oops forgot to mention - the cattle grid was on the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail. Had a great jog for a couple of km then rode the rest of the way in my bike crate.

17.01.2022 I’m not keen on baths! Just thought I’d put that out there! After a swim and a run on the beach, I don’t mind a shower. Especially when it’s followed by a good rub down with a towel!

17.01.2022 Great day in traveldogville today. First of all, the folks had the grand boys yesterday, so had a big sleep in. I love sleep ins- I’m allowed on the foot of the bed! Then we went for a ride on the Noosa Ferry and a walk up Hastings Steet. I love that boat! Good boys ride for free!... In the afternoon it poured rain, a really solid Queensland dunking for about an hour, which of course made for a great sunset on the back balcony. Ah! Some days are diamonds!

16.01.2022 We’re playing ‘where’s the treat’. I love this game!

15.01.2022 The dog beach was packed at 6am today. Everyone must have checked out the weather report and decided it was going to get hot later! Of course, the dogs already knew that. I mean, one sniff through the open door is enough to predict the day’s weather. To their credit though, people are very good at opening doors. I think it’s got something to do with the opposable thumbs!

14.01.2022 We’re in dinosaur country. All this area was an inland sea once. (ages ago - even before the Silverback was born). Lots of towns are famous for at least one major fossil find. This giant croc-like creature’s bones were found near Richmond.

13.01.2022 Bike Riding 101. I’ve just about mastered running along side the bikes. Now we’re working on riding on the bike. Not bad for a first attempt.

13.01.2022 Latest update on my bike riding - ‘all sorted’. Bring on the rail-trails!

13.01.2022 The folks love these bathhouses at Julia Creek. Seems we can never go past without spending a night! As for me, after a long day on the road the last thing I would want is the trauma of taking a bath. Give me a swim in the ocean any day!

13.01.2022 So, I nipped out for a pee and buggerlugs is drinking my water again. I said ‘hey bigfeet, how about you leave my water alone’ expecting him to turn tail and run. To my surprise he stood up straight and put his dooks up, looked me in the eye and said ‘how about I punch you in the face short legs!’ Well, I mean, really! I decided to have a quick pee and go back inside to lie down on the sofa and think my options through. Next thing I knew, I’d nodded off... there’s always tomorrow!

13.01.2022 Helping the Sparrow with her Pilates this arvo.

13.01.2022 Great campfire tonight. Met a group of mostly retired Italian wine growers from Stanthorpe, the folks loved it! One of them played guitar and sang. His name was Mario and he owns a winery. Can’t get any more Italian than that! The owners have a pet kangaroo, I think he even goes in their house! Thought he was cute until I caught him drinking my water after the campfire. I finished it all off quicksmart to make sure he didn’t get any more. ... Hmm... might need a pee during the night!!

12.01.2022 Couple of days at Evans Head. After the floods the sea has turned into frothy coffee. Still had a swim but had to go in the dog bath at the caravan park when we got back. First bath in a while! Normally a swim in the sea and a rinse under the beach shower is all I need. Quite enjoyed it. Not sure why there’s so much fuss about baths!

11.01.2022 And this folks is why cattle live in paddocks and dogs get to travel the countryside with their folks!

09.01.2022 Aye Karumba, my sort of town! More about Karumba later! Passed through Normanton on the way- Not one but two ‘big thingys’. 1. There’s the ‘Big Barra’. ... For our northern hemisphere readers that’s Barramundi. In Queensland most words with more than about six letters get shortened to something ending in the letter a! It makes them easier to spell! The folks are looking forward to some Barra and chips while we’re here. 2. But then there’s Krys, the biggest croc ever shot in Queensland. The statue is reportedly an accurate life sized depiction. At 8.63m (28ft4in) and estimated to weigh 2 ton, he was a monster. Shot by Kristina Pawlowski in 1957. She and her husband were ‘famous’ croc hunters back in the day when it was possible to be famous for such a thing! I could have sat in his mouth, but decided against it. Sometimes crocs just play dead then they wake up unexpectedly. Saw that on the Discovery channel once. The Wildebeast never stood a chance!

09.01.2022 Gone away for a couple of days in Ziggy, to ride the South Burnett Rail Trail. It’s nice to be camping again! The folks are just cooking tea, thought I’d get a bit of nap time. Lots of running to do tomorrow! Hopefully after a big couple of rides I can sit under a dinner table at a winery and get some tid-bits!

09.01.2022 Just added ‘Fishing Scout’ to my CV.

09.01.2022 Staying at the caravan park in Kingaroy, didn’t get its name. We’re going to do more rail trails on the bikes tomorrow. Just before dinner this guy came and played a few tunes. Country! I loved it. Despite being a jazz nut, the Silverback seemed to quite enjoy it too. Even chatted with him after the show. Didn’t catch his name either! That’s how it is when you’re a dog. You never quite get the whole story. ... On the downside, dinner was late!

08.01.2022 Hmm! Big couple of days. No wonder we stopped at a rest area! 25km bike ride yesterday. Had coffee in Kingaroy. Helped the folks hang out laundry. Met the caravan park owners Pit Bull / Hound of the Baskerville cross (luckily he wasn’t hungry). Guarded the van at a supermarket this morning. Took Ziggy to the car wash (that’s his second bath already and we’ve only had him seven months). Walked around Wondai with the folks. Guarded the door at an art gallery. The folks are just getting lunch, not me, I only eat at 7am and 4.45pm. Just gonna lie here and keep an eye on the Silverback’s hat for a few minutes.........

08.01.2022 Hmm rock wallabies, nice little fellas, short legs, if I wasn’t back here in the car park with the Silverback, I recon I could catch one!

08.01.2022 Here’s a pic of me demonstrating the ‘downward dog’ back stretch. Oh, nearly forgot, and that’s the biggest slice of watermelon you’ll ever see! They’re big on watermelon in Chinchilla. They even have a watermelon festival. We’re staying on a campground run by a Wagu Beef ranch. All I can say is I’m expecting some good offcuts at dinner!

07.01.2022 It’s been raining pretty solidly for three days now at Scott’s Head. Still haven’t left the van! I’m fully caught up on my sleep, and I’ve put a bit in the bank for next week!

06.01.2022 Beautiful day today! Sunrise walk before brekky, second visit to the beach to enjoy the evening light before dinner. Enzotraveldog living the life on the Sunshine Coast!

04.01.2022 Did a bit of beach art this morning.....

03.01.2022 Here I am attached to ‘fur baby pole’. It’s next to the camp kitchen with pizza ovens! The folks are only about 1 metre away eating pizza. Just got a bit of crust. HaHa fat boy here I come... it’s great to be back.

03.01.2022 Spending a night at Nebo Showgrounds on our way to going Sapphire hunting at, you guessed it, the town of Sapphire, Qld. Called at Bunnings on the way. Dogs allowed on lead at this Bunnings! Cool! Sat in a few boxes in the storage dept and picked out a nice armchair sized one to replace the basket thingy on my bike. The folks had just enough time to install it and take me for a spin in the park before getting my dinner. ... Honestly they’re troopers sometime. Bless their cotton socks!

02.01.2022 One last video from our time at Lara Station. This is running on the extenda-lead thingy while attached to a bike. Warning: best done in wide open places like cattle stations. Too many trees or signposts make this very tricky!

02.01.2022 Little bike ride down the cycle path to Coolum. Just getting the folks an espresso so we can go faster on the way home!

01.01.2022 Check this out! Ziggy now has a rack for carrying my surfboard! So, I’ll be able to continue with my surfing lessons when we’re travelling. Guess I’d better let the Silverback use it occasionally, he’ll get ‘fomo’ if I don’t!

01.01.2022 Yep we’re still here! The weather’s improved a bit. The rain stops for an hour or two a day now, which makes going out for a pee a major social event involving all the dogs in the caravan park! The road into town is still cut by floodwater, so we may still be here a while yet. I bet they put on a cracking Xmas dinner!... The folks started looking for the Mahjong set yesterday. Luckily they discovered they’d left it at home. I really can’t make head or tails of it even though the Sparrow tried to teach me a couple of years ago. (photo 2 is from the Enzotraveldog archive.) Guess they’ll jus have to keep playing catch with me for a few more days.. ah, I love that game!

01.01.2022 Here’s a bit of the action from this morning’s walk on the dog beach.

01.01.2022 So, the folks pedalled uphill for about 15km to see the ‘famous curved railway bridge’ at Tingoora, expecting something 100m high across a ravine and there it was- a shadow of their Expectations! The return trip was a very exciting downhill race and we got back to Ziggy in no time. He was parked under a tree, cool as a cucumber!

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