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25.01.2022 BRAND RECOMMENDATION @itsveego reached out to me asking to send some product and boy am I glad they did! They’re peanut butter bar is to die for and the choc peanut butter protein is something else... The thing I love is they all have their own distinct flavour. They don’t all taste the same like other brands do with their flavours. They taste like the real deal, thank you @itsveego Happy Friday #Wholefoods #PlantBased #Athlete #Training #Performance #Protein

23.01.2022 PLANT VARIETY How many different fruit and vegetables do you eat per week? Generally, we stick to eating the same 3-4 everyday.... Improving your immune system and your ability to fight disease / infection comes from a good gut microbiome. How do you improve this? Give your gut healthy bacteria to deal with (from fruit & veg)... choose as many different plants as you can to increase the healthy bacteria count in your digestive system. Your gut walls make up 70% of your immune system! So keep it healthy Happy Tuesday #Wholefoods #PlantBased #Athlete #Training #Performance #Nutrition

22.01.2022 CRISPY SWEET CHILLI TOFU Smashing out the tofu recipes lately! This one even got a 10/10 from @toriisingleton Cut tofu into pieces and then add into a bowl with... 1TBSP of Soy Sauce 1/2 cup or more if needed of sweet chilli sauce 3TBSP of Coconut Flour Pinch of Salt Place onto a tray once mixed through gently and then drizzle with olive oil and place into oven on 200 degrees Celsius for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown! Happy Thursday #wholefoods #plantbased #athlete #training #performance #tofu #recipe #newrecipe

22.01.2022 LOSING WEIGHT THE QUICKEST I’m not about losing weight as fast as possible at all. I’m the complete opposite. The slower the better because it’s more sustainable and I believe more rewarding. Most want to lose 10kg in 8 weeks but don’t think about the following 8 weeks where they’ll put a lot of it back on.... BUT If you’re wanting to lose weight the quickest and hate cardio / HIIT then COMPOUND LIFTS are your next best friend Compound lifts recruit so many different muscle fibres which uses energy (glycogen - carbohydrates) for that muscular contraction. The more muscles you can recruit in one exercise the more calories you are able to burn. Smaller muscle groups like abdominals, biceps, triceps, calves might be fun/easy to train but burn very little calories Hope this helps #Wholefoods #PlantBased #Athlete #Training #Performance #Strength

21.01.2022 THEY’VE GOT GOOD GENETICS Don’t use that as an excuse for your lack of results. I hear it quite often and yes they may have a more athletic physique or a quicker metabolism but truth is nothing happens without hard work.... Don’t leave it up to luck, genetics or fate to thrive in life... some may have to do more work than others, that’s reality. Don’t let genetics determine your reality. Happy Hump Day #wholefoods #plantbased #athlete #performance #training #genetics #motivation #monday #goals

21.01.2022 Junior is just asking and checking in to see how people are doing? He’s very much a people person and gives unconditional love His inbox is always open so hit him up if you feel like a chat, cuddle or lick on the face!... On a serious note, it’s a good time to check in... reevaluate what’s happening around us and take action Hope everyone have a great Thursday, much love #Wholefoods #PlantBased #Athlete #Performance #Training #Dog #MentalHealth

20.01.2022 Had a little play around in @xpeedaustralia gym the other week with @toriisingleton Nothing but elite training facilities down at HQ ... looking forward to working closely with these guys in the future Big things coming #2021... #Wholefoods #PlantBased #Athlete #Training #Performance #Xpeed

20.01.2022 SUMMER SMOOTHIES Adelaide summers are hot to say the least. Sometimes you don’t feel like eating as much as you do during winter.... But. You still need fuel, you need electrolytes, water & nutrients. Best way to do that? I think smoothies. You can make them as high calorie / nutrient dense or as low as you want. They fill you up and depending on what you fill them with can replace so many missed / lost key electrolytes + nutrients. I love a mango, chocolate, green, mixed berry or strawberry combo! This one has, 2 x frozen bananas, handful of frozen strawberries, handful of oats and almond milk Happy Wednesday #Wholefoods #PlantBased #Athlete #Performance #Training #Nutrition

19.01.2022 STARTING RIGHT At each meal look to add as many different plants as possible. This includes, nuts, seeds, whole grains, beans, legumes, fruit or vegetables.... Why? You increase the amount of nutrients you’re getting in one meal and also increase the chances of absorption of these nutrients when combining the correct foods. @plant_proof has a 40 plant challenge > eat 40 or more different plants each week to achieve a greater gut microbiome, increased immune system and overall nutrient uptake. The rest of your food choices you decide. Whether is animal or plant protein, gluten free, dairy free whatever it is but we can all benefit from more plants Happy Monday #Wholefoods #PlantBased #Athlete #Training #Performance #Nutrition #EPerformance

19.01.2022 SHOWING PAIN It’s okay to show pain. I often find when coaching clients they don’t like to show pain, show that they’re struggling or trying to push through a heavy weight.... Or they always pick a lighter weight they know they can get through comfortably. I want you to know it’s okay to show pain. It’s okay to grimace. It’s okay to show your pain whilst training because that what’s it is. It’s training. It’s training you to be stronger / better for your next challenge when you can’t show pain or trying to prove to someone else you can do it. Go get em. Happy Saturday #Wholefoods #PlantBased #Athlete #Training #Performance #Fitness

18.01.2022 EASY FOOD OPTIONS Sometimes time just doesn’t permit. Whether it’s sport, your full-time job, part-time jobs, side hustles, study, school, family the list goes on..... Getting that quick, easy option may feel like a life saver but it’s not helping you in the long run. Healthy options can be made quick too. ~ Smoothies / Juices ~ Bliss Balls ~ Overnight Oats ~ FRUIT! ~ Leftover Dinners ~ Banana Bread (@macr0mike is a good one!) ~ Veggie Sticks + Hummus or Nut Butter ~ THE LIST GOES ON! Don’t think you have to spend 3 hours in the kitchen to be healthy! Hope this helped Happy Monday #Wholefoods #PlantBased #Athlete #Training #Performance #Nutrition @ Adelaide, South Australia

17.01.2022 NEW RECIPE PINK SMOOTHIE PITAYA! ~ 2 frozen bananas... ~ 1 frozen pitaya block ~ handful frozen mango ~ handful of oats ~ cup of oat milk Mix all in a @vitamix_aunz because they’re the best things ever! And enjoy Happy Wednesday #Wholefoods #PlantBased #Athlete #Training #Performance #Recipe

17.01.2022 NOW IS THE TIME. Now is the time to start. If you’re an athlete and have just finished your season... If you’ve been wanting to lose a few kg’s Or want to learn how to move better, lift properly, feel more confident about yourself.. NOW is the time. My season is done, I’ve finished at my retail job. I’m going all in. If you’d like sessions with me send me a message or head to my website! Or head to my website to be an online client! HAPPY MONDAY #Wholefoods #PlantBased #Athlete #Training #Performance #Monday #Coaching

16.01.2022 PAIN There are so many different levels of it. But with pain comes power. Why? Because you’re getting better, there’s something you’re not good at and whatever the situation may be you’re a step closer to your goal.... It’s not easy, it never easy. You’ll question yourself why 1000 times over but you’ll find the answer soon enough. Don’t settle for the easy option. Fight like hell to get yourself closer and closer until you reach your goal. Have an amazing week #Wholefoods #PlantBased #Athlete #Training #Performance #Motivation #Nutrition

14.01.2022 REST BETWEEN SETS Super important but quickly forgotten when trying to get in a training session. Training breaks can determine your body physique and what adaptation occurs.... Places like F45 or Body Fit, any group classes at regular gyms focus on burning as many calories / sweating as much as you can in the time slot to make you feel like you’ve worked out. Not all workouts have to have that focus. You can’t progress from that type of training. Initially, they’ll show good results and after a block of training it’s hard to progress. This is where lifting a little heavier, getting outside your comfort zone and then having those rest periods between sets is super important. The recovery time will change depending on goals but can set you up for success in your training Happy Thursday #Wholefoods #PlantBased #Athlete #Training #Performance #Gym

14.01.2022 PERIOD TALK Yes I know I’m a guy. So why am I talking about periods?... Because a large portion of my clients are women. For weight loss I always recommend people weighing themselves everyday and using it as data. Not many women like the idea of that.. But they start to understand the more they do it that their weigh will fluctuate 1-3kg when on their period due to hormones. And when they’re off their period they see a consistent drop over the next few days If they’re training & nutrition are on point they will see their weight drop below what they were prior to their period. Might seem crazy but that’s the human body! Would love to chat if you need help Happy Sunday #Wholefoods #PlantBased #Athletes #Training #Nutrition #Period

13.01.2022 THE NUMBER ON THE SCALE Not always the best representation of your current health / physique. If you’re untrained, overweight or underweight and you start training with weights or resistance you’re going to increase muscle size and an element of fat will be lost... The number on the scale might not change but that is okay because your body shape will Don’t be discouraged by that number. BUT It is a good indication of where you’re at. It’s a measure to see progress over a long period of time, NOT short-term. Hope this provides some clarity / reassurance! Happy Friday #Wholefoods #PlantBased #Athlete #Training #Performance #Fitness

13.01.2022 Make Monday’s the most productive day of the week. Do something you love, tick off your list and set your week up for success Every little moment matters Happy Monday... #Wholefoods #PlantBased #Athlete #Training #Performance #Monday #Goals #Motivation See more

13.01.2022 CHANGE... So many ‘want’ to do it. But not many do.... If something isn’t the way you would like it right now why not change? Because it’s hard. It’s hard to admit you’ve been doing things wrong, it’s hard to show humility, it’s hard to get started because what happens if you fail ... Thoughts that run through so many heads each day, each Monday. Let’s shrug that fear together, get back on the path of healing and vitality because that’s more important that the fear of failure and regret. Happy Monday #wholefoods #plantbased #athlete #trainjng #performance #monday #motivation #regret #failure #2021 #goals

13.01.2022 DEADLIFT Hamstring or quad dominant exercise? Athletes and general population who deadlift on a general consensus it’s coached as a quad dominant exercise.... I’ve been at the elite level and it was not coached properly. It’s a hamstring dominant exercise. It teaches you to drive force into the ground with your feet correlating to force output when running. What we’re aiming to achieve is a neutral spine. > Keeping our hips high and maintaining that position the whole way through the lift. > Negative hip to knee angle > Ankle neutral > Retraction in our latissimus dorsi > Adduction in our knees > Trunk horizontal. Neutral spine (chin tucked in) > Take ‘slack’ out of the bar > Drive feet into the ground > Hips through, squeeze glutes at the top > Keep ribs down, core engaged at finishing position Lots to think about when done right but so important, hope this helps Happy Saturday #Wholefoods #PlantBased #Athlete #Training #Performance #Deadlift

12.01.2022 EP TALENT NOW LIVE! @eptalent_ Something I’ve been working hard on to set up and get off the ground... What is it? ‘It’s providing young footballers the platform to reach their aspirations’ I have been working with a variety of kids and teenagers to help develop their skills and knowledge of the game. Would love if you could head to my page and give it a follow I would appreciate it greatly Happy Sunday #wholefoods #plantbased #athlete #training #performance #eptalent #football #afl

11.01.2022 GIRLS & WEIGHT TRAINING I hear it pretty much everyday with my clients. I’m scared if I lift too heavy / too much I’m going to look big & bulky. Let me tell you this, YOU WON’T unless you want to...... It comes down to programming & diet. With the right programming girls you will not look big and bulky but I need a commitment from you. That’s what you’re currently putting into your body. If you’re wanting to lose weight and are training in the gym you NEED to watch what you’re eating. Yes you will be hungrier when you’re lifting because you’re muscles are burning so many calories but to lose weight you need to go through periods of hunger That is uncomfortable I know but it needs to be done if you want results. It won’t be forever but requires discipline and a strong commitment to your goal Happy Thursday #Wholefoods #PlantBased #Athlete #Training #Performance #Goals

11.01.2022 TIME You don’t need 2, 3, 4 hours to work out 45 minutes to an 1 hour consistently is all you need.... Key word is consistently. 45 minutes to 1 hour, 3-6 x per week is more than enough to achieve any result you are after. Then it comes down to the other 23 hours in a day or 160+ hours during the week Use your time efficiently, use it as time to fail and then improve, time to grow not only physically but as a person too Even if you don’t enjoy it, this 45 minutes is 4% of your day. Just 4. So make the most of it Happy Tuesday #Wholefoods #PlantBased #Athlete #Training #Performance #Motivation

09.01.2022 ZINC One of the most important minerals for our bodies to function at its optimal state. It’s vital for proper immune system function (very much needed in these times!), also assists cell division & growth, wound healing and helps break down carbohydrates.... Plant sources of zinc include beans, nuts, whole grains (oats, rice, quinoa ect), mushrooms, spinach, avocados, blackberries just to name a few! Particularly if you’re training you will need to supplement zinc, the quality of our produce is just not the same and we lose it during exercise so supplementation is key I’ve been supplementing it for a long time now (way before I went vegan) because our bodies use it up so quickly Hope this helps! Happy Tuesday #Wholefoods #PlantBased #Athlete #Training #Performance #Zinc #Nutrition @ Adelaide, South Australia

08.01.2022 CONTROL & DISCIPLINE What can you control whilst in lockdown? What can you control when you’re injured?... What can you control when you don’t have time to exercise? What can you control when you’re too tired to train? DIET. We can all fill our plates with veggies, plant or animal protein of your choice and some healthy fats. It doesn’t have to take an hour to make and can fill our bodies with the nutrients it needs. Control & discipline is the biggest factor in this situation to control our body eight, body fat and overall health This is your time to kickstart what you’ve been wanting to do for a long time, don’t waste this time Happy Friday #Wholefoods #PlantBased #Athlete #Training #Performance #Nutrition @ Adelaide, South Australia

08.01.2022 MORE WAYS THAN 1 Often people will go to the gym and go through the same exercises because that’s all they know. Or if they have an injury they won’t train at all because they think there’s only 1 way of training.... Or for muscle growth or fat loss people will stick the same amount of reps / sets. Well guess what. There’s always another way, there’s always another method to work around various situations. Do your research, ask questions. Don’t go through the motions with your training. If you’re going to train why not do it properly and get what you want out of it? I’m here to help if need be! Happy Thursday #Wholefoods #PlantBased #Athlete #Training #Performance #FatLoss

07.01.2022 ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS You can say you’re going to get that extra session in, extra set or rep but unless you do it, it means nothing. You can say you’re going to change a habit, your attitude, your standards but unless you take action nothing will change.... I set out to do speed / boxing sessions this week and I ticked them off. I could’ve waited until after my little holiday but wanted to get in work straight away. It doesn’t have to be life changing, but like me, it was extra sessions with elite coaches that will make the difference in the long run #2021 Happy Monday #Wholefoods #PlantBased #Athlete #Training #Performance #Quote #Motivation

07.01.2022 INJURIES They happen all the time particularly in sport But they can be prevented. Contact injuries. No.... But soft tissue injuries, ACL’s, ankle, shoulder injuries are the most common and can be prevented with the right program. But. You have to be willing to invest. It comes at a cost but is worth it, your health and day to day function is worth the little bit extra. Happy Tuesday, go smash it #Wholefoods #PlantBased #Athlete #Training #Performance #Injury

06.01.2022 INGREDIENT LIST NOT CALORIES Look at the ingredient list first, not the calories. Find the food or product that contains the least amount of ingredients with the highest quality.... Don’t seek for the lowest calorie food / product that helps your quick weight loss. The more nutrients, the better. Why? > Long term health > Body digests & metabolises more efficiently > Increased immune system function > Increase fibre intake > Slower digestion > Fuller for longer Just to name a few... Happy Monday #Wholefoods #PlantBased #Athlete #Training #Performance #EPerformance

06.01.2022 SNACKS One thing I get asked all the time is what do you do for snacks? Generally, I don’t really eat them. I prefer substantial meals and fast between.... If I was to snack I’d have a smoothie, some fruit or some hummus and carrot sticks However, those things you can’t really prepare to have on hand. Finding healthy options on the run can be challenging so having things prepared is important. Here are a few options > Banana Bread - @macr0mike is 93 calories per serve! > Bliss Balls > @bluedinosaurbars have a good protein / bite range > High Quality Protein shake + fruit > Banana Protein Bars (on my IG) If there are any recipes you would like let me know down below PS. Thank you @toriisingleton #Wholefoods #PlantBased #Athlete #Training #Performance #Snacks

05.01.2022 LOSING WEIGHT I hear it all the time. I want to lose 10kg or 5kg or 3kg ... whatever it is they’re not happy with their weight. Which is fine.... But understand it takes consistent work to lose that. Not only in the gym but with what you’re doing for the other 160 hours of the week. Your diet is NUMBER 1 priority. What you’re putting into your body is more important than you think. Get serious about what you’re eating, it doesn’t happen by talking about it. You need to change something. Otherwise you won’t move anywhere, you’ll be stuck in the same cycle each week, month and years to come. GET SERIOUS ABOUT CHANGE Happy Wednesday #Wholefoods #PlantBased #Athlete #Training #Performance #Nutrition #Food

03.01.2022 Sometimes all you need is a little luck to go your way @toriisingleton

02.01.2022 Understanding TEMPO It depends on what goal you’re trying to achieve but tempo is super important. A factor that can change the way you train and get results Should we always bring trying to move the bar as quickly as we can or as slow as we can? No.... It all comes down to the individual and their goals > if you’re trying to gain muscle, TUT (time under tension) plays a huge factor for breaking down muscle fibres for growth > if you’re looking to reduce injury a slow eccentric component can be very beneficial > if you’re wanting to increase speed / power a controlled eccentric and powerful concentric movement can be beneficial I could lift the same weight with different tempo and get 2 completely different results! Hope this helps, Happy Wednesday #Wholefoods #PlantBased #Athlete #Training #Performance #Strength

01.01.2022 HOW YOU EAT AFFECTS YOUR PHYSIQUE Calories, calories, calories.... Let’s first look at where these calories are coming from. Are they processed crap or whole foods?... Sure you can get results by eating under your maintenance calories and training hard. However, what about a long time approach? What about creating a lifestyle for yourself that’s sustainable? Your body chemistry will absorb and appreciate a whole food (fruit, veg, nuts, seeds etc.) over a slice of white bread and vegemite for breakfast. Why not pack it with a punch. I’ve got seasoned air fried tofu, with spinach, sun dried tomatoes, spinach, avocado, hummus, sesame seeds, Himalayan salt on some vegan bread. Don’t be afraid to fill your plate with a heap of good stuff to set your day or week up for success and results Happy Friday #wholefoods #plantbased #athlete #training #performance #friday #goals #results #nutrition #diet

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