Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board in Port Lincoln, South Australia | Community organisation
Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board
Locality: Port Lincoln, South Australia
Phone: +61 8 8688 3111
Address: 86 Tasman Terrace 5606 Port Lincoln, SA, Australia
Likes: 303
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24.01.2022 Do you want to improve productivity and habitat on your property or get plants for your school or community revegetation project? Trees for Life orders close at the end of the month. See their post for all the details.
23.01.2022 We are excited to announce we now have threatened Hooded Plover chicks at 4 breeding territories on southern Eyre Peninsula. With a combination of triplets, twins and only chicks, these highly camouflaged hoodies are being closely monitored by our trained staff and volunteers thanks to support from BirdLife Australia, through funding from National Landcare Program Did you know it takes 5 weeks for Hooded Plover chicks to reach flying age? During this time, the tiny chicks ...need space to safely feed a lot! You can help our Hoodies with nests and chicks by keeping an eye out for Hooded Plover signs when visiting the beach, walking along the water’s edge and keeping dogs on a leash. We encourage the public to view Hooded Plovers from a distance, especially during the breeding season. Thanks to trained volunteer Glenn Ehmke for the super cute chick pic. #NLP Australian Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment Threatened Species Commissioner #HoodedPlovers Hooded Plover Volunteers #BirdLife BirdLife Australia #eplandscapeboard #Landcare #Hoodedplovervolunteers Hooded Plover
22.01.2022 Can you spot the mallefowl mound? Our landscape officers have recently been monitoring vulnerable Malleefowl across the Eyre Peninsula. More than 250 known malleefowl mounds have been checked at sites near Hinks Conservation Park, Munyaroo, Lock, Pinkawillini and Cowell. The information gathered goes to the National Malleefowl Recovery project which is focused on saving malleefowl and this monitoring is an important part of the project. More details: https://www.nationalmal...leefowl.com.au/ Get involved - let us know about your malleefowl sightings: http://www.epmalleefowl.com.au/
22.01.2022 Rabbits / / As warmer spring weather arrives late in the season, our landscape officers say this has created a fantastic opportunity for a strategic approach to rabbit control across the district. We have been able to delay the release of Calicivirus which leaves a smaller window of time for rabbit numbers to build back up before follow-up controls in summer, says Landscape Officer Ben Tucker. Their biggest weapon is their ability to successfully breed, meaning a small num...ber can turn into a large number very quickly. We encourage everyone to speak to their neighbours and coordinate rabbit control measures with them. Talk to the Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board about the best control options for your property. Phone: 8688 3111. Email: [email protected]. More details: https://bit.ly/3eZmY6A
22.01.2022 Great to see one of the first activities taking place under our inaugural Grassroots Grants Program. Women in the Cummins region who have an interest in agriculture, take a look at this free event happening in a few weeks' time, organised by Women Together Learning Wotl #eplandscapeboard #CropWalk
21.01.2022 National Science Week is here! Our friends at National Parks and Wildlife Service SA have set up a virtual cuttlefish tour which is included in the science week program. Take a look and see what you could experience during a cuttlefish dive at Whyalla https://bit.ly/2DYxkFu #cuttlefish #whyalla #eyrepeninsula
19.01.2022 Our biodiversity monitoring looks at changes to sites across the Eyre Peninsula over 10 year periods. The ABC had a chat to our Planning and Assessment Officer yesterday about this year's monitoring, including this site at Elliston. https://landscape.sa.gov.au/ep/news/20201110-biodiversity
19.01.2022 Our landscape officers have been helping researchers from the University of Adelaide to grow an endangered wattle that is only found around Tumby Bay.
18.01.2022 Fox bait distribution across the EP begins at the end of this week, starting with Waddikee in our eastern district on Friday. Find your closest distribution site: https://www.landscape.sa.gov.au//20210208-fox-bait-distrib
18.01.2022 Beaches across the Eyre Peninsula are currently being monitored for Hooded Plover nesting sites. The monitoring is essential to increasing the chances of survival of the Hooded Plover which is on Australias top 20 threatened species list. This is the second year of monitoring under the Saltmarsh Threat Abatement and Recovery (STAR) Project thanks to funding from National Landcare Program Full story here: https://bit.ly/3g2ki7c... #NLP #eplandscapeboard #HoodedPlovers #hoodies #landcare
18.01.2022 Did you know that every time you see a fox, rabbit, feral cat or even a mouse, you can report this sighting which will in turn help us to manage these pest animals? The EP Landscape Board is asking locals to sign up to FeralScan, an initiative of the Centre for Invasive Species Solutions. Recordings can be done via the FeralScan website or app: www.feralscan.org.au/ - - - - - - - The Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board was established on July 1 as new State Government legislation came into effect, replacing the former Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board. PestSmart #FeralScan #eplandscapeboard #rabbits #feralfoxes #feralcats #pest #invasiveanimal
17.01.2022 We hosted a grazing management workshop near Elliston yesterday with people from across the region coming along to hear about native grasses and their environmental and economic value The day included a paddock walk and learning how to sample plant species; finding out about Greening Australia project opportunities involving carbon credits; and finished with a session about restoration and grazing in the agricultural landscape. Our landscape officers who attended said it w...as an excellent workshop with everyone going away with some valuable information to put into practice. #eplandscapeboard #grazinggrass #greeningaustralia See more
16.01.2022 Have you been by the coast lately and spotted some whales? Report your whale sightings to the South Australian Whale Centre. If youd like to get involved in citizen science projects, see our website on how to report sightings of other animals such as koalas and iconic birds at: www.landscape.sa.gov.au/ep/get-involved/citizen-science #eplandscapeboard #eyrepeninsula #whalewatching #citizenscience
16.01.2022 For landholders who currently have a Heritage Agreement in place and are interested in improving their bushland, the Department for Environment and Water has launched a $3 million Heritage Agreements grants program. A small grants category is open from 4 August 2020 until 15 September 2020, with an additional round being offered in 2021, or until all available funds have been committed. The large grants category will open in March 2021. See the post below for more details.
16.01.2022 Some activities can have adverse impacts on the health and condition of water resources, the ecosystems that depend on them, as well as on downstream and other water users. So if youre planning a new dam, deepening a bore or excavating a watercourse - or undertaking other water affecting activities - youll need to get a permit. See our website for more details including the downloadable permits. https://landscape.sa.gov.au//wa/water-affecting-activities
16.01.2022 It was great to see the first of our Grassroots Grants projects get underway with this crop walk event held last week by Wotl at Cummins. Read our wrap up in the Port Lincoln Times: https://www.portlincolntimes.com.au//women-get-close-look/
15.01.2022 Theres more to olives than being part of a cheese platter or a pizza topping - they can actually be a pest plant. The seeds are often dispersed by birds which can lead to olives invading native vegetation. So, if youve got some olive trees, pick the fruit or pull them up. Our landscape officers are out and about inspecting olive orchards on the southern Eyre Peninsula. Full story here: https://bit.ly/3iWJk9I #eplandscapeboard #olivetree #PestPlants
15.01.2022 $250,000 in grants for drainage infrastructure in the Cummins Wanilla Basin We’ve been working closely with the Cummins Wanilla Basin Streamcare Group for several years now to establish a basin management plan. Funding has now been secured for landholders to undertake priority infrastructure works, to get on top of issues like dryland salinity, waterlogging, erosion and sedimentation. More details: https://bit.ly/2LFDZbM Application docs: https://bit.ly/3rGzOvM Applications close March 8.
15.01.2022 September is an ideal time to test the salinity of your water from dams and groundwater sources The EP Landscape Board can help with free salinity testing offered. And those in the Streaky Bay area now have access to a new testing meter for quicker and more accurate results. More details: bit.ly/3iljzj6
14.01.2022 Are you a landholder with water sources? If you’ve talked to us before about water issues, you may have met Dave, our resident water resources expert. Dave can help landholders make good decisions about their water supply and reckons now is a pretty good time to get water tested. The quality of water resources on Eyre Peninsula vary significantly and if you are using that for business such as stock, then you should get your water tested regularly, Dave says.... Dave and our team of landscape officers can help with water testing through our free salinity water testing. More details www.landscape.sa.gov.au//managing-water-reso/water-testing
14.01.2022 Have you seen the new dolphin signs at the Whyalla marina and foreshore? Take a look at these signs and learn how to safely share the waterways with the local dolphin population. For more info see: https://bit.ly/32aDEDM #eyrepeninsula #eplandscapeboard #dolphins #whyallamarina #whyalladolphins
13.01.2022 Hooded Plovers at your local surf beach?! Keep your eyes out for beach-nesting Hooded Plovers who, like surfers, love high-energy coastlines here on the Eyre Peninsula. Our Landscape Officers are monitoring hoodies on our beaches, as part of the Saltmarsh Threat Abatement and Recovery project, funded by National Landcare Program Australian Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment #NLP #Landcare #eplandscapeboard #surfbreak #hoodies #birds
12.01.2022 It is here! As of today we are now known as the Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board, administered under the new Landscape South Australia (SA) Act 2019. We will continue to build on the many years of work and many partnerships we have previously established with our communities, land holders and other organisations. In line with the Landscape SA Act, the Boards key priorities of water, people, pest plants and animals, biodiversity and governance, will be cared for in close consultation with community for the benefit of people now and into the future. For more information about Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board, the Act and the changes to landscape management across South Australia please visit: https://landscape.sa.gov.au/
11.01.2022 Today the Landscape South Australia Act 2019 replaced the Natural Resources Management Act 2004, as the exciting new framework to manage the states soil, water, pest plants and animals, and biodiversity. Hear Minister for Environment and Water David Speirs explain how South Australians now have access to greater opportunities to play their part in managing their regions landscapes.Minister, EnivoSANews, PIRSA, SA Native Titles Sevices SA, LGA, Conservation Council SA _... _ _ City of Port Lincoln Council | District Council of Elliston | District Council of Lower Eyre Peninsula | District Council of Tumby Bay | Whyalla City Council | District Council of Ceduna | Wudinna District Council | District Council of Franklin Harbour | District Council of Cleve | Kimba District Council | District Council of Streaky Bay | David Speirs MP | Environment SA News | Primary Industries and Regions SA | Conservation SA | Love EP
10.01.2022 NEST FOUND - - Hooded Plover breeding season monitoring has begun with Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board staff detecting Hooded Plovers nesting at Point Brown. Please take care and look out for these birds if you are in the area. This work is being undertaken as part of the Saltmarsh Threat Abatement and Recovery Project, funded by the National Landcare Program. #NLP #landcare #eplandscapeboard #hoodedplovers Andrew Sleep
10.01.2022 Is there a sustainable agriculture project youd like to work on? Applications are now open for Round 4 of the Australian Governments Smart Farms Small Grants, offered by the National Landcare Program The grants fund short-term projects that build the capacity of farmers, fishers and foresters to adopt best practice natural resource management.
09.01.2022 Our offices are closed for now but our staff are still working, with virtual alternatives introduced where possible. Our key contact details are listed below and more can be found on our website: https://landscape.sa.gov.au/ep/contact-us For SA Government COVID-19 updates, please see https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/
08.01.2022 Less than 2 weeks now until applications for our Grassroots Grants program close. If your not-for-profit group has an idea for improving the Eyre Peninsula environment, why not apply for a grant of up to $10,000? Visit our website for more details: www.landscape.sa.gov.au/ep/get-involved/grants-and-funding #eplandscapeboard #eyrepeninsula #eyrepeninsulagrants
07.01.2022 Our landscape officers in Whyalla were pretty chuffed when a bird that is rarely seen in Australia - especially outside the top of WA and NT - was spotted recently at the Whyalla Saltpans. The Common Redshank (Tringa tetanus) which is actually not so common was seen by EP Whyalla Bird Group volunteers conducting a winter count of shorebird numbers at the saltpans with our officers. First spotted by volunteer Peter Langdon, the vagrant Redshank was a first sighting for all... five experienced bird counters, none of who had ever seen one before in their lifetimes of bird watching. The Redshank is a Eurasian wader that breeds from the British Isles to east Asia. The National Shorebird Monitoring program (started as Shorebirds 2020) is important to ensure wetland habitats like Temperate Coastal Saltmarsh, on which migratory shorebirds depend, are protected and conserved. Biannual shorebird counts are carried out as part of the Eyre Peninsula Landscape Boards Saltmarsh Threat Abatement and Recovery project funded by the Australian Governments National Landcare Program. The project started in 2019 and runs until 2023 across the Eyre Peninsula. www.landscape.sa.gov.au//Stewardship-priorities/Landscape- Photo by: Larry Gruitt #epbirds #eplandscapeboard #citizenscience #eyrepeninsula #birdlovers #NLP @envirogov
06.01.2022 If you see one of these little cuties around the Eyre Peninsula, wed love you to let us know. Little Penguins are one of six iconic local birds that we are hoping the public will help us know more about by taking part in our citizen science programs. https://bit.ly/2XxDumK #eplandscapeboard #iconicbirds #citizenscience #littlepenguin credit: Sam Everingham
06.01.2022 Monitoring is underway on five Eyre Peninsula farms as part of a project that’s trialling different methods for managing mallee seeps - which are presenting more frequently in the region. Mallee seeps are a growing issue on the Eyre Peninsula, generally developing as perched water tables above tight clay layers, forming below deep sandy areas that are collecting excess water in localised catchment areas, explains farming consultant Dr Chris McDonough. This new project will... see farmers’ trialing different management strategies to use more water up slope of the mallee seep and plant salt tolerant species on scalded areas to bring them back into production. Full details https://bit.ly/3oginkI This project is supported by the Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board through funding from National Landcare Program
03.01.2022 Welcome! Welcome to the Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board Facebook page. We manage the regions natural resources with an emphasis on sustainable agriculture and water management, biodiversity and pest plant and animal control. ... Working together with local communities and land managers to sustainably manage our precious landscapes. Underpinning this approach is the Landscape South Australia Act 2019, which will replace the Natural Resources Management Act 2004 on 1 July 2020. For more information visit: https://landscape.sa.gov.au/
03.01.2022 Our friends at AIR EP are hosting a spring crop walk next Tuesday, starting in Cummins. Forecast for the day looks good at this stage
03.01.2022 A number of our team members are helping National Parks and Wildlife Service South Australia today with this prescribed burn. It's a big job and requires lots of hands on deck. - - - Those in the Port Lincoln area may see smoke around today from this prescribed burn.
03.01.2022 Local community groups, not-for-profit organisations and volunteers can now apply for funding from the Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board to help them undertake projects that sustainably manage their local landscapes. In this video, the Minister for Environment and Water introduces the grant program. Visit our website to find out how to apply: https://landscape.sa.gov.au//get-involv/grants-and-funding
02.01.2022 Our regenerative agriculture grants are now open for farmers or farming systems groups to establish demonstration sites that trial methods of improving soil health and sustainability. For farmers, seeing the demonstrations - what works and even what is not so successful - in their own areas, applied by their neighbours, is a really powerful way of sharing knowledge, says grant coordinator, Naomi Scholz from AIR EP - Ag Innovation & Research Eyre Peninsula. Details: https://bit.ly/34UGZYH
01.01.2022 Great to see St Joseph's School Port Lincoln students learning about native vegetation. They were among the recipients of our inaugural Grassroots Grants program which has contributed to their seed collection and propagation
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