Epping model railway club in Epping, New South Wales | Non-profit organisation
Epping model railway club
Locality: Epping, New South Wales
Address: PO Box 310 1710 Epping, NSW, Australia
Website: http://www.eppingmodelrailway.org.au/
Likes: 1394
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23.01.2022 The Committee, Exhibition Sub-Committee and Members of Epping Model Railway Club would like to thank everyone who attended and contributed to the The Great Train Show at Rosehill Gardens on the weekend. A big thankyou to the Rosehill Gardens Staff for your support as well. Thanks everyone.
23.01.2022 Important Announcement Epping Model Railway Club has now received confirmation from the venue, that the 2020 Exhibition will not take place at Rosehill Gardens and we have decided to cancel the event and go ahead with planning for the exhibition in 2021 on the June Long Weekend from 12th 14th June 2021. In line with the Government directive for large indoor and outdoor events not to take place we have decided to make this decision so that the many Interstate and Country mem...bers, visitors and exhibitors have plenty of notice of the change. All exhibitors are advised that we will keep their applications on file for 2021 and keep you updated with any changes to our schedule later in the year. This includes those who have requested and received kits for the Second Hand Stall. At this stage our Market Day will go ahead in November and we hope to be able to participate in other events in the latter part of 2020 Please keep safe and look after yourselves and we hope to see you in the not too distant future. We will advise of any additional events as circumstances permit. Thanks and kind regards Mike Lillie Phil Collins Exhibition Manager Secretary
22.01.2022 It's the last day of the model railway exhibition! Don't miss out, come check out these amazing layouts and displays at Rosehill Racecourse today!
22.01.2022 Layout Preview No2 The next two layouts we want to preview have never been seen at a major exhibition before. They represent the high end of modelling NSW branch line scenery. Firstly is Buroowa by Peter Hearsum. Some will remember Peter as the proprietor of Eastwood Hobbies where we went for all those details bits that were hard to find elsewhere. Buroowa is an exquisite example of a branch line terminus in NSW served by a fiddle yard. Not your normal exhibition layout you... may say but be assured of the quality of modelling on display on this layout. I have had the pleasure is seeing it in its home setting and you can preview Buroowa at https://burrowa.wordpress.com/ . The second layout is WILLIAMSDALE by Peter Street. Williamsdale is probably best described as light box diorama displaying equally exquisite NSW scenery. You can preview Williamsdale at https://williamsdale.wordpress.com/ . It is not surprising the two Peters collaborate in their modelling efforts and I think they should both prepare for lots of questions over the June LWE. We should be able to list all layouts in a few days. See more
21.01.2022 Epping Model railway Club Inc. Second Hand Stall, June, 2019 The Epping Model Railway Club Inc. will again conduct its traditional Second Hand Stall in conjunction with its annual exhibition at Rosehill Gardens on the weekend of 8th, 9th and 10th of June 2019. The flyer for interested vendors is attached. The email address is [email protected] or phone Mike on 0408 817 554.
21.01.2022 What did we learn from last years exhibition? Part 2 Parking. Parking was another issue particularly on the Saturday. This is an area that is controlled by venue management but has been the subject of a number of meetings with venue management. On the Saturday this year we will open additional parking, P3, across the rail line with entry from James Ruse Drive travelling south. This is a short direct walk to the exhibition entrance. There is more than adequate parking at th...e facility but it is a case of managing it better. The venue was not accustomed to people leaving after a few hours and those spots were not refilled. Remember PARKING IS FREE. Food Service. I think all will agree that the lounge/cafeteria area is first class but it was a struggle to get to the food, the quality and variety of which is also top class. We worked tirelessly with a great venue manager to ramp this up over the 2018 exhibition and by Monday there was hardly a queue at all. More consultation and changed food service for 2019 exhibitors will relieve the problems experienced last year. Generally, the feedback from visitors about the Exhibition was very positive with the exception of ticket entry and food service. I doubt there is a better venue in the country with carpet, air-conditioning, plenty of light and FREE parking adjacent to the door. The cafeteria/lounge and toilet facility were greatly appreciated. The feedback on our Facebook page and on Facebook modelling groups was largely very positive. I think our exhibitors/vendors enjoyed the easy access which will be streamlined further this year and the bump out was amazing, everyone out by 6:00 pm on the Monday. Public transport will remain as for last year but dependent on the providers. Train to Rosehill Station or M92 bus from Lidcombe/Parramatta. If you did not come last year you missed arguably the best model railway exhibition in the country. We look forward to seeing you at Rosehill on the June Long Weekend 2019 for the Great Train Show presented by Epping Model Railway Club Inc. See more
20.01.2022 Announcement Yesterday an individual not connected with Epping Club decided to make a premature announcement about a layout attending our 2019 Exhibition. We are extremely disappointed with this action. At the time no formal confirmation had been sent to registered exhibitors as we are still finalising the list and need to gain venue approval of our floor plan. We believe it is the prerogative of the organizing entity to make announcements about their event. When Epping Club... decided to take our exhibition to a world class venue at Rosehill we did so because we believed our partners, exhibitors and commercial, and the general public deserved such a venue. In doing so we had to lift the bar way above previous levels of professionalism as our AMRA Vic and soon AMRA NSW friends have experienced. It is a fair way from the local church hall or shed in local park. It imposes additional requirements on us, our vendors and exhibitors that involves levels of safety and induction not previously seen and which is contained in the formal acceptance package. We will continue to expedite the list of layouts and vendors for 2019 and will announce it as soon as possible in conjunction with our principal sponsors Auscision , Austrains, SDS, Southern Rail and Eureka after formal confirmations are sent out. This particular layout is not the only Iconic Layout from the Past that we plan to present at this years exhibition so watch this space. See more
19.01.2022 Public Transport to the Great Train Show By train to Rosehill Station which puts you off at the main gate to the venue and the Grande Pravillion is a short walk away by turning left once you are in the main gate. The train servise originating from Clyde runs every 45 minutes on weekends. Use the link below to plan your journey. A second link gives you the timetable from Clyde. https://transportnsw.info/trip https://transportnsw.info//93-T6-Carlingford-Line-20190428 ... By bus, M92, from Parramatta station or Lidcombe/bankstown/Padstow/Sutherland lets you off on James Ruse Drive adjacent to the venue. Access the venue via the rail overbridge to the main entrance. https://transportnsw.info//19-M92-Sutherland-to-Parramatta
18.01.2022 Haven't been to the exhibition yet? Here's something to excite you! The doors will open at 9am Sunday 9th and Monday 10th June, and there are plenty of layouts, stores and bargains! See you there! #modelrailway #exhibition #Rosehill #train #bargain #familyday #fundaysunday #railway Proudly supported by RailGallery.
17.01.2022 There was a working bee at Dense park on Saturday. attached a few photos of the team working on new storage racks for our next layout. All will be revealed in the fullness of time.
17.01.2022 2018 was our first year at Rosehill Gardens and there was always going to be things to learn and things that could be done better. What did we learn from last years exhibition? Well the answer is a great deal. We knew we were taking on a major challenge at a new professionally managed venue with new rules and many restrictions compared to our previous venues. We also doubled the size of the exhibition. Our exhibitors and vendors had to jump through more hoops than before as ...well but all were positive about the event/venue. Ticketing and Access. We were unhappy with way the ticketing/entry performed last year as were many of you who attended, particularly on the Saturday. The ticketing/entry for 2019 will have a newly commissioned and tested ticketing system for those who pay at the door. Additionally a dedicated modern tap and go Eftpos facility will be available. Further we will extend the online booking system, Try Booking, to all days and ticket types. You will also be able to purchase tickets online throughout the weekend. Those using Try Booking will have dedicated entry on Saturday morning and at other busy times. There will be TICKET SCANNING electronically for quick confirmation of valid tickets. Opening Times. 2019 will see earlier opening times of 9:00 am on all three days which should go some way to smoothing entry/parking etc. but more importantly give visitors more time to take in the exhibits and interact with the vendors. We plan to keep the exhibit/vendor floor space ratio at approx. 50:50 as for last year even though there will be more of both. See more
16.01.2022 Stockinbingal loaded into the EMRCInc trailer in Wagga for transport to Sydney for the Rosehill June LWE Exhibition.
16.01.2022 Only 5 more sleeps to go! Not only can you buy Off the Table from our vendors but you can actually BUY SOME OF THE TABLES. The club is selling off surplus rotary moulded plastic tables with collapsible legs similar to those available from that famous hardware chain. Price will be $10 each so if you are interested bring your roof racks etc. Sample photos below. See you on Saturday.
14.01.2022 The second day of the model railway exhibition has started. Make sure you check out the stalls while youre there!
13.01.2022 Due to the closure of the Epping Community Centre until further notice, I need to advise that the EMRCInc. club rooms will also be closed until further notice. We all need to play our part in this time of National Crisis. We will keep our followers informed if the situation changes. We are now planning for events in the October/November period should the situation improve. Philip (Phil) Collins Secretary EMRCInc. Email: [email protected]
10.01.2022 Epping Model railway Club will be attending the Farewell to the Carlingford Line on Saturday 4th January 2020. https://www.facebook.com/events/528729434345577/
10.01.2022 Layout Preview No1 Planning for the exhibits at the 2019 EMRCI Exhibition at Rosehill Gardens on the 8th/9th/10th of June is nearing completion. Accordingly we are able to offer a preview into some of the layouts attending. There will be two iconic layouts from yesteryear. Firstly, because it is dear to the hearts of EMRCI members is EAST MAITLEND. Built originally by members of the EMRCI in 1987/88, this four track Hunter Valley scene was a ground breaker at the time. It se...rved as the clubs principle exhibition layout for many years until it was retired in 2010 and sold to the AMRA NSW Branch. This year it returns to an EMRCI exhibition and it will be interesting to see what trains will now be passing through East Maitlend station. Will it be the LCH/BCH/CH hoppers of the past or some of the newer models produced in recent years? The second iconic layout from the past is STOCKINBINGAL. Built by the Wagga Wagga Model Railroaders between 1990 and 1995 this highly detailed model of the junction station and yard at Stockinbingal in the Riverina district of NSW was a focal point of every exhibition it attended until sold into retirement in 2006. It languished in a shed in Junee until 2018 when Wagga member Rod Smith acquired a share in it from the new owner William Everett and it returned to Wagga for restoration. The work was completed in time for the Wagga exhibition in November 2018. Stay tuned for Preview No2 in a few days. See more
10.01.2022 The Club would like to advise that our new website has gone live! You can visit the nrewly developed site at http://www.eppingmodelrailway.org.au/ We have been working with our new web master for some now and are happy with the result so far. There are still a number of links to be activated but this will happen progressively. If you click on a link and it does not work it means that the link is still under development at this stage. Enjoy!
09.01.2022 Its the last day of the model railway exhibition! Dont miss out, come check out these amazing layouts and displays at Rosehill Racecourse today!
07.01.2022 Taken any photos of the model layouts? Share yours here.
07.01.2022 Attached is the floor plan for the Great Train Show next weekend, June 8th, 9th and 10th at Rosehill Gardens. I thought I would be proactive and advise that the NUMBER of Trade Stands is greater than the number of exhibits. However EMRCI measures and charges/pays exhibitors by the facing metre and the exhibits are just under double the commercials.We look forward to seeing you there.
06.01.2022 Attached are a number of photos taken at todays work day on new layout modules. Only a small group but considerable progress was made.
06.01.2022 Havent been to the exhibition yet? Heres something to excite you! The doors will open at 9am Sunday 9th and Monday 10th June, and there are plenty of layouts, stores and bargains! See you there! #modelrailway #exhibition #Rosehill #train #bargain #familyday #fundaysunday #railway Proudly supported by RailGallery.
05.01.2022 What bargain did you get from the secondhand stall? Spill.
03.01.2022 Try Booking and Eftpos Just a heads up regarding Try Booking ticketing for this weekends exhibition at Rosehill. Last year we shut down the Try Booking on Saturday morning due to the need to obtain a printout of those who purchased tickets. This year the club has acquired an on-line scanner to check validity of Try Booking tickets and will be able to keep the system operating until Monday. Remember one ticket one entry. The scanner "knows all". This year we will have new Eftpos machines courtesy of our new bankers so there should be a much smoother operation on both fronts.
03.01.2022 We can now post the list of layouts that will feature at this years Rosehill Exhibition. They are as follows: Arakoola, Blue Mountains, Brickslandia, Bullenbung Creek, Buroowa, Cromford Canal Bull Bridge Wharf, East Mateland, Epping Thomas U Drive, Ettamogah, Fingal, Goulburn, Hoyt Clagwell tractor factory, Lancashire & Yorkshire Rail Coy, Layout with Trade Stand, Martinvale, Maryborough,... Mungo Scott, Nura, Olde Town, River Dee Meats, Rollingstock, Sandford, Senohikui tetsudo, Springfield Junction, Stockinbingal, The Beach, Thief River, Waterfall, Williamsdale, Wingello. See more
02.01.2022 Instead of "Tonight, Ill be eating...", lets say "Today, Ill be going... to the Epping Model Railway Exhibition".
02.01.2022 Parking for The Great Train Show On Saturday and Sunday we have arranged additional parking in carpark P3 of James Ruse Drive. See attached map. Access to P3 from the north is IMMEDIATELY after passing under the Horse Overbridge (make sure you are in the kerbside lane) or if you miss it via P5 then P4 to finally arrive at P3. When travelling from the South (Parramatta Road) you use the P5/P4 to P3 route. Access to the venue from P3 is via a manned level crossing which brings you to the roundabout within the venue. Carpark P1 will also be available ( off Grande Parade) on all three days and is the location for disabled parking. P1 is shown on the map as members Reserved Parking.
01.01.2022 Passionate volunteers are working around the clock to help restore the iconic Zig Zag Railway.
01.01.2022 Well it is only 3 months to the Great Train Show at Rosehill Gardens and preparations are well under way. There will be continuous press releases as we move closer to the event. However this is a heads up for the EMRCI Second Hand stall at the exhibition. If you wish to participate download the attached 2 JPEGs and read THOROUGHLY and contact Mike to book in. Do not reply to this post as I may not be watching.
01.01.2022 This years layouts are incredible! Bravo!
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