Epsom FC | Businesses
Epsom FC
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25.01.2022 Epsom Football Club Life Member Terry Jenkins has Sadly Passed Away Terry Jenkins was a valuable contributor to the club in a variety of roles over an extended period during the 1980’s and 90’s. He came to the club when his son Nathan signed to play with the Epsom juniors in the 1980’s. With the club based at Howard Street Epsom (where the current supermarket now resides) with little to no infrastructure he was a key contributor on many projects including the building of the... then clubrooms, toilet block and canteen area. He was always willing to lend a hand and help grow the club in whatever way he could in our formative years. As Nathan progressed through the ranks, Terry was always there to lend encouragement to the Epsom players. He was well known for the odd chirp from the sideline when an opposition player was getting out of line. He was awarded Life Membership for his contribution to the red and blue in 1994. The Epsom Football Club extends its deepest sympathies to Pam, Nathan and the Jenkins family.
25.01.2022 JUNIOR COACHES REQUIRED The Epsom Football Club is looking for individuals who may be interested in coaching one of our Junior Teams (Non-Competitive or Competitive) for the upcoming 2021 BASL Season. Please message the page if you're interested, or if you know someone who may be interested please let them know!
20.01.2022 2021 YOUTH COACH APPLICATIONS The Epsom Football Club is searching for a Youth Coach for the 2021 BASL Season. We are seeking an individual to lead this young group of players, develop their skills both on and off the field, and assist the transition of these young players into our senior teams. The Youth team is apart of the Senior setup at Epsom FC, and they will work closely with our Div 1 & 2's teams as well as our Senior Coaches. Our Youth players are the future o...f our club here at Epsom, and the development of these players is of high importance. Previous experience is preferred although not essential, all applicants will be considered. For those who wish to apply for this position, please email the address below with your intentions and resume/previous coaching experience. [email protected] Thankyou, Epsom FC
20.01.2022 2020 FEE UPDATE The Epsom Football Club sent out communication yesterday via email to all registered junior players in regards to a 2020 Fee Refund. If you have not yet seen the email, please check your emails. We appreciate the patience shown by our members during this difficult period, we understand the complexities everyone is facing. We ask that everyone continues to follow restrictions to allow an easier and quicker transition back to playing once again!!... - Epsom Football Club Committee
20.01.2022 The Boys and Girls FC is done and dusted after 2 enormous days. The Epsom Football Club would like to say thank you to each and every volunteer and helper who gave their time to assist the club at our largest fundraiser for the year. The endless and tireless work of our volunteers ensured the club saw the event through. To those volunteers who did more than what was asked, the club greatly appreciates your actions and everything you did to assist. The Epsom Football Club not ...only operated 2 Canteens and the BBQ, we marked all the lines, set up every goal, provided all of the ground marshals, assisted the set up of the facility and the pack up of the facility. The Epsom Football Club would like to thank the organisers of the event, Football Victoria and GO Football, as well as thank the City of Greater Bendigo Council for bringing the event back to the Epsom Huntly Recreation Reserve. We hope all teams, players and spectators had an enjoyable weekend, we thank you for supporting our club. Congratulations to all the winners, and we wish all teams and players all the best for their upcoming seasons. - Epsom FC
19.01.2022 PHYSIO/SPORT TRAINER WANTED The Epsom Football Club is looking for a Physio/Sport Trainer to work with our Senior Teams for the 2021 Season. This role would be perfect for a Uni Student or anyone looking to gain further experience. The role includes:... - Sport Strapping - Treating Injuries - Sports Massaging If you're interested please contact our page, or if you know someone who may be interested please let them know of this opportunity.
18.01.2022 EPSOM FC 2021 SENIOR COACH The Epsom Football Club is delighted and pleased to announce that Darren Anderton will be the Senior Women’s Coach at the Epsom Football Club in 2021. Darren, was signed on to take the reins as the Senior Women’s Coach this year, but due to the cancellation of the season, he was unable to fulfil this duty. Darren will use his wealth of knowledge from his playing career and previous coaching experience to lead the women’s into the 2021 BASL S...eason. The club is extremely excited that Darren was willing to sign on for 2021, and the club holds great faith in Darren. Darren along with our Senior Men’s Coach, Trav Robertson, has been signed on to coach in 2021 for awhile now. We can’t wait to see Darren working with women’s in preparations for next year. We are always looking for new players, especially girls/women that want to return to playing or try soccer out. If you are interested, or know of anyone that may be, please message the page and we will assist you! Great to have you back on board, Darren! Sting Em
17.01.2022 BUY EPSOM MERCH NOW Ensure you have brought your Epsom Football Club Merchandise before the start of the season!! You can purchase Epsom FC Merch from our Online Merchandise Store where we have teamed up with ICON Sports Central Victoria who have assisted us in providing a range of products which include a Polo, Beanie, Jacket, Hoodie, and Track Pants.... You can access our Online Store via TeamApp either Online or through their Mobile App. Open Team App. Then: 1. Sign-up to Team App. You'll be sent an email to confirm your registration. 2. Log in. Then select the SEARCH tab and search for Epsom Football Club (Soccer). 3. Click the STORE tab to view/purchase our merchandise. 4. Under the DOCUMENTS tab is the size guides. All orders get delivered to the club, contact will be made with those who purchased merchandise and we will distribute them at trainings or gamedays. Website Link - https://www.teamapp.com/clubs/476735 App Store Link - http://teamapp.com/app
17.01.2022 HAPPY FATHERS DAY Wishing all Fathers out there a Happy Father’s Day!! We would like to thank all the Fathers at the Epsom Football Club, for their contribution as a volunteer, playing the game, and bringing your children to and from trainings/games and being supportive from the sideline. We appreciate you all and thank you all for everything, have a Happy Father’s Day!!
16.01.2022 IMPORTANT UPDATE With the recent announcement of COVID-19 cases in local schools, BASL are advising member clubs to suspend all training until further notice. We will advise updates as soon as possible.
16.01.2022 The Epsom Football Club is searching for some more Under 13 Players who wish to play soccer in 2021. Currently, one of our Under 13 teams requires a few more players to ensure they can step out on the field and play this season. If you know of anyone interested, please let them know and tell them to contact us immediately!... Thank you, - Epsom Football Club
16.01.2022 BASL SEASON CANCELLED The Bendigo Amateur Soccer League (BASL) Committee have announced the official cancellation of the 2020 BASL Junior & Youth (U18’s) Seasons. Although the news is unfortunate for all our teams, as our players were enjoying being back on the pitch, the decision BASL have made is fully supported by the Epsom Football Club. The current COVID-19 situation in Victoria is worsening, and the health risk to our community is increasing every day. The health ...and well-being of all members being the number one priority through this time, the cancellation of the 2020 BASL Season comes with a heavy heart but for the right reasons. The Epsom Football Club Committee will convene soon to discuss fees, and once an official decision is made, we will inform our members. Stay safe and healthy, we will continue to provide you with updates. - Epsom Football Club Committee Read the BASL Statement below - https://www.facebook.com/1572120589710976/posts/2678868055702885?sfns=mo
15.01.2022 Please be aware of the latest update from BASL below.
13.01.2022 UNDER 16'S TRAINING Important message for all Under 16's players and parents. Epsom FC's Under 16's training will be held this Wednesday from 5pm to 6pm at Epsom Huntly Recreation Reserve. ... See you all there!!
12.01.2022 R U OK? Today is our national R U OKAY? DAY, an important message that is often misconceived. Although today is not the only day to ask others and yourself that meaningful question. R U OK?Day, is a reminder to all that every day is a day to start a conversation that could change a life.... The day is aimed to promote awareness of mental health and suicide, and encourage Australians to reach out to those at risk in their community, not just today but all the time. We're always here for you! Be sure to be there for others! There's more to say after R U OK? You can learn more and find resources here: https://www.ruok.org.au/
12.01.2022 Good luck to all Epsom FC Competitive Junior Teams who begin their season today with the BASL Pre-Season Cup. It’ll be great to see all the kids back on the pitch having fun and playing once again! Sting Em!
12.01.2022 ONLINE MERCHANDISE STORE OPEN We have opened our Online Merchandise Store where we have teamed up with ICON Sports Central Victoria who have assisted us in providing a range of products which include a Polo, Beanie, Jacket, Hoodie, and Track Pants. You can access our Online Store via TeamApp either Online or through their Mobile App.... Open Team App. Then: 1. Sign-up to Team App. You'll be sent an email to confirm your registration. 2. Log in. Then select the SEARCH tab and search for Epsom Football Club (Soccer). 3. Click the STORE tab to view/purchase our merchandise. 4. Under the DOCUMENTS tab is the size guides. Orders will take between 4-6 weeks due to the current climate. We will be completing 2 order phases, the first being from now until August 9th, and the second will be from August 10th until the August 23rd Website Link - https://www.teamapp.com/clubs/476735 App Store Link - http://teamapp.com/app
11.01.2022 EFC MERCHANDISE HAS ARRIVED Our Epsom FC Merchandise orders have arrived just in time for you to wear over the Christmas and Holiday period, thanks to the wonderful team at ICON Sports Central Victoria. For those of our members that had ordered merchandise, you should have already been contacted by the club with pick-up instructions. Due to COVID-19, the orders did arrive later than expected but we thank everyone for their patience and understanding. ... Our Merchandise Store, is open to take orders for the 2021 season. Orders will take 4-6 weeks to arrive barring any COVID-19 complications. Merchandise Store - https://www.teamapp.com/clubs/476735 - Epsom FC
11.01.2022 EPSOM FC AGM The Epsom Football Club will hold its Annual General Meeting (AGM) at 7pm on Wednesday the 28th of October, 2020 at the Epsom Huntly Recreation Reserve. Volunteers are critical to this club, without them there wouldn't be a club. This is the perfect opportunity for you to volunteer on the Epsom FC Committee in 2021 to assist in providing soccer to the Epsom community!!... It is important to note that only Paid Members & Life Members have the right to vote on the night. The Parent/Guardian of a Player or a Player (18+), who was registered this season, even with the refunding of payments, have the right to vote. For those who may not have a vote due to various reasons can contact the club via inbox and organise to become a 2020 member of Epsom FC for a small fee. The current Committee Position Descriptions can be found on our website, linked below, under the first news piece on the News/Home Page. www.epsomfc.com.au You can find the Event link here: https://www.facebook.com/events/2403493959947596/
10.01.2022 EPSOM FC - COVID SAFE PLAN The Epsom Football Club is introducing a COVID-19 Safe Plan to further ensure the safety of our members and visitors health and wellbeing on match days. We ask that all members become familiar with this plan and that you do your part to help keep the community safe, and ensure our Juniors will continue playing. All attendees who attend for longer than 15 minutes MUST provide your details including full name phone number, date and time of atten...dance, any indoor spaces visited (eg toilets/clubrooms/changerooms) and confirmation whether you have downloaded COVIDSafe, to the home teams manager or a club official for the purposes of contact tracing. Spectators are limited to a maximum of 10 in a group, maintaining social distancing at all times. We ask that spectators view games from the Viewing Areas (Yellow) outlined below. Where possible, spectators are requested to view games from their car or at a reasonable distance from the ground. We have introduce different Entry/Exit points that teams are to use to enter and exit the pitches, as you can see they are outlined below. Spectators are not allowed inside the fence on Pitch 5 and the Synthetic Pitch, only players, officials and coaches/managers. The club will have signage on display, that you are to follow. Our canteen will be open tomorrow, although we will only be selling Drinks & Lollies. Thank you, Epsom FC Committee
10.01.2022 MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY The Epsom Football Club would like to wish everybody a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!! We hope everyone has a load of fun with family and friends, have a laugh and ensure you stay safe. We hope to see you all in 2021 for another season!!... - Epsom Football Club
09.01.2022 2020 JUNIOR REFUNDS This is a friendly reminder that on the 29th of August, the Epsom Football Club sent communication via email to all registered junior players regarding the 2020 season registration fees. A vast majority of parents/guardians have not yet completed the process outlined in the email, we ask these people to access their emails and complete the process. ... Please share this message with your friends and other parents/guardians of your team. Thank you, Epsom FC
09.01.2022 COME AND PLAY WOMENS SOCCER The Epsom Football Club is looking for Women’s players to play in our Women’s team for the 2021 Bendigo Amatuer Soccer League season. The more the merrier, whether you have played before or not, everyone is welcome to just come down and have a run. It is a great opportunity to get out of the house and have some fun with a fantastic group of girls.... We will announce training times and days when the team commences their pre-season training. If you know of anyone that may be interested please let them know, or if you’re interested send us a message, or contact Darren our Women’s Coach via 0428 556 255. - Epsom FC
08.01.2022 LARNI GUIDICE MAKES NTC SQUAD Former Epsom FC Junior Player, Larni Guidice, has made the Football Victoria National Training Centre (NTC) Under 15 Girls Squad. The Epsom Football Club would like to congratulate Larni on this fantastic achievement and wish her all the best at the NTC. Larni has spent the last two seasons at Bendigo City, further developing her craft, and will now play for the prestigious NTC U15 Girls in the NPL Girls competition. ... Her former Epsom Coaches, Ryan Braszell and Tyler Mclennan, said "‘having coached Larni in 2018, it was obvious from the way she conducted herself, on and off the pitch, that she was destined to play at a very high level. Despite predominantly playing against 11 and 12 year old boys, much bigger than herself, Larni was consistently one of the best players on the pitch." "Off the field, Larni was always the first person to training and the last one to leave, always trying to improve herself and gain whatever feedback possible. Larni was always a tremendous leader, tried to lift those around her and make them better players, and always did it with a smile on her face." "We both would like to say a massive congratulations to Larni on this fantastic achievement and look forward to seeing her progress even higher in the future. - Epsom Football Club
08.01.2022 JOIN THE COMMITTEE TODAY Although the 2020 season was cancelled, 2021 is a new year, and the Epsom Football Club requires your help and assistance to ensure the club is able to continue operating and get our players back on the pitch once again. Volunteers run this club, without them we wouldn’t operate efficiently or effectively. So take on a position, and make an impact because without you, we wouldn’t even be a club.... We are seeking members of our club and community interested in taking on a role with the Epsom Football Club. We currently haven’t filled the role of one of the more important postions on our committee, the secretary position. To operate effectively we require someone in this position, below is a quick overview of the position. Secretary Integral role of any club, keep communication flowing between committee members in a timely, organised fashion. Complete agendas and action sheet for meetings a week in advance. Please contact us if you are, or you know of someone, interested in this position. Listed below are the other current vacant committee and non-committee positions we are looking to fill. Vacant Committee Roles - Assistant / Minute Secretary Senior Property / Grounds Coordinator Marketing / Sponsorship Coordinator Canteen / Catering Coordinator Senior Coordinator Non-Competitive Junior Coordinator U6 U7 Vacant Non-Committee Roles - Merchandise Coordinator Referee Coordinator We’re happy to provide more information if required, and please reach out if you are interested in joining the committee via: [email protected] Thank you, Epsom FC
08.01.2022 EPSOM FC AGM The Epsom Football Club will hold its Annual General Meeting (AGM) THIS WEDNESDAY the 28th of October at 7pm at the Epsom Huntly Recreation Reserve. Volunteers are critical to this club, without them there wouldn't be a club. This is the perfect opportunity for you to volunteer on the Epsom FC Committee in 2021 to assist in providing soccer to the Epsom community!!... It is important to note that only Paid Members & Life Members have the right to vote on the night. The Parent/Guardian of a Player or a Player (18+), who was registered this season, even with the refunding of payments, have the right to vote. For those who may not have a vote due to various reasons can contact the club via inbox and organise to become a 2020 member of Epsom FC for a small fee. The current Committee Position Descriptions can be found on our website, linked below, under the first news piece on the News/Home Page. www.epsomfc.com.au You can find the Event link here: https://www.facebook.com/events/2403493959947596/
07.01.2022 REFUNDS & EQUIPMENT RETURN Junior Refunds have began being processed, if you have not responded to the email that was sent out around a month ago from the club, please respond as soon as possible. We are beginning to collect all Equipment/Strips that were handed out at the beginning of the season. Drop-off will occur between 6pm and 7.40pm every 20 minutes, complying with COVID-19 guidelines. If you can't drop off during this time we can arrange another time that suits.... The dates in October are as followed: Thurs 1st Mon 5th Tues 6th Mon 12th Tues 13th Thurs 15th We ask that you contact our Vice President & Property Coordinator, Liz Graco, via the following number to make an appointment. Phone Number: 0417 369 756 Thank you, Epsom FC
07.01.2022 EPSOM FC AGM The Epsom Football Club will hold its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Wednesday the 28th of October, 2020. We are unsure whether this will be conducted online or in person, this will depend on COVID-19 State Government regulations. As soon as we know, we will update everyone accordingly.... It is important to note that only Paid Members & Life Members have the right to vote on the night. The Parent/Guardian of a Player or a Player (18+), who was registered this season, even with the refunding of payments, have the right to vote. For those who may not have a vote due to various reasons can contact the club via inbox and organise to become a 2020 member of Epsom FC for a small fee. The current Committee Position Descriptions can be found on our website, linked below, under the first news piece on the News/Home Page. www.epsomfc.com.au You can find the Event link here: https://www.facebook.com/events/2403493959947596/
05.01.2022 EPSOM FC 2021 SENIOR COACH The Epsom Football Club is delighted and pleased to announce that Travis Robertson will be the Senior Coach at the Epsom Football Club in 2021. Travis was meant to take the reins as Senior Coach this year, but due to the cancellation of the season, he was unable to fulfil this duty. ... The club is extremely happy that Travis was willing to sign on for 2021, and the club holds great faith in Travis as our Senior Coach. Travis has been signed on to coach in 2021 for quite awhile now, and has been working behind the scenes in preparing for the 2021 BASL Season. Trav said, "It's great to be back on board for 2021, as this year didn't go to plan. It has been a difficult year for all, but it is great to see the lads getting back into it now, beginning preparations for the 2021 BASL Season". "We still have a long way to come in both divisions to where we thrive to be at, but the commitment and motivation of the senior players so far is fantastic. And that is showing as progress is being made on the training pitch and I can definitely see both our senior teams improving on previous years". Great to have you back on board, Trav! Sting Em
04.01.2022 EPSOM FC AGM - TOMORROW NIGHT The Epsom Football Club will hold its Annual General Meeting (AGM) TOMORROW NIGHT at 7pm at the Epsom Huntly Recreation Reserve. GET INVOLVED AND JOIN OUR 2021 EFC COMMITTEE!!!... Volunteers are critical to this club, without them there wouldn't be a club. This is the perfect opportunity for you to volunteer on the Epsom FC Committee in 2021 to assist in providing soccer to the Epsom community!! It is important to note that only Paid Members & Life Members have the right to vote on the night. The Parent/Guardian of a Player or a Player (18+), who was registered this season, even with the refunding of payments, have the right to vote. For those who may not have a vote due to various reasons can contact the club via inbox and organise to become a 2020 member of Epsom FC for a small fee. The current Committee Position Descriptions can be found on our website, linked below, under the first news piece on the News/Home Page. www.epsomfc.com.au You can find the Event link here: https://www.facebook.com/events/2403493959947596/
03.01.2022 SEASON & COVID-19 UPDATE With Regional Victoria now entering Stage 3 Restrictions, community sport is not allowed to continue during this minimum 6 week period, resulting in the current BASL Junior & Youth Seasons coming to a halt. And although the news is disheartening, the work and effort that all clubs undertook to get a season up and running was very much worth it to see the satisfaction and enjoyment on the faces of the kids for rounds that were completed.... We are now currently awaiting further official updates from the Bendigo Amateur Soccer League (BASL), as they weigh up all options in regards to if a season is viable or not. A official decision has not yet been made, we will communicate any updates when we receive them. As we are awaiting confirmation surrounding the potential end to the current season, as a club we are looking at alternative opportunities, if the season is cancelled, that we can provide to our players to get them on the pitch having a kick, when the Government says its safe to do so. We have received a few messages about fees, and what a potential cancellation means for fees. If a cancellation of the season was to occur, we would have to wait for BASL and Football Victoria (FV) to provide correspondence surrounding a refund of fees from the money they have received. As a club, our Committee will appropriately discuss and consider the options we have at the current moment in time, and once we receive all information from BASL & FV a formal decision will be made and communicated. We understand that everyone's personal circumstances are altering day to day, and if you are in a position of financial hardship and may require help, please reach out and get in contact with us. For now we ask you all to please stay safe and healthy. We strongly encourage you all to adhere to Government's latest restrictions. If we want to return to normality, we need to follow these restrictions. Do you want to see your kids out on the pitch enjoying themselves again? We do, so if we all play our part we can achieve that sooner rather than later. We are more than just a club at Epsom, we're a community. So check in with fellow players, parents, and families to ensure that they are healthy and safe. We are facing uncertain times, and that is very overwhelming to people, so reach out to others to see if they're okay and don't hesitate reach out if you need help. For now though as a club, we will continue to try and offer support to our Epsom FC community. In doing so, we will communicate regular updates on what is occurring, important information and any assistance that may be available. If you have any question, please send us an inbox and we will get back to you. Stay safe, healthy and follow the rules. - The Epsom FC Committee
02.01.2022 JUNIOR EQUIPMENT RETURN All Junior Teams & Players are required to return the clubs equipment that was given out at the start of the season. This includes -... Training Balls, Cones, Bibs Team Bags Playing Shirts We ask that you contact our Vice President & Property Coordinator, Liz Graco, via the following number to make an appointment to drop off equipment still in your possession. Phone Number: 0417 369 756 Thank you, Epsom FC
01.01.2022 SIGN UP TO PLAY NOW Sign up for the Epsom Football Club now to ensure you play in 2021. Whether you've played before or not, come and play at Epsom this season. Our Junior teams range from Under 6's up to Under 16's, and we have girls teams in some age groups as well. Filling out the Expression of Interest Form will reserve a spot in a team, as we are using this as our Sign-Up Form this year.... We are asking those who want to play to complete the Expression of Interest Form below, this is in case of a COVID outbreak cancelling the season, this way both the club and our members aren't charged fees. We will contact you about Official Registration closer to the season. Complete the Expression of Interest Form here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx
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