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25.01.2022 Have your say: https://equalityaustralia.org.au/sareligiousexceptions/ The South Australian Government has proposed positive changes to SA’s anti-discrimination laws to make it unlawful for faith-based organisations to discriminate against certain LGBTIQ+ employees, students and people who access their services. These proposed reforms are a great step forward, but they don’t protect all LGBTIQ+ people from discrimination. The Bill doesn’t currently protect LGBTIQ+ students in... tertiary education, or LGBTIQ+ people accessing financial, legal support or food relief from faith-based organisations. They also leave LGBTIQ+ teachers vulnerable. The Bill must ensure all LGBTIQ+ people are free from discrimination no matter where they work, study or access services. You have until tomorrow at 5pm (SA time) to have your say on the Bill. Tell the SA government that their Bill must protect everyone, and tell a friend: https://equalityaustralia.org.au/sareligiousexceptions/
23.01.2022 Ten years ago, same-sex adoption became law in NSW. The Northern Territory became the last jurisdiction in the country to pass these laws, which came into effect a couple of years ago. These laws have allowed children who needed a home to live with families who love and care for them which makes all of us stronger. Though these laws have had tremendous positive impacts on those families, the NSW Anti-Discrimination Act provides exemptions for religious service providers wh...o wish to prevent same-sex couples or transgender people from adopting. Whilst not all religious institutions wish to discriminate against members of our community, our laws should not allow publicly funded organisations to discriminate against anyone purely based on who they are or whom they love. Thank you to the tireless advocates in and out of Parliament who fought hard for these changes for decades and to the families who shared so much of their lives with the public when it would’ve been easier not to. Just ten years earlier, only one member of the NSW Parliament voted in favour of these laws. It shows us that together we make the arc of history bend towards justice. Together, we are creating a better society where all of us are free and equal.
23.01.2022 We know that today lots of people will be asking "R U OK?", which is great. We need to show up for one another every day. This year has been a difficult one, we've seen how hard things can be without the social connections and gatherings. We know that the additional pressures of 2020 have weighed heavily on families, young people, and our community more generally. We want you to know that no matter where you are, who you are, or whom you love-- we're here for you. We want t...o celebrate you and support you. Later today, and throughout the coming weeks we will be sharing resources to help you support your loved ones, detail services that work specifically with LGBTIQ+ people, and opportunities for connecting with one another safely during the pandemic. Right now, we've made some phone wall papers for a little reminder that you are valid, and you are loved. Even when it might not feel like it. You can download them with the colours of your choice, here: https://equalityaustralia.org.au/resourc/phone-wall-papers/ Thank you for being part of this community, we're much better for having you around.
23.01.2022 This morning we woke to the news that American Supreme Court Associate Justice and civil rights hero Ruth Bader Ginsberg passed away. Better known as the Notorious RBG Ruth spent her entire career, including the 27 years in the Supreme Court, in the pursuit of equal justice and eliminating discrimination for all. Her decades of work helped create foundational arguments for gender equality and LGBTQ+ human rights in the United States, including the amendment of anti-gay laws... and the legalisation of same-sex marriage. Ginsberg's final act of allyship to the LGBTIQ+ community came when her ruling of a recent Supreme Court case (Bostock v. Clayton County) found that anti-LGBTQ discrimination is a form of sex discrimination and illegal under the Civil Rights Act. The ruling grants protections to LGBTQ people experiencing discrimination within their workplace, housing, access to healthcare and education. This quote, discussing marriage equality from a 2015 interview with Bloomberg highlights just how simple allyship can be. RBG’s work will be remembered throughout history and remain a foundational example of allyship and commitment to equality for all. To everyone in the LGBTIQ+ community, we want you to know that when you stand up for yourself, the whole community stands with you. Rest in power RBG.
22.01.2022 When Karen announced her engagement to Bronte, she was fired. Right now, faith-based educational institutions have exemptions in national anti-discrimination laws, as well as laws in New South Wales, South Australia, Victoria, Western Australia, Queensland and the Northern Territory. We’re calling on the PM, state and territory leaders to remove outdated carve-outs that allow students, teachers and staff to be treated unfairly in religious schools and educational institutions, simply because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Will you #RaiseYourHand to demand an end to discrimination in education by sharing Karen's story?
21.01.2022 We got a few questions about what's going on in the US and thankfully here's a bit of good news, of course with more to do. Every person no matter where they come from, who they are, or whom they love deserve to live, work, and study with dignity. Access to quality healthcare should never be conditional on who you are. https://www.them.us//federal-court-blocks-trumps-anti-tran
21.01.2022 On Transgender Day of Visibility we're celebrating the diversity, resilience and strength of the trans community! We commit to continue fighting alongside trans and gender diverse people for the legal and social change needed to ensure that all trans people are safe, equal and respected. There's much to be done, but here's a reminder of the rights trans and gender diverse people have fought so hard for, in Australia:... The right to be free from discrimination at work The right to study in a school that supports them The right to be referred to by their name and pro-nouns at work and school, and when accessing services The right to see a doctor and access healthcare
20.01.2022 That was quick! The ACT Government has passed its Sexuality and Gender Identity Conversion Practices bill. The law prohibits conversion practices that occur in a range of contexts whether paid or unpaid, in children and adults. While no law can fix a complex social problem on its own, this law represents is an important step along the way to ending the harm caused by these damaging practices. The law must be matched by redress and support for current survivors, and investmen...t in programs to build awareness of the harm caused by conversion therapy and end these damaging practices once and for all. Chris Csabs from SOGICE Survivors said in passing this law, the ACT government has sent a strong message that conversion practices, whether performed by a health professional, a religious leader or any other person, are not to be tolerated". We hope that the ACT government, and other governments will work with and support survivors to ensure that no LGBTQ+ people have to endure this harm again.
20.01.2022 We've said it before and we'll say it again: Every student in NSW should have the opportunity to reach their potential, to learn with their peers, and feel a sense of belonging in their school. One Nation NSW has introduced proposed legislation that directly attacks LGBTIQ+ people, while dismantling the fundamentals of a good quality public education system for all. The Education Legislation Amendment (Parental Rights) Bill 2020 punishes teachers and counsellors who affirm th...e identities of trans and gender diverse students, and opens the door on schools being forced to present discredited counter "theories" when teaching classes like science or history. For example, discussing creationism when teaching evolution, raising anti-vaccination theories when teaching about immunisation, or raising racist ideologies to explain the over representation of First Nations people in prison. Tell our leaders that our schools must support all students to learn and grow. Tell them to reject One Nation NSW’s harmful Ignorance in Education Bill. https://equalityaustralia.org.au/ignoranceineducationbill/
20.01.2022 WA friends, it's time to have your say! Our friends at Rainbow Futures WA want to hear what LGBTIQA+ issues matter most to you in the lead up to the 2021 Western Australian election. Take a couple of minutes to complete the survey here and help get LGBTIQ+ on the agenda: bit.ly/WA2021Election You can also RSVP for the community forum being hosted by Rainbow Futures WA tomorrow Sunday 22 November at 2-4pm AWST: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/rainbow-futures-wa-communit
20.01.2022 All students deserve the right to quality education and to be treated with respect and dignity while obtaining it. The latest bill from Mark Latham treats the existence of trans and gender diverse people as an ideology. It threatens the careers of teachers and allies within the school system who acknowledge and affirm them. Follow the link to write to our NSW leaders telling them to reject this bill and make sure it goes nowhere.... https://equalityaustralia.org.au/ignoranceineducationbill/ Students and teachers are already under immense pressure due to COVID-19. A child should not be marginalised in their education system, nor should a teacher be punished for supporting their students. This is a tough conversation to have. If you are feeling distressed and need someone to talk to be sure to reach out. There is a range of LGBTIQ+ support programs who are here to help. QLife Australia 1800 184 527 Beyond Blue 1300 224 636 headspace 1800 650 890 Lifeline Australia 13 11 14 ReachOut.com Australia You are loved, you are valid, we see you.
18.01.2022 The Parliamentary Committee are consulting with people in NSW via a quick (very short!) survey until Friday August 21. Please consider taking a few minutes to learn about the dangers of the One Nation religion Bill and tell the committee what you think: https://bit.ly/onenationbillsurvey You can learn more about the Bill and how it will impact people in NSW here: https://equalityaustralia.org.au/onenationbill/
18.01.2022 Today is International Dog Day. We’ve heard lots of lovely stories about the comfort that dogs have brought people in isolation, here are some very good dogs from Pride earlier in the year. Does your pup show off pride? We’d love to see
17.01.2022 Ending LGBTQ conversion requires both legislative and cultural change. It will take the work of many communities and institutions to end these harmful practices. The ACT has a Bill that will be debated soon, and we wanted to share this letter written by Uniting Church Ministers in the ACT. We're glad to see religious organisations and institutions standing up for LGBTQ+ people and against these harmful practices. Everyone deserves to live, work, and study with dignity no ma...tter where they live, who they are, or whom they love. Read the full letter here https://johntsquires.com//sexuality-and-gender-identity-c/
16.01.2022 This Friday, on Transgender Day of Remembrance, we will be taking the time to honour the trans and gender diverse people who are no longer with us. Community is an essential part of the trans experience and while COVID-19 have prevented some of us from participating in some of our community rituals and gatherings the teams from Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras, City of Sydney ,SWOP, Inner City Legal Centre and Gender Centre have come together to create an online event that can provide that essential sense of community no matter where you are located. Curated by Bhenji Ra and featuring appearances from a diverse range of performers, activists and artists this events will be a moving and stunning commemoration of the enduring legacy of our friends and family our community has lost.
16.01.2022 The Sexuality and Gender Identity Conversion Practices Bill is being debated in ACT Parliament today. The debate on the Bill is happening right now! To watch the debate live in parliament http://aod.parliament.act.gov.au/live If this is distressing to hear about and you need someone to talk to, or want to find out more, these organisations can help you. Many have specific support for people who are LGBTI.... QLife (counselling and referral service for LGBTI people) call 1800 184 527 or chat online Beyond Blue (for anyone feeling depressed or anxious) call 1300 22 4636 or chat online headspace (mental health service for ages 12-25) ReachOut.com (youth mental health service) visit the website for info or use the online forum. Lifeline (support for anyone having a personal crisis) call 13 11 14 or chat online Suicide Call Back Service (for anyone thinking about suicide) call 1300 659 467
16.01.2022 Have a read of this strong and promising response from the NSW Education Department about our concerns with One Nation NSW’s Ignorance in Education Bill. It reiterates what we know to be true that the role of our school system is to support all students to learn and grow in an inclusive environment that welcomes them for who they are. One Nation NSW’s Ignorance in Education Bill is a threat to inclusion. It punishes teachers and counsellors who affirm the identities of tran...s and gender diverse students, and opens the door on schools being forced to present discredited counter "theories" when teaching classes like science or history. Can you help keep the pressure on and join the thousands of people who have written to our leaders about One Nation NSW’s harmful Ignorance in Education Bill? https://equalityaustralia.org.au/ignoranceineducationbill/
16.01.2022 Today is the 3rd anniversary of the day Australia voted YES for marriage equality. We know that many of you will remember what it was like that morning waiting nervously, hopefully for the result. We wanted to reflect today on some of the other historic moments for LGBTIQ+ people in Australia. From the first Mardi Gras to rainbow families officially being recognised, there have been huge changes for LGBTIQ+ people. But there are still significant barriers along the road to e...quality, and they don't all fit into a video. We've got continue to the work to make sure that: - All LGBTIQ+ people are free from discrimination in schools, services, and workplaces - Trans and gender diverse people have the dignity of having ID documents that reflect who they are - Intersex people are able to make choices about their bodies and give informed consent for any medical interventions - So-called conversion therapy is a thing of the past And so much more! Together, we’re powerful. We can create a place where everyone is treated with dignity and respect no matter where they live, who they are, or whom they love. Join us for what’s next: https://bit.ly/EqualityAusSignUp
14.01.2022 All Australians should be treated equally and allowed to live with dignity as who they are. No woman, whether trans or not, should be forced to reveal any part of her body as a condition for accessing public facilities. It is unlawful to discriminate against someone because of their transgender status or gender identity, whether or not the person has undergone surgery or other medical treatment.
14.01.2022 Today on #transdayofremembrance we pay our deepest respects to the trans and gender diverse lives that have been taken from this earth at the hands of violence, prejudice and inequality as we continue to fight in their honour. This year a collection of organisations have created a live online event designed to bring together the community on a global scale. curated by Bhenji Ra and featuring a cast of BIPOC transgender and gender-diverse performers, the event will be a commem...oration of the beauty, strength and power of the community. You can watch the event live on Facebook via the event link below: https://www.facebook.com/events/831246300955954
12.01.2022 Socially distanced Wear it Purple makes things a little bit different this year. But what hasn't changed is the fact that LGBTIQ+ young people deserve to feel celebrated and supported no matter where they live or who they are. To all of the young people in our community: we see you, we love you, and we'll always be here to support you.
11.01.2022 The South Australian Government has proposed positive changes to SA’s anti-discrimination laws to make it unlawful for faith-based organisations to discriminate against certain LGBTIQ+ employees, students and people who access their services. The legislation is a very promising first step, but there are still gaps that have to be addressed. This Bill doesn't protect LGBTIQ+ students in tertiary education, or LGBTIQ+ people accessing certain services from faith-based organisat...ions such as financial, legal support or food relief. It also leaves LGBTIQ+ teachers vulnerable. Submissions are now open. Together we can ensure LGBTIQ+ people are protected from discrimination. Can you take a few minutes and tell the South Australian Government to ensure that all LGBTIQ+ people are free from discrimination wherever they work, study or access the services they need? SUBMISSION LINK: https://equalityaustralia.org.au/sareligiousexceptions/
11.01.2022 There’s a lot of very important reforms being considered around the country this week. We also know that the content of them can be quite distressing. It can be really difficult to look at the harmful commentary about who we are and who we love. So we thought tonight you might want to see something a bit lighter. Sydney's world-famous penguin dads have a new baby! Sphen and Magic, the penguins who made headlines around the world in 2018 as the first same-sex Gentoo Pengu...in couple, have adopted and hatched their second egg welcomed a new little hatchling to their rainbow family. Their story has been shared by thousands around the world, and brought great comfort and delight to rainbow families everywhere. The success of their first hatchling Lara is a testament to Sphen and Magics desire to be parents reminding us that every family is different and that it is love that makes a family. We will continue to do the hard work so that all rainbow families are protected from discrimination, but sometimes it's nice to celebrate the arrival of a new baby-- even if they are a penguin.
11.01.2022 Today is the 21st Bi+ Visibility Day! Bi+ Visibility Day started in 1999 as International Celebrate Bisexuality Day. That year it was marked in the USA, UK and South Africa. Now, it is celebrated in over 30 countries around the world. To all of the Bi+ members of our community: we see you, we love you, and our community is better for you being part of it. ... Adorable art by Henry James Garrett
10.01.2022 Great news today for LGBTIQ+ people in Japan and in the Asia Pacific region! Today, the Sapporo court in Japan ruled that denying equal marriage rights to LGBTIQ+ couples is unconstitutional, opening the door to legalising marriage equality. It's a big and important step. Ahead of the Tokyo Olympics, local and international groups are calling on the Japanese government to pass legislation both to extend marriage rights to everyone, and to protect LGBTIQ+ residents of Japan from discrimination.
10.01.2022 It’s Bi+ Awareness week! We all know visibility goes a long way in ensuring the existence and rights of people are seen, heard and protected. #BiWeek2020 is an opportunity for us to reflect on the specific challenges facing the Bi+ community and celebrate the amazing humans that exist within it. Bi+ is inclusive of all multi-gender-attracted people, including pansexual, polysexual, omnisexual, biromantic, queer and questioning who walk through life with their own unique set o...f challenges and experiences. To create a space for the community the folks at Big Bi+ Bonanza have collaborated with Bi+ organisation across Australia and Newzealand to bring you an entire week of visibility, inclusivity and celebration. The event includes both in-person and online events with an epic six days of queer storytelling kicking off the conference tomorrow with events ending on Bi+ Visibility Day on September 23rd. Sign up here: https://www.standbius.com Here at Equality Australia, we believe that people should not be treated differently based on who they love, but celebrated in all of their beautiful diversity and that includes the Bi+ community.
09.01.2022 We've got a bunch of the Yes campaign t-shirts and we're selling the last of them to support our work to create a place where everyone is treated with dignity and respect no matter where you live, who you are, or whom you love. Proceeds from the shirts will go towards our work in ensuring: - All LGBTIQ+ people are free from discrimination in schools, services, and workplaces... - Trans and gender diverse people have the dignity of having ID documents that reflect who they are - Intersex people are able to determine what medical interventions are performed on their bodies - So-called conversion therapy is a thing of the past And anything else that prevents LGBTIQ+ people from being free and equal. If you'd like to chip in, you can grab a shirt and make a donation at: https://bit.ly/eashirts
09.01.2022 Sport is a part of who we are as a country. Whether you enthusiastically spent your weekends at the oval or track, your early mornings swimming, were there cheering on a sibling, or you just went for the sausage sizzle and (now sadly overpriced) lollies, most of us have memories of sport growing up. For some transgender people, the controversy around participating in organised sport has prevented them from sharing these experiences. Today, we're so proud that our friends P...ride in Sport Australia have worked with Rugby AU, Netball Australia, the Australian Rugby League, Unisport, Waterpolo Australia, Cricket Australia, the AFL, and Tennis Australia to launch the new guidelines for transgender people in sport. Sport has a power to unite unlike anything else, we hope that everyone will be able to enjoy doing what they love with dignity and respect. You can learn more here https://www.abc.net.au//sports-to-unviel-guidelin/12719588
08.01.2022 BREAKING: The NSW Parliamentary Committee into the One Nation Religion Bill has handed down its report. We support fair and equal discrimination laws that protect all of us, equally whether we're people of faith, or not. But this report fails to address some serious concerns with the One Nation Bill. The Committee has endorsed an untested, unorthodox and unbalanced proposal that protects people of faith unequally, and puts women, LGBTIQ+ people and people with different or no religious beliefs at risk of discrimination.
08.01.2022 South Australia passes law that ends the ‘gay panic’ defence to murder for good. This marks the end of the ‘gay panic’ defence in every part of Australia! This long-overdue reform is an important step along the way to ending discrimination against LGBTIQ+ people in our laws. Over 38,000 of you signed the joint petition with our friends at the South Australian Rainbow Advocacy Alliance Inc. Our laws should always condemn prejudice not condone it. ... Now that the defence is abolished, we will be working to make sure that our laws address crimes motivated by hate or prejudice.
06.01.2022 Has COVID-19 left you feeling disconnected from your community? Not even a global pandemic could stop the fantastic folks at Trans Hub from bringing your community to your living room with this four-part online series for trans and gender diverse peoples and their allies! ACON and Trans Pride Australia are teaming up with funding from City of Sydney each fortnight for the next two months you can connect and engage with your community free of charge as we discuss the issues af...fecting the trans community and how we can continue to be resilient, strong and proud. This weeks session kicks off on Thursday 10th September at 6 pm titled Trans Resilience - Coming out of #covid19 hosted by Liz Duck-Chong and guest panellist: - Panda Cheong - Dan Kaplan - James Lyon - Kira Magee You will hear from trans and cis experts about how to stay strong, resilient and connected as we re-imagine a world we want to live and thrive in. Did we mention tickets are FREE? Head to the event link to register!
06.01.2022 Great news coming to you this Friday as an employment tribunal in Birmingham, UK affirmed that the UK’s Equality Act 2010 extends discrimination protections to non-binary and gender-fluid people. The Equality Act protects people from discrimination on the basis of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation. In a statement this week, the tribunal made clear that gender is... a spectrum and that it is is beyond any doubt the protections apply to people with diverse gender identity or expression. LGBTQI+ organisations are calling this a positive step forward in the recognition of non-binary and gender-fluid people across the UK. We can only hope that other countries will follow suit in ensuring that all people irrelevant of their sexuality, gender, ethnicity or disability can feel safe, respected and supported in their workplace. Read the full article from PinkNews here: https://www.pinknews.co.uk//jaguar-land-rover-employment-/
05.01.2022 Today on Transgender Day of Visibility we're celebrating trans pride and awareness, recognising trans and gender diverse experiences and achievements. Everyone, regardless of their gender should be able to participate in sport. At 12 midday, Pride in Sport is hosting a free, public online event to both celebrate and educate the community about transgender and gender diverse inclusion in sport.
05.01.2022 Four years ago, we witnessed Chansey Paech MLA's maiden speech addressing Parliament as our first Indigenous and openly gay MP of the Northern Territory Parliament. This week, some four years later Chansey is the latest addition to the NT’s cabinet after being sworn in as Minister with five portfolios. We are so excited to see Chansey once again representing both LGBTIQ+ and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities we just had to share it. Having visible community ...leaders in public roles is vital in ensuring that our Parliaments reflect the diversity of our country. We hope that one day these announcements will be business as usual, but for now, we say congratulations! And hope to see many others follow.
05.01.2022 Today is World AIDS Day. Equality Australia acknowledges the incredible role that people living with HIV and those who have died of AIDS related conditions have played in the advancement of LGBTIQ+ rights. We must never forget the work of those advocates who came before us in unthinkably difficult circumstances. Their contribution to our community will never be forgotten. Our Operations Manager Jacob, gave Meridian - formerly AIDS Action Council's Peter Rowland Address about... his experience living with HIV and the importance of World AIDS Day, community, education, and recognising our history. You can read his full address here: https://meridianact.org.au//world-aids-day-peter-rowland-/
04.01.2022 We know it's been a really tough time for many of you lately. With some awful discussions of our community in the media, an extension on lockdown in Victoria, and distressing debates in Parliaments around the country. Just know that no matter where you live, who you are, or whom you love we will be here for you. ... Be kind to yourself, check in on your friends. It's okay to look away and take some time off reading the news or your feeds. This directory has some crowdsourced services, online groups, and programs for LGBTIQ+ people. If you've found something that has helped you or you see something missing-- please add to it! http://bit.ly/lgbtiqdirectory
04.01.2022 Today we celebrate 10 years of creating safe, inclusive and supportive environments for LGBTIQ+ youth to thrive with Wear it Purple. The simple act of wearing a piece of purple clothing today sends a visible message to members of the LGBTIQ+ community that we see you, we support you, and you are valid. So, to celebrate, we put on our best purple attire and spoke to our team about what Wear it Purple day means to them. #wearitpurple #lgbtqpride
04.01.2022 This morning, the Victorian Government introduced a Bill to outlaw LGBTQ+ conversion practices. These harmful and damaging practices that attempt to change or suppress a person’s gender identity or sexual orientation will be prohibited by the Bill. This Bill sends a powerful message that LGBTQ+ people are whole and valid just as they are, and establishes powerful mechanisms to deal with incredibly harmful practices that LGBTQ+ people endure across Victoria. We hope that the B...ill will have broad support in the Victorian Parliament and we see the passage of this world-leading legislation. While no law can fix a complex social problem on its own, this Bill is a great step towards ending the incredible harm caused by attempted LGBTQ+ conversion practices. The Bill has been introduced after comprehensive consultation, and is being welcomed by survivor groups. Full media release here: https://equalityaustralia.org.au/world-leading-lgbtq-conve/
02.01.2022 The One Nation NSW's Religion Bill gives significant power to organisations that define themselves as religious, elevating their religious beliefs over the rights of others. Extending special protections and exemptions to these organisations, this bill will deeply impact the LGBTIQ+ community and many others with different beliefs who seek access to employment opportunities and essential services, such as education and housing, which have been contracted out to these organisa...tions by governments. No laws should place the importance of one group at the risk of harming another. Our laws should protect all of us, equally. Make sure your voice is heard and tell our MP's to not let this flawed and dangerous bill pass! SIGN HERE! https://equalityaustralia.org.au/stoponenationsbill/
02.01.2022 Trans Awareness Week is a chance to take the time to celebrate the Trans and gender diverse community, but as allies it’s also our job to make sure we make time to educate ourselves on the diverse trans experience and take real action to advocate for Trans lives. Today’s education resources are brought to you by TransHub who have just launched a new section to their award winning resource centre, TransHub101. This is your one stop shop for the LGBTIQ+ community, allies and he...alth professionals seeking to better understand Trans identities and experiences. You can view their resource centre here: https://www.transhub.org.au/ The Trans community is strong and resilient. However, our community is strongest when we look after ourselves and one another. One of the most powerful things we can do as allies is take ownership of our continued education and understanding of the Trans experience. This small gesture can ensure that we are there for our community in the way they need it the most. While we understand there is a lot to celebrate this week, we also know that this time of year can be challenging for those in our community. If you are experiencing distress or unwelcome thoughts and feelings, we want you to know that there is always somewhere or someone to turn to. You can access these resources on our website. If you are experiencing significant distress the below organisations are here to help QLife Australia 1800 184 527 Beyond Blue 1300 224 636 headspace 1800 650 890 Lifeline 13 11 14
01.01.2022 Everyone deserves to work and study with dignity and respect. But right now, religious schools, universities, colleges and other educational institutions across Australia except in Tasmania and the ACT are exempt from the laws meant to protect LGBTQ+ people. We’re calling on the Prime Minister and state and territory leaders to remove outdated carve-outs from anti-discrimination laws that allow students, teachers and staff to be expelled, fired, excluded or treated unfairly because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Will you join us and #RaiseYourHand? Visit equalityaustralia.org.au/raiseyourhand to sign the petition now.
01.01.2022 Everyone deserves to live with dignity and respect. LGBTQ+ people are whole, valid, and loved just the way they are. The Victorian Government has recently introduced a Bill to outlaw damaging LGBTQ+ conversion practices that attempt to change or suppress someone's sexual orientation or gender identity. This is what the Australian Christian Lobby's Managing Director has to say about it. No practice that attempts to change or suppress a person’s gender identity or sexual orien...tation is acceptable. The Bill, which has the support of conversion survivors, needs your support to ensure it is passed by the Victorian Parliament. Can you take a few minutes to tell your MP why we must end LGBTQ+ conversion practices for good? https://equalityaustralia.org.au/endconversionvic/
01.01.2022 Today is the start of Trans Awareness Week, it is also World Kindness Day. A day which inspires us to think about the simple acts of kindness that happen within our communities and the great impacts they have on our lives. The LGBTIQ+ community is strong, but we are so much stronger when we are kind to one another. So this World Kindness Day we’re asking you to share a story about an act of kindness you've experienced and thank the person who show kindness to you at a momen...t you needed it. Whether they're a partner, a teacher, a sibling, a parent, a friend, or random stranger. What's your story of kindness? Whose kindness are you grateful for?
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