Equestrian Confidence | Personal coach
Equestrian Confidence
Phone: 0414225265
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25.01.2022 What a magic weekend with this awesome group of ladies at our Samford Mindset Bodyset Ride Clinic this weekend. Some great demonstrations of courage, patience and comradary as everyone connected to their horses on new levels.
24.01.2022 This is what it looks like when your passion and commitment to something is greater than the feelings you are experiencing! You can overcome your feelings too, and your horse will love and reward you for it too.
24.01.2022 If you could spend just 3 hours with your horse and in those 3 hours have a breakthrough in confidence together, would that be of interest to you? What if you could to discover the biggest single thing that would make a difference to the relationship between you and your horse in just 3 hours instead of waiting to discover it over the weeks or months together, would that be of interest to you? I have had many requests for a "bite size" Clinic... and here it is.... Whether you are a trail rider, a competitive rider or someone who just loves being around horses, this 3 hour clinic is for everyone. Everyone is on a journey and when things have "room for improvement" or some cracks between our dreams and the reality, the best place to start looking is in the foundations. Each rider will leave with a clear direction of where to put your effort to get the quickest most effective results in confidently going for your dream with your horse. For more information call Selina on 0414225265. Clinic will be held in the Samford area.
23.01.2022 This article hits every spot for me, a great read. With all reoccuring challenges it ultimately comes back to ourselves. The place to start is always with our own selves and every action starts with a thought which is born from our mindset. No matter how confident we are, no matter how knowledgeable we are, if its a reoccuring challenge or a want/dream thats taking too long, first place to check is your mindset. Do you agree?
22.01.2022 Some people will immediately dismiss this as a trick. Some people will be in awe. Some will feel confused and some will feel like you do. Whatever emotions this brings up, consider it is coming from the same hidden place blockages are in your riding. Whether you understand this or not doesn't matter, the golden lesson is in noticing your reaction to it and look for when you have those thoughts and feelings in other areas of your life.
22.01.2022 Its not all about us! I have promoted that I work with the "rider" and the "riders mindset" however what may be easily missed is that this ultimately is all about the horse too. This photo is the first time my new horse (just 3 weeks out of a feedlot and very different lifestyle) has been to a show. There were lots of new sudden noises with the big rides starting just before this photo was taken including the big arm and people screaming as it went around dwarfing the fe...rris wheel you can see. What my horse needed from me was confidence that it was all normal and that there was NO threat. Now... whilst I knew the rides were no threat, him shying or spinning in fright and me falling off or even worse... me not looking good in front of everyone, that WOULD have been a threat to me and since my horse is of simple mind and only works in the world of "threat or no threat" .... he would have picked up on that and things may have gone very differently. So how do we not feel something that is there? We cant, its about management and focus at first and after enough wet saddle blankets it will be like blinking and breathing... when was the last time you needed to remind yourself to do those? There are three different techniques I coach riders in which can be mixed and matched according to the circumstances. First Technique: disassociating your feelings with your physical presence. Analogy: there are flies everywhere and you horse can feel even a small fly on its bum. The horse is only concerned by the fly when it actually lands on its bum though. So you can have the feelings however if it is not expressed in your body, not even the size of a small fly, then it is of no concern to the horse. Important: do NOT deal with the feelings, just let them be, giving them focus will make them stronger. Action: Manage your breathing, eyes, voice, seat, hands, legs posture etc. Put all your focus on communicating with your horse using these. My clinics include exploring what it is your horse needs from you and how to manage your feelings so you can provide that for your horse so you can both do well, now thats partnership and harmony!
22.01.2022 So Excited. Now on iTunes, Google, Spotify, iHeartRadio and BuzzSprout. How easy would it be to get the changes you want just by adjusting your language? 5-10 minutes - three times per week. Subscribe to never miss a new episode.
21.01.2022 Nothing to add... enjoy
20.01.2022 Who am I and why would you consider me for mindset coaching when following your dreams? This 2 minute video is why
19.01.2022 No words... thank you Julie for sending me this after finding out you had breast cancer and waiting to have it removed.... JULIE MULDER 8 Nov 2018 WORRY I would like to dedicate this page of thoughts to Selina Iddon who was wonderful enough to take me on as a student this year. ...Continue reading
18.01.2022 This is a rare opportunity as I am only participating in clinics by request now. This clinic has been very well put together and I am very excited to part of it. Ive heard its filling fast though so get in quick if you are interested.
18.01.2022 I just love this, a subtle way of saying work on yourself first and your hands will follow. Some people may say this quote creates a sense of hopelessness, because we are who we are and cant change. I disagree in part. I agree we are who we are AND I know from experience we have choices about who we are going to be. I liken having feelings and reactions to having a saddle and horse. You can choose to use them or not.... once you learn how that is.... This is not something taught at school, this is something I pass on with my coaching. Are you ready to get choice around some of your temperaments? If yes, call me on 0414225265. "Live at choice - live life free, Be what and who you want to be."
17.01.2022 Checkout the latest testimonial from Bethany. I am guessing quite a few of us can relate to where Bethany was at. I found Equestrian Confidence one day when it flashed up on my newsfeed on Facebook. It was like it screamed at me from through my phone, everything I was feeling with my horses and horse riding - anxiety, nerves, lack of motivation, where do I begin, all these things were holding me back from following my dreams and I had finally found an outlet that exactly unde...rstood all those feelings I was having. And the best part - offered a solution. Of course, it took me some deliberation to contact Selina, I was having the same discussion and argument with myself that I did when it came to doing something with my horses. It didnt take long and I had started my phone coaching with Selina. Looking back on it, all I can say is wow. From the moments that happened in those weeks of coaching, the person who I was and the person I was being, then including so much that was conquered, it has all really altered my life in such a way that I now know that I am living on the path I am meant to be, a life that I had been dreaming of for so long, a life that I want. I started riding again once I started my calls with Selina. I hadnt ridden in about 18 months and the horse I brought into work hadnt been ridden in at least 2/3 years. It was winter so the weather wasnt great, the days got dark early and I was working full time, all excellent excuses for someone to not want to ride. This did not stop me, I found the motivation and drive that I was hiding in me, I kept riding. My horse was not easy and he tested me a lot. This did not stop me either, I found the courage I had in myself and began to trust my ability and I kept riding. In 13 weeks, I went from a person who dreamed of riding to becoming a horse rider, competing a horse that had been sitting in a paddock for 3 years to a horse that was now a dressage diva that scored 10s in his first ever Dressage tests and placed 3rd and 9th out of 40 riders, at a massive, busy competition of 800 combinations over various levels. My everyday life, relationships, work life have all benefited from my participation with Equestrian Confidence. I am able to make the right decisions for myself, no matter how daunting it may look at the time I trust myself now, I have motivation and I have courage to make anything I want possible. Thank you Selina, I will always be grateful for the chapter you wrote into my life.
17.01.2022 With the price of feed at an all time high I am now asking those eating the feed to help out more around the house. Smoothie - you can start with the ironing! ... Whilst this is clearly a joke, it is always a good time to reflect on what we do ask of our horses in partnering us. Some useful questions for every rider in this enquiry to find the fine line are: 1. Am i asking too much? 2. Am i asking too little? 3. Am i demanding and not asking at all? 4. Is the connection and understanding between my horse and my self developing towards my conscious goals? If "yes" -well done, keep up the excellent work! If "sort of", "slowly", "I think so" or "no" - consider you are asking either: 1. from yourself as the individual, not yourself as your horses trainer and partner. 2. from your subconscious story about your ability to achieve your conscious goal. Time to expose and rewrite your story. Happy Monday xx Selina
16.01.2022 Mindset coaching produces long-lasting results like ending the weight yo-yo cycle. Most of us know how to lose weight and it makes no difference. This program will make a difference! I am offering a small group 4 weeks coaching for ONLY $45 as a pilot program. The sessions will be held at a venue in Samford 7-9pm on all four Thursday nights in June. ... The coaching does not promote or sell any specific food products or fitness programs so $45 is the total cost. Wanting results isnt enough, it takes action. Call or text me (Selina) for more information on 0414225265. To apply click here https://forms.gle/5AJdSyfCgdE97FvDA Applying/booking is obligation free and payment is not required right away, it will however hold you a place as only a small group will be accepted.
16.01.2022 So... went on a short solo trail ride this morning, the kids little orange ball on the trail was going to eat him, the little pile of timber on the footpath was going to devour him, the white gates were going to tear him to pieces.... why do I do this again??? And all the while I forgot to stop and acknowledge myself for persisting, for getting him past the tennis ball, for consciously connecting with him and being the leader in how the ride went, in giving him the directio...n and assurance to finally relax before we headed home. He can be an absolute idiot and I am grateful that with the mindset and riding training I have had I can now rise to be what he needs in times like those. He teaches me so much, as much as I (like many people) dont like to acknowledge myself, this is part of what it takes for me to be the best I can be. If I only remember what goes wrong and what I could have done better... how can.my horse ever truly have a win. Horses feel everything, they dont understand lots of words. What is something you have done well or achieved this week?
15.01.2022 Who else wants to learn the latest mindset tools for being "present" when riding and competing? On my free webinar (Mon 11th Jan at 7.15pm) I will share with you the top 3 must know tools. Click this link to nominate http://eepurl.com/hlwzyT
15.01.2022 Ready to go the next level in your riding & life? Exciting news! 5 week online mindset coaching program via Zoom is finally here. The first session will be FREE and by webinar if you want to see how it works before committing and if there are any places left you can complete the following 4 weeks or book into a future program. If you know you are ready for an up-change, the program is 1 x 75 min session per week, 5 min every day plus appx 30-45 min homework each week. To...tal investment is $189. See flyer below and email me at [email protected] to secure your place for the first free session or for the entire program. Only 8 places per full program.
15.01.2022 How I wish I had written this myself, every word is why I coach and why I coach only the rider without their horse. From the bottom of my heart I believe using your mind to its full potential starts with understanding it a little and this can be done in a fun way and kept simple for every single person to get. If you would like to be freed up from disempowering thoughts, if you would like to use the power of your mind wisely and effectively, then I invite you to call and... find out more. Kind regards, Selina 0414225265 See more
14.01.2022 Its ok to say "not today", and if you do, be kind to yourself, acknowledge the impact of your choice and put plans in place to deal with those (ie you cant replace riding with thinking about riding and get the same results). NOTE: If you allow yourself to "not today" three times in a row, this is a different matter. Its time to kick yourself in the pants and get in action, or call someone who will help you. Letting yourself off once may be looking after yourself, letti...ng yourself off three times is a downward slide. Pull yourself up ASAP before you get momentum in this direction. Happy Monday :)
14.01.2022 Last Clinic with Horses! With fabulous results and clients choosing phone coaching and my clinic insurance expiring end of this month this is likely to be my last clinic with horses. If you have been waiting for the right time then this is it. There are a few places left so be quick!... Only $50 for 3 hours. This Saturday 8.15-11.30am at Samford Pony Club grounds. Both rider, groundwork and ridden sessions. Contact me (Selina) to book or for more information on 0414225265.
13.01.2022 And as I look around at those so effected by drought, fire and hard times, what keeps me living rather than just surviving is my vision of a world full of kindness. There are many examples of kindness when others are doing it obviously tough and are down, my dream is that kindness is how we all are when things seem easy and people appear strong
13.01.2022 When I watch my boys play I love and appreciate them even more for the softness and calm partnership they give me when I ask.
13.01.2022 This is one of my new Top 10 favorite sayings. It resonates completely with how much courage it requires to take the actions to get where we want to go. I imaging there will be many riders saying things like "its not about winning for me" or a version of that. Consider winning is not about the ribbon, it is about doing better than the only person that counts - yourself! It is about giving your horse the best chance possible, it is about winning hearts and respect. If you can win at those, then the ribbons will predictably follow, either way, you will experience being a winner. Now, are you strong enough to get in that saddle, get the assistance, coaching or whatever it is you need to win at what really counts - connecting with your horse and you both enjoying your passion?
11.01.2022 Do not wait. If you have dreams for you and your horse, if you are feeling stuck or nervous then you must watch this video. Please share
09.01.2022 I love this quote, stepping out of what we think we know and trying new things is where new things happen.
09.01.2022 Regardless of whether you like Warwick Schiller or not, this is a not to be missed podcast. There is actually very little of Warwick talking, he is interviewing a guy called Nahshon Cook and wow, just wow. Nahshon is whole next level in connectedness with horses. We all have our super-gifts, his is with clearly horses and i can't even put it into words. Listen and enjoy. https://vurbl.com/listen/8PQagL0TxE5/
08.01.2022 Something great and free!! A friend told me about a new app called Equilab last week and Ive tried it and LOVE it. Thanks heaps for recommending it Sue. Basically you start it when you start riding and when you finish it gives you the most amazing feedback, see the photos below from one of my rides. You can enter multiple horses and notes. ... What we feel and reality are often so very different. A big part of my coaching is putting reality systems in place. This is so far the best one Ive come across. It even tells you how many left turns you did and how many right ones. Three other features I especially love is he ability to to select how I felt on the ride, then select how the horse felt to me on the ride and then to enter notes about the ride. Its an ongoing reminder that there are two of us in the partnership and it draws the distinction between our partnership(the ride), me and my horse. Most times when I finish a ride I learn at least one or two things that I want to remember or develop more next time.... only between then and next time a lot can happen and without an existence system my riding can go in circles. By making notes right then and there after the ride it firstly engages a different part of my brain and I am 10 times more likely to remember it even if I dont read it again AND I will read it again before my next ride because my time is precious and this will definitely have me be more efficient and focused. There are more features than I have captured here. Let me know what you think, Id love to hear your thoughts on it.
06.01.2022 Want to reach your goals easier & quicker this year? This video gives you an access how to do that. Check it out. Mindset Performance Coaching is no longer just for elite athletes, it is now available for every rider! The video features some of the talented riders I have coached.... This year I am also running introduction evenings in addition to phone coaching programs, the flyer is in the comments below. Call me on 0414225265 if you would like more information or just for a chat. Heres to living your dreams. Cheers, Selina
05.01.2022 WHEN YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT IS STOPPING YOU IT LOSES CONTROL OVER YOU. IF IT STILL HAS CONTROL, CONSIDER YOU STILL HAVE NOT DISCOVERED IT. My coaching and clinics are like nothing else currently being offered in Australia. Feeling free, in control and trusting comes from understanding. ... I invite you to apply for one of five $100 vouchers to one of my clinics or for coaching where you will discover for yourself what stands between you and the rider you wish you were. Its free to apply, the only thing you have to lose is whats stopping you. Click here to apply: https://docs.google.com//1FAIpQLSdQw0HYkW0AluEGM/viewform Call me on 0414225265 for more information
05.01.2022 In every moment we have a choice... in those famous words, "to be or not to be". The choice not to be is completely valid only it is often complicated with a string of excuses, reasons and stories when we feel we should be. Stop reading now and go do something you enjoy if your choice is not to be and I invite you to be at peace with your choice. ... NOW... if our choice is to be, whether that be confident, calm, a better horseman, more fun... whatever it is for you then I invite you to TAKE AN ACTION NOW!!! Your action may or may not be to message me to find out if my phone coaching can produce the results you want, just take one action of some sort. I really hope your action will be to message me and please give me your phone number and some good times to call. Its not good for either of us if I am not a match for your goals and I will happily let you know and if I know of other options I will share those with you too. Anything is possible if you want it bad enough. So... are you ready? Will you take an action? Will you message me?
04.01.2022 Who is planning to achieve big in 2019? Want to turbo charge your journey?
04.01.2022 This is gold! I love particularly Marks references to the rider being calm and connected to achieve the outcome. Mark is certainly a brilliant horseman and trainer whom I would highly recommend doing a clinic with.... AND as it starts with you I recommend calling me for phone coaching first to give you the greatest access you can have to being truly calm yourself first, which will naturally lead to unprecedented results at one of his clinics or any other outing or lesson you attend. Cheers and wishing you a fabulous day Selina Oh: 0414225265
03.01.2022 Set a powerful goal for 2019 - the wording of your goal is important to success. Your goal must have: a. Clarity including at least one number b. Priority we all have multiple goals and areas of our life, each goal must be given priority or you will end up going in circles of distraction c. Simplicity never confuse simple with easy... My goal for 2019 is : I have scored 62% or higher in Prelim Comp Class at 2 Working Equitation competitions on 2 separate horses Some things to note about my goal: a. It is not about winning. Depending on who turns up to the comp I could win on a 55% or likewise I could lose with a 70%. When I am achieving my best the rest will follow. b. I am not referencing a specific competition. We all know competitions are at the mercy of weather, what if its cancelled, what if the judge doesnt like the colour of my horse or my horse goes lame? Your goal should not come with a back door, there are 5 comps in Qld this year, if it comes Sept and Im not on track then I will need travel interstate to find competitions. Just by having this mindset will influence my training and focus on every competition from right now. c. I am not referencing a specific horse, I may have to borrow a horse to achieve this knowing this now will certainly test my commitment. The goal written differently would again give me a back door to success. d. It is written in language as if it has happened already (never use the word will or other future based language). There are more considerations however the above will apply to 90% of us. I am running goal-setting phone conference calls throughout January with a maximum of 4 people per call. Each call will go for 60-75 minutes and you will leave the call with at least one powerful goal for 2019 worded to best match yourself. Calls are $40. If you are interested please PM me or call 0414225265 for available times. Heres to your best year yet! Cheers Selina
02.01.2022 Had the most amazing clinic today with Selina! Learnt so much both for the horse I took to the clinic but also for my youngster at home. Thank you so much for your wisdom and advice, appreciated more than you can know. Feeling so much more confident and connected to my horses!
02.01.2022 The next "Mindset Bodyset Ride" clinic is now open. You can secure your place with a $100 deposit, only 8 positions. To book go to https://www.nominate.com.au/equestdn/Nominateme.aspx Dorothy from Lifestyle pilates will join us for some Bodyset work too. If you are up for something different, if you want to unleash in the saddle, if you want to connect with your horse on a whole new level, dont delay, book or call me now on 0414 225 265 to find out more. :)
02.01.2022 So excited for tonight's webinar and sharing some incredible mindset techniques with you. Bonus: What is one breakthrough that if you got tonight would light... you up? If you know of a block you have, consciously bring it to tonight's webinar. If you don't know of any specific ones then that's fine too. However you are and however you are feeling tonight is fine. There will be something for everyone. The link to nominate is eepurl.com/hlwzyT
02.01.2022 And here it is... my Jan-Jun 2019 Calendar. Look forward to hearing from you If you would like to see the kind of results I get, visit our YouTube channel - Equestrian Confidence
02.01.2022 Who else has a 'game face' at competitions? And it's not the kind that that looks like 'I am doing the thing I love'. At my final competition for 2020 I set myself a goal to get a photo of my smiling while competing. I have plenty of leaving the ring smiling So the first 2 rounds I was smiling like a cheshire cat and whilst it did bring relaxation I had simply moved my distraction to smiling and still wasn't as present with my horse as I am out of the ring.... Third round I practiced a new technique I have been studying and developing for riders and bingo, both my horse and I had fun together, and yes we also performed well. I am including this technique in my free webinar 11th Jan at 7.15pm. I know it works! To register click here: https://event.webinarjam.com/register/7/w7xmqav
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