Equestrian South Australia Inc in Mount Barker, South Australia | Professional sports league
Equestrian South Australia Inc
Locality: Mount Barker, South Australia
Phone: +61 8 8391 0488
Address: Unit 10, 2 Cameron Road 5251 Mount Barker, SA, Australia
Website: http://www.sa.equestrian.org.au
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25.01.2022 VALE GEOFF RICHARDS. Word has just come to us via his daughter and Fran Cleland, that top showjumping rider Geoff Richards, has passed away. Geoff lived in T...asmania but came to the mainland many times to compete at Royal Shows and was one of the best. He rode and made many very good horses. We send our condolences to Geoff's family and all his friends, he had many.
25.01.2022 EVENTING - YOUTH DEVELOPMENT SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS HAVE BEEN EXTENDED Date: Sat 19th & Sun 20th, Dec 2020 Venue: Hallmark Farm, Woodside.... Coach: Sam Lyle, (NSW) Applications Close: (extended to) Mon 7th Dec, 4:00pm For more information & application form, click the link below. https://www.sa.equestrian.org.au//2020-gillian-rolton-am-y
22.01.2022 SHOW HORSE - SPRING GALA SHOW Entries close 4pm, Monday 7th September. CLICK the link below to view program and enter via nominate.... https://www.nominate.com.au/equestdn/Event.aspx
22.01.2022 COVID-19 Update 1 December 2020 . [CASES] There have been no new cases of COVID-19 today.... However, a routine audit has identified a case which was not previously publicly reported and a total of 562 cases have now been notified in SA. This case was a woman in her 20s who returned from overseas on Sunday 15 November and tested positive while staying in a medi-hotel. She has since been cleared of the virus. . [COVIDSAFE CHECK-IN] The COVID SAfe Check-In app is now available to download in both the Google Play and Apple App Store. Apple users may need to delete and then reinstall the app if the COVID SAfe Check-In option does not appear. . [NEW DIRECTIONS] From today, a number of updates have been made to the Emergency Management Direction 2020. Under the new Direction, masks must be worn in defined health care, residential care, disability support and aged care services. More details can be found at www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/emergency-declarations. . [DAILY STATS] Cases today: 0 Total active cases: 11 Total cases: 562 Patients recovered: 547 Total deaths: 4 Tests yesterday: 6,531 Total tests: 732,562 . [REMINDER] If you have symptoms, even if mild, get tested immediately. Stay home while you wait for your results. Wash/sanitise your hands regularly. Keep 1.5m distance from others wherever possible. Clean frequently touched surfaces. . [INFORMATION AND SUPPORT] SA COVID-19 Information Line 1800 253 787 SA COVID-19 Mental Health Support Line 1800 632 753
22.01.2022 The Strengthening Community Wellbeing after Bushfires Grant Program is open for applications from 2 to 20 November. Please forward this email to your networks in Kangaroo Island, Adelaide Hills, Yorketown and surrounding areas and encourage them to distribute further. Wellbeing SA is offering the grants to fund locally driven projects that help communities connect and build resilience through their recovery. A wide variety of projects that seek to support the mental health a...nd wellbeing of bushfire impacted communities will be funded. Applications are welcomed and encouraged from groups with strong connections to bushfire affected communities including local community groups, voluntary groups, charities, schools and councils. More information about the grants program, including information on how to apply, is available at: https://openyourworld.sa.gov.au/bushfiregrants. Questions about the grants can be directed to the Mental Health and Wellbeing Directorate at Wellbeing SA: - Phone 0435 495 309 - Email [email protected]
22.01.2022 ESA INTERCHOOL STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS ENTRIES CLOSING: MONDAY 31ST AUGUST Entries via https://www.nominate.com.au/... The committee have introduced a $30 Interschool registration fee (Aug - Dec.) for new combinations which will cover all disciplines. To gain points towards: *Discipline Champions *School Championships Awards *2020 Interschool High Points Leaderboard ..combinations must have current EA Membership, School Consent forms complete and Interschool Registration fee paid prior to competitions. The current ESA High Point Leaderboard has records of those that have forms and registrations recorded. Any questions or concerns please contact us via email: [email protected]
21.01.2022 ESA Board appointment ESA recently advertised for two further Directors to be appointed to the Board. These appointments were to be made in accordance with a particular skill set requirement..... Click the link below to read the full announcement.... https://www.sa.equestrian.org.au/news/esa-board-appointment See more
21.01.2022 Attention Eventers A provisional 2021 Eventing Calendar has been organised by Eventing SA & listed on the ESA website to help you plan and prepare for next years events. Please note this will be updated when Event changes occur.... https://www.sa.equestrian.org.au//Eventing%20SA%20_Vic%20C
19.01.2022 Grants for Equestrian Fire Relief Now Open Thanks to Equestrian Fire Relief Australia (EFRA) we are excited to announce a new grant to support equestrians in Au...stralias bushfire affected areas. The EFRA Grants will support equestrian welfare, wellbeing and return to participation in equestrian sports by assisting the recovery of the equestrian community to help repair or replace essential items damaged or lost in the recent bushfires. Who can apply? We invite all individuals, organisations and clubs who were impacted by the bushfires from November 2019- March 2020 to apply. All applicants must be registered with the Australian Sports Foundation. Please note that if you are not a Representative athlete at state, territory or national level you will need to apply through your local sports club. Applications will be accepted from 1 September to 30 September with suggested grant values up to $15,000 to fund your projects that will repair or replace essential items damaged or lost in the recent bushfires...Apply Now: https://grants.sportsfoundation.org.au//equestrian_fire_r/ Equestrian NSW Equestrian Queensland Equestrian Victoria Equestrian South Australia Inc Equestrian Western Australia Equestrian Tasmania Equestrian Northern Territory #bushfirerelief #equestrian #ridewithus #fortheloveofthehorse
19.01.2022 Congratulations Conor Reed and Troy Woollard on being named on the 2019 Equestrian Australia National Young Rider Squad. EA made the announcement of the 2019 Sq...uad on the 16th of September. Conor won one round of the National Young Riders Series at the Mount Gambier Showjumping Club Junior & Young Rider Festival and placed 2nd in 4 other rounds. Troy won the round at the Royal Adelaide Show. Madison Sinderberry was announced champion of the series and Conor was runner up. 2019 Australian Jumping Young Rider Series Squad Announced Equestrian Australia has confirmed its Australian Young Rider Squad in the Olympic discipline of Jumping following the successful 2019 Young Rider Series. Congratulations to all Young Riders who participated in 2019. This class has been a highlight of the showjumping year with great competitions over challenging courses. Madeline Sinderberry - NSW Conor Reed - SA Chris Holland - QLD Jessica Rice-Ward - NSW Samantha Lamont - WA Amelia Douglass - NSW Georgia Price - VIC Jessica Tripp - NSW Courtney Tincknell - QLD Jamie Priestley - NSW Jasmine Dennison - VIC Sally Simmonds - NSW Will Dight - QLD Rachel Hare - VIC Troy Woollard - SA
19.01.2022 All ESA Board Meeting Summaries are located here on the ESA Website https://www.sa.equestrian.org.au/co/board-meeting-summaries
18.01.2022 Good Afternoon Members, The ESA AGM has a confirmed date, Wednesday 14th October. (likely venue Auchendarroch House, Mt Barker. Start time 7pm) We are looking at offering virtual attendance and would like to try and gauge if members/ or non members would prefer to attend in person or virtually?... If you wish to attend by either of the above, can you please help us by clicking on the link below and answering just one question. This will greatly help us with venue hire requirements, factoring in Covid-19 restrictions on internal gatherings. Responses are anonymous and no emails are collected. https://forms.gle/hDsRhb7w8ZQ61PQJ7
18.01.2022 Attention Show Horse Enthusiasts Gillian Rolton - Youth Development Scholarship NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS ... Date: Sat 9th & Sun 10th, January 2021 Venue: Danson Dressage, Birdwood Coach: Paul Austin Applications Close: Mon 28th Dec For more information & application form, click the link below. https://www.sa.equestrian.org.au/show-horse
16.01.2022 EOI - INTERSCHOOL COMMITTEE 2 positions are available for expression of interest to join the Interschool Discipline Committee. Interschool are looking for keen and committed members who can support the development of junior riders. Some event management or marketing experience would be beneficial, as well as a solid understanding of the national Interschool rules.... Please register your interest by email to the ESA Board via [email protected] by 5pm Friday 14th August. See more
16.01.2022 ORSR ACTIVE CLUBS REBOOT PROGRAM The Office of Recreation, Sport & Racing's Active Clubs Program is open until 23 Sep 2020. The Active Club Program helps active recreation and sports club with program and equipment funding up to and including $3,000.... This is a quick and easy application process for all eligible clubs to help fund new equipment, uniforms, training aids and COVIDSafe products such as digital equipment, hand sanitiser, cleaning products, etc.
16.01.2022 OPPORTUNITY FOR VAULTERS Live online group training sessions especially for Australians via the video app zoom. Starting in September we will cover all the physical skills you can improve on:... Refine your technical skills Improve your fitness, strength, flexibility, balance and coordination Improve your compulsories, freestyle moves and even your artistic expression Regular progress follow-up in the live trainings with a limited amount of students per session..... Click the link below for more information: https://www.sa.equestrian.org.au/n/vaulters-coaches-lungers
15.01.2022 If you are in self-quarantine or self-isolation due to COVID-19, you can leave your home if you are in an emergency or your home is unsafe. You should try to ge...t back into self-isolation as soon as you safely can. During an emergency, if you need to attend an emergency relief centre or a Bushfire Last Resort Refuge, you need to stay outside, alert emergency services (e.g. SAPOL, relief authorities at the location etc.) and follow instructions. You must also advise emergency services that you have been forced to leave self-quarantine or self-isolation due to the emergency and that: you are a close contact of a known COVID-19 case you have recently tested positive to COVID-19 or if you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or you are in self-quarantine because you have recently returned from interstate. Review your Bushfire Survival Plan and consider adding additional face masks, hand sanitiser, and antibacterial wipes to your ‘Emergency Kit’ to protect yourself and your loved ones from COVID-19. Follow the SA Country Fire Service for emergency warnings and further advice.
15.01.2022 SHOW JUMPING THIS WEEKEND. Get your entries in soon.
15.01.2022 Our tribute to Chilli Morning, the only stallion to win Badminton Horse Trials, who died suddenly at home on August 25th https://www.an-eventful-life.com.au/ukeu/rip-chilli-morning #eventing British Eventing Official Fox-Pitt Eventing
15.01.2022 It has been announced today that the 2020 Prydes Easifeed Australian Jumping Championships will no longer go ahead due to Covid-19. "Boneo Park looks forward t...o putting on a fabulous 2021 Prydes Easifeed Australian Jumping Championships, date TBC...." Read more: www.equestrianlife.com.au//The-2020-Prydes-Easifeed-Austra Image: Billy Raymont and Anssioso Z at the 2019 ASJC. EQ LIfe
14.01.2022 Equestrian SA is pleased to advise that this afternoon, 15 September 2020, at a Special General Meeting of Equestrian Australia (EA), the State Branches voted to accept the proposed amendments to the Equestrian Australia (EA) Constitution. As a result the Administrators Deed of Company Arrangement (DOCA) has been satisfied and EA will not be put into liquidation. Equestrian SA looks forward to working with the Interim EA Board in progressing the next stage of EAs Governance ...Reform. Please forward any suggestions, comments or recommendations to the Board or your Discipline Committee as we endeavour to engage with EA on behalf of all our members.
14.01.2022 Just a quick reminder to all Youth Dressage Riders the closing date for the Dressage Gillian Rolton Youth Development scholarship programme closes tomorrow, Wednesday 16th. Entries via nominate https://nominate.com.au/equestdn/Event.aspx Emma Woolman Photography
14.01.2022 IMPORTANT COVID19 UPDATE - COVID MARSHALS As of Friday 21 August 2020 a COVID Marshal will be required to supervise a prescribed operation, which includes but is not limited to: The onsite purchase and consumption of food or beverage (whether occurring in an indoor or outdoor area)... Social and sporting clubs Operations at gymnasiums and fitness centres Swimming pools used by the public Under this definition, all equestrian events must include a COVID Marshal, where: * less than 200 people are present - then you must have a nominated COVID Marshal (this can be one of your regular staff or volunteers to perform the role as well as their usual duties). * more than 200 people are reasonably expected to be present at or participating - then you must have a dedicated COVID Marshal (this person must not have any other duties in respect of the prescribed operation). Read the full update here: https://www.sa.equestrian.org.au//covid19-update-covid-mar
13.01.2022 Its just a water tray or is it ?
13.01.2022 Dressage SA would like to introduce our NEW annual award for 2021. ***Foundation Horse & Rider of the Year.*** This award is the aggregate of A...OR results in Preliminary and Novice ONLY from the nominated competitions. Entries are via Nominate https://nominate.com.au/equestdn/Event.aspx picture it photography See more
13.01.2022 We are still on the look out for additional MPIOs to support ESA members if and when they may need to lodge a complaint or concern and don't know what steps to take next. It's important to note that the Member Protection Information Officer is NOT responsible for managing complaints, but rather for supporting individuals looking at their options, rights and responsibilities. This is a vitally important volunteer role in sport, which will utilise transferable skills across al...l sectors and industries. ESA will be paying for up to 6 people to undertake the Sports SA MPIO course (offered virtually due to COVID) with the next course being delivered on 17 September 2020. https://www.sportsa.org.au/events/65072/ A pre-requisite to this course is the free online training module offered here: https://www.playbytherules.net.au/online/mpio-online-course If you would like to nominate as an ESA MPIO please contact [email protected] ASAP.
12.01.2022 Equestrian SA Annual General Meeting 2020 NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The meeting will also be offered by virtual attendance. NOTICE is hereby given of the Annual General Meeting of EQUESTRIAN FEDERATION OF AUSTRALIA-SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BRANCH trading as............ Click the link below for more information https://www.sa.equestrian.org.au//equestrian-sa-annual-gen
12.01.2022 The upcoming Show Horse Judges Seminar (Virtual) is open to all current financial ESA members and free to attend!
12.01.2022 Long Sleeve Polo $50 Short Sleeve Polo $45 Cap 19$ Order online at the link below ... https://www.sa.equestrian.org.au//equestrian-sa-merchandise See more
11.01.2022 ORSR ACTIVE CLUBS REBOOT PROGRAM The Office of Recreation, Sport & Racings Active Clubs Program is open until 23 Sep 2020. The Active Club Program helps active recreation and sports club with program and equipment funding up to and including $3,000.... This is a quick and easy application process for all eligible clubs to help fund new equipment, uniforms, training aids and COVIDSafe products such as digital equipment, hand sanitiser, cleaning products, etc.
10.01.2022 On Wednesday, a Board update was sent to all ESA members. This letter has also been posted on our website. To reiterate ESA's stance on the proposed constitutional changes for the Special General Meeting on 15 September 2020: "The ESA Board has no preference on a future Governance model for Equestrian Sport. We have asked our DCs to tell us how they see the sport and its governance being organised in the future and we have asked them to work closely with their national count...erparts in order to produce a consistent view. Their view and that of all of our members will give the necessary direction to ESA. The ESA Board commits to voting for future proposed changes to the EA Constitution after full consultation with our DCs, our members and other stakeholders, and in line with the members' voice. We look forward to working with all of our members and the new EA Interim Board to deliver the best Equestrian Sport for all.
10.01.2022 The Australian Government has recently released COVIDSAFE Procedures for Outdoor Mass Participation Events (refer attached). Mass participation events have a higher risk for COVID-19 transmission than many other sport and recreation activities. This is because of: The number of people involved The difficulty in keeping at a safe physical distance ... Complex contact tracing The potential for wide geographic infection when participants return home following an event. Mass participation events include but are not limited to: Park runs Fundraising walk/runs Marathons Ocean Swims Triathlons Trail running Group cycling Obstacle Racing If your organisation is planning future mass participation events, I encourage you to refer to the attached fact sheet for guidance. However, it is very important to note that the relevant Emergency Management Directions provide you with the most up to date information in regard to restrictions on activities during COVID-19 in South Australia. The Emergency Management Directions must be adhered to at all times. Finally, it is also worth noting again that where more than 1000 people will be in attendance at an activity a COVID Management Plan is required in South Australia. With finals commencing soon, I encourage you all to keep this in mind as you plan for these events. Click the link below to download the fact sheet. https://www.sa.equestrian.org.au//Mass%20Participation%20E
10.01.2022 Changes to Novice and Advanced Freestyle Tests Change effective 1st January 2021 to Novice and Advanced Freestyle Tests.... https://www.sa.equestrian.org.au//changes-novice-and-advan
09.01.2022 ATTENTION SHOW JUMPERS Gillian Rolton - Youth Development Scholarship NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS ... Date: Sat 16th & Sun 17th January 2021 Venue: TBC Coach: Paul Brent Applications Close: Sun 6th Dec - 4:00pm For more information & application form, click the link below. https://www.sa.equestrian.org.au/jumping/node/787
09.01.2022 ONCE AGAIN TELSTRA HAVE DISCONNECTED THE ESA PHONE LINE. PLEASE EMAIL IF YOU NEED US [email protected] YES we have paid the Phone Bill, change of Account Name is apparently the issue. A fault report has been lodged. Sorry for any inconvenience.
08.01.2022 The very NEW Adelaide Hills Show Jumping Club are running their first ever competition on the 10th/11th Oct at Wirrina Cove Holiday Park. There is a great variety of classes over two rings. Jump onto Nominate now to enter. It's looking like a fun weekend of jumping ahead. https://www.nominate.com.au/equestdn/Event.aspx
08.01.2022 REMINDER FOR JUMPERS If competing at Waikerie, make sure your Jumping Licence is current and has been validated by the ESA Office.REMINDER FOR JUMPERS If competing at Waikerie, make sure your Jumping Licence is current and has been validated by the ESA Office.
08.01.2022 RULES | Protective headgear will be mandatory in FEI dressage from 1 January 2021 as the FEI stands behind the decision it made at last year's FEI General A...ssembly despite a petition put forward by the International Dressage Riders’ Club requesting to maintain the option to use top hats in senior international competitions The FEI Board discussed the issue again at the 2020 General Assembly and, although this rule has already been approved at last year’s General Assembly and is not an FEI Board decision, voted unanimously to maintain implementation on 1 January 2021. The FEI Board support for the General Assembly decision was based on safety grounds, the fact that a full consultation process had been conducted prior to the vote at the 2019 General Assembly, and that there is a clear and transparent process for Rules revision. The full FEI Board meeting summary can be found by clicking on the link below https://inside.fei.org//FEI%20Board%20meeting%20wrap-up_FI #Dressage #Helmet #FEI #AusEquestrianTeam #Rules Dressage NSW Inc Dressage Victoria Dressage South Australia Dressage Western Australia Dressage Tasmania Dressage Australia Equestrian Northern Territory Dressage Queensland
07.01.2022 Update from ESA regarding the EA Administration Process Over the last few weeks Equestrian South Australia has, in conjunction with other state branches, been working positively with KordaMentha to achieve the outcomes required under the KordaMentha Deed of Company Arrangement (DOCA), including delivering one member one vote. If these discussions succeed it will result in the DOCA becoming unconditional, which will remove any risk of Equestrian Australia being put into li...quidation at the Special General Meeting. Given that we are voting, not on a DOCA, but on changes to the EA Constitution, significant work is being undertaken to ensure that a positive outcome can be achieved. As an organisation, ESA's focus is on achieving an outcome for the good of Equestrian Sport and we look forward to continuing to represent the interests and wishes of our membership and key stakeholders. Steve Ludlam Chair, Equestrian SA
07.01.2022 Fantastic news for ESA rider Kate Kyros competing at the Brisbane CDN, gaining third place this morning in the FEI J Individual test, with her horse Bradgate Park Federer.
07.01.2022 Who needs diamonds right www.equitana.com.au
07.01.2022 Applications are now open for the Dressage Gillian Rolton Youth Development Programme. This year the event will be on Sunday 3rd and Monday 4th of January at M...t Crawford Dressage Club grounds. Entries this year are being done via Nominate and close on 16/12/20. It will be a weekend full of demonstrations, training and education. Coaches this year are Julia Weir and Tamsin Adcock. Emma Woolman Photography https://nominate.com.au/equestdn/Event.aspx
07.01.2022 NEW ESA MERCHANDISE ITEM PUFFA VEST - $65 2 front zip pockets... Elasticated arm cuffs High fabric lined collar Inner 100% polyester light weight padding Outer 100% nylon Colour: Navy The size guide and order forms can be found on the bottom of the attached link. https://www.sa.equestrian.org.au//equestrian-sa-merchandise
06.01.2022 It has been announced today that the 2020 Pryde's Easifeed Australian Jumping Championships will no longer go ahead due to Covid-19. "Boneo Park looks forward t...o putting on a fabulous 2021 Pryde's Easifeed Australian Jumping Championships, date TBC...." Read more: www.equestrianlife.com.au//The-2020-Prydes-Easifeed-Austra Image: Billy Raymont and Anssioso Z at the 2019 ASJC. EQ LIfe
06.01.2022 EQUESTRIAN FIRE RELIEF FUND - GRANT SUBMISSION DATES In January 2020 a small group were asked to coordinate the receipt of what were largely internationally derived donations aimed at supporting the relief and recovery of the Australian equestrian community affected by the 2019-2020 bushfires. The Equestrian Fire Relief Fund of Australia (EFRA) has been managing these donations, and money is still arriving. Overall nearly $200,000 has been raised and is now being distribut...ed. EFRA has relied heavily on the Australian Sports Foundation (ASF) to manage receipts, providing tax deductions for Australian donors, and the distribution process. This has made the governance and distribution independent of the EFRA, transparent and properly governed. Distribution is now being finalised on behalf of EFRA, through an ASF managed grants program. Funds will be distributed through clubs and associations in the fire affected areas. The grants program will be open for submissions from 1-30 Sep 2020. Details of the grants program and application process is available here: https://sports.smapply.io//equestrian_fire_relief_austral/ The EFRA Grants will focus on facilitating support to equestrians in Australias bushfire affected areas, regardless of membership or affiliation with any particular equestrian association. The grants are open to all types of individual equestrians and not for profit clubs/organisations.
06.01.2022 MEASURING DAY REMINDER JOINT EA/SHC MEASURING DAY Date: Sunday 13th September Time: 10am start... Location: Clare Valley Showgrounds/Pony Club grounds MEASURER: Melanie Kittel-Seal Bring all relevant registration papers. Horses must be presented with a bridle/bit. COST: $15.00 - annual/limited certificate , $70.00 - life certificate Plus a $5 bay hire fee per horse (payable once if getting a SHC and EA certificate) Please be mindful of COVID-19 social distancing rules. Sanitiser will be available on the day. All people attending the grounds will need to supply their name, email and phone number for contact tracing - please ensure that you fill in your details on the forms provided on the day. To make the process quicker, Download the Show Horse Measuring Form here and pre fill in. https://www.sa.equestrian.org.au//Measuring%20Form%202020.
06.01.2022 Next Thursday, (3rd Sept) Sport SA will host the Community Sport and COVID Compliance Event at Priceline Stadium from 10:30am-11:30am. Professor Nicola Spurrier and our panel of specialist guests will be joining us. This event is open to all key sporting personnel including coaches, players, athletes and parents. We invite you to share this opportunity with your club members, staff, participants and friends. Everyone is welcome. This event is free. Registration is essential via the link - https://www.sportsa.org.au/events/72548/
05.01.2022 Attention Para Riders
05.01.2022 SHOW HORSE SPRING GALA SHOW CLICK the link below to view program and enter via nominate. https://www.nominate.com.au/equestdn/Event.aspx
05.01.2022 Huge Congratulations Jamie. What a super talented athlete and horse this combination is. Very well deserved, amazing achievement over in Denmark representing AUS.
05.01.2022 Dressage SA is keen to keep all our dressage community informed and is happy to announce that summaries of all our committee meetings are now available on the ESA website. https://www.sa.equestrian.org.au/dressage-sa
04.01.2022 MOVING FORWARD MAGAZINE Dec/Jan 2021 https://www.sa.equestrian.org.au//Moving%20Forward%20Magaz
04.01.2022 The ESA Interschool committee is aware that a small number of our competitors are border residents and therefore are ESA Members but unfortunately, due to curre...nt border closures, unable to attend and compete at their State Championships. The committee has made the decision to offer those ESA members, who are travel restricted, the opportunity to ride a live dressage test on the allocated day of competition and at an allocated time. Whilst we appreciate that this is not an ideal scenario and that not all conditions will be consistent for all competitors, we are hoping that local competitors attending the event will support this offer to allow those members who are travel restricted to continue to participate in our event. If you have any concerns or questions regarding this offer please contact us via email at: [email protected]
04.01.2022 EVENTING REGIONAL CLINICS Eventing SA Discipline Committee has secured Regional Grant funding to enable two Regional Clinics to be held in September. These clinics are FREE to ESA & Pony Club members. Non members welcome to participate at a small charge. The minimum standard for entry to the clinic is competently jumping 50cm. ... Approved tagged helmets are required at all times & Body protectors for cross country sessions. Click the link below for further information https://www.sa.equestrian.org.au/n/eventing-regionl-clinics
04.01.2022 Show Horse Spring Gala entries have been extended to Thursday 10th Sep!
04.01.2022 Sporting Clubs and Organisations can now apply for up to $3,000 for funding of programs and equipment through the Club Reboot Round by the SA Office of Rec Sport & Racing.
03.01.2022 WE ARE BACK OPEN Monday - Friday 10am - 4pmWE ARE BACK OPEN Monday - Friday 10am - 4pm
03.01.2022 The 2021 round of the SASI Individual Athlete Program opened Wednesday 2 September 2020 at 12:00pm, and will close on Wednesday 7 October 2020 at 12:00pm. The 2021 SASI IAP includes the Individual Athlete Program scholarships (IAP) and the Country Athlete Awards (CAA). Here are some criteria to help determine athletes who may be eligible. You can find more information about the guidelines and eligibility at https://www.orsr.sa.gov.au//SASI-Individual-Athlete-Progra IAP... Competing in an Olympic, Paralympic or Commonwealth Games sport and discipline; Able to demonstrate the ability to be selected onto the next national team for the international benchmark event relevant to their age, e.g. Senior/U23/Junior World Championships; Engaged in a comprehensive program of intensive training and international competition; Athletes already on a SASI Sport Program Scholarship are ineligible. CAA South Australian athletes with primary residence 130km or more from the Adelaide GPO. Kangaroo Island residents are eligible to apply; Competing in an Olympic, Paralympic or Commonwealth Games sport and discipline; Aged between 13 and 18 inclusive, on 31 December 2018; Recognised as having the ability to reach the senior elite level of competition; Recognised as having the potential to transition into a SASI sport program or Individual Athlete Scholarship. Please access the Smarty Grants application portal at https://www.orsr.sa.gov.au//sasi_iap_talented_athlete_award
02.01.2022 Updates have been made to the public activity restrictions in South Australia. The Emergency Management (Public Activities No 11) (COVID-19) Direction 2020 has... been revoked and replaced by the Emergency Management (Public Activities No 12) (COVID-19) Direction 2020. This new Direction comes into effect as 12.01am on Sunday 22 November 2020. The Direction provides updates after South Australia’s Stay at Home period. The changes are minor and restrictions under the previous Direction largely apply. The following changes have been made to the Public Activities Direction in South Australia: Gymnasiums, health clubs, fitness centres, yoga, barre and spin facilities, dance and pilates studios, boot camps and other personal training activities (indoors and outdoors) can operate. Retail shopping hours will return to normal as of 12.01am on Sunday 22 November 2020. The following restrictions and provisions are in place and carried over from the previous Direction: The 1 person per 4 square metre rule applies to all activities. The Direction provides updates after South Australia’s Stay at Home period. The changes are minor and restrictions under the previous Direction largely apply. The following changes has been made to the Public Activities Direction in South Australia: Dancing and drinking at a relevant licensed premises prohibited. Public Activities Gatherings Funeral- 50 people max Weddings- 150 people max Religious Ceremonies- 100 people max Private gatherings- 50 people max Private residence- 10 people max (unless more than 10 people permanently live at the house then they are permitted to stay) Caravan park- 10 people max per site All other holiday accommodation- 10 people max 10 people per table at hospitality venues. Gymnasiums, health clubs, fitness centres, yoga, barre and spin facilities, dance and pilates studios, boot camps and other personal training activities (indoors and outdoors) can operate. Indoor play centres, recreation centres and amusement parks and arcades cannot open. Entertainment venues (including museums, cinemas, zoos, etc., see direction for more) are restricted to 1 person per 4sqm. Personal Care (beauty salons, tattoo parlours, day spas, etc., see direction for more) must ensure employees wear PPE when providing services. Further COVID-19 Advice The SA Government has released updated COVID-19 advice due to the Parafield cluster. Please note the following are recommended but do not form part of a formal directive at this point in time. South Australian residents should work from home where possible. Vulnerable people are advised to stay at home and avoid having visitors at the moment. Unnecessary travel is discouraged. South Australian residents should wear a mask when physical distancing of 1.5m cannot be observed, e.g. on public transport. *Note- the information above only highlights the changes key made and does not reflect all requirements under the Public Activities No 12 Direction. Members of the public and Essential Travellers are encouraged to see the full direction for further information. All existing directions, frequently asked questions and other information can be found here: https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/emergency-declarations If you require further information you can call the SA COVID-19 Information Line on 1800 253 787 between the hours of 9am to 5pm 7 days per week or go to the SA Health website at www.sahealth.sa.gov.au or www.sa.gov.au/covid-19
02.01.2022 LIFTING THE VEIL ON BRIDLES - A SURVEY We have been asked to pass on this survey by researcher, Jude Matusiewicz. Jude says: "This line of enquiry has never been undertaken and therefore the research is novel. In order to achieve statistically significant data, I require as many survey participants as possible, so please share this email via your membership lists, e-newsletters and word of mouth! Survey participants will be making an important contribution to our understan...ding of equine science and the final report will be made available to all participants." The survey closes on 17 September. If you have a spare few minutes, please take the time to submit your answers and help with this important research. https://www.research.net/r/Bridles
01.01.2022 Update from Office for Rec Sport & Racing - 27/11/2020 Further announcements were made today regarding easing of restrictions next week, for a further two week period. From Tuesday 1 December community sport will resume, however due to recent developments there will be modifications in place to ensure the risk of infection and transmission is minimised. The detail of these modifications will be clarified prior to 1 December.... ORSR are also aware that on Monday 30 November organisations and businesses that currently have a Covid Safe Plan will receive an updated plan. The update will include a unique QR code that will be associated with your business or organisation.
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