Equestrian Tasmania | Sport & recreation
Equestrian Tasmania
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25.01.2022 Show horse riders, entries close tonight for the SH training day at tec on Saturday! Get onto nominate and enter today!
24.01.2022 Members, please familiarise yourself with the following for measuring at TEC on the weekend. A plan for northern measuring will be placed on page also. COVID PLAN FOR MEASURING AT TEC 1. All persons attending Etas measuring are to sign in using the book provided at measuring stand. ... 2. Two measurers will be present. One measurer will be measuring horse and the other completing paperwork. Both measurers will be wearing gloves. 3. All handlers are to hand sanitize upon entering the measuring facility. Hand sanitiser will be provided. 4. Paperwork to be handed to the measurer outside the stand after hand sanitizing. 5. Measurer will stand on the opposite side of the handler when measuring. 6. Handlers will again be required to hand sanitize upon leaving the bay before obtaining paperwork from the second measurer. 7. Handlers are requested not to touch any surfaces. 8. Disinfectant will be provided. 9. Attendees are to park with at least 5m between floats. Do not park near measuring bay or drive on the grass areas. TEC is extremely wet underfoot. 10. Once measured please leave the grounds as soon as practicable. 11. Only handlers requiring horses to be measured are to attend. Any support person is to be listed in the sign in book. Please do not bring your extended family. 12. Horses must be bitted for measuring and all rugs and boots are to be removed prior to entering the building. 13. There must be a minimum of 1.5m between persons. All social distancing is to be strictly abided by. 14. All restrictions are to be adhered to without exception.
22.01.2022 COVID PLAN FOR MEASURING AT LAUNCESTON GROUNDS ... 1. All persons attending Etas measuring are to sign in using the book provided at measuring stand. 2. Two measurers will be present. One measurer will be measuring horse and the other completing paperwork. Both measurers will be wearing gloves. 3. All handlers are to hand sanitize upon entering the facility. Hand sanitiser will be provided. 4. Paperwork to be handed to the measurer outside the stand after hand sanitizing. 5. Measurer will stand on the opposite side of the handler when measuring. 6. Handlers will again be required to hand sanitize upon leaving the bay before obtaining paperwork from the second measurer. 7. Handlers are requested not to touch any surfaces. 8. Disinfectant will be provided. 9. No stables are to be utilised by attendees. 10. Attendees are to park with at least 5m between floats. Do not block the entrance off to the facilities. 11. Once measured please leave the grounds as soon as practicable. 12. No toilet facilities will be available. 13. Only handlers requiring horses to be measured are to attend. Any support person is to be listed in the sign in book. Please do not bring your extended family. 14. Horses must be bitted for measuring and all rugs and boots are to be removed prior to entering the building. 15. Do not congregate in the alley way. There must be a minimum of 1.5m between persons. All social distancing is to be strictly abided by. 16. All restrictions are to be adhered to without exception.
21.01.2022 Show Horse Riders: Do not forget to enter! Entries close tomorrow night! A show horse training day will be held at TEC on 19th September in conjunction with S...Z Dressage Training day. You have your choice of activities with 20 minute private workout practice, group flat, group poles, private 30 minute lessons and a group workout/show ring practice. Competitions are looming with the Etas gala only a fortnight after this training day. A perfect way to get back into the swing of things and also familiarise yourself with the TEC grounds. Minimal restrictions apply for CV19 and you will be made familiar with them when the draw is sent out. All ETas members are welcome to enter. Enter here https://www.nominate.com.au/equestdn/Event.aspx See more
21.01.2022 Results of the Etas Gala event. Champion Small Pony: Panty Ffynon Hoity Toity - Maya Stephens Champion Medium Pony; Tiana Shiloah - Simonn Mansley Champion Larg...e Pony: Lyndhurst China Doll - Jackson Radley Champion Small Galloway: Harry of Potter Park - Jess Campbell Champion Large Galloway: Bayview Gold Class - Dani Zeiser Champion Small Hack: London Copy Cat - Joshua Clarke Champion Large Hack; SLM Emporium - Joshua Clarke Champion Med Hunter Pony: Bamborough Liberace - Sabrina Jackson Champion Hunter Large Galloway; Millawarrah Martini - Dani Zeiser Champion Hunter Large Hack Heartwood Titanium - Mel Sweeney Champion Childs Pony; Lyndhurst China Doll Champion Childs Hack; Bella Carmena Champion Jnr Rider - Sabrina Jackson Champion 12-14 yrs Jackson Radley Champion 15-17 yrs; Laura Cooper Champion 25 yrs; Verity Reid Champion over 25 yrs; Melissa Sweeney Junior Sportsmanship award: Maya Stephens Senior Sportsmanship award: Jess Campbell Thanks to everyone who supported the event.
19.01.2022 Help Needed!!!! Equestrian Tas is very excited about our Gala event which is just around the corner. But we really need some help with our canteen over the weekend. We really want to be able to offer you all some very yummy food but without help, we won't be able to. If you have some time and would be able to help prepare and serve food in the canteen on Saturday or Sunday the 3rd-4th October can you please let us know asap.
18.01.2022 We are very excited to be growing our ETas team. Equestrian Tasmania is looking for a part-time dynamic person to join the ETas team! Ideally, we are looking for someone who can work from home and be responsible for duties as listed below. Support will be available from the current Etas office and training provided as required. Our new member is required to be competent in:... The receipt, drafting and sending of correspondence and provision of copies to the executive and general committees as directed. The processing of matters arising from meetings as directed by the Executive. Liaising with, and responding to, the National Office on Board issues. The taking of minutes at Annual General and Committee Meetings and the arranging of these meetings. ETas meetings are held in the evening and are usually approximately 11 meetings per year. Management and conduct of elections. Photocopying and forwarding notices and publications to members. Preparation and monitoring of operating budgets as directed by the board. Report to State Sport and Rec office in relation to Grants. Assist with the Etas Website update. We anticipate this role will be of 8 hours a week duration but may, at times, extend beyond that. Remuneration will be discussed with applicants. The role has the potential to be dynamic so our new team member must be prepared to work with an energetic board of directors and be able to deal potentially with a range of focal duties as outlined. Knowledge of horse sports, in general, is of value but not necessary to undertake this role. If you think you are looking for an invigorating role and work alongside members of a positive team, we would like to hear from you! All applications are to be in writing addressed to: [email protected] Applications close: 30th March 2021 Regards The ETas Board
18.01.2022 Riders, SH training day entries close tomorrow night! Don't miss the opportunity to have a ride at Tec before the etas gala on the 7th November. You will train with qualified EA coaches. Enter here https://www.nominate.com.au/equestdn/Event.aspx
18.01.2022 Hi Riders, unfortunately due to the severe weather conditions and the amount of scratchings we have received due to this, the difficult decision has been made to POSTPONE the Show Horse Section of the Etas Gala from this Sunday 4th October to Saturday 7th November. The event will now re-open for new entries until the 31st October. We sincerely apologise but risk management has to be taken into account and with so many travelling to the event we do have to take advice on boar...d about the severe weather warnings that have been issued and listen to our riders. If you wanted to come along but couldn't this weekend then you now have another chance with our new date :-) This date does not clash with Brighton Ag as they have moved to Feb for this year. Thank you for all your feedback on a very difficult decision. See more
17.01.2022 Equestrian Tasmania is very excited to announce that all entries ( Eventing, Combined Training, show jumping, dressage, show horse and Interschool/open classes are now open via nominate for the Etas gala event. The event will be held on 2-4 October 2020 at the Tas equestrian centre. We look forward to a wonderful weekend of competition. Please note competitors can only enter 2 disciplines eg Dressage and eventing. Camping and yards will be available on-site and will be boo...ked separately via nominate booking forms will be up soon. Dressage [incl eventing dressage] will be conducted Saturday. Showjumping Friday afternoon, Saturday and Sunday Combined Training Friday afternoon and Saturday Eventing Saturday and Sunday Show Horse Sunday
17.01.2022 There's been a serious accident at Ross with expected delays of 6 or more hours. Any riders travelling south to ETAS gala event this afternoon may want to take an alternative route. Thoughts with families and emergency services workers
17.01.2022 A full canteen will be running on Saturday and Sunday of the Etas Gala event. Egg and bacon rolls early morning, toasted sandwiches, BBQ including burgers, salads, sausages, all your favourites! Cordial, water and cakes also available. Support the canteen riders :-)
17.01.2022 Equestrian Tasmania acknowledge the recent passing of Penny Woods. Etas, alongside all members, offer heartfelt sympathy to the family and friends of Penny who was a long time member and supporter of horse sports in Tasmania. Her genuine smile and willing assistance to the sport will be greatly missed. Penny loved her horses, her friends and her sport, she made an impression on so many people and will be sadly missed. We know you are up there in the big show ring in the sky Penny
16.01.2022 Show horse riders, the Etas Gala Show Horse event is now scheduled for Saturday 7th November at TEC. Entries are now re-open and will close 31 October to allow time for schedule to be put together. Entries from riders who entered the postponed event still stand. Anyone who entered the postponed event who cannot attend the new date please contact the event organiser. Hope to see you all there and thank you for the support in what was a very difficult decision for the original event. Enter here https://www.nominate.com.au/equestdn/Event.aspx
15.01.2022 It was so great to be at the Etas gala event today and see so many riders young and old back out doing what we all love so much. A special thanks to all the committees/volunteers of STEA, Dressage south, Jumping south for making this event even possible. 2020 has been a challenging year for everyone, but hopefully this is the start of a great season for everyone. Photos credit to Ellie portlock
15.01.2022 Our very own the Duchess of Showjumping Tim Williams, or should that be Timothea. All dressed in regal finery ready to blitz the dog jumping world with the Corgi of the South. I imagine Timothea sat down to a tasty munch of cucumber sandwiches after the event and admired the Corgi eating schmakos. Well done Timothea, you are the envy of the pearl set.
14.01.2022 Etas gala riders! Do not forget to book yards if you intend staying overnight! We have plenty of yards left but they must be booked and paid for via nominate. Click on the book stables/camping tab on the right on the nominate front page and find Tasmanian Equestrian Centre in the list. All yards must be left clean and tidy. We will have a running sheet for bookings. Nominate link is https://www.nominate.com.au/
13.01.2022 TEA is once again seeking nominations for the State Eventing or Development Squad. If you are a budding eventer with aspirations to go up the grades and would like some coaching assistance and to meet riders from around the state with the same goals, then please apply. Please read each of the squad descriptions and apply for the appropriate squad on the form below. Tasmanian State Eventing Squad: for riders competing at 105cm level or above, or have previously ridden extensiv...ely at this level and are now competing a young horse at 80cm or above and has goals to reach a high level again. Development squad: Competing 80cm and above. Combinations at 80cm must have been competing 80cm for a season and looking to go up the grades. All riders must be EA and TEA members and have competed at least 2 or more EA events in the previous season. Due to the Covid-19 restrictions over the last few months some exceptions maybe considered, however the final decision will be made by the organising committee for acceptance. If accepted onto the squad, riders will be required to pay $50 to cover uniform and show commitment to the squad. Riders need to attend at least 2 squad trainings, if previous squad members have been unable to do this then they may not be accepted onto the new squad. Squad trainings are mostly lessons with mainland and local coaches in dressage, cross country and showjumping. This year might also see some additional sessions take place, pending covid-19 situations. Squad clinics are held all over the state, at least one clinic hosted in each the North, South and North West. Clinics are usually two days of a weekend. Coaches in the past include Heath Ryan, Vicki Roycroft and Prue Barrett, we hope to continue using mainland coaches when travel restrictions lift. Nominations close the 28th of September 2020. See more
13.01.2022 Riders there has been a judge change for the Etas Horse of the Year. Unfortunately Amy Litchfield from SA has now had to decline attendance at the event. The Na...tional Office have once again used random selection to replace Amy and the replacement judge is Mr Dean Matthews from Victoria. We apologise for any convenience but completely out of the organising committee's control. See more
12.01.2022 Reminder: Horse of the Year entries close next Friday! Get them in before you forget! It is going to be one huge event with sponsors galore stay tuned to this page for some exciting announcements next week! Be part of the event! Enter here https://www.nominate.com.au/equestdn/Event.aspx
10.01.2022 Time is running out quickly! Show Horse shirts and socks MUST be ordered by the 9th December which is TWO days away!!! Don't miss out like you did last year O...rder form was emailed to members but if you require another form email [email protected] and we can send a form to you. Shirts will be delivered for distribution at the event. They will not be available for sale, pre-order only. See more
09.01.2022 Vale Geoff Richards The Tasmanian Equestrian community is deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Geoff Richards. This former Tassie rider is a Tasmanian icon. Geoff Richards is widely regarded as the best showjumping rider that Tasmania has produced. He commenced his showjumping career at Westbury Show in the 1950s and went on to compete with great success on many different horses throughout Australia.... Geoff’s father Frank Richards was instrumental in introducing Olympic Showjumping to the Westbury Show in 1954. Geoff would help his father transport the jumps and build the showjumping courses. His ambition was to make Westbury Show the best for showjumping in the state, a goal that has well and truly been realised. Geoff was very proactive in the 1980s, acquiring sponsors, securing television coverage, and inviting mainland course designers and competitors to lift the profile of showjumping at Westbury Show. As a competitor, he won the Showjumping Championship at Westbury Show on numerous occasions. He was a wonderful role model to young riders whose participation he encouraged with the Ansett Young Riders Award. Geoff Richards was an active member of committees. Served as president of both State committee in 1994 & 95 and President and Committee of Northern Show jumping Branch. Integral in the establishment of the Futurity (now Future Stars) which started at Westbury in 1980. During this time there was also a prestigious Junior Award sponsored by Ansett Airlines which Geoff was fundamental in establishing. Geoff was an instrumental part in establishing Westbury Show as a feature Jumping Show in Tasmania, which in turn attracted many mainland competitors. Geoff’s Career highlights include: 1969 Won the Melbourne Royal Grand Prix 1959 at the age of 19 represented Australia in New Zealand Jumped 73 in a high jump in Cairns Won the Gentleman’s turnout at Sydney Royal Geoff Richards was definitely 'Mr. Showjumping' on the Apple Isle and on the mainland for so many years. Our deepest condolences to all of Geoff's family.
09.01.2022 Tec on behalf of Etas will conduct a two ring show at Tec on Sunday 3rd January. Entries close 27/12/2020. Remember it is two rings so the fee covers both rings.... Please tick on the entry what classes you will be participating in and read the event details. Please support the event! Enter here https://www.nominate.com.au/equestdn/Event.aspx See more
08.01.2022 SH members, the horse of the year shirts were so popular last year we are doing them again! Orders close 9th December, as we need to ensure they get here before the event on the 22nd and 23rd January! We have also included socks! Get those order forms in to the email address listed. DD to account only and please provide receipt with your order form. Email will be sent to SH members with the order form.
08.01.2022 Horse of the year entries close FRIDAY. Get them in now before you get sidetracked with a Christmas party and a beverage. Please remember to email your height c...ertificates to [email protected] not the etas office. All horses must be registered and hold a current show horse license. You have very limited time to get this done! Enter here https://www.nominate.com.au/equestdn/Event.aspx See more
07.01.2022 Show horse members Etas horse of the year event 2021 is now live on nominate. Entries close 18th December. Set a reminder, you have 5 weeks to enter. GST has had to be applied to all entry fees. This is a qualifying event for the National Show Horse Championships at Werribee in 2021. Please read the event details listed on the schedule. Enter here: https://www.nominate.com.au/equestdn/Event.aspx
07.01.2022 EQUESTRIAN TASMANIA GALA EVENT SCHEDULE! Friday 11.00am- Show Jumping/Combined Training Jumping Saturday... 9am-Show Jumping 9.00am-Eventing/Combined Training Dressage 9am-Dressage Sunday 9.00am-Show Horse 8.30am-Eventing Cross Country 9.00am-Show Jumping/Eventing Show jumping A full canteen will be running on Saturday and Sunday of the Etas Gala event. Egg and bacon rolls early morning, toasted sandwiches, BBQ including burgers, salads, sausages, all your favourites! Cordial, water, and cakes also available. Support the canteen riders
07.01.2022 Time is running out! December is upon us and the Show Horse shirts and socks MUST be ordered by the 9th December to factor in business closures over Christmas. ...Don't miss out like you did last year :-) Order form was emailed to members but if you require another form email [email protected] and we can send a form to you. Shirts will be delivered for distribution at the event. They will not be available for sale, pre-order only. See more
07.01.2022 Hello Everyone, just letting you know that if you need to contact the Etas office today the best way will be via email. [email protected]. I seem to have lost my voice which will make answering your calls a little tricky. Andrea.
06.01.2022 Show Horse Riders: please check your email for an important update regarding Sundays gala. Would appreciate replies as soon as possible.
06.01.2022 Equestrian Tasmania wishes to advise members that this afternoon, 15 September 2020, at a Special General Meeting of Equestrian Australia (EA), the State Branches voted to accept the proposed amendments to the Equestrian Australia (EA) Constitution. As a result, the Administrators Deed of Company Arrangement (DOCA) has been satisfied and EA will not be put into liquidation. Equestrian Tasmania looks forward to working with the Interim EA Board and Etas members in progressing ...the next stage of EA’s Governance Reform. Tim Williams Chair Equestrian Tasmania
06.01.2022 Show Horse Riders: A show horse training day will be held at TEC on 19th September in conjunction with SZ Dressage Training day. You have your choice of activities with 20 minute private workout practice, group flat, group poles, private 30 minute lessons and a group workout/show ring practice. Competitions are looming with the Etas gala only a fortnight after this training day. A perfect way to get back into the swing of things and also familiarise yourself with the TEC grounds. Minimal restrictions apply for CV19 and you will be made familiar with them when the draw is sent out. All ETas members are welcome to enter. Enter here https://www.nominate.com.au/equestdn/Event.aspx
06.01.2022 Riders: Measuring will take place at the Etas Show Horse Gala at TEC on Saturday 7th November from 8am to 9am ONLY. Competitors entered in the competition will be given first preference to allow them to get ready for competition. This will be the LAST southern measuring before Etas horse of the year on January 23rd and 24th 2021. Please ensure you have all paperwork ready for the meaurers. Horses are to be presented bitted and no boots/rugs on. A date will be advised for northern measuring in the near future.
05.01.2022 Riders just be aware of this road closure for the etas gala event. Don't think it will impact but better to know in advance
04.01.2022 Thank you to all riders who supported the Etas Gala Show Horse held at Tec today. Grounds looked great and it was so nice to see gleaming show horses with well ...presented riders out in the ring. Thanks to Fiona Fehlberg and Jenni Gibson who were the judges for the event. Big round of applause to Kate Cawthorn, Suzan McDermott, Heather Stewart, Jody Rybarczyk and Karen Allen for stewarding and ring master work. Great job ladles! Full results will be posted tomorrow but snap shot of best exhibits for you. Best Childs Exhibit: Jackson Radley and Bella Carmena. Best open show horse exhibit: Joshua Clark and London Copy Cat. Best Hunter Exhibit: Dani Zeiser riding the Campbell Family's Millawarrah Martini. Junior Sportsmanship: Maya Stephens. Senior Sportsmanship: Jess Campbell. Well done to everyone who put up with one or two seasons weather wise. See more
03.01.2022 Clubs Tasmania is committed to helping clubs strategically plan so they remain viable and sustainable, post COVID 19 Thanks Equestrian Tasmania for the invite l...ast night to work with your board and identify how we can support and advocate for your sport! Clubs Tasmania ‘strengthening the community club industry’
03.01.2022 Show horse riders don't forget the training day!
03.01.2022 Show Horse members: The Etas Gala Event is now live on nominate! It will be conducted on Sunday 4th October at Tasmanian Equestrian Centre. Childs classes, hunter and open classes and riding classes. Interschools riders please make sure you tick the IS box. Best Childs, Best Hunter, Best Open and Judges Sportsmanship awards are on offer. Come along and get back to competition and support Etas :-) All disciplines will be running events over two days, please read event notes for information. Judges will be finalised and released within the next few days. Enter here: https://www.nominate.com.au/equestdn/Event.aspx
03.01.2022 Show Horse Training day Saturday 17th October 2020 in conjunction with SZ Dressage Training day. The show season is upon you, were you ready? Where do you want to improve? Come along to the SZ Show horse training day and get riding! What better opportunity to have a ride around the grounds with with qualified coaches. A great opportunity to be able to familiarise yourself with the grounds. Remember the Etas Gala is now the 7th November!... 1. 20 minute private show ring workout practice. This is your opportunity to try those workouts out and get feedback. 2. Group flat and group poles lessons usually with no more than 3 riders. You will be with EA qualified coaches. 3. Private 30 minute lesson. 4. Group workout practice. Riding in a group on the circle at all paces. Standing in line up, workouts, show ring etiquette. When: Saturday 17th October 2020 Where: Tasmanian Equestrian Centre, Equestrian Drive, Lauderdale All entries via; Nominate Closing Date: Strictly Tuesday 13th October at 11pm. Draw will be out Wednesday 14th. If you have technical hitches with Nominate I can talk you through the basics, but Nominate staff know the system backwards and are very helpful, so give them a try if you need help navigating Nominate.
03.01.2022 Show Horse members: The Etas Gala Event closes tomorrow! Get your entries in for a great days showing. We have classes covering all sections and a best sportsmanship award as well as best exhibit in hunter and open horses! All interschools riders are welcome to enter. Great drawing by Peta Gallagher sums up Show Horse Life :-) Enter here https://www.nominate.com.au/equestdn/Event.aspx
02.01.2022 The awaited video of Timothea and the Corgi of the South. Perhaps we can look forward to the sequel next year
02.01.2022 Preliminary notice: Etas Horse of the Year will be conducted at Tasmanian Equestrian Centre January 23rd and 24th 2021. Schedule will be live on nominate first week in November.
01.01.2022 Some very clear words. The Etas board has never stopped working for our members. This article actually asks many of the same questions that we have been asking all the way through this whole mess. We to are looking forward to a new era and being able to move on with what's important for our members.
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