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25.01.2022 My books are fully booked at present and as a result I am not able to take on any more horses to start under saddle until further notice. We hope everyone is enjoying their much loved horses that we have started for them. :)

24.01.2022 I picked Honey up yesterday she is here to be started under saddle we started her connection training this afternoon

24.01.2022 Gamble on love aka Savannah’s first ride. With my hip and back still playing havoc i’m using unconventional ways to start the horses under saddle and exploring new avenues

23.01.2022 I will be giving lessons at copmanhurst grounds this Sunday the 18th of October if you would like a lesson please get in contact - limited spots left

21.01.2022 What if my horse just isn't getting it? So your out with your horse on a trail or you are doing a "training session" in the arena and you have decided to teach your horse a new skill or you want to refine a skill the horse already knows. But...... he just isnt getting it, no matter how hard you try.... you are doing everything perfect everything your instructor/trainer does/says and yet the horse is just getting frustrated or heavy and isnt doing what you had set out to ach...ieve.... Now you are frustrated and everything is falling apart..... What do you do next???..... If you give up and go inside your just teaching your horse that you will give up ..... right? Or that he must have done the right thing.....? So now what ? Go back and do something he can do well something that he knows how to do something with-in his threshold that is easy for him! Give him a breather (and your self) by doing this your horse will release the built up tension and frustration he will feel like a winner again and he will get a little confidence back. Then..... you can go back to teaching/refining the manuver again but start in very tiny baby steps (small approxiamtions) and perhaps try in a different way then before, and remember there is no harm in just starting over. Remember a horse will not learn well when they are frustated or confused. Take away points to remember! - There is no harm in starting over! Make sure your horse is relaxed calm and confident when teaching/refining manuvers A horse that is frustrated or confused will not learn well Its ok to take a step back and breath to gather your own thoughts and emotions too Always make a winner out of your horse, if you can't end on a good note with what you set out to do end on a good note with something the horse is already good at - Ride today for tommorrow :) - Maggie Johnson Equine Answers Horse Training.

18.01.2022 Horse training - So many different opinions methods, ways, techniques, someone is always trying to get you to buy into their "way". The thing is they all have just ONE thing in common and that's behaviour! (And every trainer uses part or a combination of the four quadrants! no matter what "method" or "way" they use) You see behaviour shouldn't be met with a set "way" or "method" or so-called solution, behaviour (and training) should be met with quality and understanding, I a...m forever changing everything I do with every horse every day because no two days are the same and no two horses are the same so even if you may think that two horses have the same "problem" what worked for one horse may not work for the other. However, one thing that always works for every horse is quality! Quality horsemanship creates quality horses, always critique your self first before critiquing your horse. And remember... If you think for one moment that you have the best "method" for every horse your wrong its not a "method" it's a way of being its the way you are and who you become as a person and how you treat the horse and that should always be with the utmost quality! - Maggie Johnson

17.01.2022 How This 1 Common Oversight Can Cause Serious Damage to Your Training I talk a *lot* about horse training (it’s kinda my thing) BUT... What about t...he other 23 hours in a day? You see, your training is a really important piece of your horse’s life. It will make or break your horse’s behavior around humans, and your relationship together However... Say you work with your horse an hour a day. What is the quality rest of your horse’s day? For reasons that will become clear in this post, ethical zoos and animal sanctuaries will do their best to create something called: A Species Appropriate Environment This is a space set up that recreates the animal’s natural behavior in the wild. And it’s very often never even considered for horses Which is devastating, because this practice can eliminate negative implications of a horse living in captivity such as: Food & general anxiety Depression Aggression Extreme herd bound behaviors Weaving, cribbing, pawing Physical pain & lameness A domesticated horse kept in average conditions may be missing some of her *most basic needs* The ability to move... All day long 24/7 forage grazing A herd family without separation from fences/walls to allow for play, grooming & bonding behaviors Varied terrain, experiences & enrichment Now, if these needs are not met for your horse... Training is going to be *much* more difficult Your horse may have a variety of mental, physical and emotional ways she’s suffering. And while intensive training can change her behavior into something desirable... It won’t enhance her quality of life the other 23 hours I understand that when you board your horse/have a small property, it can be hard to make sure all her needs are met. But it’s worth taking the time to make it the absolute best it can be. It will make your life WAY easier in training... and help your horse to feel significantly more fulfilled, happy and at peace Comment yes! if you want more information on how to create a species appropriate environment for your horse I’ll go over it in an upcoming post PC: Impulse Photography

14.01.2022 It matters. It matters where your horse goes for training. When I was a young intern with some of the best trainers in the world (I won’t share names/barns), this type of raking was more common than not. In fact I really don’t recall a horse in the barn without some sort of swelling, bruising or bloody sides or mouths. ... It matters. I also remember going to the shows with said horses worrying about what people would say what a ring steward would say But no one, NO ONE, ever said one thing about it. How did they not see these marks on the horses? Why was no one saying anything? Money? Prestige? I still don’t understand. It matters. I left that world as soon as my required internships were up and I never worked for another trainer like that again. The longer I train, the more and more I realize there is a better way. And the better way can get just as impressive sliding stops, spins or piaffes. But it may cost you a 3 year old futurity. More often than not, if you are a fan of the better ways, you are also full of love and empathy for the animal, not just the sport. So you’re going to look for ways to keep a horse sound. Bring them up right. And slow. It matters. I want to be a Horseman, not a trainer. A horseman respects the horse. Mind, body, soul. We all have to make a living. But as a horseman I am always upfront with people about how I view quick fixes or demanded results. I don’t play that game. It matters. We can all keep learning better ways. We can all work to change the industry. We can choose the trainers we send our horses to. And we can alert others to bad practices. Always be a steward to the horse first, sport second. We can all do better. It matters. These horses matter. A relationship built on trust is always stronger than a relationship built on truce. *I do not own this photo; I was given permission to use* Original poster and credit given to chasing a dream equine


11.01.2022 When you have two horses to work

07.01.2022 This is a short snippet from Honeys session this afternoon, I am creating relaxation and connection before starting her under saddle.

06.01.2022 Imagine as a kid you learn to write the entire alphabet except for 2 or 3 letters .... but it's ok because you learnt the rest right? NO! you wouldn't be able to write full sentences or words it would significantly impact your understanding to write and read! And you would not be able to move on and do any advanced work of any sort without major frustration. You would need to go back and learn the letters first and then move on. Or think about in any well-written book serie...s or thesis or learning material of any sort, there may be thousands of pages in each series. You always start at the beginning and progress forward you can read the entire thing and understand it well.... but ...... what if a page was missing in the first chapter or even just a paragraph? Sure you can read on and try and fumble through to understand the storyline or information as best you can but it would be hard! The further you progress and the more advanced the chapters and books become the frustration would amount and the harder it would be to follow it as you missed a significant piece of information right at the start..... Now think of this with your horse every single page every single sentence essentially will become your entire horse's story, and yes you can skip paragraphs or even pages with the simple things but in the more advanced work these holes will be 10 fold they will be so apparent and usually will result in frustration and unwanted behaviour from the horse because you didn't give them that missing sentence or page in the beginning. Don't skip the little stuff it all amounts in the end! Make sure your horse has a good story that is well written! :)

04.01.2022 Book now to secure your spot, we have a fun-filled jam-packed day planned!

04.01.2022 Such a beautiful morning this morning :)

03.01.2022 What does a noseband do? (original post shared by zen thoroughbred full credit given) Do riders know WHY they use them? More importantly, is the desired outcome truely being achieved by the action of using them? I have found all cases of horses nashing, opening the mouth, being inconsistent or heavy in the contact, head tilting, hollowing, etc, is about having the correct bit that the horse finds comfortable. It is also about the riders hands & the way they use them t...Continue reading

01.01.2022 Button has had less than 5 hours under saddle and we are now Working on upward and downward calm relaxed transitions.

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