ACATT Australia's Equine Therapy College & Equine Movement Clinic in Macclesfield, Victoria | School
ACATT Australia's Equine Therapy College & Equine Movement Clinic
Locality: Macclesfield, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 5968 9788
Address: 111 Spillers Road 3782 Macclesfield, VIC, Australia
Likes: 6031
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25.01.2022 Operation Catch Pony. Yard altered, funnel set up, Camelot in, brushed and pampered. Operation successful There is not a rib to be felt, top line almost full, still a little lacking in his hindquarter, but so much improved
25.01.2022 The final treatment session for our Diploma level Acupressure Practical Intensive students The students discovered many interrelated items in their 4 examinations assessments on the horses today, carried out relevant treatments and again had positive outcomes. A great way to close our Diploma intensive. Go team! Onward to semester!! I look forward to your skill and theory enhancement over the next few months. #acatt_equine_therapy #acattonlinepracintensive #onlinehorsetherapytraining #acattdiploma #greatstudents
24.01.2022 Victoria may have locked down due to COVID, but being online we were not affected, the students attended from all around the country and undertook their final day including 2nd Semester Sports Therapy Practical Assessment. It was a delight to observe - as you can tell from the smiles on Emily's and my faces in the photo as we watched the students display their inquiring minds and newly refined skills. Go Team! It was a great week - thanks so much for your questions, investigations, application and focus, We really enjoyed our time with you all. :D
23.01.2022 So it begins, burn off day at ACATT. #propertymanagement #paddockcleaning #bonfire #greatofficeday
23.01.2022 Analysis of the specific features of gait displayed with different conditions, on varying surfaces or during activities using computer based video gait analysis is our topic of discussion today. Students are undertaking advanced analysis to develop a method of measurable assessment for their equine clients. It will be a great discussion. #acatt_equine_therapy #acattdiploma #advancedstudents #equinegaitanalysis #equinebiomechanics #slowmotionvideo #highspeedcamera
23.01.2022 A beautiful misty morning on ACATT hill Enjoy your day all. #acatt_equine_therapy #sunrise #beautifulmorning #brandnewday
23.01.2022 Look at those happy focused supervisors faces - showing the joy given by watching students applying techniques well and their horses responding with appreciation. Good job all #acattonlinehorsemassagecourse #acattpracticalintensive #onlinehorsesportstherapycourse #happyhorses #happyteacher
23.01.2022 Cascade was my first sight through my bathroom window this morning. A very pleasant start to the day Enjoy your day all #acatt_equine_therapy #morningdelight #arabianhorse #morningsunshine #goodstarttotheday
22.01.2022 Farrier, grooming and spoiling morning here at ACATT #acatt_equine_therapy #farriery #equinemanagement #horsegrooming #hoof #hooftrimming #horseherd #horse #arabianhorse #thoroughbred
22.01.2022 I do not remember our paddocks being this muddy in 20 years!!!
22.01.2022 This bale of hay was put out on Friday at 1pm. The 5 horses have hardly touched it. Spring growth is beginning. #acattequinenutrition #acattequinecollege #pasturemanagement #feedinghorses #haypaddock
22.01.2022 Lunch break and Lunar is supervising Thunder and Camelot sharing a yard for the first time #acatt_equine_therapy #livestockguardiandog #ilovemymaremma #propertysecurity
20.01.2022 I think Spring has sprung #acatt_equine_therapy #equinetherapy #horsetreatment #seasons #horsecoathealth
20.01.2022 I was rewarded for working on a public holiday today. On arrival at a client's place this morning I was told that following the first treatment, the horse had felt even behind and could step under himself when turning for the first time in a long time. Then as we were finishing up, my client thanked me, stating they had spent a fortune on treatment with other therapists, and the results of my first session was the first time they had seen significant changes in performance. I was very touched by the appreciation, overjoyed that such advancements had been achieved and noticed, plus reminded why I love my job #acatt_equine_therapy #equinesportstherapy #horseperformance #equinemovement #ilovemyjob #myofascialrelease #neuromuscular #deeptissuetherapy #remedialmassage
19.01.2022 Amanda and I achieved great things in the "office" today. Low branches removed from trees, fallen branches collected from around the hay paddock, firewood cut up and stacked, and we built a second bonfire. A perfect day for office workers #paddockmaintenance #bonfire #haypaddock #horsefeed #horsepaddock #gooddayintheoffice
19.01.2022 9th of the 9th is a very good day! 2 months after we were hacked, ACATT has finally regained ownership of both the College and Nutrition Pages on Facebook. :D :D Ownership of our Ads Manager Account is yet to be returned to us, but that means only one step to go for the hacking effects will be resolved :D :D
19.01.2022 Electric fence repairs with Maremma guardians either side of me. Absolutely perfect
18.01.2022 Stretching muscles following treatment with deep tissue therapy assists in elongating muscle fibres and enhancing range of motion of associated joints. Care must be taken. Correct application is important to ensure optimal outcome and protect the horse from injury. ACATT guides Sports Therapy students in correct application to optimise recovery from sport related injury and enhance performance. Become an effective knowledgeable Equine Sports Therapist. Contact ACATT today. ...(613) 59689788 [email protected] #acatt_equine_therapy #acattsportstherapy #equinesportsmassage #equinesportstherapy #sportsmassagetherapy #musclerecovery #equineeducation #equinequalification #equinemassagecertification See more
17.01.2022 Myofascial release and deep tissue therapy require consistent firm pressure. Correct stance in application - protects our body from overuse injury as we deliver these techniques, - assists effective technique delivery bringing the focused response we see from Louis here. ... #acatt_equine_therapy #myofascialrelease #equinemyofascialrelease #deeptissuetherapy #sportsmassage #equinesportsmassage #masseur #equinetherapist #biomechanics
16.01.2022 We have had a great 2 days of learning new techniques, incorporating them into our treatment regimes, and viewing positive outcomes in all horses. Tomorrow these remedial students and I will go out to treat horses elsewhere. After watching outcomes today, I am really looking forward to working with the team as they assess and resolve equine muscular issues and malalignments tomorrow. #acatt_equine_therapy #mfr ... #myofascialrelease #equineremedialtherapy #equinemyotherapy #equinemanipulation #acattpracticalintensive #diploma See more
16.01.2022 Camelot has his own guardian dog #shetlandpony #maremmaguardiandogs #livestockguardiandog #acatt_equine_therapy #happypony
15.01.2022 I would like to let you all know that we have been hacked. Our Ads Manager has been taken over. We have reported it to Facebook and also to Paypal as significant money has been spent in our name. If you see any weird adverts coming up under our name please either ignore or screen shot and send to us. I hope this has not inconvenienced you in any way. Thanks... Christine See more
15.01.2022 Paddock move day. It always brings a smile
14.01.2022 Exploration brings challenges, rewards, discoveries, frustrations, resolutions and.... more exploration, challenges, discoveries, inquiry and resolutions and.... more ....... so begins the inquiring mind of an equine therapist. The first module one online prac, and the students are blitzing it
13.01.2022 Great photos
13.01.2022 Acupuncture focus time #acatt_equine_therapy #acupuncture #equineacupuncture ... #equinetherapy #treatinghorses #alternativetherapy #agreatdayatwork See more
12.01.2022 This fellow's rider is happy his movement has improved. However as I undertook passive and active assessment it shows there continues to be compromised movement of the SIJ. Today was a combined approach using Deep MFR, Mobilisations, STR, NMT and acupuncture and finally I saw even oscillation of the pelvis on all surfaces. Now we can move on to strengthen him to maintain the change. Passive and active assessment, exercise physiology and rehabilitation knowledge are vita...l for any therapist to lead clients effectively. For your horse, ensure your therapist holds an adequate qualification. #neuromusculartechnique #nmt #myofascialrelease #mfr #equinemfr #softtissuerelease #equinesportstherapy #acattonlinehorsemassagecourse #acatt_equine_therapy #acupuncture #equineacupuncture
12.01.2022 Horse decides to realign fence wire at dinner time yesterday, resulting In late day vet visit and next day fence repairs. Never a dull moment at ACATT
12.01.2022 I am teaching for the next 5 days, and fully booked for the following few weeks. I am pleased Euphemia will be covering my absence to ensure you continue to have access to a highly effective Remedial Equine Therapist. To book visit our online diary. #acatt_equine_therapy #equineremedialtherapy #acattclinic... #effectivehorsetherapy #mfr #rehabilitation #greattherapist See more
11.01.2022 What a great weekend! A wonderful group of people joined us this weekend to learn massage skills they can take home and apply to their horses, with the aim of enhancing movement and well-being. All attendees were effective in their application with all horses altering in impulsion and enhanced symmetry. Kate Dixon, who is a few weeks away from completing her Equine Sports Therapy Certificate, assisted delivery of the workshop. Both the attendees and myself gained significantly from her skills, knowledge and experience. Thanks Kate it is great to work with you :) And thanks to all attendees, your input, interest, application and interest was wonderful to share, I look forward to supporting you in the future :)
11.01.2022 Yesterday it was tutor/supervisors smiles. Today, after their final full body Equine Massage, the students are beaming! Look at their smiles :D What great outcomes were gained today! Thanks to all participants for what you put in to make this week such a pleasure to facilitate, I deeply appreciate your commitment and desire to learn. And to the team: Emily, Euphemia and Sheridan - you were great! I feel honoured to have worked with you to deliver our first online Equine Sports Therapy Module 1 Practical Intensive, your input created a prac that was beyond my expectations. Thank you for everything. :D :D :D
10.01.2022 You go out to work the paddocks on this glorious Sunday, and the Can-am is on a serious tilt. Hmmm looks like I have an unplanned job to do #acatt_equine_therapy #Can-am #flattyre #changeofplans #sundayjoy
10.01.2022 Treatment 3 and I am so pleased with the changes. Stride is even, lameness reduced, standing square for the first time, hind limbs even, energy increased from old fellow to a young interested, more animated attitude, tongue and gums changed from dusky pale to pink, pulse stronger, muscle tension in lower neck and shoulder reduced. The boy feels good! I have come away feeling elated instead of drained. One more treatment to go in our intense series and we will see what he ha...s got to show us then. I love my job! #acatt_equine_therapy #equineacupuncture #acupuncture #tcm #bonybi #arthritis #equinetherapy #treatinghorses
10.01.2022 Last day of ACATT exams here, COVID style. Students, masked. distanced and focused. We have other students on live stream supervised from afar. The only sounds in the office are the tapping of keyboards and clicking of brains. Go team you are nearly done. 2 hours left and it is celebration time
09.01.2022 I love the look of our hay paddock, lush, healthy and weed free #acatt_equine_therapy #acattequinenutrition #haypaddock #hayproduction #equinenutrition #fertilepastures
09.01.2022 Horses washed, rugged and classroom set up. Something tells me we are about to run an ACATT Practical Intensive. Tomorrow our Diploma students arrive for their Remedial Therapy Practical Intensive. 2 days here learning new skills then 3 days out and about applying those skills on horses in need. Let's go! #acatt_equine_therapy #acattdiploma ... #equinemfr #jointhealth #advancedequinetherapy #mobilisations #remedialtherapy See more
09.01.2022 Operation catch pony has been an ongoing success. Camelot comes to greet me at the gate when I enter the paddock, eats with me near him and lets me lead him by his mane, no halter or lead rope required. A delightful outcome He does look like a drowned rat after the huge rainfall we have had in the last couple of days
08.01.2022 Tonight was Exercise Physiology Webinar time with ACATT Sports Therapy students. Our topic of discussion was Energy production, and using this information in development of effective horse training and performance programs. In-depth knowledge of exercise physiology is integral to being an effective Sports Therapist, it allows us to guide our clients to successfully achieve higher level performance while reducing the risk of injury. #acattequinecollege #acatt_equine_therapy #equinetraining #sportshorse #exercisephysiology #equinesportstherapists #passionateaboutmyjob
08.01.2022 Our power is out due to the storm last night and trees over the lines. SPAusnet has informed us expected time of return is 5pm. We apologise for any inconvenience.
08.01.2022 Using your environment to reach the required spot. as you treat through hoof transition time #acatt_equine_therapy #barefoothorse #transitiontibarefoot #myofascialrelease #softtissuetherapy #remedialmassagetherapy #equineremedialtherapy #equinemfr #horsecare
07.01.2022 Treating this mare is always a delight. We chat, we compromise, we agree on the process, the technique and depth. Recognition and acknowledgement of a horse's communication is one of the first components of ACATT training in Equine Therapy. #acatt_equine_therapy #equinecommunication #equinemyofascialrelease ... #myofascialrelease #letmeteachyou #studymassageonline #saddlepad #saddlefit See more
07.01.2022 Wow! Wow! Wow! Thorough assessments, specific focused treatments, obvious changes on reassessment, followed by great owner/rider guidance. Today was a brilliant day for a first day out treating with newly learned techniques. Tomorrow, day 2 out and about, at new facilities, with new horses, brings another chance to enhance application skill in response to varying equine presentations. I look forward to observing the discoveries, application and outcomes
06.01.2022 Staff thank you day. After the massive workload of putting our courses fully online, ACATT staff deserved a little spoiling and time out. Today was the day. Thanks team, I feel blessed to have you on board. xoxo
06.01.2022 There is the team minus Kerrie - with Rah dog!!!! :D :D :D oooo and my braids :D :D I think you were cold Em :D
05.01.2022 Massive storm last night, and power out today, meant Amanda and my office day became clearing trees off the fence, chainsawing and stacking firewood. A great office day!! The only casualty was a broken dog boundary wire. Woohooo! #fencerepairs #fallentrees #newchainsaw #acatt_equine_therapy #greatdayatwork
05.01.2022 This fellow had back discomfort. The owner has acted well to seek the cause and resolution. A saddlefitter was called to assess and refit the saddle, and I was called to treat with massage and acupuncture. A team approach is the best way to manage performance limiting equine problems. Good job Katie. #acatt_equine_therapy ... #performancehorse #professionalpractice #equinesportsmassagetherapy #acupuncture #equineacupuncture #deeptissuetherapist #horsecaretips #studyequinemassage #onlineequinesportscertificate See more
05.01.2022 Little Camelot was lonely, so today he gained a herd. Happy days #acatt_equine_therapy #shetlandpony #horseherd #ponyfriends #horsemanagement #horsecare
04.01.2022 It seems our website is not functioning correctly, I have contacted our server to see if they can resolve the issue, hopefully it will be back up and running again soon. In the mean time please contact us via messenger. We are sorry for the inconvenience, and hopefully will have it resolved quickly :D
04.01.2022 The sights you capture on a telephoto lens, Thunder must have had a hard day. :D
04.01.2022 Let's sink. That acupuncture chill time client and for therapist #acatt_equine_therapy #acupuncturist ... #acupunctureforhorses #equineacupuncture #equinetherapy #performancehorse #horsewellness See more
04.01.2022 From May to today. Although Camelot was not impressed by his bath, without all the fluff we can see how well rounded the little man has become. Not bad for 33years of age #acattequinecare #acatt_equine_therapy #equinenutrition #shetlandpony #feedinghorses #agedhorsecare
03.01.2022 This afternoon saw ACATTs last office day for 2020. Amanda and I shared wine and nibbles while we partied online with our tutors spread across the country. We have such a great team, I really appreciate each and every staff member. The team have worked together to expand and develop ACATT as 2020 threw us challenges we never expected. Onward to 2021 with a new format of online learning, new courses on offer and a reminder of the amazing things this team can achieve. Thanks to all ACATT staff, students, clients and supporters, it has been great working with and for you this past year. See you all again from 4th January 2021. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all.
03.01.2022 Morning treats for the well rounded ones The ACATT horses are on pasture only. However each morning they wait in turn for their "treats" The treats contain - yummies like linseeds - soybean meal for amino acids... - any supplement each horse is on - any herb mixture required by anyone - positive interaction with us - ease to check horses each day - making the uncatchable (Thunder) easily catchable They allow us to continue to provide health and nutrition components despite condition scores showing there is no need for supplemental feeding ACATT Certificates in Equine Nutrition and Equine Health are open. Enrol now, take advantage of our early bird special, start in Feb 2021. #acatt_equine_therapy #equinenutrition #feedinghorses #horsenutritioncourse #studyequinehealth #horsefeeding #horsehealthproducts #study #equinenutritionist #equine #horses
03.01.2022 Little Bonnie came back for a 2nd treatment, she is still a little unsteady on the right hind, however landing on the pads of her foot with every stride, I will see her again this coming week, and I hope to see further advances #canineacupuncture #caninerehabilitation #caninespinalstroke #spinalstroke #dogtreatment
03.01.2022 Set up and ready to start Sports Therapy Module One online practical intensive. Lets Go! #acattonlinehorsemassagecourse #acatt_equine_therapy #onlinehorsesportstherapycertificate. #reinventthewheel
02.01.2022 Finding adequate standoffs in the shed to electrify the new fenceline and remove the temporary pigtails was my joy this morning. Another COVID restriction activity complete. Lunch time now #acatt_equine_therapy #fencebuilding #paddocksafety #covidjobs #iwanttobeafarmer
02.01.2022 Tapotement how I love it! Here it distracted Toby from his friend leaving and settled him down. It can also be used to - prepare for work - address muscle tension... - enhance warmth - deepen relaxation - stimulate blood flow And most horses love it #acatt_equine_therapy #tapotement #sportstherapy #equinesportstherapy #swedishmassage #colouredpony #equinetherapist See more
01.01.2022 ACATT 2nd semester Sports Students have completed day 5 of their second online practical intensive. It was fantastic to observe their brilliant assessment, investigation, questioning, application and plans today. So we are excited to see what they deliver on their final day tomorrow. :D :D
01.01.2022 In a week or so our hay will be cut. Wooohooo! If we get the yield we got last year, we will have far more than we need and the bales will be amazingly heavy.... Pasture has been fertilised and weeds managed. Let me know if you wish to pick up hay from behind the baler and I will let you know when the process begins. $10.00 per bale from behind baler or $12.00 per bale once shedded. The beautiful Dog is our LSG Sol, he and Lunar try to keep the deer off the hay paddock :D :D :D See more
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