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Equi-Tape Australia


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24.01.2022 Preped and ready for our practitioner course tomorrow!!!!

24.01.2022 Some thoughts about the new Equi-Taping Fundamentals Course available now online.

24.01.2022 Equi-Tape is releasing their practitioner course online! Become a certified practitioner in your own time and at your own pace.

24.01.2022 Pre-registration for our Fundamentals of Equi-Taping online course is now open at a special pre-sale price. Certification option for professionals plus a pack...age price discount! Please tag your friends in comments. #horse #equinetherapy #equinemassage #kinesiologytapeforhorses #equitape #sale

24.01.2022 Fantastic study on lovely fascia. Very well documented and informative. Thank you for your hard work!

22.01.2022 Just a bit more info on this awesome product. Seeing is truly believing!

22.01.2022 Great new things happening at

22.01.2022 How cool is this! Thank you SS Tape and Rehab - our American counterparts. Lovely work.

20.01.2022 Our USA educator, Rebecca Haddock, has landed safely in Australia and after only being off the plane for 3 hours was in the paddock treating horses.

20.01.2022 This is super exciting news folks! Get amongst it!!

20.01.2022 Yep! Hes happy! ET AUS practitioners course underway!!

18.01.2022 Application to ease digestive stress. Sometimes horses are affected by the weather, travel, changes in diet or training, even allergies! #horselove #horsemen #equine

18.01.2022 Fantastic news.

17.01.2022 Learn how to do a poll decompression application to help ease tension and promote relaxation. Our Practical Solutions Video Series teaches you ways to improve... your health care routine with Equi-Tape. If you would like to be given FREE access to the entire how-to video for a poll decompression application AND a video on wound care, fill out this form: #equestrianstyle #equinekinesiologytaping #horseanatomy #kinesiologytape #kinesiology #equinemassage #horsewellness #equinebodywork #horsecare #equestrianlife #horsepeople #horsewhisperer #naturalhorse #libertyhorsemanship #equinetherapy #performancehorsetherapy #performancehorse #horsetraining #horsesofinstagram #horsechiropractor #equinemassagepractitioner

17.01.2022 HYOID and the impotence of it’s health.

16.01.2022 Are you certified in kinesiology tape for horses by another brand or school? Ready to advance your education and experience the Equi-Tape difference? Message us... to receive exclusive discounts on tape and our online certification course, trust us, its worth it! Our online certification course will teach you new skills to use in both training and rehabilitation programs. Read photo captions for explanations of each application as techniques used are taught in course. Photos by SS Tape and Rehab and Equi-Tape Australia Ready to sign up? Click here: #equitape #equinekinesiotape #horsetherapy

16.01.2022 This is the science behind the issue. Love it.

16.01.2022 Exciting Announcement!!!! Our online "Fundamentals of Equi-Taping" course is now available with a certification option for equine healthcare practitioners! Our has worked so hard to complete this project so equestrians around the world can have access to excellent education. Learn the scientific principles behind the Equi-Taping Methodology, how Equi-Tape works, pro-tips, and a variety of practical applications that will be an asset to your training and rehabilitation programs. Check you email if you have already registered or click here to sign up: Do you have a certification from another school? Message us your full name and email and we will give you an exclusive discount so you can experience the Equi-Tape difference. Not ready to commit to the professional full course yet? Our online Introductory course is on sale for only $39.99 Click here is purchase and start learning: REMINDER: If you have already taken an Equi-Tape certification course, you have access to this online version for FREE. Make sure we have your email and name! #equinemassage #equinehealth #horse #horsehealing #naturalhorsemanship #holistichorsecare #horse

15.01.2022 Lewis Benedetti Check this out!

15.01.2022 Increasing circulation can facilitate healing and faster recovery from an injury. This polo horse had a very sore left shoulder. You can see a dramatic differen...ce in the effected area 20 minutes after an application; the color change indicates a reduction of swelling and increase of circulation. Equi-Tape works by decompressing tissue from the stretch and recoil in the unique construction of the tape; this allows fluids to move faster and in more volume, inviting oxygen rich blood to effected area and helping the lymph system remove toxins. Pain relief is also a benefit due to increase in oxygen and taking pressure off of nerves and pain receptors in skin and fascia. Here is the write up from the thermographer: The thermal images taken for Cabo on 7-1-19 are enclosed. The images were taken before and after an Equi-Tape application. There was about 20 minutes between taping and imaging. Ambient temperature was 72 degrees. In equines, the biggest thing to look for in thermal imaging is symmetry between the left and the right, the front and the back, as well as in all four legs. A temperature difference greater than 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees F) between two typically symmetrical areas can indicate the beginnings of an issue that should be further reviewed by a vet. Please keep in mind while reviewing your images that red does not necessarily mean hot in a sense that is a problem. Red is just a color indicator on a span that can be changed. The same is true for the "cool colors". There are areas of a horse that are expected to be warmer than others due to normal blood flow, coat thickness, grooves such as between the neck and shoulder as well as in the back of the hoof, skin thickness and general area usage. Things that can cause an increased temperature pattern within the horse are injury, soreness, compensatory usage and higher usage than corresponding side. There are many outside factors that can also cause these temperature differences including sun, cold weather, coat length, lying down on a leg, human touch, what side their mane is on, mud, fly spray or poultice, wraps or blankets, water and even a slight breeze. It is the job of the thermographer to make sure these outside factors are minimized as much as possible to get you the most accurate information. Abnormal cool patterns within the horse could be caused by restriction of blood flow or nerve impingement. Any questions on diagnosis should be referred to your vet as I am not a vet, chiropractor, farrier, or equine dentist able to diagnose medical issues. I am always happy to discuss your thermal report. Thank you again for allowing me the opportunity to image your horse. Kayla Ross CIT Hidden Vision Thermographics, LLC Horse was in the excellent care of Elite Equine Rehab - EER Application was done by SS Tape and Rehab #equinebodywork #horserehab #kinesiologytaping #polohorse #equinetherapy

15.01.2022 Why study fascia lines and learn bodywork? Think of fascia as the computer network that sends and receives messages between the brain and the nerves and in the skin and soft tissue which influences the movement of the horse and the functions of every physiological system. When a horse experiences an injury or is subject to an unhealthy environment or improper training, fascia cannot function properly. When this network is disrupted, behavior and movement of the horse is altered. Equi-Tape applications may seem complicated but healthcare practitioners are trained to understand the correlation between physical wellness and facia lines as you can see in the illustrations. The health of the shoulder is directly correlated with the health of the hind quarters. The applications pictured are designed to promote healthy fascia in the functional lines by reducing adhesions and tightness while increasing fluid movement in the fascia network. We highly recommend equestrians of all levels start studying anatomy such as this great booklet on fascia lines from Equus-Soma Equine Osteology and Anatomy Learning Center Purchase your copy here: Ready to learn how to use Equi-Tape and get certified? Take our online course: Applications by Horse-Wellness and JW Equine Bodyworks LLC #equinekinesiologytape #horseanatomy #fascia #equinebodywork #horsetherapy #kinesiology

15.01.2022 Hi folks l! Our Jindabyne clinic was a brilliant success. We trained 4 new practitioners, they are super excited to continue their education #helpingpeoplehelphorses 10 horses were professionally treated with running protocols to continue their training and rehab. Keep a look out for these upcoming practitioners they are fantastic! ... There is still time to be involved in the Victoria clinic - book in to avoid disappointment! This equi-tape community is one of a kind with connections to the best Practioners and rehabilitation experts in the world! #equi-tape #equinekinesiology

13.01.2022 Kylie Abell is one of Australias leading practitioners. She is doing amazing things with her skills utilising Equitape for absolutely astounding results! Well done Kylie. This work is truly inspirational!!! #equitapeau #helpingpeoplehelphorses #equitape #equinekineseology... #equinerehab See more

13.01.2022 Equi-Tape doing its thing for Thredbo Valley Horseriding in some challenging, cold conditions. Boss who is a seriously tuff work horse was licking and chewing and yawning with relief with this back application. Lucky who is one of our best workers, had a severe slip over in the ice/mud. He is now very happy and relaxed with these equi-taping applications to help his recovery. Recovering quickly and will be happily back to work within days. #equitapeaustralia #equitape #equinekineseolgy #helpingpeoplehelphorses #happyhorses

12.01.2022 Anyone in Wagga and surrounds, book in quick! Kylie is in high demand.

12.01.2022 Important info about fascia and performance:

11.01.2022 Isn’t this the truth!

09.01.2022 Fantastic demonstration- please help spread the word folks. Like. Comment. Share.

09.01.2022 How does Equi-Tape work? Is it backed by science? These questions are best answered by first understanding the receptors and nerves in the skin and how they inf...luence the fascia and whole body. Equi-Tape plays a critical role here by communicating with the receptors, nerves, and fascia. PLEASE READ the following explanation from human studies on fascia to understand your own body and your horses body which has more receptors per inch in the skin than you! The fascia is any tissue that contains features capable of responding to mechanical stimuli. The fascial continuum is the result of the evolution of the perfect synergy among different tissues, liquids, and solids capable of supporting, dividing, penetrating, feeding, and connecting all the regions of the body, from the epidermis to the bone, involving all its functions and organic structures. This continuum constantly transmits and receives mechanometabolic information that can influence the shape and function of the entire body. These afferent/efferent impulses come from the fascia and the tissues that are not considered as part of the fascia in a biunivocal mode. In this definition, these tissues include: epidermis, dermis, fat, blood, lymph, blood and lymphatic vessels, tissue covering the nervous filaments (endoneurium, perineurium, epineurium), voluntary striated muscle fibers, and the tissue covering and permeating it (epimysium, perimysium, endomysium), ligaments, tendons, aponeurosis, cartilage, bones, meninges, and tongue.-Bordoni B, Walkowski S, Morabito B, Varacallo MA: Fascial nomenclature: an update. Cureus. 2019, 11:5718. 10.7759/cureus.5718 The applications below were designed to achieve a specific physiological goal for the horse and were applied with various techniques with the above mentioned anatomical considerations in mind. Contrary to popular belief, Equi-Tape does not just influence superficial layers but can have a profound effect on deep tissues and the skeletal structure because of fascia. We are trained to understand the complexity of this relationship in order to help horses with Equi-Tape applications, which we specifically design for a result. For example, a horse with a sore back from overwork would benefit from a muscle relax application and increased circulation which we can achieve with certain techniques. Hope this helps! ~Calandra #equitape #equinephysiotherapy #horse

08.01.2022 Ringo and Ashley have overcome many challenges together. Ringo is an incredibly well-bred dressage horse but suffered multiple injuries when he was young. Ashle...y rescued him and has spent countless resources on diagnostics and veterinary advice only to be left with mysteries and physiological challenges to his training goals. He exhibits signs of a neurological disorder but has made unusual progress thanks to the patient care and rehab work of Ashley of Bucking Tradition Farms who is also a practitioner in training with Calandra at SS Tape and Rehab. Equi-Tape was added to Ringos routine several months ago and improvements have been made in multiple areas in his body including fascia release and relaxing tight muscles. This particular application is designed to bring pelvic stability while encouraging him to use under-developed muscles in his hindquarters including the tensor fascia latae. Watch the huge releases Ringo enjoyed while Ashley put this application on which is significant because he has a very active mind and can be very distracted and reactive due to his unique physiology. Ringo and Ashley make a wonderful team and prove that theres hope for recovery for even the most challenging cases. We hope you will take the time to learn how to use Equi-Tape to help your horse succeed! #equestrianstyle #equinekinesiologytaping #horseanatomy #kinesiologytape #kinesiology #equinemassage #horsewellness #equinebodywork #horsecare #equestrianlife #horsepeople #horsewhisperer #naturalhorse #libertyhorsemanship #equinetherapy #performancehorsetherapy #performancehorse #horsetraining #horsesofinstagram #horsechiropractor #equinemassagepractitioner #dreamhorse #horselove #horselovers #horselife #horselifestyle #horsephysiotherapy #equinephysio #equinephysiotherapy #equitape

06.01.2022 Our horses supported by Equi-Tape #equitapeaustralia and ready for the corona virus #thredbovalleyhorseriding (no horses were harmed in this photo)

06.01.2022 This is one very handy technique for checking out exactly where skeletal structure is in the horse as well as muscle groups. #genius

05.01.2022 Equi-Tape certification course happening now.... we have one amazing facility to teach in!

04.01.2022 We teach you proper technique so you can achieve successful applications. Equi-Tape is an affordable and effective therapeutic modality that will modernize your... care routine. Online courses and certification available for healthcare pros. Application to support the stifle by SS Tape and Rehab #horse #equinerehab #hearthorses #equinemassage #equinebodywork

03.01.2022 Support your horse whilst floating by using #equitapeaustralia sacroiliac joints taping method No more sore horses after floating!

03.01.2022 Exciting News- Equi-Tape's shipment has now arrived in Australia and we have plenty of stock available. Yay!!!!! Visit for all your tape purchases.

02.01.2022 Want to help your horse? Attend a Equi-Tape Course and discover how using kinesiology tape can help with many ouchies that your horse has!! Jindabyne NSW - 23rd February Murrumbateman NSW - 25th February Yass NSW- 26th February... Albury NSW- 27th February Tynong Vic- 1st March Visit

02.01.2022 How’s this for relief for this pony? Perfect example of what happens to a horse when Equi-tape is applied correctly.

02.01.2022 Inspiring. You know you have an effective application when you get responses like this:

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