Eremos | Community organisation
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25.01.2022 Celebrating the work of Dr Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr-Baumann and the gifts she has shared with us all.
24.01.2022 Miriam Rose, Senior Australian of the year, talks about the invitation to all to deep listening, Dadirri, and the need for belonging.
23.01.2022 1st October ~ Saint Thérèse of Lisieux A blessing to begin this new month from St Thérèse whose feast we celebrate today. Happy day to all our Oblates and frie...nds who bear Therese's name and have special devotion to her. "May today there be peace within you. May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith. May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content knowing you are a child of God. Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us." ~ Saint Thérèse of Lisieux
22.01.2022 Uniting Church Minister Rev Alex Sangster spoke in her Sermon on Sunday about the need to stand in solidarity with the Wangan and Jagalingou warriors who are pr...otecting their land right now. Check out their Facebook page for updates: Wangan and Jagalingou - Standing Our Ground #StandingOurGround
22.01.2022 We are thrilled with a recent Outback Links project on Adnyamathanha lands. We are still celebrating. With the help of our Parkin-Sturt Remote Area Bush Chaplai...n Sunny, we recently sent a group of Outback Links volunteers to a remote Aboriginal community to take part in a project restoring their sacred country. The partnership was an incredible symbol of reconciliation that bridged relationships between First Nations peoples and Frontier Services. Kick off your #NAIDOCWeek celebrations with us today and check out our video of the group trip. #FrontierServices #OutbackLinks See more
18.01.2022 We are proud that Deep Listening is part of ‘Rights of Nature Week’, hosted by the Australian Earth Laws Alliance from 12-17 October 2020. For more details on the whole program , visit:
17.01.2022 Registration closes 28 January. Please register soon so we can get the materials to you by post.
15.01.2022 Today we visit the Center. As dawn illuminates Uluru, the desert sandhills come alive with birdsong. Fairy wrens, finches, honeyeaters, chats, babblers and tiny... diamond doves sing from among the scrub and spinifex grass-covered dunes. As the morning progresses, cicadas can be heard in the canopies of ironwoods, and the outback winds sigh through the desert oaks. In late afternoon, with the rock glowing red in the fading light, fairy martins trill as they fly into their nest caves, and water is heard trickling into secluded Mutijulu waterhole. With nightfall, we hear the gentle sounds of a desert evening. Listen for free to Andrew’s soundscape, and buy a high quality rendition if you like. What can you hear in your part of the world? Amidst the sounds of human activity, what do you hear? Let us know in the comments. The October 12th forum is presented by the Faith Ecology Network. FEN shares the experience of religious and cultural diversity which enhances the depths of one’s own religious tradition. We grow in understanding of the connections between faith and ecology. We build up networks within and between faith traditions and environmentalists. #FEN #ListenToNature The forum is part of ‘Rights of Nature Week’, hosted by the Australian Earth Laws Alliance from 12-17 October 2020.
14.01.2022 As we continue to celebrate NAIDOC Week, for our #ThrowbackThursday we're taking you back to our Bush Chaplain, Julia's induction last year. We cannot believe h...ow quickly this has gone! We are incredibly proud of Julia as our first ever Aboriginal female Bush Chaplain. In the role, she's been a wonderful ambassador helping to bridge relationships between Frontier Services and our First Nations peoples. #BushChaplains See more
13.01.2022 Reflect and Connect for Thursday 23rd July led by Rev. Gareth Thomas-Burchell. Reflect and connect: You are in this place and time Aboriginal cave paintings a sacred religious site on Uluru. Photo: Alamy The First Peoples of this land have long claimed of a spiritual presence and have expressed this understanding in paintings, often on rock faces such as this on Uluru. We the second peoples of Australia have only just recently appreciated the details and significance of this rock. Not something to be climbed and conquered, but a place of Spirit Presence God with us. In the quiet time before our sharing, reflect on the picture above and the words of the song below. The song was composed and written by Robin Mann for the 1989 National Christian Youth Convention in Perth. You were in this place At the dawn of the ages you pulled land from the sea. With your word you invented all we know, all we see: Creek and desert and forest, red and grey kangaroo. You were in this place but we never knew. Paintings seen on the rock-face, footprints left in the sand, camp fire next to the river, songs that rise from the land: Signs that seem so elusive, shadows just out of view. You were in this place but we never knew. Do we take after Jacob, blind to what lies at hand, needing dreams to inform us God is here in this land? See him suffering and dying, bread and wine tell the news. You were in this place But we never knew. Jesus, open our senses, help us see you today in the person beside us, as we work, as we play. While we love you and serve you, may it never be true: You were in this place but we never knew. Words and music: Robin Mann Song written for the NCYC 1989 in Perth Questions to ponder: What are your first thoughts and responses to the Aboriginal rock art and the words of the song, You were in this place? We are so good at hindsight wisdom when confessing that God was in this place, even when in times of test, but is it possible to make the same confession in the present? In what ways is God present when we are unable to sing the Lord’s song (Ps 137)? For the Hebrew people in captivity in Babylon, it was a strange land, but today in 2020, it is this strange time. In what ways can we say that God is in this strange place and strange time?
12.01.2022 Rabbi Lauren Holtzblatt speaking of Ruth Bader Ginsberg's work to enshrine gender equality (and fairness in all its forms) in law. To be born into a world that... does not see you, that does not believe in your potential and despite this to be able to see beyond the world you are in, to imagine that something can be different: that is the job of a prophet. And it is the rare prophet who not only imagines a new world but also makes that world a reality in her lifetime. May her memory be for blessing. May her memory inspire and strengthen all who work for true justice. See more
11.01.2022 A beautiful reflection ...
11.01.2022 A oração do Pai Nosso cantada em Aramaico, mesmo idioma em que foi ensinada. Coral Harpa Dei
10.01.2022 Enjoy this reflection from CAC
08.01.2022 A gentle reminder that Pitt Street Uniting Church is holding a retreat for those interested. Not too late to register. Pitt Street Retreat Spring 2020 Posted... on 29 July, 2020 by Vera Tibbertsma Together at the Edge an on-line Retreat Gathering to be held on Saturday, 29-Aug-2020, 10 am to 12:30 pm. There will be a pre-retreat zoom gathering Thursday, 27-Aug-2020, 7:30- 8:30 pm Hosted by Pitt St Uniting Church, and facilitated by Elizabeth Lee. Participants will need access to the on-line meeting app Zoom Find out more about this retreat here. Register for this retreat here, and zoom details will be forwarded to you.
05.01.2022 Announcing the date of this Fantastic FEN Event. Please lock in the date in your calendars!
05.01.2022 #Life throws many #challenges our way. Sometimes we find the strength to get through them with prayer and being patient. The Corona pandemic has tested us in many ways from sickness, changed employment conditions and distancing ourselves from the people we love and the things we love to do. So, can prayer and patience get us through this #pandemic?
03.01.2022 WHEN I AM AMONG THE TREES by Mary Oliver When I am among the trees, especially the willows and the honey locust,... equally the beech, the oaks and the pines, they give off such hints of gladness. I would almost say that they save me, and daily. I am so distant from the hope of myself, in which I have goodness, and discernment, and never hurry through the world but walk slowly, and bow often. Around me the trees stir in their leaves and call out, Stay awhile. The light flows from their branches. And they call again, It’s simple, they say, and you too have come into the world to do this, to go easy, to be filled with light, and to shine. See more
02.01.2022 How do we as Christians respond to some of the challenges currently confronting us? How do we begin to understand and unravel problems of systemic racism and cl...imate change? Check out these two great classes we're offering at Charles Sturt this summer. Both are available via zoom/ online. And both are available to students and auditors.
02.01.2022 SEA OF FAITH IN AUSTRALIA (SoFiA) - Melbourne Zoom online meeting: Saturday 28 November 2020 , 2.30pm to 4.30pm. "The Perennial Philosophy." Dr. Nicholas Coleman (Granity School of Spiritual Studies) will present the topic and lead the discussion.... ZOOM Link: Meeting ID: 878 1843 1826 - - Passcode: 260000 All viewpoints welcome. Enquiries: sofmelb@ yahoo. com. au - National SOFiA Website. See more
01.01.2022 This is the first online Intensive Journal to ever be hosted in Australia. Looking forward to welcoming people from many places across our land.
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