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Erina Heights Veterinary Hospital in Wamberal, New South Wales | Veterinary surgeon

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Erina Heights Veterinary Hospital

Locality: Wamberal, New South Wales

Phone: +61 2 4384 5888

Address: 661 Central Coast Highway 2260 Wamberal, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 Fun Fact Friday Starfish have 5 eyes !

25.01.2022 **UPDATE: The correct answer is 6!! A joint collaboration with Dr Jasmin Hyatt from Veterinary Reproduction Consultancy! How many puppies can you see?

25.01.2022 Most people forget that Plovers are native birds and before they grow there famously scary yellow mask they start out their life looking this cute !! Yes plovers have spurs on their wings however despite common belief, these are not poisonous and are only swooping due to them trying to protect their babies!! It is important to remember that plover aggression only occurs for a short period of time. Once the chicks have hatched, the level of attacks will significantly decrease.... If you have plovers swooping in your area, try to avoid the nesting area and do not antagonise the birds. If you cannot avoid the area, try not to walk directly towards the birds or make eye contact with them. Wearing a large hat or bike helmet when in their vicinity can also help. If the nest site is simply in a vulnerable position, a protective fence/table/chair can be placed over the nest site so that the birds can come and go safely until the chicks are hatched. However If the problem cannot be avoided or solved, or if you are unsure, call WIRES for advice 1300 094 737.

23.01.2022 Do you need help paying for vet bills? We have numerous payment options available including: AFTERPAY ZIP PAY VET PAY ... Just ask our friendly staff in store how to get set up!

22.01.2022 Everyone who books in to get their pet's teeth cleaned with us this August & September goes in the draw to win one of three major prizes!

22.01.2022 Fun Fact Friday Wombats have square poop!!

22.01.2022 Just a reminder we are CLOSED today, January 1st (New Year’s Day) and we will reopen tomorrow, January 2nd at 8am. If your pet needs urgent medical attention, please call our friends at: Animal Referral Hospital Gosford 43233886 SASH - Small Animal Specialist Hospital Tuggerah 43111311 ... Happy New Year!!

22.01.2022 Booboo unfortunately didn't understand the scrunchie fashion trend was for his hair and not for his stomach Lucky enough he was brought straight into the vets where it was removed before it could tie-up anything it shouldn't!!

22.01.2022 Little Stormy was very proud of how brave he was for his desexing today! He would also like to remind you that Central Coast Council and the NSW pet registry now require cats to be desexed by 4 months of age! No longer 6 months for them to be desexed and registered! Read more here

22.01.2022 H E A T W A V E W A R N I N G As the weather heats up this weekend on Central Coast, it serves as a timely reminder to prevent your pets from suffering heat stroke!! Any hot environment can predispose to heat stroke, and if your pet cannot cool themselves down adequately via panting, body temperature quickly starts to rise, leading to stress and exhaustion. ... Signs of heat stroke include excessive panting, drooling, redness of the gums, uncoordinated movement, vomiting and collapse. In many cases, heat stroke can lead to coma and death. The good news is that there are many ways that you can avoid heat stroke in your pets, including: Provide adequate shade and water, which may include keeping your pet inside in the air conditioning during hot weather Add ice cubes to your pets drinking water NEVER leave your pet in a parked car Don’t walk or exercise your pet during hot weather Don’t walk your pets on hot asphalt or hot sand - if you can’t keep your hand on the ground then it’s too hot to walk Don’t let your pets over exert themselves in the heat- even playing and swimming on a hot day can lead to heat exhaustion from excessive exercise! If you think your pet is suffering heat stroke, please call us immediately during business hours on 0243845888. For emergencies after hours, you can contact Animal Referral Hospital on 0243233886; or SASH on 0243111399.

20.01.2022 Every dental patient of ours get the most thorough clean! We even put a special dye on each tooth that makes the nasty plaque turn pink! This way nothing gets missed

20.01.2022 Did you get a new pet for Xmas? Moved house recently? Make sure your pet's microchip details are up to date! With thunderstorms, fireworks and holidays, many pets often escape or go missing this time of year. If you aren't sure if your pet's microchip details are correct, ask one of our friendly staff to check for you. You can also update your pet's microchip details online at

19.01.2022 They say the best things in life come in threes......triple the fun, triple the fluff and triple the trouble

18.01.2022 Hot SUMMER weather means SNAKKKKES are out and about!! We have many species of venomous snakes here on the Central Coast. Unfortunately, one swift bite from a snake can be a deadly mistake for your pet. If you suspect your pet has been bitten by a snake, we urge you to seek veterinary help immediately as prompt treatment can save your pet's life. And remember - snakes are a protected species in NSW - it is best to call an experienced snake catcher if you find a snake that needs relocating. See here for more information:

18.01.2022 Did your family get a puppy recently ?! Until the end of February, we are giving away: FREE heartworm prevention injection AND FREE flea and tick prevention... **For all puppies booked in for their vaccinations between 12-16 weeks of age!! We are also taking bookings for our next puppy preschool class!! Make sure you share this message if you know someone who has got a new puppy!

17.01.2022 Fun Fact Friday Birds are immune to the heat of chili peppers.

17.01.2022 If your pet needs medical attention outside our operating hours this long weekend, please call: ARH West Gosford - 02 4323 3886 SASH Tuggerah- 02 4311 1311

16.01.2022 COVID-19 Update 4th Jan 2021 We now require clients to wear a face mask when in the clinic. (Unless a medical exemption applies) As per previous recommendations: ... Do not visit the clinic if you have been to the affected suburbs of the Northern Beaches in the last 14 days, are currently unwell or awaiting a covid swab result. Please contact us for other arrangements if your pet needs urgent medical attention. 1 1 adult may accompany their pet into the consult room (no children). Wait outside for your appointment (if weather permits). Contactless payment methods are preferred. Follow social distancing guidelines. Please call in advance if you need food or medication for your pet. We will ask you to check in using a QR code (or our reception staff can do this for you). We thank you for your understanding and hope you stay safe during these difficult times! Erina Heights Vet - call 0243845888

16.01.2022 BLACK FRIDAY & CYBER MONDAY WEEKEND SALE!! Treat your pet in our Weekend Sale! Save 20% or more on a range of flea, tick and worming and dental care products. Online only sale ends Monday. 20% OFF Nexgard Spectra 25% OFF Nexgard... 20% OFF OraVet Dental Chews 25% OFF Buster Rope Toys 25% OFF ParaGard PLUS MORE!! See more

16.01.2022 Fun Fact Friday It is much easier for dogs to learn spoken commands if they are given in conjunction with hand signals or gestures

16.01.2022 Lumps! Not so lovely ratty lumps! Check them out! Both Ash and Misty the rats had some trouble with golf ball size lumps that began to grow, so Dr Jesse removed them and they are now looking Fabulous! (Ok no more Fergie references )

15.01.2022 That's right ! It's dental month again. 10% off scale and polishing & every pet who gets a dental goes home with a goodie bag & goes in the draw to win a major prize!

15.01.2022 EASTER OPENING HOURS Wishing everyone a very Happy Easter. Please be advised that we will be closed for the Easter long weekend and open again on Tuesday, 6th of April at 8am. If your pet needs urgent medical attention over the Easter long weekend, please contact:... Animal Referral Hospital Gosford: (02) 4323 3886 SASH Central Coast: (02) 4311 1311 See more

15.01.2022 Fun Fact Friday About 50% of orangutangs have fractured bones due to falling out of trees.

14.01.2022 Show us your dogs!!

14.01.2022 WELCOME TO OUR NEW VET, DR KYLIE We would like to introduce our new vet! Dr Kylie Wong BVSc (Hons) CertAnimChiro Kylie graduated from the University of Queensland with first class honours in 2019. Following graduation, she moved to the Central Coast and spent some time in mixed animal practice before deciding to focus purely on companion animals. Her special interests include internal medicine, dermatology, integrative health and rehabilitation. In 2017, she comp...leted a diploma in therapeutic acupuncture and in 2019, completed a post-graduate course in the USA with international certification in animal chiropractic. Outside of work Kylie can be found enjoying the outdoors with her dogs, ‘Yoshi’ and ‘Koko’, riding her horses, dabbling in photography or cuddling up on the couch with a good book and her rescue cats ‘Magnus’ and ‘Mochi’. Please join us in welcoming Dr Kylie to the Erina Heights Vet family!

13.01.2022 Remember the best course of action is prevention! There are now easy to apply preventive applications for both cats and dogs If you would like to find out which product is best suited for your pet call us on 43845888 or pop into our clinic and have a chat to one of our lovely nurses.

12.01.2022 Fun Fact Friday Sweden has a rabbit show-jumping competition called "Kaninhoppning"

11.01.2022 Fun Fact Friday A flea can jump distances of 200 times their body length & the females can also lay more then 30 eggs a DAY!!!

10.01.2022 To all of our wonderful clients with rabbit family members Unfortunately our rabbit vaccination is currently unavailable. The supplier has an expected ETA of late December, possibly early January 2021. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. As soon as supply is back in stock we will let everyone know. ... How can you protect your pet rabbit? Keep your pet rabbit indoors (especially at dawn and dusk). Mosquito-proof your rabbit’s enclosure. Rabbit-proof your yard to prevent wild rabbits entering. Regular cleaning of enclosures, bowls, litter trays and bedding. Apply regular flea prevention (we recommend using Revolution or Advantage top spots once a month please call a vet if you need more information on dosages). If purchasing a new rabbit within this time period, ensure you quarantine them for 14 days. Do not supply freshly cut grass to your rabbit that wild rabbit may have contaminated. Maintain good hygiene when handling between rabbits.

10.01.2022 Today we say a big farewell to the amazing Audrey! We wish you all the best in Tasmania and know you will be heavily missed

10.01.2022 Fun Fact Friday The sentence The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog. uses every letter of the alphabet! How many of you just checked ?

10.01.2022 Cute little Johnnie here is a good example of atypical tick paralysis! Johnnie was still able to walk at first, so his owners didn’t initially suspect a tick. As well as the common symptom of leg weakness/wobbliness, affected animals can also suffer paralysed facial and throat muscles, causing symptoms such as gagging, vomiting, coughing, breathing difficulties and a changed facial expression. Remember ticks can be active all year-round, so make sure your fur-family members always protected! If you would like any more information about ticks or the best products to protect your pet, please call us

09.01.2022 Here at Erina Heights Vet Hospital we offer free belly scratchies!! *for pets only*

09.01.2022 Fun Fact Fact Friday A grizzly bear's bite is so strong it can crush a bowling ball

09.01.2022 Fun Fact Friday A tarantula spider can survive for more than two years without food

08.01.2022 Wutang the cat presented to us with a very sore looking eye, so sore in fact that he couldn't even keep it open. This was due to an entropion issue. Entropion is when one of their eyelids folds over causing irritation & damage to the eyeball. After surgery to correct the eyelid, Wutangs eye already looks much more comfortable and on the way to a full recovery. (Photo on the left)

08.01.2022 During the pandemic it is very important to socialise your newest fur family members in a safe and positive way. This is why we are now not only running our puppy preschool (8-16weeks) but we are now also running a intermediate puppy class (4-6months) For any information please contact us on 43845888 and ask for Shannon

08.01.2022 Fun Fact Friday The Easter Bunny is German, where he is known as 'Osterhase'.

08.01.2022 What could be better then a cute baby Guinea pig ?! A pair of cute baby Guinea Pigs !!!

08.01.2022 Wishing everyone a very Happy Easter Please be advised our opening hours over the Easter long weekend are as follows: Thursday, 1st of April 8am - 7pm Good Friday, 2nd of April CLOSED Easter Saturday, 3rd of April CLOSED... Easter Sunday, 4th of April CLOSED Easter Monday, 5th of April CLOSED Tuesday, 6th of April 8am - 7pm If your pet needs urgent medical attention outside of our opening hours, please contact: Animal Referral Hospital Gosford: (02) 4323 3886 SASH Central Coast: (02) 4311 1311

07.01.2022 With New Years Eve comes fireworks!! We advise planning in advance for the fireworks noise, which can be really scary for our fur babies: Make sure your pet is in a secure enclosure or even better, safely indoors. Panic due to loud noises can prompt an uncharacteristic escape attempt from your pet.... Give your pet a safe "den" to hide in - consider setting up a blanket/pillow fort in a quiet room or behind/underneath furniture, or set up a comfy bed in a cupboard for your pet to retreat to if they feel frightened. If your pet is indoors, try playing some calming music to help drown out any external noises. Turn the sound off if you watch the Sydney Harbour fireworks on TV. Calmly comfort your pet if they seem frightened - this will not "reinforce the behaviour", only help them to feel safer. Try to distract your pet before the noise starts (e.g. a chew treat or toy), although some might not be interested and that's OK. Consider general calming support aids such as a Thunderjacket, Zylkene, and/or Adaptil (for dogs)/Feliway (for cats) calming pheromones in diffuser form or sprayed onto your pets bedding or onto a bandana around their neck. If you know your pet is significantly noise-phobic, please consult our vets about temporary or longer-term anti-anxiety drugs that can really help your pet to feel less frightened. We are closed from 5pm on New Year's Eve, closed New Year's Day and will re-open again at 8am on Saturday 2nd January. If your pet needs urgent medical attention during this time, please contact: - Animal Referral Hospital Gosford on 42233886 or - SASH - Small Animal Specialist Hospital on 43111311 We wish you and your pets a safe and happy New Year’s Eve!

07.01.2022 Thank you Carla for the lovely email ! After getting some treatment after his hypersensitivity reaction Koda's face was back to normal in no time !! "A few weeks ago I had an emergency run to your wonderful vet for my 17 month old Boxer boy Koda when his face swelled up like a balloon from some sort of venomous night bite. Firstly thank you so much for quickly getting him in and easing his discomfort, you guys are angels! " -Carla

07.01.2022 Baby birds are out & about It is normal for fledgling magpies to fall out of their nests whilst their learning how to master the art of flying. Their parents will continue to supervise and feed them. You can help by popping the baby back into their nest or constructing a make shift nest out of an ice cream container with sticks & scrubs. ... However, if they have fallen from their nest far too early or become in danger; Wires, Wildlife ARC or your local vet can help them get back on their feet and hopefully back into the skies

07.01.2022 Fun Fact Friday Some cats are allergic to humans!

06.01.2022 IMPORTANT COVID-19 Update Following the easing of restrictions from the Australian Government, we have some important updates to announce

06.01.2022 Fun Fact Friday Squirrels plant thousands of new trees each year simply by forgetting where they have buried their acorns.

06.01.2022 How fast they grow! Charli joined the Erina Heights Family after being a part of nurse Shannon's Puppy preschool at 8weeks of age and weighing only at 9months and weighing in at 9kg, all the team are spoiling her rotten while she is in for her desexing procedure. Another wonderful example of how we treat all of our patients as if they were our own.

05.01.2022 Koda came into see Dr Holly and we couldn't help but see a resemblance with a famous cartoon character Does anyone else have a pet that resembles a cartoon?

05.01.2022 Fun Fact Friday Bats always turn left when they leave a cave!

05.01.2022 R U OK? We know that your pets are always there for you but sometimes we need people to be there for you too. Today is R U OK day, please remember to check on your family, friends and even strangers to see if they are doing ok? ... If they are not doing ok, something you can do to help is: Listen to them without judgement. Let them know they don't have to go through it alone. Encourage them to seek help. Suggest some self help strategies. For more information or links to some help please visit

04.01.2022 Fun Fact Friday Oysters can change gender depending on which is best for mating.

02.01.2022 TUES 29th December - WE ARE OPEN from 8am - 7pm. Update- our phones our now working again!! .................. We are currently experiencing major technical issues with our phones. We are trying to get them back up and running as soon as possible. If you are trying to contact us, please email us at [email protected] and we can call you back. ... You can also book online: We apologise for any inconvenience caused. See more

01.01.2022 Cheeky Luna didn't waste any time with her cone off to make some "adjustments" to her bandage. Quick thinking her family popped on a makeshift leg wrap and rushed to the vets to get Luna back on the road to a swift recovery. Luna however had no problem showing how she felt about the fashionable e-collar being placed back on her

01.01.2022 Fun Fact Friday A polar bears skin is jet black under it's white fur.

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