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Erina High School

Phone: +61 2 4367 7353


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25.01.2022 Great sewing practice Year 7! . . .

25.01.2022 Teaching and Learning still teaching and learning

24.01.2022 Fantastic work on your assessment tasks 8SCIE, you worked hard right up to the last day of school. Enjoy your well deserved break.

23.01.2022 TAS and Music miss you already Merry Xmas

23.01.2022 Year 12 Male Netball side

22.01.2022 Learning comes in all shapes and sizes. Welcome Lola to EHS. Lola is a Learning Assistant Dog. She is excited to meet us all.

22.01.2022 Positive Transition at EHS - Welcome our 2021 Year 7 Students Year 6 into Year 7 Orientation Day 9am EHS and Family Information Evening 6pm via ZOOM - Brisbania Public School, Chertsey Primary School, Gosford East Public School, Holgate Public School P&C, Woodport Public School - Erina NSW

20.01.2022 More great photos from our Year 12 sports day today. Year 12 had lots of fun reliving their sporting glory from their past 6 years at EHS!

20.01.2022 Fantastic work on your doorstop mini project Year 7 Technology Mandatory! . . .

20.01.2022 Dear Parents and Caregivers 2020 Y12 GRADUATION CEREMONY LIVESTREAM - All parents of our graduating class of 2020 can access the Live Stream Graduation Ceremony via the link below.... Click on the link below that will take you to the Erina High School YouTube Channel. Please bookmark this link ready for Thursday. We will start the Live Stream from 9am, to provide time to troubleshoot any access issues. Mr Brailey will be in the front office to respond to any issues for parents. The ceremony will commence at 10am. We will also be setting up a venue for siblings of graduates that may wish to watch the Live Stream. EHS

20.01.2022 Join us live on ZOOM at 6pm tonight!

19.01.2022 Our new and growing Special Education faculty. Have a safe and merry Christmas.

19.01.2022 The Australian Air Force Cadets are looking for new recruits! A great opportunity to build confidence, teamwork, leadership and communication skills.


19.01.2022 Be sure to register for our curriculum evening tomorrow night... see you there!

19.01.2022 Congratulations to the students of 7E who completed their Pythagorean Artwork projects earlier this term! The students had to use Pythagoras Theorem to create spirals to complete an artwork of their choice. All the artworks were amazing and judging the best ones was extremely difficult. Mrs Berg and Mr Wade chose a top 5 and then Mr Brailey decided the winners! Congratulations to all students who chose to participate! First Place went to Cassidy Second Place went to Arabella... Third Place went to Bella Highly Commended went to Kirra and Addi

18.01.2022 Valentines Day is good... but Bake Sales are better! Everything $2 Why waste money on flowers that you can’t even eat

18.01.2022 As you would have noticed a handful or your amazing teachers getting around with some unusual growth atop their lip. This year The Erina High Snot Catchers have created a team to raise awareness for men's health. Last chance to donate. If you would like to donate to a great cause please go to

18.01.2022 Class of 2020; even though your teachers cannot be there at your graduation today we want you to know that we will be watching and cheering you on virtually. What a year it has been. You are all amazing

17.01.2022 Merry Christmas from our Language teachers for 2021.

17.01.2022 Lots of fun and great memories made today in the Year 12 colour run

17.01.2022 HSIE reflecting on the history of Christmas

16.01.2022 Commitment to Learning Year 7 students on the last day of term spending their break testing each other on their Japanese... You are what you repeatedly do.

14.01.2022 Great to see students being active in their breaks.

12.01.2022 Maths Resources in Preparation for Exams Or download the app - SENTRAL for Parents

12.01.2022 Sometimes life will test you but remember this: When you walk up a mountain, your legs get stronger. Term 4 Week 3 Exam Timetable for Years 7, 8, 9 & 10.

12.01.2022 Year 12 Female Rugby League Team

11.01.2022 Friendships and School Memories

10.01.2022 EHS sharing our NEXUS program online to teachers across the NSW teaching community. We are on the map for innovative and quality practice. Go Mr Green! Go EHS!

08.01.2022 Bree and Addison offered their wisdom about highschool to Year 6 students at Woodport today as part of The Smith Family - Passport to Success Program. Well done to our little leaders #ehssuccess #erinahighschool #transition

07.01.2022 High Tea. Amazing quality and product. Well done. Yum

06.01.2022 Our Year 12 Graduation Ceremony is now live from our YouTube channel. The Graduation will begin at approximately 10am.

05.01.2022 And another term comes to an end. We wish our students and their families a happy and safe Spring break. #ehssuccess #erinahighschool

05.01.2022 Reminder to our year 9 PASS and Leadership students that your notes and payment for Aquasplash excursion are due tomorrow. Please bring your permission notes and payment to the Front Office tomorrow.

05.01.2022 Meet Salt and Pepper... some of the most recent baby chicks born on our Ag Farm #ehssuccess #erinahighschool #nsweducation

04.01.2022 Today the Don’t Panic Masterclass presented their escape room creations to the class.. well done to these detectives in training #ehssuccess #erinahighschool #masterclass

03.01.2022 Meaning is found in helping others. These students put in extra time to run EHS Breakfast Club each and every morning. Giving students the best start to the day. Come and say hi and have a free breakfast. Thank you for all you do.

03.01.2022 Year 12 celebrated in a colourful way today

01.01.2022 TERM 4 SPORT OPTIONS ARE OPEN! The Erina High School front office is accepting payment for Term 4 Sport for Years 9 & 10, payment can also be made online via the EHS website. Options are Girl Strong (with Fired Up Fitness), Impact Gym, Surfing/Swimming, Surf Survival, Beach Walking/Sports, Flip Out, Ten Pin Bowling, Tennis (Free) and World Cup (Free).... Students are encouraged to make their choice ASAP as it is "first in best dressed". Notes can be collected from the PDHPE staffroom if students' did not receive one.

01.01.2022 It is hard to beat a person that never gives up. Congratulations to all these students who participated in National ICAS assessments. ICAS Assessments are designed to recognise academic excellence, students are assessed on their ability to apply classroom learning to new contexts using higher-order thinking and problem-solving skills. Arianne achieved a Credit in Science, Maths and Distinction in English Ruby achieved a Merit in Science... David achieved a Credit in Science, Maths, Vincent achieved a Merit in Maths Lulu achieved a Credit in Maths Ruby G achieved a Merit in English Amazing results by all who participated.

01.01.2022 Year 12 Lifesavers on duty today for their sports day.

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