Erudite Holistic in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Nutritionist
Erudite Holistic
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 424 778 969
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25.01.2022 Depression - a unique journey that society wants to keep hush-hush. Let’s be real: there is no one way to truly express what depression is or how it feels. This is unique to each person who may go through it. In my darkest times, I felt like a secondary character in my own movie, that I wasn’t even featuring in life; my character was disposable. In those moments it was very easy to just submit to the dark and fall back into her embrace, staying lost forever.... But it doesn’t have to be so. So much help is now available! So many hands that are stronger and willing to pull anyone from the depths back into the light. Just reach out. Liptember is all about starting that conversation and bringing light to the dark. So, what’s on your mind? Please, pop to this page ~ ~ and donate to this campaign so we can keep the conversation going and help those who need it. #liptember2020 #mentalhealthmatters #womensmentalhealthawareness #mystory #insightintome #startingtheconversation #ruok #jeanhailesfoundation #lifeline #batyr #theprettyfoundation #magpienestwomenaprogram #centreforwomensmentalhealth #eruditeholistic #daniellefourienaturopath
25.01.2022 Need motivation to keep on keeping on? Want some inspiration to keep finding a way through the obstacle? Well then you want to WATCH THIS VIDEO! Such an inspiring, powerful message from a dreamer that never, ever gave up. #motivationmonday #eruditeholistic #daniellefourienaturopath
25.01.2022 Black and white thinking features often in various states of mental dis-ease. It is the tendency to think only in extremes. The trouble is: 1) extreme views drive us further into the darkest dark and 2) we miss all the shades of complexity and colour in between which life has to offer. These all or nothing extreme views don’t allow us to find a middle ground. And if this pattern features permanently in our lives, it starts to affect our relationships, our careers, our environ...ment. Today, with #selfcaresunday I challenge you to see the colour, the middle ground, the beautiful complexity of each shade that exists in the ‘in betweenness’. Let go of the extreme descriptions. Choose to be more subtle in your communication with others AND YOURSELF today. Support this awareness campaign. #liptember2020 #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthawareness #blackandwhitethinking #findthemiddleground #selfcarestartswithin #eruditeholistic #daniellefourienaturopath #thetruestoryofmentalwellbeing #pleasedonate #endthestigma
24.01.2022 Feeling tired all the time? Need midday naps and not sure why? Just can’t get the energy to do life?? You’re not alone! Fatigue is a common complaint right now. While fatigue is commonly a symptom associated with more sinister issues like iron deficiency, thyroid dysfunction, hormone disruption, malabsorption issues or autoimmune conditions (to name a few), there is a major player that is being overlooked in general fatigue management. SLEEP.... Before you reach for supplements or energy boosters, before you assume the worst for your health, take a look at your sleep patterns and routines. Is it optimal? Could this be where it’s all going a little downhill for you? Unsure where to start or how to optimise your sleep? Recognise that you have a sleep issue that you haven’t been able to sort out yourself? Never fear - naturopathy can help! There are still a few spots up for grabs for 2020 and bookings for 2021 are already open! Don’t wait to get your energy back. Book now. Link in bio. #daniellefourienaturopath #eruditeholistic #brisbanenaturopath #queenslandnaturopath #appointmentsavailable #telehealth #naturopathy #sleepdisorders #fatigue #naturopathycanhelp #booknow
24.01.2022 Mutterings. The things we mutter today ourselves hold power. In especially intense times, like in high stress or in the deep dark moments, the energy of these mutterings are especially powerful. Do you mutter positive things? Do you break yourself down?... I’ve mentioned this before: what we say to ourselves (whether in mind or aloud) plays a particularly important part of mental well-being. It’s that first step to resetting the way we think and stepping into a place that is better for us mentally. Think well and be well. Here are some amazing things that you can mutter to yourself in those intense times to start the transformation and pave the way to mental wellness. It may be challenging at the start, but it’s only tough while you are breaking the habits of your old thinking. Trust the process. Allow the reset. Support this awareness campaign. #liptember2020 #thinkwellbewell #mentalhealthstartswithawareness #thoughtsmatter #affirmationsformentalhealth #eruditeholistic #daniellefourienaturopath #speakwellofyourself #endthestigma #whatsonyourmind
20.01.2022 Things are happening. A little quicker than expected too! Exciting times are on the horizon. Head to the website to stay in the loop and be the first to know when bookings open up. All you need to do is join the wait list and sign up for the latest news.... #eruditeholistic #daniellefourienaturopath #comingsoon #jointhewaitlist #stayintheloop #takingbookingssoon #naturopath #naturopathy #holistichealth #update #wewontspamyou
18.01.2022 September is almost at an end. Please support this campaign and donate if you are able. #liptember #daniellefourienaturopath #eruditeholistic #MentalHealthMatters
15.01.2022 Welcome back to #tutoringtuesday and let’s return to the discussion of SLEEP. Take a look at this short (incomplete) list of things that change when quality sleep isn’t a priority. Have a think about these for a second. Can you live well and happy when these things are not working the way they should be ? . .... . . . If the answer is no or even then it’s time to get yourself a guide who can lead you back to a the path of wellness. Final appointments for 2020 are here. Only one week left to book a consult for this crazy year. Bookings for 2021 are already open. Get to the website to secure your spot and avoid disappointment. Link in bio. #eruditeholistic #daniellefourienaturopath #queenslandnaturopath #brisbanenaturopath #naturopath #sleep #sleepdisorders #journeytowellness #fatigue #fatiguemanagment #wellnessguide #herbalist #nutritionist #lastappointmentsfortheyear #holistichealth #naturalhealth
15.01.2022 Sometimes we need some early morning guidance. It seemed appropriate to share this mornings’ reading with everyone: Wisdom - this comes from mistakes, failures, from picking yourself back up after you fall. Wisdom is from learning the lessons of the journey. Dive into that. Take a moment to ponder the experiences that have taught you so much. Use that wisdom and the wisdom provided by the universe to guide you forward to success. Courage & Boldness - step into fear. Release t...he comfort zone. Staying under the blanket all cozy serves you in no good way. Speak your truth no matter the consequence, for without your authentic voice and living your authentic life you cannot succeed. It may be difficult and induce fear - but this is how you know it is right. Step into change and authenticity, stand against the voices dictating your life, regardless of the fear and finally be YOU. Surrender - Control is a construct, an illusion. Let go and follow the ebb and flow of the river of life. You cannot reach the ocean at the end of the river if you cling to the rock or fight the current. Let go and allow the forces greater than you to envelope you and lead you to your greatness. Without vulnerability and surrender you cannot truly reach your destination. #dreamoracle #morningguidance #wisdom #courage #surrender #letgotosucceed #eruditeholistic #daniellefourienaturopath #naturopath #holistichealth #mindbodyspirit #woowoo #higherconsciousness
14.01.2022 Something new and exciting is coming to the website soon! So keep an eye out on the details. Best way to stay in the know is through the newsletter! #justsaying. Be honest - do you REALLY sleep well at night?... #eruditeholistic #daniellefourienaturopath #queenslandnaturopath #ebook #digitalbook #sleep #sleephygiene #sleepmatters #comingsoon #20pagesofgoodness #naturopathicguide #docere #knowledge #downloads #sleepforyourhealth
14.01.2022 Today, on #teatuesdays I want to throw in the ring the first of my favourite, pre-made blends. This one is packed with multiple herbs, fruits and flavours, but it works wonders for the moments I need to just chillax a bit (without falling asleep). Give it a go! It’s super yum, gentle, and can be bought online.... #tisane #teablends #herbaltea #whatstheTwithtea #eruditeholistic #daniellefourienaturopath #t2tea #quietmind #herbalinfusions #teaforthesoul #herbalteaforhealth @ Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
14.01.2022 When it comes to mental health, nutrition is an important aspect to consider. Keep it colourful. This ensures you’re getting a variety of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. Protein. Whether vegetarian, vegan or omnivorous, proteins ensure you’re getting amino acids that are important to create feel-good neurotransmitters to boost mood and keep the brain happy. Fibre. It keeps the body systems functioning, keeps the gut happy and helps the microbiome healthy. And a h...ealthy microbiome has a dramatic impact on mood. Keep the conversation going. Support this amazing campaign #liptember2020 #liptember #mentalhealthmatters #donateandsupport #moodfood #sustenancesaturday #nutritionformentalhealth #foodasmedicine #daniellefourienaturopath #eruditeholistic
13.01.2022 What lies within you? Let me remind you: Strength. Courage. Love. Hope. Experience. Wealth. Knowledge. Beauty. Greatness. Power. Wonder. Grace. Talent. Uniqueness. The list goes on and on...... Start believing it. Life has forged these great things within you. Call on the inner to bring you through the toils of the external. Remember this. Those things within you - the true you - is much greater and more powerful than what’s going on around you. YOU’VE GOT THIS! Support liptember and woman’s mental health. #liptember2020 #womansmentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #endthestigmaofmentalhealth #pleasesupoort #eruditeholistic #daniellefourienaturopath #youvegotthisgirl
13.01.2022 NEW BLOG POST NOW AVAILABLE . I dive a little deeper into the things I discovered on my personal weight management journey, and share it with you to help you on yours. Head to to have a read.... Want a more personalised guide to support you on your journey? Naturopathic appointment are still available! Head to the website to book or send a DM today. #eruditeholistic #daniellefourienaturopath #weightmanagment #healthandwellnessjourney #lifestylechanges #holistichealth #morethanjustexercise #booknow #yourwellnessguide
13.01.2022 What we say to ourselves is often not considered when we think of boosting our mental well-being. What we say to ourselves plays one of the most important roles in how we feel. Take some time to notice what you say to yourself. Notice your patterns, your favourite phrases, the names you call yourself. Notice this, and put effort into trying to say something nicer today. And if you need some help boosting the niceness, affirmations are a good thing to incorporate. And if you’r...e still struggling, try some of the affirmations on this post. Support liptember and keep the conversation going. #liptember2020 #mentalhealthmatters #motivationmonday #eruditeholistic #daniellefourienaturopath #thinkwellofyourself #keeptheconversationgoing
13.01.2022 Mental load. This is something we, as women, over do. We take on a lot in the name of love, caring, and keeping things going. But it is often at the cost of our own well-being.... Whether you’re a mother or just a woman in a relationship, this cartoon depiction of what the mental load is, is scarily accurate. It really portrays the amount of mental strain we put on ourselves, often unconsciously. Do scroll through the whole article. It’s worth the read. Remember: September is all about women’s mental health awareness and support. Support this amazing cause and help women have access to the resources and assistance they need. #liptember2020 #daniellefourienaturopath #eruditeholistic #womensmentalhealthawareness #RUOK #mentalload #pleasedonate #support #mentalhealthmatters
13.01.2022 For todays liptember support post, I am sharing this wonderful piece from a page filled with love and healing. Mental well-being is a journey; some days are harder than others. But this doesn’t mean you have failed or will never see the light. Be gentle with yourself on these days ... To further a support this campaign, please head to #liptember2020 #daniellefourienaturopath #eruditeholistic #RUOK #mentalhealthmatters #mentalwellbeing #thesoulspace #begentlewithyourself
13.01.2022 ANNOUNCEMENT TIME After some intense work and springing into action during this time of transition, I am very happy to finally share that the website is now live! Let us hope glitches are minimal .... You can visit the site at
12.01.2022 Food, glorious food! In honour of #sustenancesaturday I thought I’d post a delicious, gut-healing option for you to try. As an added bonus, this is all about #supportlocalbusiness as well as health. @gutsyferments is a local producer of delicious gut-friendly foods. This is the smoked garlic sauerkraut that is my favourite at the moment. Made in oak barrels (so plastic free), using organic Australia produce, these products are fermented for weeks to produce not only epic flav...our, but all the good gut bacteria we love. If you’re starting off with fermented foods, start small to get the body used to it. Add a little helping to your meals and enjoy the gut-healing yum of it all. Want to know more about your gut health and how diet can help? DM me! Free 10 min discovery sessions are available to you. #eruditeholistic #daniellefourienaturopath #guthealthiseverything #localbusiness #foodasmedicine #postingthisafewhoursearly #fermentedgoodnessforguthealth #myfavouriteproducts #naturopathy #organic #australianproduce
12.01.2022 The time is almost here! From next week bookings for naturopathic consultations reopen! So, rather than taking part in a harmful detox to try and shed the excess kilos and clean up the holiday toxins, pop to the website and get a tailored health and wellness plan that suits you and supports your goals.... Booking online via the website OR send me a DM via social media. Online consults mean you can book from anywhere in the world! Still unsure? Free discovery calls are available! Request via the website. Link in bio. #eruditeholistic #daniellefourienaturopath #naturopath #backsoon #bookings #saynotodetoxfads #thewellnessjourney #investinyourself #individualisedhealthcare #holistichealth #herbalmedicine #nutrition #healthandwellbeing
11.01.2022 To all you lovely followers of this page: Things are levelling up in the digital business world. So, I invite you all (should you so wish) to add me as a friend on Facebook. This will be my professional profile. It's a little beneficial to you too for the purposes of staying in the loop with all the happenings, but the choice is totally yours. Also, if you're part of the Wellness Journey facebook group you will need to be friends with an admin - this will be linked to my pro...fessional profile. Here's the link to my profile: See ya there! Dani
11.01.2022 Since August is almost at an end, let’s take a look at what’s happening next. September is going to be about focusing on, and bringing awareness to, mental health. So throughout this month I’ll be supporting Liptember; an amazing campaign for mental health awareness campaign and posting some info here and there. Until then, pop to the website if you want to join the campaign and help raise awareness and donations. Otherwise, chemist warehouse is already selling the Liptember ...lipsticks, with funds going to the campaign. #liptember2020 #liptember #mentalhealthawarenessmonth #lookingahead #eruditeholistic #daniellefourienaturopath #whatsonyourmind #ruok #holistichealth #pleasedonateifyoucan #participateforagoodcause #checkmybioforlink
09.01.2022 Food and mood. In your stressed, highly strung, low moments, what food do you reach for? Now take a moment to consider if that meal or snack is helping your mood, or feeding it. Food plays an important role in health, physically and mentally.... Choose options of minimal additives and preservatives that are rich in colours and textures, providing all the fuel for the body to make feel-good hormones. Remember that food is medicine, but it can be poison. Make healthful decisions to boost your mental health. Want to try? Head to my blog page for a free recipe. And don’t forget to support liptembers and this mental health awareness campaign. #goodfoodforgoodmood #mentalhealthmatters #liptember2020 #foodasmedicine #eruditeholistic #daniellefourienaturopath #nutrition #colesmagrecipes #supportthecause
08.01.2022 This beautiful blue eye tells me there is some systemic inflammation present, that the lymphatic system will need support and nourishment, and that skin could need a helping hand. I can even guesstimate at some gut issues....and that’s just the start. Ever wonder what your eyes say about you? You can find out in detail during a naturopathic consult and, in the meantime, the free iridology mini-guide is still available to anyone.... Want to get your free copy or book in? Head to and complete the form. Easy. Don’t miss out! It won’t be available forever. #eruditeholistic #daniellefourienaturopath #iridology #freeminiguide #lymphaticeyes #naturopathicmedicine #holistichealth #whatwedowednesdays
07.01.2022 The silly season has arrived! I officially welcome you to the final weeks of 2020 with a shirt that is perfectly naturopathic while still being funny and cute. What’s on the agenda for your festive season? Whatever you do, remember to take care of you too! 2021 is going to be bring some awesome happenings, and I can’t wait to share it with you all. Until then, keep well, share the love, and avo merry festive season!... #selfiesaturday #badselfietaker #eruditeholistic #daniellefourienaturopath #avomerrychristmas #lithablessings #queenslandnaturopath #naturopath #brisbanenaturopath #holistichealth #hello2021
05.01.2022 Tomorrow is the start of Liptember. This campaign is incredibly important. It’s geared at bringing awareness to an all important topic: mental health. This is a deep, personal, unique journey that many, including myself, have walked. It’s an experience that is often hidden from others, kept in the dark.... It’s time to shine a light and get the conversation started. Please do support by wearing bright lippy all month and donating to this amazing campaign. Link below. #liptember2020 #gettheconversationstarted #pleasedonateandsupport #mentalhealthawareness #daniellefourienaturopath #depression #anxiety #breaktheatigmaofmentalhealth
04.01.2022 Most often those mental health issues are hidden. For women, it’s about getting on with life. We don’t want our family to suffer, we don’t want to burden others with our demons. So we wear that smile and no one is any the wiser. Nothing should be hidden. That’s what this campaign is for! It’s about raising awareness; bringing these topics out and realising that you do not have to do this alone. Start the conversation. Please support this cause: ... #liptember #liptember2020 #eruditeholistic #daniellefourienaturopath #mentalhealthmatters #ruok #redlips #redlipsforliptember #pleasedonate #supportthecause
04.01.2022 Mental well-being 101: find ONE thing, one activity, that brings you joy, and do it as often as you can. Incorporating something that makes you happy into your everyday routine is the easiest way to keep the mind in a state of wellness. In my darkest times, I ran from my life and it brought me to a place where I discovered how important this simple strategy is. In this time I discovered something that set my soul alight; something that pulled me from the darkest depth into th...e light. This thing was scuba diving. Since then I have made sure that I find these activities, these little things, that keep my soul happy, because when my soul is happy, my mind is well. Coronavirus craziness brought me the option to learning bass guitar - something I do daily now to to maintain wellness. I challenge you to take note of the things that set YOUR soul on fire. Bring that thing into your day, your life, your way. Experience that joy and watch it bring your work back into the light. Support this awareness campaign. #liptember2020 #mentalhealthmatters #endthestigma #findjoyinthejourney #eruditeholistic #daniellefourienaturopath #youaretougherthanyouknow #support #pleasedonate #sharingmystorytoinspireothers
04.01.2022 New things are coming to the Erudite Holistic world. Keep an eye out for this new creation of love and wellness. It’s going to be an interactive community and a haven of support along the wellness journey. Who wants to know more?!! Pop a comment below if you're keen to join a non-judgemental wellness community!... #comingsoon #eruditeholistic #daniellefourienaturopath #thewellnessjourney #wellnesscommunity #naturopathy #holistichealth #docere #wellnessguide #staytuned #youcanjointhecommunity #queenslandnaturopath #selfdevelopment #wellbeing
03.01.2022 Some weeks are tougher than others. Some nights yield little sleep and the mood slips into a darker space. Some mornings start with tears of utter exhaustion and a deeper lack of motivation. It is on these days that we need to remember that we have made it through every single one of those rougher days.... So, for anyone that needs a reminder - this is for you. #liptember2020 #mentalhealthmatters #eruditeholistic #daniellefourienaturopath #truestory #supportthecause #pleasedonate #spreadtheword #youaremadeofthestrongstuff @liptember
01.01.2022 Working hard behind the scenes this week on creating more great things to share out into the world with you all. 2021 is going to bring some epic things! Keep an eye out for what’s coming! It’s going to be amazing! Reminder: Follow along on Instagram or Facebook (search @eruditeholistic) to stay in the know. Or head to the website and sign up to the newsletter to be the first to access specials, offers and the newest content.... #eruditeholistic #daniellefourienaturopath #brisbanenaturopath #queenslandnaturopath #canva #contentcreation #comingsoon #ebook #tobeannouncedsoon #education #docere #digitaldownloads #newstuff
01.01.2022 Anyone else read books with a highlighter in hand? Maybe it’s just a Dani quirk , but all my favourite books have highlighted sections and handwritten notes. When I re-read them (and I often do) I can either be reminded of the lessons that have slipped past me, or I get to remember where I was the last time I read this book and how far I’ve come. Either way, it’s a thing that works for me. Maybe it’s quirky, but it’s 100% me. What quirks are 100% you?... #gettingtoknowme #daniellefourienaturopath #eruditeholistic #thewellnessjourney #chillpreneurbook #chillpreneur #rereading #relearning #deniseduffieldthomas #breakingtheblocks #holistichealth #selfcare #naturopath #queenslandnaturopath #wackywednesday
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