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ESSENTIAL BODY PERSONAL TRAINING in Gladstone, Queensland | Personal coach

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Locality: Gladstone, Queensland

Phone: +61 7 4972 2820

Address: 28 Tank St 4680 Gladstone, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 "Mindset, habits and routine are the building blocks for your wellness journey."

24.01.2022 Be prepared for the Easter aftermath! Challenge yourself to making a Change! Purchase a Personal Training pack with Alex Alcorn - Personal TrainerAlex & receive... Bonus Pilates Class Passes equivalent to the number of PT sessions purchased. also A home program to follow. Check out the offer and click on the link! :-)

23.01.2022 Day 5 of the suicide awareness Brendan Devantier tagged! Your it! The challenge is 25 push-ups for 25 days to hopefully raise awareness for PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress), anxiety and depression that drive people to commit suicide. ... The rules are simple: *Once you are nominated your 25 days starts the following day. *Everyday you record yourself doing 25 push-ups even if you have to drop to your knees to get 25 *Every day you must nominate a different person

23.01.2022 An afternoon of meal planning for the next 4 weeks. Flicking through my fav Ultra Lite keto recipes Getting a head start before our next 6 week Virtual challenge in February! (Inbox me for details) Dropping 8 kgs. in 8 weeks doesn't just happen.... PLAN PREP PERSISTENCE PATIENCE PROCESS Plan your menu and also include scheduling your exercise sessions. Preparation - Print out your menu, recipes and weekly shopping list. Re stock your pantry and refrigerator with healthy choices. Persistence is the key to succeeding in any goals you set. It's not going to happen if you don't persist. HOLD THE VISION TRUST THE PROCESS! BE PATIENT WITH THE PROCESS! And a word of advice, if you hadn't realise yet? You 'cannot' and I repeat 'cannot' out exercise a crappy diet! If you seriously want to lose weight, start planning to day and imagine how great you are going to feel in 8 weeks time! #ketoworks #mealplanningisthekey #prepisthekey #persistencymakesithappen #trusttheprocess #believeyoucan #cleaneating #lowcarbhighfat #nutritionmatters #loseweightfeelgreat #liveyourbestlife #beyourbestversion #trainwithmytribe

22.01.2022 A simple yet yummy recipe you dont have to feel guilty about. Introducing Chicken Tacos!

22.01.2022 One of our Practitioners Angela, who runs our Ultra Lite Programs from ESSENTIAL BODY PERSONAL TRAINING has been featured in an Australasian Leisure Management ...article. "My clients started getting amazing results just by sticking to the program. People come in with the perception that ‘I want to lose 10 kilos, train hard, you know, go hard or go home’. That is not how it’s done. It’s more about your nutrition; you've got to get that nutrition in place. That's how you're going to lose your kilos. The purpose of the Ultra Lite Program is not just to ‘get people on a diet,’ it’s to educate them on how to eat well, live well and feel well." To read the article:

22.01.2022 Light and fresh! Wild caught salmon Fresh organic salad mix with purple carrot. Lemon juice & Flaxseed oil dressing! ... #quick #easy #lowcalorie #keepitsimple #keto #essentialfats #wildcaughtsalmon #greensalad #purplecarrot #lemonjuice #flaxseedoil #liveyourbestlife #beyourbestversion #trainwithmytribe

21.01.2022 A simple yet yummy recipe you don't have to feel guilty about. Introducing Chicken Tacos!

20.01.2022 OUR NEXT 6 WEEK CHALLENGE STARTS ON THE 27th OF JULY. I lost just under 10kg during the 6 week challenge. I found the meals were quick and easy and the online support was fantastic. Ultra Lite is definitely the program that works for me and that my body seems to agree with! - Samantha, Challenge 1 participant ... Sign up to be a part of the challenge and witness these incredible results in your own life! youll also receive: - Exclusive access to the 6 week challenge - $600 Worth of products - Weekly meal plans AND shopping lists - Exclusive access to the Facebook challenge group where there will be weekly lives with keto weight loss experts - Weekly prizes - And the chance to WIN back the cost of the challenge by being the WINNER! And the best bit? You get to lose weight and enjoy all the added benefits of a keto diet. - Cut off date 12th July.

20.01.2022 Day 7 of the suicide challenge No tags.. join in if you feel and keep watching for push up alternatives. The challenge is 25 push-ups for 25 days to hopefully raise awareness for PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress), anxiety and depression that drive people to commit suicide. ... The rules are simple: *Once you are nominated your 25 days starts the following day. *Everyday you record yourself doing 25 push-ups even if you have to drop to your knees to get 25 *Every day you must nominate a different person

20.01.2022 Here are some of our FAVOURITE food images from 6 week Challenge participants in the last week!! We are just so impressed with all of the #keto cooking skills from everyone and even some of the creativity as well! Some of the Keto Creations... - Breakfast Mash - Keto Choc Waffles - Poached eggs w/ Pizzaz - Greek Meatballs - Green Salad w/ Tahini - Keto Mug Bread w/ Bacon & Eggs So awesome to see everyone experimenting and loving our recipes over the last 6 weeks! See more

19.01.2022 What are you waiting for? Best kept weight loss secret a click away!

19.01.2022 Seriously.. . when you tighten your ponytail and mess up the gym!! Great session Leanne Collocott!

18.01.2022 Let me help you get started.. With a nutrition plan, weekly consults and a fitness program... All you need to do is send me a message... leave the rest up to me and feel fabulous in no time.

18.01.2022 Morning adventure. Wee bit chilly, fortunately its sunny! New route for Teddy. #gladstoneregion #queenslandautumn #anotherbeautifulday #vitamind #mindfulliving

18.01.2022 Day 4 of the suicide awareness Lucy Price youre up! The challenge is 25 push-ups for 25 days to hopefully raise awareness for PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress), anxiety and depression that drive people to commit suicide. ... The rules are simple: *Once you are nominated your 25 days starts the following day. *Everyday you record yourself doing 25 push-ups even if you have to drop to your knees to get 25 *Every day you must nominate a different person

17.01.2022 Light and fresh on a hot muggy day! It’s keto! Nailed it! Lettuce ... Avocado Cucumber Snap peas Eggs Keep it simple! 267cals #ketomeals #healthylifestyle #8kgin8weeks #essentialfats #protein #lowcarb #eatfresh

17.01.2022 Day 3 of the suicide awareness Mabi your turn next! The challenge is 25 push-ups for 25 days to hopefully raise awareness for PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress), anxiety and depression that drive people to commit suicide. ... The rules are simple: *Once you are nominated your 25 days starts the following day. *Everyday you record yourself doing 25 push-ups even if you have to drop to your knees to get 25 *Every day you must nominate a different person

17.01.2022 Yay its Saturday #gladstoneregion #ourharbour #blessed #perfectweather #earlyriser #dogwalks @mcc_anne

16.01.2022 Ultra Lite takes it to the next level and educates for life! Eat Well | Live Well | Feel Well . .... . #ultraliteprogram #eatwell #livewell #feelwell #health #lifestyle #healthylifestyle #keto #ketodiet #ketogenicdiet See more

16.01.2022 Did some one say 'Keto Rocky Road'!! Deliciously rich and creamy, melt-in-your mouth rocky road. It's sugar free and under 1g of carb per serve! Great alternative for an Easter treat! ... DM for the recipe! #rockyroad #ketorockyroad #sugarfreerockyroad #chocolate #ketorecipe #sugarfree #sugarfreedesserts #easterbunny #treatyourself

16.01.2022 In all honesty I did not think this would taste nice at all! My new fav smoothie! Golden Smoothie 82kcal... #ultraliteweightmanagement #ultraliteketo #ketogenicdiet #easyketo #weightloss #healthylifestyle #smoothie

15.01.2022 Gees it was cold this morning (Thats enough winter, you can leave now, no one likes you anyway!) May have forgotten to change my shoes ... Nothing better than a bowl of scrambled eggs and salmon to warm up from the inside out! @ultraliteketoprogram

14.01.2022 4 weeks into lock down. How is the meal planning taking shape? Advantages of following a meal plan. Make better choices with nutrient dense meals Save money by using a shopping list... Save time Quick and simple meals to prepare Did you know Ultra Lite is easy to do online? Meal Plans all worked out Delicious Keto Recipes Weekly phone consult And more... Book in for your free 15 min phone consult!

13.01.2022 Day 8 of the suicide challenge No tags.. join in if you feel and keep watching for push up alternatives. The challenge is 25 push-ups for 25 days to hopefully raise awareness for PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress), anxiety and depression that drive people to commit suicide. ... The rules are simple: *Once you are nominated your 25 days starts the following day. *Everyday you record yourself doing 25 push-ups even if you have to drop to your knees to get 25 *Every day you must nominate a different person

13.01.2022 Due to the weather forecast today. The studio is closed. Stay safe on the roads today if you have to go out!

13.01.2022 The Ultra Lite Clean Ketogenic Diet has proven to a Lifestyle changing program and has helped so many to not only lose weight burn fat naturally but overcome many underlying health issues.

12.01.2022 Start your day with a burst of high energy!! Come and train with like minded women! Great way to make new friends in a non intimidating environment!

12.01.2022 Preps the key! Morning Snacks! Should keep me going until lunch time! ... #letsburnfat #itsketo #goodfats #healthyfats #ultraliteketo #easypeasylemonsqueezy #liveyourbestlife #beyourbestversion #trainwithmytribe

12.01.2022 Burning calories the fun way... Such a beautiful Spring morning walking with my tribe... #womensupportingwomen

12.01.2022 Ultra Lite is easy to follow and available online! Meal Plans all worked out Delicious Keto Recipes Weekly phone consult... And more... Book in for your free 15 min phone consult!

12.01.2022 Nothing sweeter than a pretty pink shake to get you through hump day! #6weekchallenge #ultraliteprogram

11.01.2022 True! Book in for a chat we can get you started!

11.01.2022 Weve made it easy for you! With our meal plans designed for most dietaries. Heres what Week 3 Meal Plan - looks like and we cater for vegetarians Shopping List Meal Prep Tips Portion Sizes ... Get exclusive access to all our Meal Plans and never have to worry about meal ideas.

11.01.2022 "Before the challenge I was feeling tired, low and uncomfortable in my skin. The challenge offers me a supportive, educational way to shed the kilos that had creeped up over the last few years caring for an ill family member. I lost 8.2kgs on the challenge but most importantly I found energy and clarity of mind!" ... Rhianna Isgrove, Ultralite challenge participant. See more

11.01.2022 Appreciation post to my tribe for showing up and putting in an awesome effort! It has been a big week with full house every morning! Braving the freezing early mornings!... Thank you without you there is no Essential Body PT!

10.01.2022 Remember ? I wanted to reshare this post before I post Brenda's outcome after 12 weeks of dedication and commitment. First of all I would like to thank Brenda for her trust in me and my program. Her amazing result was successful due to her 100% commitment to all aspects of my program. She had a goal of losing 9.2 kg on my Optimal Wellness Program.... Brenda came pretty damn close to her goal. Stayed tuned for her finally photos. :-) For more information on the program Brenda chose please click on this link!

10.01.2022 Nailed it! First day of the Ultra Lite Six Week Challenge Lemon Pepper Chicken with Zucchini Salad... Simply delish Only 162kcals Quick and easy

09.01.2022 THUMP BOXING! Starts tonight! Book in Now!!

08.01.2022 3 Steps to Healthy Skin #nofilterneeded #nobotoxhere #nofillersforme #iloverenu28 #50plusandfabulous 1 Nutrition.. goes without saying... Eat those greens Top up with Healthy Essential Fats Don’t forget the building blocksProtein Followed by.. 2 Daily Exercise..the answer to all woes Improves blood flow Delivers oxygen and nutrients to nourish your skin Promotes collagen production Add .. 3ASEA Skin Care Regime 3 quick & easy steps Cleanse Repair Replenish #renu28 #renu28advanced #revitalisingredoxgel #antiaging #significantimprovement #90daystobetterskin #redoxsignallingmolecules #cleanse #repair #replenish #healthyskin #eventone #smooth #firmer #youthful #renu28 #timetoglow #essentialbodypt #trainwithmytribe #liveyourbestlife #beyourbestversion #itsnotjustabouttheexercise DM for radiant skin

08.01.2022 Day 6 of the suicide challenge No tags.. join in if you feel and keep watching for push up alternatives. The challenge is 25 push-ups for 25 days to hopefully raise awareness for PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress), anxiety and depression that drive people to commit suicide. ... The rules are simple: *Once you are nominated your 25 days starts the following day. *Everyday you record yourself doing 25 push-ups even if you have to drop to your knees to get 25 *Every day you must nominate a different person

07.01.2022 Keeping daily accurate measures will help you achieve your goal! You cannot rely on guessing your calorie intake. My fitness pal has a free version and is easy to use. My goal is 1500 Cals per day of 40% fat, 30% protein and 30% carbs. I am keeping it simple to begin with, I will tweak these portions as the weeks progress. ... I will gradually decrease or increase my calories depending on my weekly outcome. Keeping it real, it won’t happen overnight but it will happen if you’re consistent! #keepitsimple #trackyourintake #choosefresh #planmealsinadvance #prepmealsfortheweek #moveeveryday #persistencyisthekey #8kgsin8weeks #naileditdaily #liveyourbestlife #beyourbestversion #trainwithmytribe

07.01.2022 Started spring with a fitball session! Fitballs the silent assassin! #soyouthinkitsgoingtobeeasy #wakeupcorestrength ... #ohmycore See more

06.01.2022 Third time this week! 5 runs up the stairs! My niece is a mean cardio buddy!... I cant wait to return the favour and break her in our weight sessions!! Rest up Lucy Price!

06.01.2022 Gees it was cold this morning (That’s enough winter, you can leave now, no one likes you anyway!) May have forgotten to change my shoes ... Nothing better than a bowl of scrambled eggs and salmon to warm up from the inside out! @ultraliteketoprogram

05.01.2022 Friday morning gym sessions with Coach Ted

04.01.2022 Ultra Lite Recipes never disappoints ! Ultra Lite Virtual Program

04.01.2022 Gotta love Tuesdays . . Since Covid hit.. I decided to take my self care a bit more seriously . I take an early morning session and then head home until mid afternoon.... . I spend time preparing a nutritious breakfast (in fact nutrient dense breaky everyday) . Hang with the smartest and also one of the cutest pups in the hood .. while tending to my super cool rose garden . A few hours put into my #sidehustle aka #retirementplan before returning to my studio for my afternoon clientele . Repeat on Thursday’s If it makes you stronger! If it makes you happier! If it makes you healthier! If it creates wealth! You should go for it! I am grateful I have the opportunity to help so many to achieve their goals! . Super Scrumptious Scrambled Eggs 2 eggs cup of organic baby spinach salmon goats cheese kimchi on the side #itsketo #itsalkaline #nutrientdense #lowcarb #essentialfats #healthybody #happylife #everbodyishustling Show me some If you would like some more recipes

03.01.2022 "For me the journey has just begun! I started at 79.1kg with a goal of 68. I lost a total of 7.3kg and 37cm. Where to go next? I think Ill just start from week one and do it all over again and hopefully get to some of the recipes I missed.... The support from the 6 week challenge group has been fantastic and I hope we can continue with it. Its not just about the number on the scales for me its my self esteem and more importantly the health issues that go with being overweight. Thanks again Ultra Lite and everyone behind the scenes working and helping people stay healthy. - Rose Walker, 6 week challenge participant Sign up for our 6 week challenge now and you can see these results for yourself now!!

03.01.2022 Not so cold after a few stair runs!

03.01.2022 Does the thought of coming up with recipe ideas or creating your shopping list feel overwhelming? We have done all the hard work for you, all you have to do is stick to your Keto meal plan! ... "so easy, menus went each week, I didnt have to think about making my own meal plan," "Im really loving the food and especially loving the way it makes me feel." - current challenge participant Introducing week 1 of our 6 week challenge meal plan - Golden Smoothie - Salad Nicoise - Keto Pancakes - Chicken Chow Mein - Cauliflower Pizza Want to try some of our delicious meal plans? click the link in our bio for more information on our upcoming 6 week challenge! See more

01.01.2022 Rainy days always make me want to break out for the comfort food. Fortunately I am prepared and have a pantry and fridge full of good choices. The @Ultralite Virtual Program is so easy to follow, packed with variety and tastes so good!! You have to try our Low Carb Chicken Curry! ... Its that good Have a great Friday and we Gladstonites have a long week! Yippee I Ah!!

01.01.2022 What’s cool for Summer? crisp salads Chinese cabbage Cos lettuce ... Cucumber Chicken Avocado Apple icy juices Watermelon Apple Acia Ice Light, fresh summer salad accompanied with watermelon juice. Lunch made easy, healthy and delicious. #quickandeasymeals #keepitsimple #makeitfresh #greensalad #protein #healthyfats #itsketo #applecidrevinegar #flaxseedoil #juiceit #ultraliteprogram #liveyourbestlife #beyourbestversion #trainwithmytribe

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