Essential To Health in Hornsby, New South Wales | Businesses
Essential To Health
Locality: Hornsby, New South Wales
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25.01.2022 My life is a series of mini disasters. Sometimes it’s frustrating, sometimes you just have to laugh. My bag fell out of the car and scattered the contents everywhere. I found my lunch - these eggs down the road and smashed. ... I could then go on feeling frazzled for the rest of the day, but I CHOSE to stop, breathe reach for my ANCHOR oil and ground myself. I put my wings away and stopped flapping and I’m enjoying the convenience of my already cracked eggs which made it easier to eat! When shit goes wrong, STOP. REFRAME. REFOCUS. You CHOOSE the meaning you apply to life events. What do you choose?
24.01.2022 Ewww. That’s today’s make up and whatever else all collected onto one amazing looking cotton pad. Mmmm. Yum. But .... better on this cotton pad than my face...or onto my pillowcase. ... So here’s my handy little life hack but I need to give you a little background first.... A long long time ago ....ok ok. Not that far back. I’m a busy boss babe, running a business and commuting several hours a day, spending my time on 2 opposite sides of Sydney. Outside of iso I also exercise during the week and work a 3rd job during winter. So....Time. Not a lot spare. The little spare time I do have is going to be on fun things. Not things I dread. Like washing my face. I’m uncoordinated. Like seriously uncoordinated. I am incapable of washing my face over a sink like a normal adult with out looking like I’ve had a shower anyway and needing a fresh change of clothes. The thought of water dripping off my chin and down my elbows incites pure fear and makes me quiver. So for busy boss babes, worker bees and mumma ducks who don’t have time for this face washing shiznit every night, or who also lack the coordination to do such adventurous activities....enter my life hack. Toner Yup. Simples. Toner on a cotton pad. Boom Take. That. Day. Off. Ok ok ok. Beauty experts may cringe a little. It’s not the usual perfect make up remover stuff - but for the time poor and uncoordinated out there - something is better than nothing. And this works for me. Also - this skin care kit is 10% off this month so if you wanted to try it now is the perfect time. The toner is fresh, and the cleanser and scrub is amazing for getting that dry winter skin offf. Then top it off with a super moisturisey moisturiser perfect for winter months or for skin that’s a little bit older and needing some extra love.
15.01.2022 I have to tell you something. I have a new nickname -old girl - mainly because every time I stand up or reach to the floor I groan when did I become THAT person?! Old. You know your parents. I remember them groaning when they stood up because their knees had got old and crusty. ... Well... my knees ain’t old and crusty yet but I’m definitely not as spritely as I was at 8 when I first noticed my parents incessant groaning. Now it’s me. Oh my god. I’m turning into my parents. That other thing that’s happened as I get old...the formation of giant crevasses in my face that no longer disappear. Wrinkles. Laugh lines. Crows feet. Botox beggars. Whatever you want to call them. (Personally I’m still laughing at Botox beggars ) So I’ve reached that stage in my life where my ears prick up at that ad with the 7 signs of aging rather than think Ha! I won’t need that stuff ever! Now I use smurfette oil and add it to my moisturiser daily to keep me looking smurfalicious. Don’t fret - your face doesn’t turn blue. But it does help the collagen in my skin to remember it’s job and hold the fort! Now I only have smile lines when I’m actually smiling and the Botox beggars have found somewhere else to hang out. So while I may still be old girl my face won’t look like it I love my Yarrow Pom oil added to my Verage moisturiser. Yarrow Pom 30ml lasts agessssss $140 for dTERRA members Verage Moisturiser $38 for dTERRA members. Best of all I save up my points and get both for free. (Free skincare. Yup! Who’d have thought that was possible!) Happy Dance!
07.01.2022 Is your cup empty? What the hell is in this cup anyway? How many cups do i have? ... How do you refill your cup and also more importantly empty the other cups you’re carrying? I’m sure you’ve heard the saying - you can’t pour from an empty cup But what is in the cup? What am I pouring out? I like to think of my brain and body as a whole shelf of cups. An energy cup for me An energy cup for others A love cup for me A love cup for others And the shelf goes on. I have cups where I take, and cups where I give. But the important part is the giving and taking cups are CONNECTED. When my cup is full, it then uses the EXTRA to refill what I can give. Like one of those champagne towers that flows down and fills all the cups. But it’s 10am. Champagne is not acceptable at this hour so I’ll go back to tea or coffee. When MY love cup is full I can give extra. I can’t love others if I don’t love and respect myself first. When MY energy cup is full, then I have the energy for others. Some cups I want full. But some I don’t. When my pain cup is full, I need to have space in my cup before I can help empty yours. When my stress cup is full, I need to empty mine before I can help empty yours. So..... How the eff do we keep track of all these bloody cups filling and emptying? Being aware of them is a start. Realising that we have to prioritise ourselves sometimes is soooo important. We can’t help others unless we are in a good place ourselves. And also realising there is a limit on how much we can give to help others before our own cups are empty and how much we can take on from others before our cups that should be low start overflowing. Take time. Take moments. Stop. Breathe. Relax. Ground yourself. Be aware of how you are feeling. How your body feels. What your heart feels. How your head feels. Find what lifts you and makes your soul sing and chase that. Wriggle your toes in the green grass. Sit by the water and just listen. Feel the warmth of your coffee cup creeping through your fingers and warming your body and soul. Hear the birds. Feel your chest expand as you inhale. Hear the sound of your breath as you exhale. Breathe in your favourite grounding oil and connect with how your body feels. Stop. Listen. Feel. Reconnect with yourself. As I sit in the grass in my pjs and uggs my cup isn’t empty. My cups are resetting. Filling with self love and pride after everything that has happened this week. Refilling my energy stores. Emptying my brain of the clutter and releasing all that I’ve carried this week that is not mine. So I’m ready. I’m ready for today. I’m ready for this week. I’m ready to continue to work on myself. I’m ready to help others. If I don’t stop and reset I’m no good to anyone and even less helpful to myself /rant #fillmycup #emptymycup #reset #rant
04.01.2022 Burn Baby Burn Ok... well that's what happened to my finger putting firewood in the fire. I am Little Miss Co-ordination central over here! Many of my friends keep telling me to wrap myself in bubble wrap. As fun as that would be.... it's not so practical. So, I continue to maim myself regularly! ... Did you know that the nerve fibers that carry pain are the slowest sensation nerve fibers we have? What does that mean? Pain travels REALLLY BLOODY SLOWLY to our brains.... Translation... your finger burns A LOT before your brain goes... OH SHIT... I'm singeing through my very tissues on that hot thing.... DUDE.... you'd better move that finger NOW! By the time you move your finger off the hot fire place... you have a 3rd degree burn to your finger. Well done brain. Genius Anyway....I digress... back to the original story.... So I fried my finger pretty much down to the bone. I did the usual... Ice, running water, and when it was time to sleep, Frankincense, Lavender and Peppermint in fractionated coconut oil to cool and calm while I slept. (FYI Ice packs cause ice burn when left on too long - don't do that! ) Now.... remembering that it's 2020, and Covid-19 is running rampant... HOW FUN is HAND SANITISER on open wounds??? I NEED this shiznit to heap ASAP. Sanitising my hands between each patient is no fun when that alcohol BURNSSSSSSSS. Enter CORRECT X My love. My saviour in this time of pain! A little dab dab dab and a rub a dub dub of this ointment every couple of hours and I can literally watch my finger heal in front of my eyes. I love to use this on burns, ingrown hairs (EWWW I know.. but let's be honest... it happens to all of us ) pimples I've picked and now need to heal (again .. ew ) and basically anything I want healed YESTERDAY!!! This little tube lasts AGES and AGES and is only $19 when you have a doTERRA account. To be fair - I never usually pay for it, I get it FREE using my points I've earnt back from postage. WINNING!!!!!
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