Establishing Care in Gold Coast, Queensland | Medical and health
Establishing Care
Locality: Gold Coast, Queensland
Phone: +61 1300 229 903
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25.01.2022 Establishing Carw will be attending today, so come say hello
25.01.2022 We headed into the Tweed Heads NSW bubble today for our Ready-Set-Connect event. Thank you to our fantastic sponsor Establishing Care #networkingevents #readysetconnect #ndis
24.01.2022 Breaking news out of the NDIS this afternoon ... And its some good news on masks From today NDIS participants who rely on support workers for face to face every day can claim the cost of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) from their NDIS funds. But - and this is an important but - this is just for participants in Victoria and New South Wales. And people who live in their own home and who test positive for COVID-19 and are required to self-isolate or quarantine can now pay for the costs of getting the house cleaned from their NDIS funds. You can pay for the cleaning and the PPE from your core funds. If you are plan or Agency managed, you can buy PPE through registered providers. Self-managed participants can choose where they buy PPE and claim from their funds in their usual way. You can read the Ministers press release on the NDIS website - You can read the detail about how to claim for PPE here - And we are constantly updating our website with all the latest news. You can find more info here - (Image description: A red rectangle with the words "Breaking News" in white capital letters. Underneath the words you can see the Every Australian Counts logo and the words "NDIS: Make It Work)
24.01.2022 Update for QLD from the NDIS about PPE.
23.01.2022 Thought for the day
23.01.2022 BREAKING NEWS The Government has released their response to the Tune Review and *every* recommendation has been "supported" or "supported in principle". Thi...s includes: FLEXIBILITY ACROSS CORE & CAPACITY BUILDING Improving the speed and quality of NDIA decision making, with a Participant Service Guarantee. Outlining when Support Coordination should be funded and when it should be delivered by an independent provider Giving plan managed participants the same flexibility as self managers Better guidance around access requirements for people with psychosocial disability and much, much more. This is a really positive, BIG step forward for the NDIS and will hopefully lead to a lot of improvements in the participant experience of Scheme. Well share a complete analysis of the announcement early next week. You can read the full report here: image desc: gif of Will Ferrell in the movie Anchorman (a man with a very 70s moustache) sitting in a chair and nodding three times with the text "agreed". The "agreed" text briefly disappears and he looks a bit more skeptical, which we reckon is what "supported in principle" would look like if it were a facial expression.
22.01.2022 A healthy start to the working day. Happy Tuesday
22.01.2022 Please stay safe
22.01.2022 Waiting for eb games to open a client is very excited to get his new Xbox..
22.01.2022 Catching some Pokmon In Bunnings
22.01.2022 Queensland will close its border to all of New South Wales and the ACT from 1:00am on Saturday. Here is the latest from this mornings Queensland Police Service press conference.
21.01.2022 Urgent protection measures are in place after an increase of COVID-19 cases were reported in Queensland. In Brisbane, Ipswich, Logan City, Scenic Rim, Somerset,... Lockyer Valley, Moreton Bay, and Redlands, gatherings in peoples homes and outdoors are limited to 10 people. Everywhere else, gatherings in peoples homes and outdoors are limited to 30 people. Venues and events following COVID Safe Industry Plans can continue operating. Visits to aged care and disability accommodation services in Greater Brisbane, Ipswich and surrounds will be limited. Emergency departments will be required to use PPE to treat all patients and hospital visitors will be limited as soon as possible. Please stay safe: maintain social distancing, keep up good hand hygiene and stay home if youre sick. #covid19
21.01.2022 We all know there isnt an average NDIS participant. It is a Scheme made up of diverse people from all walks of life. Quarterly Reports give us some insight ...into that diversity. They also help us see areas were the Scheme is underperforming and people might be missing out (for example, the % of CALD people in the Scheme is lower than the % in the community). Weve picked out some of our favourite stats from the latest QR, to give you an idea of what the Scheme makeup looks like. [Image description: infographic with the text- people; 319,99 NDIS participants; 62,000 children in the ECEI pathway; 56% under 24; 62% are male; 31% have autism; 22% have an intellectual disability; 6.4% identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander; 9.2% identify as Culturally and Linguistically Diverse.
20.01.2022 Mia is in need of 1,000 dresses (plus size mainly) for the Grandmothers of Fitzroy Valley in the Kimberley region of WA. Postal Address: Marninwarntikura Women’s Resource Centre PO BOX 43 Fitzroy Crossing WA 6765
19.01.2022 Dear SDA Providers, Builders and Investors, STOP BUILDING 5 bedroom houses with one living area for people with High Physical Support Houses. WE DONT WANT THEM..., and we wont refer people to these houses which offer no quality of life to residents, and which you have built based on a financial model of high SDA return, without any consideration of what the "market" actually wants or needs. What we DO need, however, is a stack of one or two bedroom homes, and some three bedroom homes, and we DESPERATELY need them for people at the improved liveability and robust level as well. This is where the HUGE demand lies, and while it might appear the returns are lower, youll be doing the right thing, still make a good profit, and the house wont sit there vacant for years, losing you money. Even better - why dont you work towards helping disabled people OWN THEIR OWN homes, and look at shared equity models etc. Would YOU want to live in this home with four other strangers? No? Then damn well dont expect disabled people to either! These are the views of Sam Paior, of The Growing Space, and reflect years of experience with hundreds of NDIS participants and families and their search for somewhere to be their home, not just a place to sleep. Feel free to share, with credit and no edits. Thanks. pic desc: a 3D style floorplan of a five bedroom, five bathroom house with a corridor down the middle and a support worker bedroom and bathroom at the front. There is one shared kitchen/living/dining area (which would not fit five people using wheelchairs around the table). There is a one car, tiny, garage. There are little images of empty manual hospital style wheelchairs scattered throughout the doorways.
18.01.2022 There is still confusion about how the border restrictions will be enforced, but heres what we have been told by Chief Superintendent Mark Wheeler.
18.01.2022 Awesome video from our empowerment program!
15.01.2022 Its market day Markets open from 8:30am to 1pm. Cafe open from 8am to 5pm... #historicrivermill #hideandseekmarkets #weekendfun
15.01.2022 Come and say Hi to us at @runawaybaycentre this week! We strongly believe in community involvement to spread our message of Active Ageing & Physical Wellness.... . Weve worked with thousands of people from middle age through to people in their 100s and if theres one thing that has shone through of the single most important thing to them as they age- its to be physically as well as possible! . Come and chat to us to see how we can help you to live your best life at any age See more
15.01.2022 Job opportunity in Orange, NSW
14.01.2022 Bike ride afternoon
13.01.2022 Plan Renewal, Rollover, or Extension ARGH!!!! What do they all mean? WORTH SAVING and SHARING: End of plan reviews 4 types and what you need to know when y...our plan is about to finish! Firstly, a plan rollover can mean *any* of the types on new plans Ive explained below in this post, so we are just not gonna use that word (rollover) anymore, and instead well use the more official NDIS terms for the different types. This post is about the options for when your plan dates are ending. This post does not cover when you ask for a review because you are unhappy with your fairly new plan (review of a reviewable decision) or when you are requesting a change of circumstances review. 1. Plan Auto-Extension A genuine plan extension is the default option and what happens when your plan is set to expire and no one at the NDIA or the LAC has done anything to get you a new plan. When you get a Plan Extension, it is usually automatic for one year (though it can sometimes be one month or anything in between). A plan extension does does give you a new plan, and in fact, the pdf plan you can download on the NDIS MyPlace portal doesnt change one little bit. But, youll notice in the other parts of your portal, that the end date has changed, and a pro-rata amount of funding has been added. Plan extensions usually happen when there hasnt been any other human intervention, or sometimes when a planner is working on your new plan but its not quite finished yet, so they add a month or two to your old plan to give them time to do their work. If you have a Plan Extension, the money left in your plan remains, and extra money is put in as pro rata. An example: If you have an old $12,000 plan which expires today, and you still have $2,000 left that you didnt use: if your plan is extended by a year, there should now be a new plan end date of 14th August 2021, and there should be around $14,000 in that plan (and the start date wont change from your old plan!). And yes, you can still claim for stuff dated anytime between August 14 2019 and August 14 2021. (before you ask, Im not you if the extra funds take into account the July price increases or not, sorry!) Often the Agency uses these Extension Plans as a stop-gap, until they get your new plan all sorted and approved. Under the NDIS Act (the law!) an NDIS plan never ends until it is replaced with a new one, or the participant exits the scheme, and thats why we have Plan Auto-Extensions to be rid of those awful plan gaps we used to see, which were always against the law. Grrr... 2. Plan Renewal A Plan Renewal is when you get a whole new plan (usually one or two years long) which is basically a repeat of your current, about to expire old plan. This generally needs you, the participant, to approve it. This can be a great option for people who are happy with their old plan, and dont want to be assed going through a full plan review. These Renewal Plans *are* a whole new plan, so *none* of the leftover funds from your old plan are available for supports and services dated during the new plan dates. The new plan usually starts when the old plan was set to end, but sometimes planners bring this forward a bit sooner, which can be frustrating if youve been saving your funds to get something at the end of your old plan. So if youre talking to an LAC or planner and are keen for a Renewal Plan, make sure to ask them to wait until youve been able to purchase that larger end of plan thing. And if youre not confident about them holding off, then jump in and get that service/support sorted as soon as you can! When this Renewal Plan starts, you will still be able to makes claims for things you bought during the dates of the old plan from the old plan (before the new plan start date) for up to 90 days on the portal (for self managers), and Plan Managers should be able to do the same. You should also get a whole new pdf plan to download in the NDIS MyPlace portal with a new start and new end date. 3. Light Touch Plan Renewal This one is pretty much the same as the full Renewal Plan (#2 above), except a planner or an LAC might have a chat with you, often on the phone or sometimes even via email, in what feels like a review-lite meeting. The planner or LAC will just check in if there are any relatively easy changes that need to be made. You might find that your plan funds increase due to this chat, but you might also find you lose some funding an example might be someone who has already had SLES funding for two years, so it is left off of the Light Touch Plan Renewal. One typical change for a Light Touch Plan Renewal, is the recent change to where ADE (Supported Employment) funds go in your Plan: they are now put in your more flexible Core funds bucket, and are no longer put in your Capacity Building buckets. Another more obvious example is that equipment that youve already received during the current plan isnt going to be repeated and funded again in the new Renewal Plan. 4. Full Plan Review This is the regular full plan review meeting on phone or in person where you go through *all* the stuff with an LAC, ECEI partner or planner, and they build you a whole new plan. For these reviews, youll generally want/need to provide therapist reports and other evidence of your support needs, your carer statement and all that stuff. Generally, young children will nearly always get a full plan review, and no Renewal Plan options, as little tackers needs are pretty changeable through early intervention. This also often applies where a participant has a plan the Agency thinks was well funded for a specific time-limited purpose (or therapy program, for example), and for folks in this boat, youre also unlikely to be offered a Renewal Plan. So, how do you get the type of review you want? Have a think about which of the above options will work for you. Once youve decided, and youre maybe two or so months out from the end of your current plan, call your local LAC, or call (1800 800 110) or email the NDIS on [email protected] and let them know what youd like. There are no guarantees that you will get your choice, of course, but theres probably no harm in giving it a crack. And dont forget, if your new Plan doesnt give you what you need, you can always ask for a Review of a Reviewable Decision (also known as a RORD or S100 Review) for all new Plan, except where there is an extension plan (in which case you could potentially ask for a Change of Circumstances review) Wishing you all the best! Sorry this is so messy, and long. This post is copyright of The Growing Space 2020, and were thrilled for you to share it, with credit and no edits, here on Facebook. if you want to share it anywhere else, we request that you ask us for permission. We really appreciate our work being shared, but were a bit fussy about it being reproduced in whole, so there arent any misunderstandings, which makes us cranky when it goes pear shaped. Thanks heaps. pic description: an image that puts the above information into a table
13.01.2022 Please check out our new program Eat with Friends. If you are interested in attending please email [email protected] but hurry as places are limited.
12.01.2022 TWEED COUNCILLORS REQUESTS BORDER OPTIONS FROM QLD AND NSW PREMIERS Tweed Council last night unanimously voted to write to The NSW and Qld Premiers to request... consideration of more options for border residents. What do you think of the ideas? Would they make the border closure more workable and sustainable, given it may extend at least until Christmas? The full list of requests: 1. Queensland considers amending the current style of restrictions to revert to the restrictions that were originally in place from March to July. 2. The current NSW & Queensland border bubble be extended to the southern border of Ballina Shire, NSW to encompass this critical economic zone. 3. The current NSW & Queensland border bubble be extended to north of Brisbane, Qld. 4. That critical workers from Qld outside the bubble areas be allowed into the NSW bubble areas, in-line with the current allowance for critical workers from NSW being allowed to service Qld. 5. That the NSW Premier imposes intrastate travel restrictions to the border bubble areas, or at least from any NSW COVID-19 hotspot clusters, to protect rural and regional areas such as the Tweed Shire, maintain the integrity of the border bubble and give confidence to Qld. 6. NSW commits resources to operate a Northern Rivers bubble checkpoint. 7. Consideration be given to providing increased specialist medical services to be provided in the area for northern NSW residents no longer able to be cared for in Qld. 8. NSW assists residents with financial support to quarantine in Queensland if required for essential medical, work or other purposes. 9. Further financial support is provided for NSW residents and businesses negatively impacted by the border closures. 10. Qld provides greater flexibility for compassionate grounds for NSW residents to be with their families in Qld.
12.01.2022 Today is R U OK? Make sure to call up a friend or check in with a family member and ask Are you okay?. #ruokday2020
10.01.2022 We managed to escape
09.01.2022 Job opportunity in Lismore- NSW
08.01.2022 Ready set connect
07.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day
07.01.2022 Let the fun begin
07.01.2022 With My Healthy Mind at Ready Set Connect
05.01.2022 What a wonderful story and a really good night out we all enjoyed it.
04.01.2022 From all the staff at Establishing Care have a lovely Friday an a wonderful weekend
01.01.2022 Job opportunity in Logan- Qld
01.01.2022 Come down an say hello
01.01.2022 More changes have been made to border declaration forms as of today. Heres the key points. Anyone coming into Queensland, including residents, will need to d...ownload this new pass Current G passes ARE STILL VALID until their expiry New passes will still need to be renewed every seven days NSW residents with this new pass will not face mandatory stop-and-checks (ie they will not be stopped and asked whether theyve been to any hotspots) The expiry date is larger so officers can check passes and let traffic through quicker Non-Queensland residents who have been in Victoria in the past 14 days will be refused entry. Non-Queensland residents who have been to the NSW city areas of Liverpool and Campbelltown in the past 14 days will also be refused entry Queensland residents who have visited these hotspots will be required to enter hotel quarantine at their own cost There is also a new specialist pass for freight and emergency services, with some exemptions available Heres where you can get the new G pass:
01.01.2022 #BREAKING: Queensland will close its borders to all of NSW and the ACT on Saturday at 1am after Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk declared them a hotspot. #9News
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